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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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50947736 No.50947736 [Reply] [Original]

Minimum wage was $0.25 an hour. A new home would cost about 2.5 years salary.
Today federal minimum wage is $7.25. A new home would cost around $53k.
California min wage is a whopping $11. So housing would cost 80k. Let’s go ahead and double it, since the land is in such high demand. That’s still $160k.

>> No.50947744


>> No.50947750

Houses today are much higher quality than they were in the past. The house in your picture wouldn't last 25 years before falling apart.

>> No.50947779

i wonder what jews feel like when everyone wishes they were all gassed when they were supposed to

>> No.50947782

who would do this? go on the internet and tell lies
anon there's old books with pics of houses from the 1800s still standing in the 1900s stop lying you pile of jewish trash

>> No.50947789

>Houses today are much higher quality than they were in the past.
you're retarded

>> No.50947798

They were around back then too.
Banks simply went under when they ran out of money.
Not true. LA is full of houses just like this.

>> No.50947821

who the fuck cares what happened 6 billion years ago? The only relevent stats are what normal people still alive now got to experience. so late 60s at the earliest.

>> No.50947920

10/10 troll

>> No.50947952

Refuse to play their game.

>> No.50947975
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>$20 face value gold coin
Using the gold standard, that is a ~ $180k 1400sf starter home. Around $128sf. Pretty standard for starter home. Not to mention labor. The problem is every new fag home buyer thinks they are owed an $800k Zestimate.

>> No.50948004
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California minimum wage is currently $15/hr.

>> No.50948041

You still couldn't buy a $180k house with 2.5 years of minimum wages today. You couldn't even buy half of it for that much.

>> No.50948158
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A $20 gold American Eagle is around $1800 fiat dollars. Federal minimum wage is $7.25hr. You do the math. (((They))) fucked up the money and stole your future. However, enjoy your Netflix.

>> No.50948166

>$0.25 x 8 hours x 5 work days x 4 weeks a month x 12 months a year x 2.5 years = $1200

>> No.50948415

Let's expose OP for being a colossal faggot.
Let's start with some constants:
>0.25c minimum wage was 1938
>work week was mandated @ 40hrs at that time as well
>OPs house would be 3 years minimum wage salary assuming no holidays
That's just the house, not a home. That doesn't include land, taxes and other expenses. It's also the teaser price that would have a bunch of exclusions like fixings and appliances.
So what was the average land price in Chicago in 1938?
The average price per Sqr ft 10 miles from the CBD (cheapest price found) was $0.50/ft
That house is roughly 850 sqr ft which is close the average at the time of 950 sqr ft.
>in the 1930 and 40s the average bungalow block size was 60x100 or 6000 sqr ft
So the average block size for a house of this era was $3000 or 5.8 yrs salary
So now OPs house is closer to $4500 minimum which is close to the average property price of $6000

So OPs shitty off the plan home in Chicago in the 1938 at least 10 miles from the city would be 9 years minimum wage salary. at the most conservative estimates. It would be 11.5-12 years @ the average home price. But also consider
>average car price in 1940 was $800 or 1.5 yrs minimum wage salary
>a gallon of gas was 18c and the car got 20miles to the gallon
>a washing machine was $250 or half a years salary
Imagine paying $7000 for a fridge or oven today.

>> No.50948452

and people wonder why inflation is so high
fuck california

>> No.50948512

The square footage is really what people who cry about real estate don’t understand. American homes now are over double the size they were from 1940-1970. And filled with tech. I do still think a lot of the reason for high home and real estate prices is all the various “safety” features required by law. Some of them are good and necessary improvements and some is just built in money making for contractors. Same shit with cars and car safety features inflating the prices of new cars year after year.

>> No.50948540

people have outpaced houses because it’s only profitable to build houses when the govrrnment says so because taxes and various assorted fees
they build hundreds at a time funded by finance institutions incentivized by tax credits for funding the building
this is happening because people are too lazy to do anything about it and the incentive to get people to be less lazy is causing suffering by leverage of the things they’re too lazy to do themselves

>> No.50948550

And they've had an extra 100 years to pillage.

>> No.50948555

I know you're trolling but their are dumbfuck Americucks that actually believe this.

>> No.50948586
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>> No.50948840

sorry kid! supply and demand! get used to it!

>> No.50949117

My grandpa told me about buying land for $20-$75 an acre in the Oakland Bay Area.
If somehow you managed to exterminate all the Juden or whatever, you’d still have an economy based on a fractional reserve scam, with less pointy noses.
Then you’d have to blame the Irish or something.
It’s like blaming white people for pollution.
The Who doesn’t matter as much as the What.

>> No.50951082

T. Civil engineer, of you disagree with me you disagree with an expert.

>> No.50951231

>Inflation is high because minimum wage is $15/hour not because people are paid $300k/year to make Facebook ads for dragon dildos