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50933274 No.50933274 [Reply] [Original]

The price hikes for gas and electricity are reaching consumers and business. People getting new contracts with insane gas/electric bills. Many people with lower end income cant afford it by any stretch imaginable.

Businesses are running on the sense we can survive those extreme high prices for some period of time until prices get back to normal. but prices arent getting back to normal anytime soon.

Think what this means for society, for the economy. When millions of people cant make their energy bills with the best intentions.
What it means when millions have zero discretionary income, after paying their bills.

I can say we are truly doomed by personal experience. Bills gas/electric went up threefold. whole income will be gone paying the bills. Dire times are ahead.

>> No.50933280

I really don’t give a fuck and you’re mega gay

>> No.50933283

Halt deine Fresse Polacke

>> No.50933286

It wont be that bad retard
Somehow they will manage it

>> No.50933295

Protest against your govt you neanderthal kraut. It's like being in a tunnel when you know a train is eventually going to run you over and yet still keeping an optimistic attitude.

>> No.50933304


>> No.50933306

you deserve it for being globohomo central
putin is right

>> No.50933308

The only tax we need is for public whining. It's really a disease, weak men crying over issues they aren't even trying to fix. It's embarrassing.

>> No.50933313
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its over

>> No.50933323
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>Protest against your govt you neanderthal kraut.

>> No.50933325
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Well historically kino things follow a fucked up German economy

>> No.50933329

We all knew this was coming.

Winter gonna fuck everyone up real nice like.

Strap in your northern hemisphere cucks you're about to realise just how bad things get in winter in a recession/depression.

>> No.50933332
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das land geht vor die hunde. zum glueck haben meine eltern und ich eigentum + geld auf der seite. mir tun nur die armen wageslaves leid die täglich malochen müssen nur um am ende mit +- 0 über die runden kommen zu müssen. für zusätzliche altersvorsorge bleibt da auch nie was übrig. gebe dem land noch so 5-10 jahre bevor die leute tatsächlich auf die straße gehen, noch gehts den meisten zu gut und das eigene leid kann als typischer deutscher recht lange unterdrückt werden.

>> No.50933345

If you are renting and can't afford to heat your flat during winter, can the landlord evict you to avoid mold growing?

>> No.50933362

Germany is shitty country. Taxes are high Women are shitty. Food sucks. People are sad. Weather sucks. And you are not even German anymore just mix of races with shitskins leeching money from you and impregnating your women. You will say, money but Germans don't make that much money anymore. Every based German should just leave to Thailand and chill , there is no recovery for this country because of demography niggers and arabs will outbreed you.

>> No.50933415

>Women are shitty
can you elaborate? are they at least attractive? in the US everyone is disgusting and fat and it makes trying to be friendly with anyone not worth it, especially women.

>> No.50933432

german women are whores and lefty-brained

>> No.50933443

the ones from the country side are still alright but its like that everywhere. avoid city women like the plague.

>> No.50933460

Go complain to your politicians who decided marginal pricing in the EU energy market was a good thing AND that shutting down nuclear was a good thing AND that relying completely on russian gas was a good idea

>Yay lets trade in the short run! Lets make some companies and traders filthy rich at the expense of all other people, companies and long term planning.

>> No.50933468

Tfw azubi

>> No.50933474

Schön weiter bücken goy und gut mit vaseline einschmieren, ja keine faxen machen

>> No.50933476

We germans are Ukraine cucks now. We fuck yourself up for those useless Ukrainians. They in return complain that we arent sending enough free shit to them, that we dont send enough money.

we should have sided with russian chad instead of broke weak shithole Ukraine. want to leech off us and cant provide jackshit

>> No.50933487

hab was gelesen von knapp 500 EUR mehrkosten PRO JAHR für nen 4 familien haushalt. totaler nothingburger, wieso könnt ihr nicht einfach mal aufhören so verdammt arm zu sein. am ende wird eh der staat einspringen für die die nicht mal das aufbringen können.

>> No.50933491

German women are famous for being ugly and asexual. They have high demands. They hate German and white men and fuck shitskins because of white guilt. They are all pro-migrant because muh nazis. They are racemixing in large numbers. Germans lack sense of humour or fun factor. You are surrounded by niggers, arabs and turks. Germany is sad factory of the world and Germans are work mules with little fun in their lifes. That's why life is sad there unless you are top Chad. If you go to South America or Asia life is million times more fun even you maybe more poor. I don't know a single person who wakes up in the morning and says "God, I'm so glad I'm in Germany". What dictates quality of life is 1) Weather and nature 2) Food 3) Available sexy women and Germany is very lacking in these departments. You can make some nice decent money there only to run away from this shithole.

>> No.50933493

This shit is beyond staged and gay. But the average eurocattle will have you believe its because of Putler and the fake war

>> No.50933494

Nothing will change if nobody shoots politicians in minecraft, simple as

>> No.50933495

You were doing good and then:
>but prices aren't returning to normal anytime soon
fucking retard. you would be too scared to actually look at global prices because it would shatter your worldview and make posting less fun. coping idiot bears

>> No.50933507

Secomd time in 80 years you germans cant pay the gas bill

when will you learn

>> No.50933517

muss gestehen das. ich mein es ist rausgeschmissenes geld aber wer so beschissenem mit seinem geld umgeht, dass er sich solche mehrkosten über paar jahre leisten kann hat weit größere probleme als gasumlage, corona oder was weiss ich. die meisten deutschen sind nicht in der lage mehr als 200€ im monat zur seite zu legen. hauptsache neuste iphone und der amg ist auf leasing in der garage. evtl. sollte man son fach in der schule einführen in dem man lernt wie man mit geld umgeht, scheinen die meisten nie gelernt zu haben.

>> No.50933535

du koffer, die preise haben sich für gas vervierfacht seit letztem jahr, für strom verdoppelt.

ZUSÄTZLICH zu dem kommt noch die Gasumlage von rund 500 Euro jährlich für einen Haushalt dazu.

>> No.50933555

Why is every single german post always just complaining?

>> No.50933562

faggot prices of energy are rising all over the world. if you numnut would take the time to check natural gas prices youd see prices tripled world wide. but here in europe way more than anywhere else.

another reason they wont be coming down is because are depended on imports. no country can substitute russian volumes. LNG is way way more expensive. and the infrastructure will take years to be built.

>> No.50933577

kennst du die durchschnittliche rente? hast du ein plan davon was das untere drittel der Arbeitnehmer verdient.

da geht sich keine verdreifachung der gasrechnung plus gasumlage und zusätzlich verdoppelung der stromrechnung aus.

>> No.50933599

we deserved it bro. every monday people go on the street to protest but its to few people and these few people get framed at right wing extremist or nazis in the media. we are fucked beyong measure, but people will realize it when its too late

>> No.50933608

ngl ist mir das untere drittel der arbeitnehmer scheiss egal. ich wünschte ich könnte dir jetzt was anderes sagen aber die sind mir genauso scheiss egal wie irgendwelche kinder in afrika. (so gehts im übrigen den meisten deutschen nur sind die wenigsten ehrlich)

>> No.50933612

How much does a kwh of elec and a kwh of gas cost to a domestic consumer in Germany just now?
In UK atm I'm paying
34.4p elec day per kWh
18p elec night per kWh
7.3p gas per kwh at all times
there is also a standing charge which is 42p/day elec and 27p/day gas
These prices are set to increase again in October, I think by 50%

>> No.50933615

does the rest of europe care about germoney?

