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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 109 KB, 640x905, 1647927143189.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
50961041 No.50961041 [Reply] [Original]

hey biz im a 20yo girl in uni and I'm running out of money, studying leaves me very little time for a regular job but I have been applying but no one is getting back to me. how do I turn the very little cash I have into something bigger so I can keep affording to study? if someone could help me & point me in the right direction that would be amazing... and no I don't want to start an onlyfans I'm not a whore

>> No.50961059 [DELETED] 

Join themillyclub telegram group to find out how

>> No.50961066

what is this? it doesn't sound very safe

>> No.50961071

buy kneepads

>> No.50961091

this. also buy ICP.

>> No.50961092

Easy find a reliable vendor on the dark web and sell drugs

>> No.50961122

is your money on the blockchain?

>> No.50961131

no not yet but it could be

>> No.50961133

Real advice get a solid rich husband. There is literally 00 (zero) self made single women who escaped poverty and nearly zero men for that matter that have done so either. You should stop focusing on money and start focusing on finding a good life partner. By age 30 married couples are 12x more wealthy than their single counterparts. You will never get ahead financially having to pay individually for food, rent, car, working, time, etc. I pity every young person who thinks they can do it alone. I went from poor incel loser at 20 to millionaire married at 27 once I had a great wife to collobrate woth

>> No.50961153

look I would but i'm too autistic to even talk to boys, it's unironically over for me

>> No.50961167
File: 86 KB, 184x184, me.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

YOLO into GME or open bobs and vagene for rich men like me

>> No.50961169

Find a job, there are no get quick rich schemes I'm afraid.
Also be quick about finding a job and be a good little wagie because the job market is about to shrivel up like a nun's cunt.

>> No.50961176

Did that great wife have millions in cash?

>> No.50961216

i think i missed the GME stop it's too late

i'm applying but i'm afraid it's already shriveled up like a ball sack in freezing weather

>> No.50961224

>and no I don't want to start an onlyfans I'm not a whore
Why you wouldn't take advantage of your only viable asset right now? You don't have to be completely naked or a slut. Open your mind and think outside of the box. You could do extremely niche porn content. That's not being a whore, but exploiting a business opportunity.

>> No.50961232

Sell something on the side as a side hustle.
That's what I did, and it ended up blowing up and now I'm living the dream.
I sell anime shirts, hoodies and long sleeves on etsy. I rake in about 2k a week.

>> No.50961244

go on then tell me the niches where i don't have to be a whore

sell what? i have no possessions to sell

>> No.50961268

instead of wasting your time getting brainwashed by the jews, come be my wife, I am a crypto millionaire, dumb rancid hole

>> No.50961276

did you cash out?

>> No.50961290

of course I did

>> No.50961297

What are you studying? Why aren't your parents supporting you? Are you living like a proper university student like on the brink of starvation all the time, spending money only on things that you need to stay alive? That is what university is about. Want better? Then don't be picky, I guess there are some toilets waiting to be cleaned in the area....

>> No.50961306

Go easy mode and open an onl-

Fucking shit, the open a twitch stream or something.
Ok, Unironically get a part time job. I was in your very position (but having a dick and balls, larger tits than you) and got a part time in a bookstore while studying college. I got some side money walking my neighbors dogs. It was tough but eventually my schedule opened up for me to get a full time job, graduated and that’s pretty much it.

Good luck

>> No.50961322
File: 19 KB, 768x576, 1631139528231.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>look I would but i'm too autistic to even talk to boys, it's unironically over for me

Women aren't suppose to hit on guys, just go somewhere you'll be hit on guys will approach you, not the other way around. Hang out with friends and shit to find a rich man. you're literally wasting away prime years to go to fucking school as a women, thats an absolute joke. the worst part is, you're not even taught anything worth while in school, and you're wasting your time. There has to be some rich fag at your college or military guy. it's that easy.

Also you can't do onlyfans, because you're a women, you need a man to manage that onlyfans to make you successful. Otherwise you're just the dime a dozen whore on there making 100 bucks a month.

