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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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50951167 No.50951167 [Reply] [Original]

Screencap this. Don't say 4chan didn't warn you.

>> No.50951210

Hi anon, braindead retard here. Could you explain why radix stands out compared to others?

>> No.50951233

Didn't this used to be on binance?

I went to buy some earlier and it wasn't there, I can't be bothered finding my ascendex password and looking at all the shitcoins there that dropped 90%+

>> No.50951275

Scrypto (smart contract language) is very simple and developer friendly. Like VERY. Tokens are treated as assets not as balances. Like it should be.

They claim to have solved trilemma. Dan Hughes(the founder) is working on his Cerberus prototype bot cassandra, you can find more info about this on his twitter or in radix developer channels. Basically unlimited scalability while maintaining security and decentralization.

Tokenomics could be better in all honesty, but it won't matter in some time. Smart contracts alpha should be released in september, which should produce some hype on the price.

Full release of smart contracts on mainnet in q1 23.

Also, there's many projects and nfts already being built on Radix, although trading is done in a centralized way still cause no smart contracts. But thing is, price sucks, but developers are more active than ever.

>> No.50951398

I love these trilemma solving coins, I think I'll get a small bag. Any news on a kucoin listing or something?

>> No.50951411

Totally organic jeet you should be an actor

>> No.50951463

wtf are you talking about

>> No.50951474
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Its rather buy HBAR or ROSE

>> No.50951570

I don't know when, but kucoin will list for sure. I think team wants to align major exchange listings with smart contracts release at this point.

I'm honestly expecting at least 1-2 big exchange listings in the next months.

>> No.50951594

i've been following it since at least a year and it's always postponed. they released an erc-20 just to pretend they have a token

>> No.50951614
File: 3.95 MB, 468x480, pepesc.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You stick out like a sore thumb and it's funny as fuck. You Telegram jeets will never successfully blend in.

>> No.50951623

Imagine buying into this disgusting foot fetish network instead of ETH or MATIC. Why in the name of fuck? how much they paying you anon?

>> No.50951636

yeah ok I wasn't even shilling it

>> No.50951645

It seems way overdue for a major exchange, I guess that's a good thing if it attracts this much attention without even being on kucoin or binance

>> No.50951682

They have a mainnet with native token. Weak FUD. What's next? 9 years of vaporware? Scam? Fake PoS chain?

Yea it sucks that it isn't listed on major exchanges, but that feeds me some hopium for nice gains. There's no reason for XRD not to be listed on binance and CMC, while tons of other shitcoins and scams are.

It will happen, and after binance, it'll be too late to start accumulating.

>> No.50951813

It's good for me since I'm just making a test buy and will probably get into it after this btc wedge closes.
I'd rather buy before the hype is priced in, although I guess in this market there wouldn't be much price action unless coinbase decided to list it

>> No.50951843

All these ghost chains with their own obscure language are going to fail. There's a Dev shortage as it is. Rust based chains already can't find enough. Why would any Devs learn this crap when they can go to solana or polkadot with rust or use solidity on any of the evm compatible chains. Solving the trilemma is easy when no one is using it.

>> No.50951925

I dunno about the rest of these assholes but I'm just accumulating stuff and waiting for the bull run.

I don't care if 8/10 fail as long as the other 2 give me a 10x

>> No.50951973

haha, this is as stupid as it gets, but i still bought some I am just wondering why along with scrt , matic and atom

>> No.50951981

how much did you buy?

I bought 1600 of them, so if it hits $1 I'll be fucking pissed off I didn't buy more

>> No.50951985

Scrypto is based on rust and is basically rust. Also there's plenty devs already learning scrypto(2k+), while total number of DeFi devs is around 18k.

Solidity is crap that led to many hacks and lost money.

Also I don't know why people think that there's only gonna be 1 defi winner. Multiple blockchains/dlts can absolutely coexist.

>> No.50952010

I don't agree rust based devs don't have any free time, I think you are saying the opposite kek
All these projects use rust too, I have seen so many dapps on scrt using them

>> No.50952043

even I have bought worth 500 of it
I saw Kevin smith movie on it and to be honest it was really funny

>> No.50952144

500 bucks worth?

I only spent $100, I'm working from fiat and I've been rekt so many times

>> No.50952169


>> No.50952188

no, u

>> No.50952373

You should stake those cosmos tokens too anon. Your best bet for some airdrops.

>> No.50952406

You don't do your research enough to see the dapps already on them and the partnership they are getting? Do as you wish anon.

>> No.50952465

To all newfags - this is an inorganic pajeet thread. Every so often, a random project is suddenly shilled out of the blue, with the same group of pajeet faggots pretending to have a ‘natural’ discussion about it.
Only the most clueless of newfags would fall for threads like this, don’t do it. If you feel any temptation to fall for this PND of the week, then just bookmark it and keep an eye on its price action. These shilled projects literally NEVER succeed. You will ALWAYS lose when you fall for these worthless pajeet faggots.
Jannies do your fucking job.

>> No.50952535

serious question so what is exrd

>> No.50954187

You're pathetic.

I'm happy because for once my radix thread got more than few replies. Nothing inorganic here as far as I (OP) know.

>> No.50954215

Exrd is erc20 version of radix native token. It basically served as a placeholder(and maybe ICO, dunno) for the mainnet radix token XRD. You can completely ignore exrd.

>> No.50954693


>> No.50956031

I take it you have no idea that this has been in development for 9 years and they have almost nothing to show for it and keep scrapping things and redoing things because they keep running into issues due to the fact that their scam doesn't work and they knowingly develop with expected problems ahead and then claim it was unexpected and redo shit over and over and over. People were so sick and tired of bagholding nothing that they launched a fake PoS chain just so they could claim they have a mainnet despite the fact that it's not even using it's own tech to scale. They got tired of the very real "no mainnet" fud that they launched a fake mainnet to trick newfags into thinking they had anything.
The main dev is a game developer with zero experience who thinks he can do the impossible if he just bruteforces his way through it and hits the same walls everyone else before him has, except he pretends they're not there so people will buy more of his bags.
2017 scam rebrand

>> No.50956636

You (OP) smell like curry

>> No.50958847

shitty pasta, try harder

Your mom didn't complain about me(OP)

>> No.50959914

Holding until 0 or profits.

>> No.50960699

and BTC 11k by eoy
kys shillfagget

>> No.50960779

jeet slide thread

>> No.50961845
File: 167 KB, 819x1157, VINU_Animu_Grill.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't care, didn't ask. Already married to someone else.

>> No.50961856

>no feet shot
quite literally one single fucking job and you fuck it up. retard

>> No.50961863

Never heard of it. You are all shills.