>> No.50933629

um die ganzen spacken gehts doch gar nicht, es geht um kleine Familien oder rentner, die sich keine 500 Euro pro montat zurücklegen können für irgendwelche eventualitäten. die gehen bald auf dem zahnfleisch. klar kann man sagen "selber schuld", ist ja auch schön, wenn es dich selber gerade nicht betrifft aber mit dem dreck der aktuell abgeht hat glaube ich keiner gerechnet. und es kann ja auch durchaus alles noch teurer werden, dann betrifft es vielleicht auch dich irgendwann

>> No.50933645

>der aktuell abgeht hat glaube ich keiner gerechnet
also bitte. spätestens seit ampel an der macht ist hat man schon in corona zeiten gesehen wo die reise hingeht, dass es schlechter wird anstatt besser sollte jedem klar gewesen sein.

>> No.50933649

dont know about electricity rn but gas per kwh is around 13,7 cent + a new fee called "gasumlage", so thats 2,4 cent per kwh on top

so around 16 cent per kwh

>> No.50933657

>The price hikes for gas and electricity are reaching consumers and business.
Bitch I've paying 4x for gas for half a year now

>> No.50933666

>also bitte. spätestens seit ampel an der macht ist hat man schon in corona zeiten gesehen wo die reise hingeht, dass es schlechter wird anstatt besser sollte jedem klar gewesen sein.

das auf jeden fall, und ich finde es sogar gut, mich betrifft es nicht, ich komme noch gut klar. aber es leiden leider noch nicht genug leute, sonst würden deutlich mehr leute auf die straße gehen und deutlich weniger dieses pack wählen

alle selber schuld.

>> No.50933680

ich bin der meinung ein gewisses stück elend tut der aktuellen gesellschaft recht gut. ich garantiere dir, in den naechsten 10 jahren wird keiner mehr rot oder grün wählen. es ist wie mit kleinkindern und der herdplatte, irgendwann muss sich jeder mal die finger verbrennen um daraus zu lernen.

>> No.50933695

Because coomsumption was the only way to cope for Germans but now it's gone so they are double unhappy.

>> No.50933712


>> No.50933736
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You chose unwisely

>> No.50933791

A large part of the german industry requires natural gas one way or another, they make a lot products that require natural gas in the process.

>> No.50933841

Was soll ich denn machen?
Alle sind hier. Ich möchte bei meiner Familie und Freunden bleiben.
England ist mir zu depressiv und die USA zu verkommen. Ich hab nicht wirklich bock darauf eine andere Sprache zu lernen.
Noch kann ich hier ok leben. Immerhin lebe ich noch bei meinen Eltern für 400 EUR pro Monat zur Miete mit einem ziemlich anständigen Netto einkommen. Da mal 1500 Euro im Monat zurück zu legen ist für mich kein Problem.

Trotzdem steigt von Jahr zu Jahr meine Nervosität. Die Flucht nach oben startet jetzt so langsam. Der Andrang auf gut zahlende Positionen wird jetzt immer stärker werden. Diese Stellen werden mit die einzige Möglichkeiten sein seinen momentanen Lebensstandard zu erhalten.
Ich selber habe mich schon angefangen nach Jobs umzuschauen die eher 80k zahlen als meine 55k die ich jetzt bekomme. Vor 5 Jahren hätte ich gedacht, dass man mit 55k praktisch reich ist.

>> No.50933854

ach quatsch, es wird kein elend geben. 500 EUR/ jahr / 4personen ... das könnte der staat für alle covern wenn er wollte, dürfen auch nicht vergessen dass der staat kräftige einnahmen zurzeit macht durch die mehrwertsteuer auf inflationierte preise. wär doch gefundenes fressen für die opposition wenn da jetzt familien mit kleinen kindern nächstes jahr pleite gehen wenn sie ihre nebenkostenabrechnung kriegen. wird nicht passieren.
btw, habeck wird der nächste bundeskanzler. bildschirmfotografiere dies.

>> No.50933858

It's fucking stupid how the world is upsetting Germany of all countries. Last time they had shitty living standards they had such a hissy fit, we've learned nothing, leave germans alone.

>> No.50933864
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Germany is only just starting to pay its dues.

You've lived off cheap Russian gas, not caring where it came from. Your industry boomed, you lounged around in tshirts all winter while snow fell outside.
You could have prevented this. You could have been building nuclear plants, instead of shutting them down. You could at least have set up gas connections from Portugal and Spain (blame France for that one). You could have held your government accountable, even as Schroeder exited government straight into Gazprom.
But no. Your comfort, your imported niggers, your industry built on cheap gas couldn't afford it. Germany's modern predominance in Europe was built on cheap Russian gas.

So now you finally found the balls to end it. I commend you, but I'm afraid you're just gonna have to live with it and stop the whining, bitch boy. Get a blanket and learn to live like your neighbours in the south, whom you so falsely decried for being lazier and poorer than you. I'm rooting for Germany, but you people need to grow some fucking balls.

>> No.50933888

glaube mit 1500€ die du zur seite legst gehörst du zu den oberen 1% in deutschland... unironisch.

>> No.50933891

You're such a child if you can't even have a conversation without reducing everything to xenophobic bs and boring hate speech. It really is dull. It doesn't impress anyone, nor does it shape their opinion. It just sullies you. Liven up, anon.

>> No.50933901


>> No.50933906

Klaus Germany is just as degenerate as the US is. Holy shit. You krauts get shit on inside vacuum bags and shit because that's the only way you can pretend to be extreme anymore. You are all pussified twats.

>> No.50933940

I'm just stating a fact. For a country so high and mighty, it's pathetic how they come crying instead of having dealt with it beforehand.
I like Germany and went there a bunch of times. It just irks me that they bitch and whine like children when it's their turn to go through some shit.

>> No.50933985

who cares I am rich. for all I care you and your shit country can get fucked.

>> No.50933992

in was für ner traumwelt lebst du denn

>> No.50933997

>ach quatsch, es wird kein elend geben
Selbst wenn, egal wie hoch das elend, wir werden das doch schlucken.
Wir beschweren uns doch schon seit gefühlt der Wiedervereinigung über unsere Regierung und passieren tut nie etwas. Da kann meinetwegen die halbe Rentnerschicht komplett verarmen und es wird trotzdem nichts passieren.

>glaube mit 1500€ die du zur seite legst gehörst du zu den oberen 1% in deutschland... unironisch.
Das ist mir doch egal was jetzt ist, mich juckt nur was in der Zukunft ist. Und sobald ich einmal ausgezogen bin und nicht nur 400€ Miete zahle wird das nochmal anders aussehen. Da kommen andere kosten auf mich zu.

I'd rather see ten arabs in a single day then have to witness nigger behaviour that is so prevelant in your country. Can't even use public transportation without fearing for your own life.

>> No.50934001
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>> No.50934028

We literally don't even have electricity here anon, you fucking whiny first world bitch. Suck it the fuck up. ETH and MATIC are going to make me so rich that I'm going to buy your house you whiny bitch, fuck your wife and sell your kids to slavery. Retards will be given all the security and safety in the world and still find reason to complain.