>> No.50961338

>no one asks this dumb bitch to "post tits or gtfo"
>bunch of newfags fall for the bait

>> No.50961366


telecommunications, both my parents aren't wealthy and my mom is a whore i don't talk to her anymore, my dad is doing his best to support me but he's not rich or anything he's doing his best.
i don't have much food and all my clothes are old and have holes in them.. i managed to save a little money to do something with. i'm grateful for my life, i don't mind being poor, but i would like to complete my studies

i'm trying but i'm not getting hired anywhere

no one hits on me
I don't have any

>> No.50961389

>Too autistic to get a boyfriend
>Not too autistic to get a job

Really makes my noggin jogging

You are either full of shit, 300 lbs, or a tranny. If you made a dating profile even as a 300 lbs tranny you'd get 100 matches a day easy

>> No.50961407

i am too autistic to get a job apparently since im not getting one and i've applied a lot
i'm a lanklet

>> No.50961425
File: 638 KB, 638x902, 1312937613786.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how much money would you like to dress up in a lewd anime schoolgirl uniform?

>> No.50961446


>> No.50961458

i'm not very educated on the rates of this service

>> No.50961463

There are literal fucking nogs getting work and they leave it a week later. You keep pushing and knocking till you get one.
The science or human communications. If it’s the later, drop that shit immediately. That’s a waste of a career, you can literally learn that shit on your own


>> No.50961484

the science, im not good with humans

>> No.50961495

First off you write like a retard so stop wasting your time, money, and efforts on "studying" unless you are valuably using that time getting a husband.

Second, manlette love lanklet women and since they're overlooked by most women a lot of them will be great and rich but unable to find a woman

Third, try harder to get a good husband not a job. It's 1,000x easier for a woman to get a rich husband than it is for her to get out of poverty through a job. The fact that you even think it's possible just shows the retarded brainwashing of today. There's not enough hours in a lifetime to make any significant money from even $20 an hour when working as a single unit with single person expenses

>> No.50961505


>> No.50961512

Learn to code

>> No.50961517

>no one hits on me
>I don't have any

MAKE SOME YOU STUPID FUCK, you're literally a women. Women on average are perceived to be more approachable, statistically speaking. You won't givea fuck because you're a women and don't think logically. but you do need friends to convince you to do shit, because alone holy shit do you sound incompetent as fuck. Women work better in groups rather than alone.
Also your degree is telecommunications is retarded as fuck, it's not even a field where you can get a job out of college. FIND FRIENDS IN COLLEGE WHILE YOU'RE THERE, THATS THE ONLY BENEFIT YOU HAVE RIGHT NOW.

>> No.50961594

Then you could ask something like your local NPR or Tv station for work, if that doesn’t work then I’m guessing you’re at least knowledgeable in fixing hardware. Ask your neighbors if they need their stuff fixed you can help them for a fee.

But Christ, don’t stop yourself at every fall, at every door closed.
Hell, I’d even open my OF account with pictures of my hairy feet mashing potatoes. I know there’s a market for it.
Matter of fact, im through with this.
Post your small tits or gtfo

>> No.50961611

Take pics of something and sell it, or find some pretty sea shells on the beach and sell it, or find rocks and paint them and sell it.
I mean, I could go on and on.

>> No.50961631

>male friends
impossible for a woman

she would make 10x the average salary doing amusing activities with degenerate ugly rich old men like me

>> No.50961679

Thank you for your answer. Ok, it seams you got your expenses on check, that's a good start. When I was a student a lot of girls worked at print shops that were close to campus. Guess you have to look around in your area and see if they are hiring.

>> No.50961686

>she would make 10x the average salary doing amusing activities with degenerate ugly rich old men like me

yes, true but in order to make actual money, she needs someone calling the shots. Women are lazy as fuck and need someone telling them to do something. which is why all solo women don't make like a couple of hundred bucks.

t.cam whore pimp

>> No.50961719

you are a whore

>> No.50961721

If you're crafty, make some cute things and sell on Etsy.

>> No.50961741

That's not really helping you know :/

>> No.50961745

Post pic of upper arm

>> No.50961764

>troons still think they are girls in the year of our lord and saviour of 2022

>> No.50961783

okay i'll go out tomorrow and ask every place again if they're hiring

i'm trying my hardest to get a job honestly but it's been really hard, there's so much students here that they can just pick whoever they want and they usually don't want an awkward lanky girl, i will keep trying though, it's not like i gave it up.
good luck on your onlyfans journey

>> No.50961785

OP, if you can't even do this, then no one will believe you

>> No.50961806

am i allowed to do that here?

