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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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50950511 No.50950511 [Reply] [Original]

so if you poop more or dump toilet paper down the drain you pay more. wtf is this shit cunts. how much money do i save if i just poop in public toilets and piss in the garden? literally everything is a business in this shithole. even your poop is taxed

>> No.50950523

>wtf is this shit

>> No.50950530

checked, australia is cucked

>> No.50950543

kek that's really nitpicking. really just finding things to steal money from you. car tags and licenses just not enough surely we'd pay for air if they could harness it.

>> No.50950557

Literally taxing the shit out of you, kek.

>> No.50950921

Mate I learned that one the hard way when I moved into a new place. It’s good to save you from idiots who flush other food waste down the toilet, but I have met some people that shit into a bag and put it in the red bin to save some coin but it’s pretty grim.

>> No.50950965
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Arizona beverage containers make the best piss jugs. Thick plastic,, wide enough hole to stick my magnum dong in (flaccid), and screw-on cap. Thin milk jugs with a snap on cap are bad news. Laundry detergent jugs would be better if you're hung like a horse, bit the plastic is opaque. It needs to be transparent so you don't dunk your shlong into yesterday's cold piss. Empty it in the toilet whenever you take a shit. Leave some matches by the toilet- 2-3 day old piss reeks but a lot match will eliminate the stench. This is not financial advice.

>> No.50950985

Guess the pajeets and their shitcoins had it right all along.

>> No.50951038

What the fuck? This doesnt make any sense.

>> No.50951051

I only surf for the aquaturds. Saves me some beer money.

>> No.50951052
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Shitting and pissing is a natural human right. Just put it in a bag and dump it in front of their office. Probably best to put ALM (Abbo lives matter) on the bag

>> No.50951068

no it's fucking not its based on the rental value

>> No.50951083

check your water bill faggot

>> No.50951097

the quantity of water used yes, not the weight of your poop

>> No.50951104

Store your shits and go to a restaurant or a public building. Might even slide into your local uni.
And shit their systems to the fullest.

>> No.50951128

just dig holes in your garden and crap in them. by the time you come back around to the first hole it will be fully composted.

its not hard

>> No.50951129

If you piss a lot, save it up until you have a gallon. Why flush every 4 Oz piss separately? If they weigh your flushes, that includes water. Dummy.

>> No.50951135

The most quintessentially Australian post I've ever read.

>> No.50951162

Why not just dump it in the street? Load up your car and take it to the woods?

>> No.50951207

At that point, just get a job and retain some dignity

>> No.50951213

It smells awful, you sick fuck. Why would I want my street to smell like piss? Why burn gas to transport it elsewhere?

>> No.50951228
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>> No.50951230

I have a job and I piss in a jug mostly because if I wake up to walk to the toilet I can't get back to sleep. Easier to stick my dick in a jug and dump it when I get up.

>> No.50951235

poop at the tax office

>> No.50951260
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Here in Eastern Europistan I have to pay a chimney tax even though my building doesn't have one.

>> No.50951271

Well, who am I to judge, my apartment is a mess. Living alone makes us weird, huh

>> No.50951304


>> No.50951471
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i fixed this buy pooping in the shower and stuffing it down the drain. it saves on tp and im in the shower anyway so i can clean my hands + bumhole after im done. havent used a toilet in 8 months now for that since ive started using my technique.

when i do it i imagine im playing a fun game like pic related when you had to put the different coloured blocks into the holes when you were a kid

>> No.50951480
