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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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50954866 No.50954866 [Reply] [Original]


Cheaper goods here we come!

>> No.50954901

I hate the retards that allowed this guy to become president so much it's fucking unreal. All this because you love trannies and niggers more than you care about anything else

>> No.50954935

Why didn't anyone think of it before? It's so simple. Paying so much for all this stuff sucks

>> No.50954937

Dark Brandon with another win

Yeah I think I'm /ridenwithBiden/

>> No.50954979
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>this historic climate change bill aptly named inflation reduction act, will raise taxes on corporations making business less profitable and reduce reliance on fossil fuels

>> No.50955030

also stimulus checks for the poor tesla owners

>> No.50955055

>Inflation Reduction Act
So they're gonna stop printing money? doubt that.

>> No.50955129

You’re the retard if you think this isn’t jewish theatrics

>> No.50955160

Why sign it? Inflation is already 0%

>> No.50955166

How retarded are you? Partisan politics are a meme for midwits. All of these muppets serve the same interests, including Trump.

>> No.50955198

Its a climate and tax bill disguised as an inflation bill because you stupid goyim won't shut up about inflation.

>> No.50957720

>just fix inflation by printing more money lmao
why didnt anyone ever think of this?!

>> No.50958141

US is fucking done for.
Get out while you still can.

>> No.50958200
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>> No.50958218

It’s unironically what caused the downfall of every economic hegemony in the past. All the way from Rome to the Dutch. They end up trapped in a corner and try to get out of there by expanding the money supply so that they have more to spend, which just makes things even worse

>> No.50958340

>spending/printing money to contain inflation
Fuck why didn't anybody think of this earlier?!

>> No.50958514

>inflation reduction act
>$369 billion in funding for climate change boondoggles
>$80 billion for IRS enforcement, including funds for thousands of new auditors
>According to the Penn Wharton Budget Model (PWBM), there’s low confidence the legislation will have any impact on inflation.
What did they mean by this?

>> No.50958571

>the POTUS linking a yahoo article
lmao the state

>> No.50958583
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Yes spending more money always lowers inflation....

>> No.50958590

>i-it was a frowd, o-okay?
>it's because I said so!
Kill yourself, pathetic mongrel. I hate subhumans (americans) so much it's unreal.

>> No.50958591

these posts are ironic, right?

>> No.50958603

I c what u did there

>> No.50958604
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holy shit you're dumb anon. Go read that fine piece of build back better wef vomit and report back.

>> No.50958611

rent free .... jealous that we have 70% more purchasing power and don't have to say 'Take that daddy jew" every time you shower?

>> No.50958622

this alone would be enough to set Paris in flames but you do you

>> No.50958627

it means biden voters deserve a bullet in the head

>> No.50958651

Glad I voted for him 4 times

>> No.50958690

Soon you'll be eating ze bugs. Enjoy inflation and depression, cuck!

>> No.50958769

Same, let's unpack this. I don't care about economics as niggers, fags and troons feelings are protected.
We can do better

>> No.50958857

Have a farm, have animals, am fit..... how about you?

>> No.50958922

biden bros we cant stop winning

>> No.50959038

You still don’t realize how unimportant you are.
It doesn’t matter how many times you voted for him. What matters is how many votes you counted for him.

>> No.50959043

Can you imagine how badly you have to be doing to need shills on this shithole?

>> No.50959106

>Inflation reduction act
>Innumerable experts say it will have zero effect on inflation
The whole fucking thing is just funneling more money to Pelosi & co. investments.

>> No.50959539

Can't kill the dead

>> No.50960042

>They're all the same goy. Stop voting and just a accept it.

>> No.50960198

Unironically, yes. We’ve been well passed voting our problems always for awhile now.

>> No.50960230

fit for dick in your ass, fag

>> No.50960646

>Like lowering costs

...lowering costs on what? How the literal fuck can he get away with saying such a vague fucking statement? Like yeah, the costs of child sex slaves for the elite have lowered so technically I didn't lie lmao

>> No.50961136

This is how Democrats think.
>Dude, AntiFa groups are always anti fascist. Just look at the name.
>Dude, the Inflation Reduction Act will reduce inflation. Just look at the name.