>> No.50961824

>awkward lanky girl
are you good-looking?

>> No.50961833


>> No.50961840

I have contacted the Janny and and told him to ignore this thread

>> No.50961841

i dont think so

>> No.50961842

You are required to post your tits because you mentioned being female. It's the rule.

>> No.50961861

Another Western women has decided she’d rather be a wage slave for life than dare be a happy wife with kids if it means settle for anything less than GigaChad.

Many such cases!

>> No.50961876

You are but I don't think you need to convince anybody. Don't wait anything in return is all i'm saying.

>> No.50961883


>> No.50961893

i'm not western i was born in africa (white though).
besides i can't even get a nerd to look at me.

what do you mean?

>> No.50961902

Christ it's a pic of your arm just do it

>> No.50961927

Write me and maybe we can work out a job or friendship.
warlord (at) cumallover (dot) me

>> No.50961942

I mean I don't think that you will get more help/ better advice for posting a pic of your arm.

>> No.50961950

sent ;)

>> No.50961976

Send bob and vagene

>> No.50961978

If you are decent looking. You could be my gf and never have to work again. I've been looking for an autistic cute gf

>> No.50961989

>those spoiler tags
shamefur dispray

>> No.50962006

there's no way that's even a real address

good point

why can't you get a gf in real i don't think you'd even want me

>> No.50962007

yea you are. Do it so we can help you

But also most of the people in here are right. You are a women and unless youre truly autistic like Kurisu from stiens gate youre gonna be another useless roastie cunt that can't produce any value. I guess the first thing is to ask, do you wallow too much time in boy bands, watch romantic movies, talk to your friends about guys and like black men? If so, youre probably not autistic and have one (kinda two) last option.

First is bieng a whore. I'm not gonna help you with that because all women are whores. However, the second option is the goodwife option. If youre good to a man he will marry you, take care of you etc. etc. Just suck his cock every day do the dishes and dont bother him while he works. Dont worry a working driven high value man is not cheating. Also there are many guys out there you think you should marry but actually will fuck you up harder then not being married to them will. These are the men you are attracted to. So marry a beta man, don't cheat, suck his dick everday and dont bother him and you will live life on easy mode.

>> No.50962022

You will never be a woman.

>> No.50962051

>I mean I don't think that you will get more help/ better advice for posting a pic of your arm.
You think I will help a larping tranny? Lmao

>> No.50962064

dumb whore, post the merchandise (your tits) and then I will evaluate your value.
You may be able to join my harem (on a lower level if you are ugly), but I will still breed you
also post your contact info.

>> No.50962089

i'm a virgin and i can't even look men in the eyes, women neither, i can't even talk to anyone without losing all my spaghetti it's really rough and everyone thinks im weird and it's always been like that. no i've never had friends to talk to about any of the things to mentioned. i don't like black men.
not even a beta man will approach me to ask me out so i don't even know how that plan would work anyway. tell me how to do it.

>> No.50962097

I'm surprised anyone is helping a woman.

>> No.50962109

>why can't you get a gf in real i don't think you'd even want me
Most women are whores. I want a pure untouched girl

>> No.50962114



>> No.50962145

First good post in this thread. A sad day for r/biz

>> No.50962153

It's probably not, anon probably just wants to groom you

>> No.50962162

you just bumped the bait thread, shitskin. imagine complaining about "r/biz" when you are so low IQ

>> No.50962163

then youre the perfect women. Thats all a hard working man needs a wife who wont bothers him cause shes too nervous around him. Then When hes horny he rips her clothes off, fucks her violently in the kitchen then leaves. Also it seems like youre a virgin. Even better.

also oh yea tits or gtfo

>> No.50962174

Oh no I bumped the thread at the top of the catalogue? I’m so sorry og anon please forgive me.

