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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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50934607 No.50934607 [Reply] [Original]

Do you treat people with more money than you with respect and people with less money than you with contempt or is it just me?

>> No.50934628

I treat people with no respect by leaving them alone when they need help.

>> No.50934638

Just you. I treat poorer people with more respect, assuming they do care about their financials and not debtmaxing for consuming.

>> No.50934647

its how the world works
we always look up to people with money and look down on poors

>> No.50934664

How am I coming across peoples actual net worth in random interactions?

>> No.50934680

Same. Some guy asked me for $4. Shook my head and went on my way cause I was running late. Fuck him.

>> No.50934684

You can tell by the way they are dressed

>> No.50934696 [DELETED] 

i don't treat nor respect people
and fuck you

>> No.50934716

The first time I met a multi millionaire he was in dirty coveralls working on a beater car in a house worth like 70k. Doesn't seem like a workable strategy

>> No.50934739

I think it is more common among poor people to disrespect the poor and venerate the rich. The people I have known who had real money treated working folks with respect. Only "new money" takes on airs and condescends.

>> No.50934774

Clothing and the way they act are the two biggest indicators of wealth and class. I generally just ignore people though. I feel that apathy is preferable to open hostility.

>> No.50934779

probably just you anon. I'm rich off ETH thanks to bitdao buying hundreds every damn day. I still treat punks like you with no amount of respect.

>> No.50934791


>> No.50935505

Absolutely not.

>> No.50935540

Yes slighyly and everyone who said no is in denial.

>> No.50935552


>> No.50935582

I can tell you are poor

>> No.50935598
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Not always, I work in tech and some of seniors wear absolutely shit tier clothing
They do have good cars tho

>> No.50935719

No, I just call people names or insult them

t. Chad

>> No.50936141

Other way around for me

>> No.50936225
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I do the opposite. Poorer people and low-rung wagies are elated at getting respectful treatment and hearing things like "sir" for a change, and will bend over backwards for you. Wealthier people do the opposite - if you open with decorum, and then break formality and fuck with them, they're delighted and will act like you're in on some kind of secret together, and instantly you're a confidant.

>> No.50936912

i treat farmers and blue collar workers with most respect
then the rest second
but for rent-seekers i show no respect

>> No.50939312

I treat everyone equally. I'm not an ass eater to my boss and sometimes I throw snarky jokes at him and the nigga treats me like his left hand now unironically for not making our relationship some weird powerplay dynamic and just being a fuckin human to him lol