>> No.50934031

>mit dem dreck der aktuell abgeht hat glaube ich keiner gerechnet
selbst dran schuld warum wählen die spackos auch grüne/spd. muh "hätte ja niemand mit rechnen können" ja nee die grünen haben schon vor 10-20 jahren erzählt sie wollen benzinpreise auf 5 euro den liter. die deutschen sind einfach nur strunzblöd und wer so dumm ist diese parteien zu wählen und dann bankrott geht weil er sich 500 euro im jahr nicht leisten kann dem ist eh nicht mehr zu helfen. würde ja abhauen aus diesem scheissloch aber anderswo ist es auch nicht besser die leute sind überall verblödet also was solls.
>in den naechsten 10 jahren wird keiner mehr rot oder grün wählen
dann wählen sie halt wieder CDU die leute hier sind einfach kernbehindert. 16 jahre lang hat merkel das land ruiniert und alle fanden es super. dann haben sie doch langsam keine lust mehr und wählen rot/grün und wundern sich dass es auch nicht beser wird. der gemeine deutsche ist zu dumm zum scheissen und hat ausser arbeit, fußbal und bier saufen eh nix in der birne. dieses land bekommt genau was es verdient schade nur dass ich in diesem drecksloch geboren wurde aber was soll man machen.

>> No.50934048

>Can't even use public transportation without fearing for your own life.
wie war das mit dem axt angriff vor paar jahren in einer s-bahn? öffentliche in großstädten sind nicht viel besser als die nigger im amiland ngl.

>> No.50934049

Good. Germany must die. And knowing its people, they will happily comply, for the cause.

>> No.50934059

hättsch was gscheits glernt

>> No.50934067

>dem axt angriff vor paar jahren
Sowas passiert so selten, dass es in der Zeitung erwähnt wird. In den US of A ist das doch daily business.

>> No.50934068

Germans will never take it to the streets as long as the MSM calls all protesters nazis. There are only two classs in Germany: ÖR "journalists" + politicians, and everybody else.

>> No.50934087
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And what most American posters fail to understand is that before the war, Germany bought the russian gaz very cheap, basically a 30% discount compared to market prices. And now it's gone forever and they have to pay the same price as everyone plus some. LMAO. I hope OP will make it soon and manages to leave his shithole ASAP.

Germans may not have a good sense of humor but they're the best at running gags.

>> No.50934104

ich stimme dir zu was die extreme härte des angriffs angeht, siehe auch die geschichte in frankfurt wo ein afrikaner eine mutter und ihr kind auf u-bahn gleise getreten hat. wir haben aber eine unfassbar hohe anzahl an nicht gewaltdelikten wie diebstahl/drohungen und dergleichen über die halt nicht berichtet wird. kannst mir nicht erzählen die leute in großstädten (nicht dass es mich interessiert) würden sich abends in einer u-bahn sicher fühlen.
>würde ja abhauen aus diesem scheissloch aber anderswo ist es auch nicht besser die leute sind überall verblödet also was solls.
glaube so gehts den meisten hier. es gibt nun mal aktuell keine vernünftigen alternativen, du hast nur die wahl zwischen pest und cholera.

>> No.50934176

Im very demoralized by this post. The government must into stop this.
Gruss von Karl from Brandenburg oblast

>> No.50934190

Am Ende des Tages ist es nur logisch: wir bekommen, was wir verdienen!

>> No.50934255

Get on the dutch level btw, insanity.

Current contracts are about 2.8 euro per m3 of natural gas.
So 0.28 euro per kWh (you get 10 kWh per m3 of gas)

I just installed 9kWp solar panels and have full electric heating system using heatpump so i will actually earn a lot of money because i can sell my excess solar power now for 0.7 euro kWh :-D fuck germany and above all fuck russia. As long as russians get obliterated by NATO weapons i will sleep like a baby, all is gucci

>> No.50934289
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That's why I'm getting out of the euro. still got 5000 of this shitcoin but really want to put it all in stablecoins.
Guess I'm still holding on to them in case this turns out to be a nothinburger but it seems to be total chaos.
Even nyrstar in the Netherlands shut down.

>> No.50934369
File: 217 KB, 900x646, germans_freeze.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fakt ist, die Deutschen haben 7 Trillionen auf den Konten. Das Geld muss in die Wirtschaft zurück.

>> No.50934374

>As long as russians get obliterated by NATO weapons i will sleep like a baby, all is gucci
oh no no no no

>> No.50934409

holy shit bist du ich? was sollen wir machen?

>> No.50934420

>Deutschen haben 7 Trillionen auf den Konten
du meinst damit vermutlich 6 trillionen haben die 100 reichsten familien auf den konten und die durchschnitts deutschen haben die restliche trillionen?

>> No.50934466

Vatnik propaganda. No price is too high to solve Russia once and for all.

>> No.50934486

low iq

na they wont

"protest" - lmfao. This guy is the dumbest person in the thread.

another low IQ person

wont happen due to the fascist U.S.S.A overlords you see, everything is happening according to plan. Germany is not a sovereign country.

>Durrr im fucking retarded and dont understand what it means when europes largest economic engine cant turn anymore

Off yourself.

this guy gets it. But politics is just copium. Sorry. Noone will save us from this but ourselves.

>Lel I laugh at the less fortunate, surely im based now right mom ?
All of europe is like this Anon. Maybe you'll care when you see what impact this will have on the world.
ALRIGHT OP.... What is the best course of action for all of us, now ?
We invest accordingly.
What has really changed ? Nothing as far as im concerned. As the Ukraine war ramped up, we knew this was coming.

Personally I am of the opinion that they will use MonkeBox as the next qandem!c to paper over problems, or try at least. And what they will do after that is to blame the spread of this virus on Russia. (https://www.nti.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/11/NTI_Paper_BIO-TTX_Final.pdf))

Furthermore, you will see, LNG, Oil, and such commodities go through a super cycle. Buying gas on the pullbacks now is probably wise.
Nothing changes, we use this information accordingly, and we help ourselves. Germany and regular people everywhere in europe are going to suffer - as we knew we would - but people like you and me can still make it out like bandits.

You can not stop the WEF from doing what they have planned. You can only be the captain of your own ship, basically.

>> No.50934500

such a fucking loser. So clueless too.
Really sad to see.

>> No.50934502

Ich meine die Deutschen nörgeln viel, das ist in ihrem Volkscharakter. In Deutschland sind die Bio-Deutschen die Oberschicht, die Ausländer die Unterschicht - dafür wurden sie ja nach Deutschland geholt, um nämlich die Unterschicht-Arbeiten zu verrrichten. Die ganzen Trillionen sind in der Hand von den Bio-Deutschen. Sie meckern, um dieses Geld nicht zu verlieren.

Ansonsten haben - die Wahlen hin oder her - die Amerikaner in Deutschland die Oberhand. Ihnen sind die Deutschen egal, sie handeln rein wirtschaftlich.

>> No.50934511

>As long as russians get obliterated by NATO weapons i will sleep like a baby, all is gucci

Meneer Swijnman.....ik heb slechte nieuws voor je......

>> No.50934513

They are making this shit up. Finance "experts" say that the government lies and it will be more like 200-300€ per month. Never trust the government when it comes to money or health. They lied about the vax, gave the corona money to refugees and muslims who faked companies and never paid it back. No that they refuse to by gas or provide other energies for germany they expect everyone to for pay for it.