>> No.50962189

Get married, problem solved

>> No.50962194

do a little research but I'm holding ethereum classic right now
don't ape into it unless you're sure you think it's a good idea, i don't want you to lose your money because you seem like a nice hole

>> No.50962207

thank you i will look into it

>> No.50962237

>not even a beta man will approach me to ask me out so i don't even know how that plan would work anyway
We don't know how you look so how are we supposed to tell you? Do you not take care of yourself? Literally too many things to ask, like your weight? Hygiene? Hair? Clothes? Makeup?

This is a horrible fucking idea lmao please don't listen to this retard, ETC is a dead meme and will be dumped the moment the ETH merge happens

>> No.50962239

>ignores 15 posts about finding a husband
>wants to look into the one post about losing all your money in internet play money Ponzi scheme

The absolute state of w*men. You deserve to be poor and miserable. Hope you find your wage slave job and work 40 hours rest of your life until you become a crazy fat lady and die alone at 72

>> No.50962255 [DELETED] 


>> No.50962267

Stop smoking before you turn into a withered old bag with a hags voice by 25. It completely destroys you as does excessive drinking
Also do what >>50962189 says. Working a 9-5 sucks, don't fall for Jew/feminist lies designed to double the slave population

>> No.50962326

Uhh im blonde 6ft and i wouldnt know my weight in pounds i think 140 ish?
My clothes are old and i dont wear make up, its expensive and i dont know how to use it.
Im phoneposting im sorry if my ID changes.

I cant just get married i dont have anyone to marry. Someone has to be interested in me first

>> No.50962331

>i'm not western i was born in africa
Interesting. Do you study in Europe? What was life like in Africa for a white girl?

>> No.50962348

Yes i study in europe and it wasn't very nice

>> No.50962370

Of course it’s a real address, you can go to (cock (dot) li) and make a (cumallover (dot) me) address of your own. Many other nice TLD available.
I’m not gonna post a professional email address here.

>> No.50962381

Could explain a lot. Many manlets don't like to approach women taller than them.

>> No.50962410

You will never be as pretty as the girls from Chainsaw Man. Good taste though

>> No.50962431

>tfw no white autistic African gf to show off my diversity on a job resume
Why live bwos. Also post the fucking arm already. The jannies are distracted by the cute and funny threads being posted by the kadena fags.

>> No.50962459

2D feet

>> No.50962463

no if i post anything they will delet the thread

>> No.50962487

It's literally a fucking tranny. All the other anons were right.


>> No.50962505
File: 1.69 MB, 640x640, 1658171445918719.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hey biz im a 20yo gir-ACK!

>> No.50962506

waiting for the post that OP says he was a man this entire time otherwise I am autistic too and mayb we can be frens?

>> No.50962512

Tits or GTFO

>> No.50962513

What part of Europe. Isn’t there some kind of support network for foreign students there?

>> No.50962518

on a serious note, OP
your savings should be in these tokens

either one of these will work
enjoy the free money from bribes and fees

>> No.50962520

imagine listening to the advice od these losers and marrying an anon
>i would be successful and motivated if a woman touched me

>> No.50962525

Im not a man but im not surprised by the tranny spammers, its 4chan after all

>> No.50962532

Welp. Best idea I've got is to get a remote job in data entry or something. I use ziprecruiter for my remote jobs because indeed sucks cock and LinkedIn is cancer. It may be America-only, though. Investing right now while the market is barely holding on is a bad idea.

>> No.50962550
File: 356 KB, 406x414, josh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok so do u wanna be my frend??

>> No.50962551

Thanks that's helpful I will take a look

>> No.50962571

>whoring for info
>no timestamp on tits

get a grip tranny

>> No.50962572


>> No.50962588

Listen newfren, coming to /biz/ for actual financial advice is possibly worse than burning your money. Talk to your parents, econ professor at your uni, etc about investments. If you need quick cash, many universities have programs that either give a small stipend or provide food.
For not having friends, try a sorority or join a club. That's how I made my uni friends.

>> No.50962617

Thanks, im on poorfagbux and get some food compensated as well for lunches at uni so its been helpful. My parents have never invested. I will ask the econ professor if i can contact him somehow, i will figure it out. Helpful tips thank you

>> No.50962623

Just apply for assistance there are various ways to go about it.

