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50934834 No.50934834 [Reply] [Original]

Working with women is fucking shit.
They are incapable of succintness, everything they have to say takes at least 15 minutes of droning on and on.
They usually have a poor understanding of the software, and more than likely a poorer understanding of the underlying concepts.
Everyone knows they are just there because of title IX requirements. That is how they can sit at work talking or on their phones all day and not get fired. Just government appeasement while men do all the actual work.

>> No.50934847

Gay sex

>> No.50934849

> I was rejected
> therefore they are inferior
nope; you're just inferior to other men

>> No.50934851

women were not built to work outside their homes

>> No.50934875


>reducing unrelating things to sex

typical roastie deflection to the only thing women are good for

>> No.50934883

That's pretty fucking based if you ask me. I'd take that deal in a heartbeat and you can't convince me that men wouldn't take the same deal if given the opportunity.

>> No.50934886

> rejection only applies to sex
nice projection brainlet

now keep hating on "inferior" women just because you are inferior to other men and you got rejected

>> No.50934890

Even then, they're shit. Naturally lazy, and won't actually do housework unless they were raised to do so or the man they're with has enough of a spine to demand it from them.

>> No.50934897

rapists like you belong in a cage.

>> No.50934908

Okay groomer

>> No.50934910

If all it takes is a man to make demands of them then why don't you do it?

>> No.50934919

The women I have to work with are all fat and/or old. Sex is not a contributing factor.

>> No.50934932

yes it litterally does katie

whatever you have to tell yourself to feel like less of a charity case

>> No.50934963

Sadly it's still better than working with pajeet.
>think they know what they are doing
>all code is copy paste
>chimp out if you tell them they are wrong
>have to thoroughly btfo them before they will listen to logic
>if there's a group of them in a meeting the meeting quickly devolves into them arguing with each other

>> No.50934993

It's not just women. I've been working with a guy for more than a year now that I'm almost entirely sure got in by inclusivity. I have to pair program for him to get anything done, can't use git at all and can't even follow basic instructions. Like, I literally ask him: click the button labeled "version history" on the top bar, and he moves his mouse wildly across the screen. We speak the same language and yet he just doesn't fucking understand and it pisses me off to no end.

>> No.50935032

what color

>> No.50935037

take a wild guess

>> No.50935320

>lay down the law is rape now
Islam was right about women

>> No.50935362
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a young buck yet to be broken

>> No.50935561

OP is a paragon of the reason why SWE and Codecucks are getting fired en masse while management and Data Analysts enjoy the life they were meant to have. It feels good

>> No.50935740

have sex incel

>> No.50935809

OP is definitely a failure that is lashing out because he refuses to admit that all his problems are self-made. He is quite literally the architect of his own misery. I always get a little giggle when I see these people because they're always blaming others for their own failures.

>> No.50935924

In 1940 a single man with a high-school dipmoma could support an entire family and own his home outright. Productivity has increased 10x since then but niggers women and bummer have sucked up 50x the resources so now everyone is fucking poor.

>> No.50936187

My girlfriend manages to make "meet me tomorrow at 1400" into a 20 minute speech

>> No.50936248

working with gen x men is indistinguishable from this. few things are more frustrating than walking away from a meeting with no idea what the fuck just happened and with 0 action items on paper, despite some director level retard rambling and screen sharing his schizophrenic chicken scratch excel workbook for an hour and fifteen minutes.

t. mid 30s millennial who works in corporate accounting

>> No.50936278

Western culture ruins girls growing up. They are the most entitled princesses on the planet. I thought the same as you until I started working with my Indian American coworker who's actually really diligent and knowledgeable.

>> No.50936428
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>be man
>apply for job
>nepotism hire gets job
>try to get other job
>ivy league jew gets job
>apply for other job
>company says too many men
>hire woman (bosses kid)
>hire minority (rich immigrant)
>apply for other job
>HR stacy giggles at resume gap
>she thinks to herself:
>"This chud is privileged and still unemployed?"

I'm pretty sure it's only going to get worse until a civil war breaks out

>> No.50936787

tell me you've never had a real job without telling me etc.

>> No.50936847

I love it, you have to create this false narrative just to protect your fragile ego. It would be hilarious, if it wasn't so very sad.

>> No.50936897

Really has nothing to do with ego, it is a detriment to my work productivity which is very annoying
if you weren't neet you might understand

>> No.50937003

>Really has nothing to do with ego
It's quite literally all ego on your part.

>if you weren't neet you might understand
Another false narrative just to defend your fragile ego. Quick to change that goal post, huh?

>> No.50937008


Holy fuck threads like these should be mandatory to see how many roasties are lurking

Tits or gtfo

>> No.50937098

Very based anon. I also can’t stand women for anything but having sex with. If this was truly a patriarchal society women would be sex objects.

>> No.50937113

Yes, it's totally the world that's against you. It's definitely not your own shortcomings and inadequacies.

>Verification not required.

>> No.50937241

You haven't given a bit of evidence how this is my "ego"
I am guessing you are in fact a woman given how you cannot defend your stance with any modicum of logic

>> No.50937354

And you haven't given a bit of evidence of this neet narrative you're trying so desperately to push on me. It's almost as if you know I'm right and need a way to change the conversation.

>I am guessing you are in fact a woman given how you cannot defend your stance with any modicum of logic
Case in point, changing goal posts. This right here is evidence that your entire argument is based on ego alone.

>> No.50937452

I love watching all the simp incels that show up and post insults and petty shit cuz they must defend wahmen they arent fucking. jesus fuck you simp incels are pathetic and cant handle it when someone DARE say non positive things about females even if what they say is true. you just absolutely go full simp incel white knight defend wahmen mode. lol and 99% of you still havent held a girls hand acting this way.

>> No.50937541
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Gaslighting roastie

>> No.50937603

How the fuck am i changing goal posts retard?
MY point is this:
>There is no possible way that someone could have had a job working with other women and NOT come to the conclusion laid out in OP
So either you are a troll, a simp, or have never had a real job. I hope for your sake it's the first or third.

>> No.50937694

Lol, I'm done arguing with you losers. You have circular logic and you'll never adapt to a situation to better yourselves. You're literally the architect of your own misery, and it shows.

>> No.50937773


Haha, yes. Its quite funny to realize so many women joined 4chan. In the beginning a lot of anons were incels and 20-30 women hate threads were mandatory, no arguments in them at all, just agreements that all women are lame, because in general they are.
They are high in negative emotion, screw and love assholes instead of you, wouldnt care if you die or become homeless and would like to have all your money.

>> No.50937796

>I'm done arguing
You never started arguing
An argument consists of a premise and a result

>> No.50937836

>You have circular logic
Ironic coming from (You)

>> No.50937903

>Architect of Misery
Thanks for song title