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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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50952793 No.50952793 [Reply] [Original]

i make $100k/year. i put $37k/year in stocks and savings and $13k/year post-tax equivalents into 401k with employer matching. total of about $50k/year.

if i bust my ass and somehow, with a lot of luck, get promoted to $150k/year, that's $65k/year in stocks and savings and $20k/year post-tax equivalents into 401k with employer matching. total of about $85k/year.

if i hit the lottery and somehow double my current pay to $200k/year, that's $100k/year in stocks and savings and $23k/year post-tax equivalents into 401k with employer matching. total of about $123k/year.

so basically if i careermaxxx and endure all of the stress that comes with that, i'll put away a measly $100k/year in post-tax equivalents. it will take me TEN YEARS OF WAGING to hit a measly $1M. keep in mind that i live like an autistic hermit and don't spend that much money on anything.

where were you when you found irrefutable proof that wageslaving is a scam?

>> No.50952853

Become super good so you can consult when you’re older. Then you can make way more. This is my plan I’m in the same boat as you.

>> No.50952894

>consult when you’re older

Can confirm. Did my career for 10 years and starting consulting—doubled my income.

>> No.50952908

With that money you'll be in the top 5%, you can comfortably buy one or two houses/condos in most places, one decent and one fun ride, regular restaurants and international trips. And you'll still have enough in investments to have a nice pension for when you retire.

You'ld be better off than the large majority of people. How is this not good? Let me guess, you want to live a billionaire life? Too late for that faggot, your chances were slim to none anyway.

>> No.50952922

>keep in mind that i live like an autistic hermit and don't spend that much money on anything.
not my fucking problem. If you don't see through how the rat race is keeping you in the cage you will not make it.
In this capitalist society no one is there to hold your hands and help you find what makes you happy.

>> No.50952943

i work in accounting. consulting means working at a professional services firm (did the big 4 meme already) and being wageslaved to death by some jew partner making $1M/year. or maybe working for a boutique financial consulting firm where pay and lifestyle are better, but that seems really difficult since these types of firms are very niche and typically require niche experience that i don't have from my career at globohomo megacorp, inc.

i need to find a way out of this mess.

>> No.50952955

>How is this not good?
i want to make $100k/year post-tax income in an almost entirely passive manner.

>> No.50952994

I know people that work for boutiques as they say and don’t have it bad. Also, I started an LLC and got my first contract for work on the side. Good money for like 5 hours a week.

Downside is you need to networkmaxx which is annoying and gay.

>> No.50953010

That’s what I do, except:
>Pay went from $78k/year, to $120k/year, to $180k/year, and now it’s around $200k/year
>Investments have quadrupled and I now have around $600k invested
>Planning on buying a multi-family house for more income
>Have two side businesses: one for consulting (an extra $50k - $100k/year), and one that is basically a tax-write off to fund my hobbies
This is much better than the vast majority of the population. If get married and have kids, I’ll have even more money to take home.

>> No.50953032

If everyone and their grandma is going to be a consultant then how is the pay going to be good?

>> No.50953050

let me guess, tech?

>> No.50953059

That’s a dumb question. You should feel embarrassed.

>> No.50953229

you sound like a real drag to be around, and a woman

>t. programmer at startup making six figs wfh

>> No.50953306

>making six figs wfh
you missed the point of this thread. six figures is nothing.

>> No.50953512

Fuck you faggot. You’re pretty easily about in the top 1% and still not happy. We have no choice but to work. Fucking deal with it. People making 5x less than you have happier lives. If you aren’t happy despite making enough money to fulfill any of your desires, you need to address that or you never will be. Who gives a shit about saving if you’re pissing away your youth and have no clue how to enjoy life ? You could reach your early retirement with no family and no joy after all that work

>> No.50953545

Quit burning nearly half your salary in handing money to the Jew and go travel, learn a skill, or he’ll buy a fucking investment property . You have plenty of income you just feel poor because you’re throwing it all into a Ponzi scheme

>> No.50953639

I had a degree in accounting too. I got into payroll/HRIS and just stuck with it. I work for a boutique consulting firm as you described. It’s still wage slaving but with a bit more freedom and a lot more money.‘I save about 65% of my income and have been pretty diligent about it to the point where I could buy the house of my dreams, pay for a wedding, and buy into a partnership in an industry I actually care about. Yes, the people suck and it isn’t all fun, but in a couple years of DCA’ing and busting my ass with consulting and my new business I’ll be 40 years old and ready to stop working other than managing a couple locations of my new business.

>> No.50955117

Nope, medical devices/pharma

>> No.50955292

>makes $100k per year
>thinks this is proof that waging is a scam
try talking to someone that make $23k a year or $15k a year

>> No.50955337
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>total of about $50k/year

just put it in TQQQ and it's like investing 150k a year

>> No.50956036


>> No.50956452


I've been in my career for 7 years and averaged about 160k per since starting. I became a millionaire last year by investing heavily since early on like you're planning. I invest in the safe stuff like stocks and 401k but I also buy a lot of btc and eth every week.

>> No.50956534

And you don't need to be too tight-fisted with your money to have financial success. It's OK to buy a house, a nice car, and splurge on one or two vacations every year. You'll still have plenty of money left over to invest and get good returns.

>> No.50956576

>replying to an automated spambot thread
anybody that isn't part of the research group
you are retards, especially for shitposting in bot threads

>> No.50957561

Can you share more about your career trajectory? I've done pharma consulting for 7 years and now I'm working in the govt as a scientific evaluator making $100k (although focused on food products rather than pharma at the moment). The downside is that I'm in Canada so the industry here is a lot smaller. Help me anon, $100k is being pretty much broke here in Canuck land.

>> No.50957641

i worked at a med device company at my last job. sales reps made decent money but it seems way too cut throat to be comfortable. always traveling, always selling, always at risk of being fired if you miss quotas.

>> No.50957658
File: 36 KB, 500x374, 600a7630f0b7c13858b7e7ff583567b2e585ee3824c5fdfbd1152baf9a6df313.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not a bot, retard

>> No.50958621


>> No.50958674

why do you need a million dollars
you didn't explain that part

>> No.50958691

>buy some meme coins
>the 1000x because bull market
>take profit, put some into terra luna some into celsius and bancor, reinvest the rest into another bunch of meme coins
>get wiped
>you still owe taxes on that first lucky sale and the IRS is hiring auditors
this is the /biz/ way

>> No.50958763


>> No.50958774

>ignoring capital gains
>whining about putting away 1MM in savings in a decade

>> No.50958809

lots of young faggots on here because i don't know any other reason why these blatant demo threads get so much traction

>makes 100k a year
>saves 50 percent of it
>"bros i'm ngmi"

>> No.50958833

How much does your wife make?

>> No.50958859

All things equal, with compounding and fagman stocks it will take 6 years to a million anon.

>> No.50958891

Buy from a farmer and you won't have to pay him taxes

>> No.50959782


>> No.50959893

>whoopie, a while one million dollars after SIX YEARS of slavery! Now I can buy a basic bitch middle class home and then start waging again!

>> No.50959968


In 10 more years w/compounding he will be in the multi-millions and the snowball rolls on from there. Yes, getting your starting capital is a slog but once it's in the millions it does a ton of work on its own.