>> No.50962652

>Uhh im blonde 6ft and i wouldnt know my weight in pounds i think 140 ish
Wow an actual skeleton, on our imageboard

>> No.50962676

i would like to move countries and need someone to marry for citizenship
am 6 foot 5
what you reckon?

>> No.50962683
File: 1 KB, 344x50, TITS-or-GTFO.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck all of you faggots for bumping this thread without requiring her to do the needful.

>> No.50962693

No problem, I'm doing the same thing studying abroad in Europe so I know how tight cash can get. Asking someone at the university is a good idea, if not the econ professor than maybe the student employment office? There may be employment laws in the country that you don't know about preventing you from getting a job

>> No.50962703

Tits or GTFO womannigger

>> No.50962704

All of this is things that I feel can be helped by having a loving and supporting partner. If you want a date over e-mail (less prone to dropping the spaghetti) I would love toget to know you better. amor-vincit-omnia[at]tutanota[dot].com

>> No.50962706

oh yeah 175 pounds too

>> No.50962707

Too baden won't hit on girls nowadays because every woman in existence has voided their trust by creating cases claiming rape for consented sex and getting lifetime alimony from broke dudes who had a kid with them

>> No.50962710

All the anons tell me i need a rich husband so are you rich

I'm not THAT skinny actually let me calculate ny weight in pounds... came back as 155 i was a bit off

>> No.50962724

Look your only purpose of life is to give birth to 2.1 children and make sure your family is well fed and taken care of. But if you’re not a virgin you’re a whore and have at least 30% higher chance or divorcing or cheating, in which case you can realistically either commit suicide or become a whore.

>> No.50962726

I'm 5'8 and my abs show sometimes and I'm 150lbs, you're a skeleton.

>> No.50962738

i plan on being rich rich by 2030

>> No.50962753

I will try to figure it out but honestly i think they're just being dicks since I bave the nationality of this country so idk..

>> No.50962779

Thread should be yeeted, wtf is this simp shit.

>> No.50962784

Im not a skeleton im just normal/skinny

Guess i cant do it if youre not rich many anons have told me this by now

>> No.50962794

Start a YouTube and focus on beauty products you use. Have a wallet QR code for crypto donations.

>> No.50962811

fair one
i will find another
also is 6 foot 5 and 175 lbs considered a skeleton?

>> No.50962820

time stamp saying i am no whore showing tits.

>> No.50962840

Or, gtfo

>> No.50962842

What are you studying?

>> No.50962880

ok wat is ur discord

>> No.50962903


>> No.50962905

here is the plan:
learn technical analysis,
learn the intricacies of backtesting,
learn backtesting,
learn the intricacies of backtesting,
write strategies in to code one way or another, there are many ways
learn just enough how to program to do what you need to automate your trading,

if you are a noob, you probably need at least a year, if you are a complete noob to markets whatsoever, then 2-4 years before you are up and running everything.

women usually do not do this kind of stuff but if you are smart enough and hard working enough and lucky enough to actually be smart and hard working, this plan can make you good money in the long term and you might not have to wage whatsoever.

>> No.50962914

By the way, if you e-mail me, send me a word and post the same in a post her afterwards. Ive gotten some troll e-mails already.

>> No.50962922

As a fellow aspie who used to be really bad at interviews I get you. I usually interview with the camera not facing me head on, and it helps. Otherwise they get vibes like I'm staring them down.

I only work online though. Currently juggling 3 x 150k jobs. But I can do this after years of studying and struggle. A bit harder for you, although there are non tech jobs available as well.

Whatever you do, don't work retail! You can always start a car cleaning business or something like that. Easy 100K job if you do it full time. Or 50K if you do it part time. Getting regular customers is key. Look it up on youtube to see how much those guys make. As a cash based business it is alluring that you can deposit your earnings into Bitcoin ATMs and deposit the cash for BTC, convert it into Monero, and never pay taxes (lol). Unless you want to pay taxes ofc. Which you probably should, because you'd get caught doing these things.

If you can't get a job in retail with no exp, it's because you're not sending out enough (100+) applications. It's good that you want to work though, and not depend on anyone. But there's nothing wrong with ethical house husbanding or housewifing as the others mentioned. House husbanding, because we all know you're a guy.

