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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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50961102 No.50961102 [Reply] [Original]

Is buying a used Prius a good financial investment in today's economy?

>> No.50961127

Yes every uber drives them for a reason

>> No.50961187
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Niggers will steal your catalytic converter unless you can garage it.

>> No.50961219

>using premium gas in a prius
what a retard

>> No.50961323

>Comes with LIFE TIME WARRANTY for Hybrid Battery from Green Beans!

>> No.50961337

Only if a gen iii

>> No.50961469
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bought mine used for 8k and its great. a recent headache that came up if you plan on buying one, please make sure the previous owner wasn't a retard and didnt use the wrong refrigerant for the ac. mine did and the ac compressor needs to be replaced along with a few things, hybrid ac components are a bitch and need specific nd-11 with no additives to work. gotta spend 2k to get cold air to blow. other then that the battery packs are cheap to replace and multiple third parties exist to sell and install them from your own home for a very good price compared to when they were new. These cars are very easy to live with . You can also ask /o/ as a handful of us own these cars as daily drivers

>> No.50961476

Cars are a scam just like how homes are a scam

>> No.50961614

Have fun spending $10k on a new battery

>> No.50961671

A hybrid isn't bad but if the battery starts to die you're fucked, unless you can do all the maintenance yourself youll still be out thousands to replace it.

>> No.50961725

stfu loser

>> No.50961822

buy a infiniti g37, fast and reliable for the price. Last good car that company made

>> No.50961907

>Only premium gas used

Run anon. The owner knows nothing about cars.

>> No.50962063

>choosing a gay car

>> No.50962084

>Only if a gen iii
Gen II is great as well, chain drive is fine

>> No.50962093


>> No.50962224


>> No.50962282

Lol 10k? Try 1k, if you’re not a window licker and you can follow simple instructions one Saturday afternoon to install yourself. Also, the battery can be absolutely pozzed, and the ICE will keep you going no problem. Your efficiency will just drop down to 30 mpg. I’ve got a friend whose Prius battery shat the bed at 150k miles and he’s still going at 310k.

>> No.50962333

It needs 100% gasoline, won't run right on e-15 you stupid fucking slimy subhuman narcissist faggot

>> No.50962375 [DELETED] 

Yo, that's cool! Everybody knows that crypto is the future, but have ya tried Yopi Network?

>Earn while u spend crypto in daily transactions
>Pay globally with yopicash through NFC
>No team tokens
>Few big partnerships coming up

>> No.50962412

how about you yopi these nuts

>> No.50962440

Fuck no. Gen 3 gets head gasket problems due to a design flaw. Gen 2 is the reliable choice.

T. Owned one of each

>> No.50962526
File: 74 KB, 556x1102, Screenshot 2022-08-17 at 16-12-21 Compare Cars Side-by-Side - Car Comparison Tool Edmunds.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It needs 100% gasoline,
It runs on 87 pump gas dude lmao
It doesn't have high compression ratios and putting premium gas in it is a complete waste

>> No.50962559

lol I bought a 2009 Buick Lucerne with 59k miles, one previous owner, back in like 2016 for $9500 and it was from a stealership. I didn't realize how fucked prices got. I think I'm gonna wait a few years to buy another vehicle

>> No.50962610

>only premium gas used

LOL, DUDE THAT CAR IS FUCKED. you're not supposed to use high octane on a fucking prius. HOLY SHIT i'm not even a car guy and i know that shit, don't buy that prius dude.

shut the fuck up retard, you're probably from a country that can't own cars.

>> No.50962763

>12k for a car 13 years old
Unbelievable. These niggers are insane.

>> No.50963175

This. Had 2 stolen from my 2 Priuses. One at work, one in the driveway.

>> No.50963228

No, this just has the $6000 California-Exclusive Faggot Tax factored into the price.

>> No.50965303

That's the market these days

>> No.50965322
File: 1.32 MB, 1080x1703, Screenshot_20220817-175108.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Worth it?

>> No.50965334

wait a few more months till prices crash

>> No.50965374

ask me how I know you're ignorant white trash

>> No.50965381

>Is buying a used Prius a good financial investment in today's economy?
>81k miles
Not at that price. Car is worth half of that at most.

>> No.50965393

Fuck no it needs everything besides the permit.

>> No.50965397

You mean the USA?

>> No.50965411

Only if you're retarded.

>> No.50965415

Its usually you fentanyl white niggers doing it here in california. Blacks dont know what a catalytic converter even is or how to take it out

>> No.50965524

That is actually a decent price for sub 100k Prius in Southern Commiefornia.

>> No.50965538


>> No.50965940

t. doesn't know anything about cars

>> No.50965989

kek that battery is fried. have fun spending 10k to get it on the road.

>> No.50966036

That seems really expensive for one that old. Do the math yourself to figure out how much you expect to save in fuel over the lifetime of the car compared to a less expensive car with a conventional gas engine.

>> No.50966069

It’s yet another market hike perpetuated by sensationalized greedy boomer retards who unsurprisingly got covid psyopped into charging way over mark for all commodities.
Now that the supposed “chip shortage” is basically a meme now, and new cars are basically back to normal production levels, the used car market is bound for a steep correction.

>> No.50966097

Where did I say e15 you inbred retard? Maximum ethanol in gas here is 10%, what shithole are you from? Obviously somewhere with poor education since your reading comprehension is shit

>> No.50966708


>> No.50966745
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if you don't mind sitting in a soulless women-proof appliance, yes

i'd recommend a real car that isn't miserable to drive though

>> No.50966763

legit no meme the most reliable car on the road

>> No.50966819

it's just a waste of money unless you have a car that needs it. higher octane means it's a little harder to ignite. if you put 87 octane in a car that needs premium, the fuel will start to ignite outside of the combustion chamber, and you'll hear a knocking sound. but as long as your car can ignite the premium gas, it's fine.
now, when you put diesel in a normal car or vice versa, you're fucked.

>> No.50967550
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That you tent man you fag?

>> No.50968092

retard detected

>> No.50968289

I bought a new one a few months ago and sold my used 2013 with 120k miles on it and bald ass tires for just over $17,000 and I don’t even live in California.

>> No.50970626

His biceps are totally out of proportion to the rest of his arm.

Nigga needs to lay off the curls and work on his triceps.

>> No.50970686

This is the only sane car buying strat:

-Talk to your family, friends, neighbors, and co-workers. Say that you're looking to buy a car and that you only have *insert cash budget here*
-Among them, somebody will have an old car they don't drive or will know somebody with an old car and direct you to them

That's how I've always bought my cars. Most expensive car I ever bought was $800.

>> No.50970732
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>Talk to your family, friends, neighbors, and co-workers.

>> No.50971112

Buying a car is never an investment.
Also, a prius in LA?
Some nigger is going to cut out your cat the day you buy it.

>> No.50971140

Legitimately this is how I buy all of my cars too, usually they're from old people that never drive them and take them in for maintenance habitually kek

>> No.50971360

I've got a gen 3 and drive it hard and (thankyfully?) haven't had any head gasket problems. It's almost doubled in value since I got it..

>> No.50972003

A Nissan wearing a tuxedo is still a Nissan