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50943450 No.50943450 [Reply] [Original]

I'm just sitting here watching stocks and crypto go up and I just can't accept that the bear market is over and that 17.5k was the bottom. Last bullrun I just kept panic selling. Now I'm too scared to buy. It just seems so ridiculous to me that the economy is going to recover.

>> No.50943473

The economy is not gonna recover and stocks are gonna dump more.
Also check'em

>> No.50943479

What's ridiculous about it? People won't just drop dead. They will continue to labour and go on with their lives and chase their dreams and generate wealth. That's the most normal thing possible.

>> No.50943487

you will never see bitcoin at 22k again, checkem

>> No.50943489

Just start buying now and there could be another leg down during winter easily. But just dca.

>> No.50943660

You mean besides the people who will genuinely drop dead in the war and from famine. And what about the billions, if not trillions, that will have to go to Africa to keep all the niggers from starving? What about inflation? It's not like it's back to below 2%. People should still be tight for money. The list goes on.

>> No.50943702

inflation is literally 0%, stop getting your sources from fox news

>> No.50943751

What war and famine are you talking about? Shit's fine. And economies have been rising in africa for a long time now. Man you're not on this planet.

>> No.50943785

Once youre older you’ll realize the world is almost always on the brink of being “over”. Watch the movie Margin Call where the CEO rattles off all the crashes over the years. Theyre all different but also the same, and the world keeps on spinning and markets rise back up.

>> No.50943819

this, i was also scared but started dca last week

>> No.50943836

the double gods doesn't like either of us, but a 22k bitcoin is more likely than a 26k btc

>> No.50943888
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Yeah sold two weeks before the previous top, bought back in 2 weeks ago. Very strange market (my third bullrun). Literally have no idea where we heading this year. I think ogre after Ethereum Merge and Smartcon, but since it's clownworld I need to have some position. Any other other oldfags here?

>> No.50943908
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>Last bullrun I just kept panic selling. Now I'm too scared to buy.

>> No.50943985

this piece of shit coin was my very first rekt investment, never recovered from that one, barely hanging on

>> No.50944021


There’s a good book called the psychology of money, that one of the things I took away was that there’s always going to be doom n gloomers who think the world is going to be over. There will never be a point where the world is fine and you can invest. And even if you do at that point, you’d be paying such a premium over those who already knew this and invest anyway

>> No.50944031


>> No.50944243

Don't worry, the bottom is not in yet.

Schizo answer:
Every 7 years, the Jews crash the market, or do something to fuck over the goyim economically.
Shimtah (the Jewish year) ends on September 25th.
I think we'll see a really bad crash in September.

Political answer (also schizo):
The elites need the US to stay on tract towards the Great Reset.
They can't afford to have control of congress change hands to the Republicans.
This would delay their plans.
The economy will artificially be made to seem to be recovering.
But it's a lie.
They will stop propping up the economy, after the midterm elections in November.
The Democrats don't have a chance of retaining control of congress.
They intend to just steal the election again.
But they need some excuse as to how and why they will retain control of congress.
If the economy stays in the toilet, no one will believe the Democrats winning in November.

So we shouldn't have to wait too long for the real bottom.

>> No.50944309
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Even IF it was the bottom we most likely have like 2 years more of crabbing. Now is the time to start packing bags without emotional involvement. The day-to-day fluctuations mean nothing when your time frame is years out, as it should be. Just be patient, accumulate little by little, stay comfy and wagmi.

>> No.50944566

This is b8 but people have lost all their savings and have been piling on debt to stay afloat with a skyrocketing cost of living. Food and fuel costs have doubled from prepandemic levels. Retoids have seen large increases in rent. Home """owners""" have seen this houses double in value and are paying for it with increased property taxes. Cars stopped dropping in value and sell for tens of thousands over MSRP. If you pay sticker like Hank Hill you are unironically getting a good deal in this clown world market. The burger economy is dependent on rampant consoomerism and people are out of money. Its all gone. No more cash and no surplus income to pile up cash.
The consooming has stopped. The economic effects of inflation on the consoomer economy haven't even been felt yet. We're just getting started.

>> No.50944580

Checkem fags

>> No.50944608

spx has literally been mooning every single day and btc can barely keep 24k lmao
as soon as we have 1 % negative day on spx 20k will be reached

>> No.50945353

stock market has no relation to the economy

>> No.50945390

everything is fine. go outside and enjoy the sunshine.