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5095460 No.5095460 [Reply] [Original]

Chancoin Discord is one of the most entertainin+educational shit on the block. Been lurking for quite some time

>> No.5095737
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Can confirm, /comfy/ as fuck
>but isn't chancoin a scam?
keep up to date my dudes, it started out as one because there was a (((con artist))) in the dev team but head dev kicked him out so now we legit.
>t. the proud owner of over 10,900 chans
rocket's not even fully built yet and I'm already strapped in for the moon mission.


https://chancoin.org/ now free from jewish tricks

>> No.5095785

tell gossemer to unban Molly Dev

I literally dindu nuffin IDK why i was banned this has got to stop. It is ruining the community of real people who actually care about the project.

>> No.5095791
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>> No.5096086
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new algorithm was supposed to be here by the end of december, but no one has started working on it.

stegonographic tipping was supposed to be here by the end of december, but no one has started working on it

i will continue to watch poor new pajeets get caught in the scam trap, shill for a few weeks before realizing it's hopeless (too many outstanding coins people need to sell), and then give up

hopefully no one awares the SEC because Charles Straney is American

>> No.5096175

Unban Molly!

>> No.5096233

I been looking to get into this but last time i checked the windows wallet wasnt out yet i think only linux wallet right?

>> No.5096300

lol my dude I'm looking in the dev talk room right now and they deving the shit outta this coin
naahhh wallet's out, I got it, link on chancoin.org although we are in need of a new update for the wallet but that's coming soon-ish. devs are hard at work on it.

>> No.5096870
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>watch livestream of chancoin dev
>all he does is narrate videos about yachts

>> No.5096939

lol those are his inspiration sessions. Dev work is boring as fuck, need to motivate yourself with the hope that your work will pay off.
His livestreams are pretty shit though.

>> No.5097224

please unban me i truly dindu nuffin

>> No.5097567
File: 38 KB, 800x450, DQ-fvxuVoAAdIQz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chancoin's meme femmebot is goin apeshit. Already has like 500 followes within 2 weeks time. Lads, the presence is growing. Gossamer is taking is to the moon. If 4chan's entire community and even the biznormies across all other boards get hip.....this projects valuation is scary. Truly a great 2018 ahead.

>> No.5098162

Actually 1000 follows in 2 weeks. Chancoin is featured on The Merkle which caused it.

>> No.5098551
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and people here STILL aren't getting in on the chancoin rocket.

>> No.5098631
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>> No.5098689

I found another Chancoin discord, but it seems to be more for informative and resource gathering purpose. https://discord.gg/gcuvctj

>> No.5098835

possible scam, just stick with the official one. The scammer that was kicked off the chancoin dev team is still around and plotting.

>> No.5098997

I already made my way there and there is another one here /RfQY85

but the one you mentioned HAS NO GENERAL IS DEAD AND NO ONE TALKING!

>> No.5099197

I was banned before because I wouldn't post my bitcoin talk link. like wtf then i finally got back ina month later. woke up one mornignand realized I was banned again!!! WTF idk why. Do they want to hurt the community? what is the endgame here with banning people who dindu nuffin? I know I am not the only one my little cousin I helped invest in chancoin got banned cuz she said she was a girl when she was. Then some mod got all huffy puffy then banned her like wtf?

>> No.5099649
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2018 is the year for Chancoin.

>> No.5099961
File: 118 KB, 606x606, the weak should fear the strong chan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