They had 0 reasons to save that gas company for billions when they raise prices anyways.

>> No.50934529

You can start educating people to buy ETH stop paying taxes of any kind and rebel as a whole.
You have nothing to lose other not freezing to death

>> No.50934558

I am from Croatia and I'm doing fine. The price increases are barely noticeable. Russia is doomed, and you will not escape little vatnik. It's over for you and your monke.

>> No.50934581
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>oh no germany bad i hate it here it's the worst
literally JUST. MOVE.
t. czechfag

>> No.50934595

Your a fucking idiot. Russia will win for sure. To many resources. Russia is not Croatia, you know.

>> No.50934604

just don't be poor lmao

>> No.50934608
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Nemas pojma, sto te ceka, debilu

>> No.50934619

>russia will win
oчeнь cмeшнo. тaк жe cмeшнo кaк кoгдa я мaть твoю пpямo в жoпy eбaл. a oнa пpипepдeлacь

>> No.50934622


>> No.50934623

If Germany and EU was based they would invade north africa dispose useless people and take over gas and oil fields in Libya and Algeria.

>> No.50934644

Bulle hier. In dem Beruf ist man am Puls der Zeit und ich sage euch eins: wir sind sowas von am Arsch. Wenn ich die heutige Jugend erlebe, die von nix einen Plan hat, weder richtig lesen noch schreiben kann und nur am Social Media konsumieren ist, wird mir angst und bange. Mit dem zusätzlichen Druck durch den Klimawandel und der Notwendigkeit dieser Energieqende sind wir eh am Arsch.

tldr die fetten Jahre sind vorbei

>> No.50934667

Nuclear weapons shut the mouth of any bastard, even if he is the USA.

Russia unites the USSR into a greater Russia, but you morons will not understand this.

>> No.50934670

Dabei geht es nur um die Umlage, haben gerade den Brief vom Versorger bekommen, September verdoppelt sich der Strompreis, mehrkosten von 1200€ pro Jahr und da ist die Umlage noch nicht dabei. Gas wahrscheinlich nochmal das selbe oder mehr.

>> No.50934687

Electricity was just moved to 60c per kwh from 30c, got the letter last week

>> No.50934713

Get a fucking life you prick. Everyone is complaining about energy prices. You just singled out this guy because you were trying to whip up anti-(insert whatever country) feeling. What the fuck does 'for a country so high and mighty' even mean in this context? And then to try to boil everything you dislike politically about an entire nation state down into a verbal insult on one person whom you've never met in your life, for daring to begin a perfectly reasonable discussion about energy prices. Jesus.
You are a grade-A fucking idiot. Seriously.

>> No.50934723

You will never get 70c for kwh, do you really think you get the same that others have to pay for it? Lmao

You may get 20c if youre lucky, unironically

>> No.50934751

sag ma. das war so anfang corona zeit, freitag abend nach der arbeit. ich setz mich so auf ne öffentliche parkbank und esse so ne kleinigkeit weil schönes wetter und so. auf jeden fall kommt son oberkommisar mit schusssichererweste in zivil und will erstmal personal kontrolle? stellt fest mein perso ist abgelaufen und gibt mir ordnungswiedrigkeit über 100€. ich hab nur meinen scheiss salat gegessen auf ner öffentlichen parkbank in ner naehe von nem wald. ich war jahrelang auf eurer seite aber bei so einer pisse platzt mir halt echt der kragen, in wieweit hat er mir jetzt als freund und helfer geholfen?

>> No.50934753

What countries in SA or Asia?

>> No.50934754

Are we accounting for the energy crisis about to consume all of Europe

>> No.50934789

I picture that happening in the timeline where the nazis won

>> No.50934803

Kill all your politicians and make peace with Russia. Then gas the kikes again.

>> No.50934836

>muh nukes
fuck off nigger. I lived at a nuclear test site. nukes are a meme for idiot libshits and dumb commies and niggers

>> No.50934871

Can someone please explain to me why of all EU it's Germoney so fucked while unproductive shitholes like Italy are somewhat doing less worse?
> t. Italian neet

>> No.50934887

>nato didnt invade Libya in 2011 to pillage its oil fields

>> No.50934900

an italian engineer with a masters degree earns about the same as an educated factory worker here in germany and you guys have more or less the same living expenses and costs. we are fucked but you guys have it worse.

>> No.50934902

You don't need an asston of petrochemicals to make pasta and call it a day at 11am.

>> No.50934952
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>> No.50934969
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the reason you're poor is because you keep complaining. You keep complaining because you stay poor. It's your fate, g*rman. Your scummy kind is the reason this continent keeps failing at everything. Why don't you just shut up for a change?

>> No.50934971

I see cute German girls here in the UK all the time. Their voices and accents are really nice too. I have also found them to be suitably loose and open to having sex with me (white bong).

>> No.50935004

Hitlerism is an English invention. Hitler is an agent of the US banking system. Follow the money.

>> No.50935020

t. kike

>> No.50935036

Sry anon. Ich fürchte, dass der Kollege dir in dem Fall nicht geholfen hat. Ich persönlich habe immer nur mündlich verwarnt.

>> No.50935041

>You can not stop the WEF from doing what they have planned. You can only be the captain of your own ship, basically.

Most intelligent thing I've read on this board

>> No.50935042

just shower cold bro.
Just live like a homeless person and spend only 90% of your income on shit basic food and electricity + gas. It's a good life no?

>> No.50935081
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>> No.50935083
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You ain't foolin' anyone, Chaim.

>> No.50935097
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>> No.50935107

German "success" in the last 2 decades since eurozone was established is entirely made on the extremely cheap oil and lpg, Frankfurt and Brussels kikes indebting all other lesser/vassal EU countries bu abusing the euro and other economic leavers of control EU has, and the cheap resources from Europe be it manpower and skilled people or materials, while having preferential position to sell goods and products to their markets.

example would be Greece buying a ship for its merchant marine by taking a credit line from a German bank and commisioning it in a German shipyard.
In the end that Greek ship does work for globalist trade that is essential for German success, while Greece is going into debt and while German shipyard is used to full capacity to make it.

When you treat allies and friendly nations like that they do not need enemies.

>> No.50935118

Die Leute wollen doch gar kein Geld zurücklegen.
Was sie wollen ist folgendes:
1) Breitbildfernseher
2) Netflix etc Abo
3) Neuwagen auf Kredit oder Leasing
4) Flugreise nach Malle (siehe Situation auf Flughäfen)
5) neues Händy
6) rauchen
7) schicke Klamotten
8) essen gehen, Party machen
9) grün wählen
10) Kernkraft nein danke

Selber schuld, sag ich da. Ich hab keinen Bock auf alles da oben, hab in Krypto investiert, gehodlet und sitz nun auf €700.000. Mein Bedauern für die struntzdumme Unterschicht hält sich in Grenzen.

>> No.50935136

mir schon klar dass er mir nicht geholfen hat und die meisten haben mich bezüglich dem perso tatsächlich nur verwarnt. typ war halt verantwortlich fuer sone anti-drogen gruppe hier die er wohl leitet aber wieso sollte man einen mitte 30 jährigen weißen mann der nur gemütlich seinen salat isst kontrollieren? sorry aber jahre nach der geschichte bin ich immernoch ein wenig sprachlos.