>> No.50963003

Hi! Few things to start off with =) 1. Yes I replied to this thread you because you're a femanon, 'tis and awesome thing to see! 2. I'm Brian 3. Don't be intimidated, but I'm not a stereotypical guy. If anything, I'll be the one in the kitchen =D.

>> No.50963006

Post yours i dont want mine here

Thank you for some actual advice i will save it and try to learn it all and hopefully make some money thank you >>50962914
Emailed u my email starts with war and its a protonmail you will find it

>> No.50963021

ok its flu#7511

>> No.50963040

all women are whores
find a rich 35 year old husband and give him children in exchange for comfortable living

you need to do this ASAP before your youth fades

>> No.50963048

What's your preferred race/ethnicity?

>> No.50963055

wanna start a competitive lol team?

>> No.50963064

this thread is so cringe holy shit
you losers should unironically go touch grass
go to the park

>> No.50963069

i quit peegue its too cringe now

>> No.50963080


>> No.50963082

would you hazard csgo?

>> No.50963134

i got to legendary eagel master and then i quit after they made the knife skins.... lets just play neopets brotha

>> No.50963153

That's basically the same bmi.

>> No.50963156

unironically no idea what neopets is but ill play it
adding the disc

>> No.50963163

Bruh, fuck finances. I wanna play neopets too

>> No.50963221

if you wanna forget about your worthless (((education))) and be my wife instead, email me : tt9646642 (at) gmail

>> No.50963283

nu/biz/ is actually hopeless

>> No.50963332

Fat cunt or larp

>> No.50963408

i did add the discord btw its the weed related name

>> No.50963481

>hey biz im a 20yo girl
>but I have been applying but no one is getting back to me.

Also, plenty of thirsty fuckers and simps posting in this thread.

>> No.50963503

>152 replies
>2 (TWO) tits or gtfo posts
Mods should just transfer this board over to reddit at this point.

>> No.50963616


>> No.50963619

just bee urself bro..

>> No.50964231

i forgot to mention the sleepless nights, the expensive errors, the losing streaks, the hairpulling because your brain refuses to cooperate and the general uncertainty at some phases of research and development of algos.
when I say 2-4 years, that is only if you are smart and you work hard.
for a normie npc it would take 5+ years or even 10.
you have to be prepared to endure periods without any profit.

people think they can bypass years of time in the market and just put their money in some coinscam and 10x their money in 3 days.
thats not how it works.
it takes a lot of time and research to even begin to know HOW you want to approach the market.
most people dont even know where to start.
some experienced trader can tell you, "do this, do that"
which is good because it saves you time but they can not teach you the lessons which teach you the mental part or the qualitative part of trading.
they can teach you the quantitative side but you need to absorb yourself in the subject and pretty much not leave the house for prolonged periods of time.

most people prefer to go to finance schools or to have some kind of schedule to learn this stuff.
if you do it from home, you really need to love what you are doing or you will struggle with discipline.

>> No.50964256

post boobs

>> No.50964286

GME is just beginning nigger

>> No.50964295
File: 98 KB, 722x689, 1653675311504.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Grill larp thread made by some old fat fuck or tranny
>Over 150 replies
I hate /biz/ so fucking much it is fucking dead, everyone ITT should KHS immediately.

>> No.50964355

I'll give you $100 if you show me your worthless fuck hole my sweet member of the retarded sex

>> No.50964454

>and lo, for they let go of the woman, and merrily partaked in the nouveau-pét

>> No.50964470
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>hi /biz/ I'm a girl tee hee
>300+ replies
KYS yourselfs

>> No.50964501

I've been in a similar degree. Are you by chance studying somewhere in southern Europe?d

>> No.50964528

>I don't want to start an onlyfans I'm not a whore
Then be poor like most people and find unhealthy outlets to keep you going. Seriously just whore yourself.

>> No.50964532

Yea it's pretty insane.
Mods are never ordinary people.
It's always a tranny who lets his troon brethren have their way w the place

>> No.50964771

>hey biz im a 20yo girl
Tits or gtfo

>> No.50964924

bump to make chuds seethe