>> No.50961147
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I voted for him. Dark Brandon pumps my bags. That's the job I gave him, and that's the job he's doing.

For me. (Not for you.)

>> No.50961185

It's income-restricted, dishonest MIGAmutt. Dark Brandon wins again by helping the middle class purchase badass Ford F-150 Lightnings.

>> No.50961235
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You won't do a single thing. You will sit there and seethe as Big Daddy Biden lays a thick green dick on the charts, as you rue the day you sold. (It was the bottom. You sold at the bottom.)

>> No.50961263

Maybe you should have bought those stocks then. Why are all Trumptards poor when they worship a (supposed) billionaire? Have they ever thought of trying to achieve the American dream in ways that don't involve throwing a temper tantrum?

>> No.50961308


The reduce inflation act won't do anything to solve inflation. (((They))) already admitted this in writing

Penn Wharton Budget Model
Inflation Reduction Act: Preliminary Estimates of Budgetary and Mac...
PWBM estimates that the Inflation Reduction Act would reduce non-interest cumulative deficits by $248 billion over the budget window with no impact on GDP in 2031. The impact on inflation is statistically indistinguishable from zero. An illustrative scenario is also presented where Affordable Care A
Inflation Reduction Act: Preliminary Estimates of Budgetary and Mac...
The Act would very slightly increase inflation until 2024 and decrease inflation thereafter. These point estimates are statistically indistinguishable from zero, thereby indicating low confidence that the legislation will have any impact on inflation.

>> No.50961364

Do you really think ((they)) give 2 shits about inflation and its impact on the average person? They intend to inflate away their debts and your savings + quality of life along with it. You guys know what they are doing, have a bunch of guns and won't do shit about it. You are getting what you deserve.

>> No.50962240

>Maybe you should have bought those stocks then.
By the time it's public knowledge, the prices have already gone up.
I'm not one, but it's hilarious that TDS is still in effect over a year after he left office.

>> No.50962264

I'm considered upper class in the US, all of the above is not my problem because like other upper class people most of my assets and net worth are in tangible assets such as businesses.

Learn to play the game or die. Simple as.

>> No.50963295
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>> No.50963369

The real question is, when are they gonna find the balls to do what they really want to do: raise taxes on the middle class (100k-350k) by 10-15%?

You know they want to.

>> No.50963446

>Middle class

>> No.50964586

He should just propose a bill that nukes China and Russia and name it World Peace Bill since the name is all brain dead shitlibs care about
> it has world peace in it so it must be good

>> No.50965077

>more printing
>to help inflation
America is done
>Always was

>> No.50965166

3 things you should know about the inflation reduction act

#1 Does not reduce inflation
#2 Increases inflation
#3 Additional audits on the middle class plus armed IRS

>> No.50966259
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Chuds on suicide watch. Good thing the popular vote is ridin with Biden

>> No.50966344

>here are the three things you should know
mfw even the president of the USA posts shitty clickbait text

>> No.50966727

>making businesses less profitable
boohoo nigga
Corporate profits are through the roof while wages stagnate, I promise big daddy Amazon will be ok you fucking retard.

>> No.50966951

Why can’t they just stop printing money? It’s literally that easy. Why won’t they do it bros?

>> No.50967419

No one voted for him.

Also, I love how the government is trying to prevent inflation by spending more money. Lol. Pure delusional clownworld

>> No.50968397

>dislike /pol/chud politics
>dislike leftist politics
>like economic policies
I hate when /pol/chuds assume that everyone that hates them are leftists, it really shows some kind of delusion

>> No.50969210
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no shit. like anyone gives a fuck about inflation. the poor finance everything so expensive money means they have to make bigger payments, the rich don't want their assets to deflate, and the Feds can't afford to pay high interest rates on the national debt. there's only one way forward and that's to continue inflating. brainlets don't understand this. people with a couple IQ points buy Bitcoin and end up golden.

quit bitching about inflation. at this point, with Bitcoin available to everyone, even the lowliest pleb, it's infinitely better than the alternative. it's piss-easy to escape it. just fucking save in Bitcoin. it's literally THAT EASY.

based Biden and Powell and Trump too, for continuing to pump our collective bag.