>> No.50935200
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OP started this thread to whine, Hans, so I'm whining about him and his country more generally.
Energy prices are what they are because Europe has failed to prepare. Specifically, Germany has failed to prepare, and they have the gall to complain, while they in fact have been the most privileged country in Europe and their fellow EU members have been suffering way worse. See for example >>50935107

Again, I salute their willingness to wean off Russian gas, and I very well hope they don't collapse and bring the whole continent down with them. But they should have weaned sooner and have been more prepared for it, it's just a fucking fact.

Now, you either can't understand what I wrote, or what everybody else wrote, or you're just the blackest, dumbest, most gorilla nigger in this thread. Now go back and don't return.

>> No.50935201

Jeder bulle den ich kenne ist ja so ganz in ordnung, freiwillig dieser regierung zu dienen, dafür verdient ihr aber alle eine persönliche straßenlaterne


>> No.50935204

All they had to do was keep Weimar Germany. Way simpler for the banks, retard

>> No.50935208
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Jokes on you, I already own a sizeable collection of woolen blankets and garments and I fully intend to stay /comfy/ this winter regardless of the house being heated or otherwise.

>> No.50935211

Weil du wahrscheinlich in einer "Maskelpflicht-Zone" gesessen hast. Ich fand das persönlich derart lächerlich, dass ich oftmals einfach weggefahren habe. Haben meine Kollegen übrigens auch zu 99% gemacht. Tut mir natürlich leid für dich

>> No.50935223

Haste die 700k ausgezahlt?

>> No.50935241

Wir dienen nicht der "Regierung" sondern dem Staat. Und du bist auch Teil des Staates

>> No.50935244

Hoffe du überkommst dann irgendwann mal deine Minderwertigkeitsgefühle :((
>Ich MUSS den Ballermann am Gürtel tragen sonst fühle ich mich klein
Bullen sind so dumm, den meisten fällst erst kurz vor der Rente auf

>> No.50935263

hahahahaha idiots in charge made it so you're now literally putins lap dog. cry harder and build nuclear.

>> No.50935265

mehr oder weniger alle diese punkte. mir gefaellt da immer punkt 3. leute nehmen sich einen 7 jahre kredit um sich ein auto zu kaufen, dass sie sich garnicht leisten können. 7 fucking jahre.

>> No.50935310

Wenn die regierung beschließt "Maskenpflicht Zonen" aufzustellen und ihr diese durchsetzt dann dient ihr der regierung. Eine regierung die aktiv gehen das deutsche volk arbeitet, ups darf man ja nicht mehr so sagen.

>> No.50935382

Das is ja dass tolle an einem Rechtsstaat. Als Bürger kann man gegen sowas klagen. Es gab genügend Verwaltungsgerichte, die zahlreiche Maßnahmen für rechtswidrig erklärt und einkassiert haben

>> No.50935425

Look it up you dumb nigger, if you want to know: Eneco in the Netherlands are offering this rate if you follow the "model contract".

>> No.50935451

This is less an issue of heating homes than it is keeping factories running. If gas is rationed to prioritize domestic use, industry will fail. Industry is a huge deal for Germany. Without it we'll see employees laid off, businesses shut down, and more and more people in unemployment. This causes a depression and fucks the entire EU.

Maybe it'll be a nothingburger. In any case they're retarded for letting this happen. Maybe they'll Reich-up again that'd be cool.

>> No.50935453

This is what you faggots get for turning on Hitler

>> No.50935457
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Cope harder ivan. Send in your ali express attack dogs lmao

>> No.50935478

Do Czech women crave the GDS(Großer Deutscher Schwanz)?

>> No.50935485

>>50935425 replied to the wrong post

>> No.50935501

Fuck germany. Fuck north europeans. Arrogant retards.

>> No.50935509
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Kicking out the US and cooperating with Putin is the only way for Germany. The US will give a shit even if the entire European continent blows up. Only Putin can create a threat on US soil and drive them the hell out of Europe.

>> No.50935526

You know what germ(ans)?
You should not have attacked France in 1940
Now you will reap what you sowed
Rest in peace snowniggers

>> No.50935568
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>> No.50935613
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oh...well... at least it can't get much worse haha

>> No.50935620

At the risk of repeating myself, what has OP's energy concerns got to do with the behavious of his government? That's like me blaming you personally for the wars in the middle east because you're a yank. Can't you see how full blown, off the scale retarded that is? Do you think individuals are responsible for the actions of their government? That's mind-bogglingly thick and if you can't see it there's not much point in continuing this conversation. You're a small-minded fool who should stop consuming tv news, my man.

>> No.50935662

>Das is ja dass tolle an einem Rechtsstaat. Als Bürger kann man gegen sowas klagen
das ist so richtig dummes bullengeschwätz als ob es in diesem land noch einen funktionierenden rechtsstaat geben würde. die scheiss maskenpflciht kommt jetzt zum 3. in folge obwohl es offensichtlich das grundgesetz bricht. und bei dem korrupten BGH bringt auch ne klage nix. auf cannabis legalisierung warte ich auch seit 1998. aber hauptsache die scheiss bullen setzen jeden blödsinn auch noch durch, die meisten von euch würden auf ihre eigenen landsleute das feuer eröffnen wenn sie den befehl dafür bekommen, weil BEFEHL IST BEFEHL WAS SOLL ICH MACHEN eigenständig denken/handeln kann ein bulle ja nicht.
deshalb ACAB

>> No.50935674
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>yet another vatnick thread
Ivan shouldn't you get ready to be beaten by your brother who is also your father?

>> No.50935723

>auf cannabis legalisierung warte ich auch seit 1998
ist witzig. ich warte jetzt schon seit die ampel und weed versprochen hat und bisher ist immernoch NICHTS passiert. warscheinlichkeit dass auch nichts mehr kommt ist relativ hoch. alles nur leere versprechungen wie immer.

>> No.50935753
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You never dealt with Germs.
Its similar type of faggotry like the moderate muslims that smirk when a not so moderate muslim blows up some infidels, or a fat dumb american that would choose millions of dead arabs just so his gallon of oil is 20 cents cheaper at the pump, or an anglokike that will backstab his fellow men while pakis rape his country.

I just wish that for every time a German flag posted >pay debts on /int/ and /pol/ to Greeks one German freezes to death.

Oh and to quote one Dutch anon said when he posted his 1100 euro bill for gas in April
>I thought this happening was irrelevant and like in some far away imaginary land I didnt think my bill would double I wanted to buy new pants and go to Denmark for a weekend but now I cant afford it

Thats typical arrogance and faggotry and hubris by blinded western fags that imagine they live in a different world.

>> No.50935766

als sie hier 2020/21 das grundgesetz ausser kraft gesetzt haben das ging ganz flott, hat keine woche gedauert. Schengen abkommen 2015 ausser kraft gesetzt, auch kein thema. aber cannabis legalisieren... oh nein oh nein, das ist sehr kompliziert, das geht nicht von heut auf morgen, da muss erst mal ein ausschuss gegründet werdne, und dann gibts ja noch UN konventionen blablabla. am ende eh alles nur dummes geschwafel wenn der politische wille da ist gehen die verrücktesten dinge hier ganz schnell es besteht offensichtlich kein interesse daran die versprechen auch mal zeitnah einzulösen.

>> No.50935803

> I wanted to buy new pants and go to Denmark for a weekend
typical dutch faggot activities

>> No.50935834

Pay denbts Varoufakis

>> No.50935839
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>> No.50935864
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>> No.50935890


>> No.50935902

Ok du kompensierst dein scheissleben also mit den drei theoretischen säulen moderner Demokratien. Bisschen lahm, nicht? Schätze du bist <= 30 Jahre alt

>> No.50935904

You're not doomed. You'll just be poor, that's all.

>> No.50935931
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>> No.50935939

shut up pussy.

>> No.50935952

>1100 euro bill for gas in April
did he accidentally left the oven on?

>> No.50935977

>you never dealt with Germans
I've met plenty of Germans in my time. What makes you think I haven't? What's your experience of them, a basket weaving forum? Woop de do
>Oh and to quote one Dutch anon...
Steady on, he's expanding the xenophobia! Now it's the Dutch he's finger pointing at!
My God, but you live in a bubble. Your entire world view is shaped by comments you've seen in some online and you feel it's fair to extrapolate these blinkered ideas out to encompass entire regions
You're so typical of someone whose life has been spent behind a screen, munching doritos and scratching his balls. You actually disgust me. Having said that, I hope you find some peace in your life with that fucked up outlook

>> No.50936014
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>disassembling all sources of energy because you have to be green
>depend on a soviet manlet to get your energy instead
>soviet manlet pulls the cord and now you are begging for gas anywhere else
Who could have predicted this?

>> No.50936038


>> No.50936039

Fuck the dutch. Fuck the germans. Fuck the french. Fuck the scandanavians.

People from these countries are unbelievably stupid and arrogant too. They could have it all, but they choose to be smug and retarded.

Italy greece and spain are the only non shit european countries.

>> No.50936052

The Germans will never be poor. They are the Jews of Europe.

>> No.50936058

Gefällt es dir in Deutschland?

>> No.50936176

Germany is done. Their government is being run for the benefit of another country, and people are too cowardly to do anything about it. Same as when they had to accept million shitskins for reasons. Hard truth is that best of Germany died before 1945, this pathetic leftover can evaporate. For their credit, they did try 1939-1945, but failed unfortunately cause of their gothic autism.

>> No.50936199

The jews are the jews of europe you absolute fucking retard.

>> No.50936207

Goddamn NS2, you faggots. You could have shared influence with Russia over Europe, ally them and kick the Anglos from Europe once and for all. Instead you decided to obey the Mutts and destroy yourself in the process. You are too cucked. Go arm your military ffs properly and hope Ukraine loses hard

>> No.50936254
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Shut up Fritz. You're going to vote for more of it year after year. You probably say you vote Green party so you can get sex like the little feminate bitch that you are. I have nothing but contempt for you. Get off my board.

>> No.50936261

Germany failed because of 1939-1941. Thanks to anglokikes.

>> No.50936271

>Go arm your military ffs properly and side by side with ukranians drive asiatic hordes from Europe.


>> No.50936275

All the real jews are in US now.

>> No.50936321

Elections in Germany do not play any role at all. Everything in Germany is run by the US kikes. Get back to reality.

>> No.50936355

And let Mutts keep influencing Poland and the rest of EE so Germans can't create their EU superstate?
But given the idiocy of Germans it might be better that never get that.

>> No.50936377

this. if it wasn't for jews (ticker: israel, ticker: qatar, ticker: UAE), euros would be getting dirt cheap egyptian gas that is sitting doing nothing in the Mediterranean.

>t. thirdoid paying $10 monthly gas bill

>> No.50936390

Thank the green party lmao and you are so fucking naieve that russkis won't fuck you over the long term

>> No.50936400

lol germans will die like dogs thanks for making my day

>> No.50936410

This is what the US is afraid of. The unification of Germany and Russia will throw the Anglo-Saxons to the sidelines of history, where they belong.

>> No.50936436
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>I understand
>Do you?
>Do YOU? This is it! I'm telling you this is it!

>> No.50936446

If you are, say, highly educated and well-off in Portland, OR, no women you know or encounter will be fat.

>generalizing America


>> No.50936448
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Guy you need to help. C'mon what have we ever done to you?

>> No.50936452

and nothing of value was lost

>> No.50936480

The main geopolitical goal of the Anglo-Saxons has always been to keep Russia outside of Europe, Germany under Europe. But everything comes to an end sometime. This is why the US is afraid of Putin. Putin is the new god of the Anglo-Saxons ... ha ha ...

>> No.50936514

so that your cess pool of shitskins and drunk germans can not freeze to death in a few months? topkek
germans stand no chance against the egyptian/ north african military anyways. euros have no energy to power their already weak military, it's over for you before it even started.

>> No.50936552 [DELETED] 

Ja, sehr gut sogar. Besser wegen bullenspacken wie dir weil ich euren Rassismus liebe denn es ist die einzige Hilfe die ihr mir leistet

>> No.50936570

into usd stablecoins?

>> No.50936574

but on the other hand your masters in Washington are pleased with your subservience and I'm sure they'll let you export some things to the US in return. Just make sure your gas price stays high and you will never become a threat to your vassalage to the US. You have to understand Hans, the jews in America are anxious about losing #1, so vassals need to increase their tribute while they scare you into line by starting wars with the challenger to the hegemon.

>> No.50936593
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>see? if youre a phd multimillionaire in this small region of the country you can see skinny girls when youre outside!

>> No.50936615
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>Putin is the new god of the Anglo-Saxons ... ha ha ...
Delusional kek

>> No.50936641

Don't give him any ideas, we're fucking full.
I think the general outlook of Germans here is that you guys are a bit cucked. Also tourists.

>> No.50936722

Tough to hear but its the truth

>> No.50936907

germany died in 45'

>> No.50936992

>Russia will win for sure.
Win what; exactly?

>> No.50937040

Direct pipeline to Europe without Bidens middleman oil companies taking a cut out of every cubic meter of lpg?

>> No.50937346

shit like this makes me wonder how the fuck jews always get in position of power like that
i look up kirill shamalov
dude has some shit degree
gets executive position *after graduating* at 25 years of age in biggest gas company
must be some kind of joke
the guy's physiognomy screams
> i'm a rat-faced total piece of shit

>> No.50937353

hope you die lolz, thanks for saving shitkraine

>> No.50937674

>I am from Croatia and I'm doing fine
That's because your country has been a 3rd world shithole from the very beginning and you're used to eating dogshit for breakfast and sucking off german tourists for a living

>> No.50937841

Actually, average food there is beyond comprehension of most americans. They don't really understand how bad is the food they eat daily. Rest of your post is true tho

>> No.50937907
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Yet the Germs won't do anything. I'm convinced that 2 WW's had a noticable dysgenic effect on the population. The meek cucks that stayed at home inherited Germoney.

>> No.50937957

Polcels on suicide watch

Imagine thinking it's beneficial for Germany to snub economic relations with the civilized world in favor of 1.5% world GDP mongol shithole selling earth-mud that nobody will use in 10 years anymore.

The mistake was becoming dependant on Russia, got getting rid of it

>> No.50938008

what are you planning on using instead of earth mud?

>> No.50938038

this and see >>50936574

>> No.50938089
File: 118 KB, 478x700, BACB5762-2177-482C-BBFF-3F68D2BE8F53.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know what to do. Do it.