>> No.50969224
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>tranny projecting meme

>> No.50969256
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Ya'll folx hear 'bout dem infraction reduction laws that biden be signing?

>> No.50969299

imagine still believing dems and republicans aren’t two sides of a brown shitcoin
>muh orange man bad
>muh fuck you brandon hehe
yet they both bow down to the kikes

>> No.50969580

Get fucked lmao

>> No.50969824
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Mate Biden ain't our prime minister you knobhead, he's a yank. Our prime minister is the queen

>> No.50970153

shut the fuck up you fucking faggot

>> No.50970311

Politics is the new pro westling

>> No.50970377
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>> No.50971839

Not gay, just hate /pol/chuds. Go stop by /gif/ on your way back to /pol/ you'll feel better.
My brother is a fucking mess and I blame most of his neurological issues and other failings on his /pol/ focus. He's a full on shame-centric coomer and it impacts every interaction he has with anything.
/pol/ does not help a single damn person, except when they get away.

>> No.50971899
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>inflation reduction
So still inflation just less?

>> No.50972045

How does printing more money reduce inflation?

>> No.50972062

HOLY FUCK leftist bootlickers are so brainwashed hahaha
You won't benefit from destroying production you absolute moron.
Enjoy your inflation

>> No.50972066

This act includes hidden funding for IRS agents :)

>> No.50972085

I hate leftists so much bros, it's unreal.

>> No.50972123

Enjoy your hyperinflation then brainlet.

>> No.50972142

this, unironically

>> No.50972276

>let's make them pay even lower wages by taxing the shit out of them

>> No.50972619

>pass $700 billion spending bill
>call it "Inflation Reduction Act"
lmao these fucking hebrews

>> No.50972636

Your seethe fuels me

>> No.50972654
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Here's your big bill!!!!

>higher taxes on small businesses
>to pay for a bigger, fatter, more belligerent IRS and "green initiatives" (read: paychecks for solar/wind salesmen and shysters)

Dems are all fags

>> No.50973404
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>he thinks voting is real

>> No.50973813


>> No.50973825

Kikes go back

>> No.50973854

This, it's a repeat of the Carter/Reagan script, Biden is the retard who is here to take the blame for everything going to shit. The zionist retard DeSantis will be the "savior" who rescues the economy.

>> No.50973870
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Actually it will help reduce inflation by making middle class America so poor that they can't afford to buy anything, thus reducing demand and bringing prices down.

>> No.50974004

It's hilarious how whenever there's a political thread on 4chan all these millionaires apparently emerge from the shadows to lecture us. Never take anything you read on this website as fact, especially nerds pretending to be tycoons.

>> No.50974060

From an outsiders perspective, it’s seems unreal how the US government treats its population like they are retarded with lies like 0% inflation

>> No.50974152
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Ah yes. The anti-inflation act that will have no impact on inflation and will increase audits for the poor and middle class. You fucking moron.
Biz needs an IQ test per IP address to filter you retards

>> No.50974277

a c c e l e r a t e

>> No.50974958

I have gold, silver, crypto and property, I'll be fine. I left the dumpster fire that is /pol/ after trump was elected in 2017 for /biz/.
The fact that so many of you /pol/chuds are too ideologically locked to play off of both sides makes you too easy to control. I want you to be better, frankly. I won't help your kind after the next game flips over.
Many of the /pol/migrants here are just posting to virtue signal some ideology you learned from a thought bubble that you keep locked away from real society. It's sick in the head.

>> No.50975115

I don't see how this fixes inflation

>> No.50975572

That’s because you’re a bigot. Now shut up and get back to the cobalt mine so we can save the planet.

>> No.50975630

this is propaganda to downplay how scared you should be
majority of IRS door knockers are going to be feds with 10+ years of training

you will pay all your taxes and then some or the gov will take it by force