>> No.50938148

it's not about Russia faggot, it's China-Russia-Germany that every financial jew is afraid of. Chinese production capacity, Russian resources and German invention and engineering. We are taking a big detour due to current alliances, but it will happen. In fact it already started in Ukraine. Poland has ambitions and Russia and Germany will get much closer as a result.

>> No.50938256

you germans have it fucking easy.
t. estonian
Inflation 25% by the end of summer.
average take come income less than 1300€ per month. (thats 15K per year)
energy prices up 300-500%
electricity is like 30-80 cents per kWh.
Tomorrow there's one hour when its 4000€/MWh
You guys have 3x our average salaries so you can swallow it easily.
I have 0 disposable income.
This coming winter my salary wont even cover my rent (500€) + energy bills (up to 900€ for gas) and like 100€ for electric + water like 20€ + garbage 15€
I should also eat something?????

>> No.50938277

also natural gas is 2,78€ per m3

>> No.50938367
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>asiatic hordes
Life imitates art

>> No.50938465
File: 148 KB, 120x161, 42E880F5-B386-4F7C-88FA-DF0700BAE8D7.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A-at least you have f-free healthcare, r-right?

>> No.50938467

That's the old playbook. New Germany will send its whitest women to the frontlines so that they can take the opposing army's BBC thereby distracting them and securing a path to victory.

>> No.50938504

that's a fake dumbass. SCMP is based in Hong Kong which as you know is now run out of Beijing.

>> No.50938540

11c in freedom land lmfao

>> No.50938541

how about you tell your Polish Commonwealth politicians to look at a map and pipe down with the rhetoric. No shit you're being squeezed rn

>> No.50938565

kek based

>> No.50938840

The truth is, the USA cucked us. Kanzler Scholz never wanted to deliever heavy weapons to shithole Ukraine. He didnt want to become a war party. Our own interest are a someone okay relation ship with Russia. We import alot of energy, gas, coal, oil and they in return buy a shitton of cars, machines, technology from us.

The US forced germany to deliever weapons, put on more sanctions. and like the cucks that we are, we did it.

north stream 2 was perfect cause it would have delievered straight from russia to germany without the shithole countries in between. US didnt want that, germany would have been less depend on ukraine, it would have meant better relations to russia. they cucked us.

>> No.50938841

>yeah, good thing you have such great freedoms and a strong national sentiment to turn things around.
get fucked germans. you welcomed rapefugees in and your merkel bitch dictates demands to the rest of europe. you're too busy getting drunk and praising mohammed to fix your culture.

>> No.50938922

You retards cucked yourselves when you shut down your nuclear. Absolute idiocy.

>> No.50939077


How do i avoid taxes on stocks in germany?
>T. Kartfoffel asking for a friend

>> No.50939190

Good. Get fucked. You'd have never been allowed that by your masters anyway. I hate Germans with every fibre of my slavic cock

>> No.50939200

Keep voting the Greens, I need my daily dose of real life comedy

>> No.50939221


Dann sollen diese Insekten halt sterben, wer keine 500€ am Monatsende übrig hat soll durch natürliche Auslese ausgemerzt werden. Not my problem das Geringverdiener nicht genug leisten. Und so Harzer würde ich mit Wassermännern tag und täglich mit wärmebildkamera verfolgen und die ganzen bezüge streichen, widerliche Kakerlaken diese H4 Neets.

>> No.50939322

Die Sache ist die Mr. Erdnusshirn. Sobald die Masse nicht zahlen kann beginnt Panik, Anarchie und Raubzüge. Schwache cucks wie du sind die ersten die dann ausgenommen werden wir eine Weihnachtsgans. Und nein, keiner wird dich dann beschützen, auch nicht deine Mama.

>> No.50939370

And why did your cuck leaders decide to kowtow to the mutts fully knowing that they’re fucking you over with no lube?
Not my problem if you krauts froze to death like cucks over a bunch of nigger-brained Slavs.

>> No.50939392

>Panik, Anarchie und Raubzüge
Lmao normies sind fucking dumm aber auf /biz/ kann man sich verlassen noch dümmer idioten zu finden.

>> No.50939435


ist das so cupcake?
ich glaube eher bio kartoffeln wie du sind die ersten die von den Syrern permanent auf die fresse bekommen in so einem szenario, komm geh und kleb dich wieder auf fahrbahn und lass deine freundin von matumbo besteigen und feiere das als modern und progressiv.
und vergiss nicht in dein twitter account #vegan und #cuck zu schreiben.

>> No.50939470

Welch Eloquenz, wahrlich eines Versagers würdig. Aber keine Sorge, sogar für dich besteht noch Hoffnung auf Bildung Kleiner, du musst nur zuerst lernen zu lesen!

Ich weiß es wird hart, aber ich glaube an dich!

PS: Grüß deine Mutter von mir und sag ihr sie soll ihren BH bei mir abholen.

>> No.50939483

There are probably more US troops in Germany than the entire fighting capability of the Bundeswehr. Germany and Japan are still occupied countries.

>> No.50939489
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>10-12 bucks more each month
oh no, the world is ending. better quit your netflix account, consoomer goy!

>> No.50939506


99% von den die keine 100€ auf seite legen können sind linkswähler die die grünen und SPD versuchen mit slogans wie "übergewinnsteuer" und co an sich zu binden.
Unironisch, bei den nächsten Wahlen kommt RRG und 4chans Biz wird zensiert da es zu kapitalistisch und amerikanistisch ist.

>> No.50939520

nichts wird passieren, du träumer. du klingst wie ein panischer prepper, der sein ganzes leben auf die revolution wartet, die niemals kommt.

>> No.50939540

It's going to be more like 500 more

>> No.50939544

Correct, but in the end they let them cuck them so their at fault, the US is just the black bull wanting some pussy, scholz and co. are the cucks that let germany get fucked

>> No.50939575

Bin kein Bio Deutscher, also sry wenn ich dich enttäuschen muss. Moslems sind allerdings meine Hauptbeute, die und deren Gott lecken des öfteren den Boden vor mir auf.

Ich gehe davon aus das du auch so ein Shitskin bist, kein deutscher hat weder deinen bemitleidenswerten Wortschatz, noch den Mut sich zu widersetzen. Und jetzt geh weiter den Schwanz deines Vaters lutschen, vlt. findest du so die Erleuchtung.

>> No.50939576

no its not. its 140 bucks for a whole year. your stupid disney plus subscription costs more

>> No.50939599

look for the silver lining klaus, after bankruptcy your welfare state will dissolve and the leeches will leave

>> No.50939623

We're talking about Germany, not Muttopia

>> No.50939629
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Wenn die Leute nach diesem winter immernoch rot und grün wählen wander ich aus

Was sag ich... machen sie sowieso, weil Zitat "die grünen sind unsere einzige chance (für die umwelt)", zitat eines 30jährigen studierten, uns ist nicht mehr zu helfen

>> No.50939646

140 bucks per person, for a whole year. total nothingburger!

>> No.50939660


Deutschland hat es doch selber in der hand, die daxkonzerne schütten milliarden an gewinnen aus welche ins ausland an die amis, sand nigger und insektenfresser im osten geht.
Wenn der 0815 wagecuck auch nur halbwegs 1% an sein heimatland glauben würde dann würde er aktien kaufen, macht es aber nicht da wagecuck almans eine allergie auf aktien haben und lieber pfandflaschen am bahnhof sammeln.
Kannst mir nicht erzählen das es leute gibt die am ende mit +- 0 dastehen, das ist ein meme von den linksgrünversifften nixkönnern ausm bundestag. jedes mal wenn ich diese bude von solchen cucks sehe dann sehe ich so viel konsumscheiße, aboscheiße, und dann rauchen die wie behindert. Wenn man will kann man sparen nur der 0815 almancuck-arbeiter ist zu gemütlich in seiner bubble.

Bin froh das ich bald von den Dividenden leben kann, dann wandere ich in den Süden aus und ihr könnt froh sein mit der Grünen Jabba the Hut (Riccarda Lang)

>> No.50939702 [DELETED] 
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hartz4 weiber mit lackierten fingernägeln, zigaretten und tattos heulen von wegen kein geld.

>> No.50940113 [DELETED] 

Zeig titten

>> No.50940585 [DELETED] 

we are, our leaders are, absolute retards. shutting down nuculear energy was not only retarded but it was extremly expensive. the goverment paid billions and billions in compensation for the energy coperations AND billions to dismantle the power plants. its very costy and takes years to dismantle.

>> No.50940610

faggot you are aware that this is on top of tripple gas and electric bill. this is just the icying on the cake

>> No.50940750


I have never seen a country with such a naive view of the world or how economics work. But it's why Merkel was in power for so long and how Germany is in the situation its in.

>Go back to 2000s
>Balanced budget, great living standards despite integrating East Germany
>Join Euro
>Suddenly able to export more without the currency appreciating as quickly
>Still does but with a massive trade surplus
>Kills other countries exports in Euro since they can't devalue their currency when they need to, kill economic growth
>Euro continues to to appreciate, German exports start becoming um-competitive
>Decide to screw workers and make them accept lower wages to maintain exports
>Make Russia your biggest energy supplier
>Make China your biggest export market
>Agree to technology transfers
>Turn away from your biggest ally about these risks of getting screwed because Fuck Trump!!!
>Cards come crashing down, no more Russian energy or China market
>Wonder why everyone is rolling their eyes at you

Hopefully, this is a wake up call to Germany to actually think about their country first and not their business lobby. Germany in a terrible position for the next decade and they need to adapt quickly.

>> No.50940862

>You can make some nice decent money there only to run away from this shithole.
How would you compare it to the US?

>> No.50941179
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We'll have a hard winter
Small price to pay to get rid of our mortal enemy

>> No.50941689

Herzlichen Glückwunsch du hast deine 700k zusammen und hast nur eine biedere Existenz dir vorgelebt. Nicht sozial in irgendeiner Weise partiziert. Deine Partner Wahl wird sich auf eine ost europäische passheirat rauslaufen. Und deine Kinder werden in der Schule gemobbt

Wie verstehen Leute wie du nicht das sie in ihrer überheblichen Traumwelt keine Weg gibt das System auszunutzen
The only way to win is not to play

>> No.50942230


>> No.50942301

I just want to reiterate; fuck germans.

>> No.50942367

seems like they're noticing. As much as I think AfD is controlled opposition, it's a step in the right direction.

>> No.50942373

häng dich auf du drecksbulle. Warum sollte man überhaupt geld für so einen bscheuerten bullshit bezahlen. Wer solche gesetze umsetzt ist ein feins des volkes. selbst wenns nur eine "verwarnung" ist. Was glaubt ihr eigentlich wer ihr seid? Ihr seid unsere diener aber führt euch auf wie die Herren.

>> No.50942392
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forgot pic

>> No.50942748

No refunds kraut. Remember calling greek lazy? Boo hoo!

>> No.50942822

Oh no! We wouldn't want all of those "refugees" leaving once things get bad! I'm sure they'll put their best foot forward and help pull Germany out of this instead of running the first chance they get!

>> No.50943124

Germans have been assmad since Martin Luther and just shit all over everything.

>> No.50943299

Grüne is 25.5% to high

>> No.50943439

noch zwei wochen

>> No.50943658

I want german blonde sluts

>> No.50943777

>da geht sich keine verdreifachung der gasrechnung plus gasumlage und zusätzlich verdoppelung der stromrechnung aus

alter wer spricht denn so ein behindertes deutsch? ohne scheiss, verpiss dich zurueck nach bergdeutschland, wird zeit, dass ihr wieder ans reich angegliedert werdet

>> No.50944039
File: 1.33 MB, 800x1063, GardenOfAuthoritarianDelights.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cool taste in art jacky

>> No.50944086
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>Zu langsam Impflet

>> No.50944130

fatass burgers even have taco bells in their military bases while the food is too low quality to run actual restaurants in krautland

>> No.50944150
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>who gonna fight Banan Pootin??

>> No.50944155
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I just received a letter that says that I'm going to have to pay like ~10€ more per month for electricity in October. I literally couldn't care less.

It's amazing how everyone just goes full on panicking whenever the mildest inconvenience happens. Probably the same bunch of pussies who can't stand wearing some cloth over their face for a few years without coming up with some insane globo homo jew conspiracies to vent their frustration at their own pathetic existence.
Oh and how could you forget how they all thought our economy was doomed because some restaurants went bankrupt and the shareholders of the major companies didn't make mad bank as usual (except the online shopping sector of course who went out of the pandemic with a good profit).

But of course, THIS is going to be the end! This is going to be the winter when everything falls apart! The winter when the Ottonormalverbraucher will be forced to wear warm clothes and use blankets inside, is going to be the winter when all of society is going to collapse! (Unless of course they pay a few hundred bucks more per month, which most people usually leave at the bar anyway.)

Better pack up your stuff and flee to some other country, because obviously Germany is going down and it's always getting worse and worse and worse and we should just go back to the good old times (when I was a kid and didn't doomscroll all day btw) and make everything great again, because this is the moment when society rises up and turns 360 degrees and walks away from all the bad things that are constantly happening everywhere (everywhere I go that is). If you say otherwise you're obviously a paid shill, because who in their right mind would waste their own free time arguing with idiots on the internet without any form of compensation?

>> No.50944312

who gives a fuck about a fucking Germany? Yeah sure buddy I think often about another hole full of 99% npcs fuck off back to r*ddit holy fucking shit

>> No.50945289

Hab für 3000 € Buchweizen gekauft. Für meine russischen Freunde hier und meine Familie.

>> No.50945311

This kek

>> No.50945337


>> No.50945354

Your country deserves nuclear annihilation, I hate smug snow niggers so much it's unbelievable, starve and freeze to death fucking faggot NAZI

>> No.50945481
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>You will never get 70c for kwh, do you really think you get the same that others have to pay for it? Lmao
In den Niederlanden läuft der Zähler einfach rückwärts. GIGA Unterschied zu den Fake und Gay Regelungen in Deutschland wo man Gewerbe anmelden muss und dann irgendeinen behinderten Preis bekommt.

>> No.50945499

10€ seems excessively low
how much electricity do you use in a month, and how does your current price compare to that of say last year aug
also don't underestimate how close to the edge a lot of people live, but those people don't matter to asset markets tho

>> No.50945520

it's kinda extraordinary how they managed to make so many terrible decisions that have come to bite them in the ass.

>> No.50945541


Damn did Hitler really Rock Bottom Himmler for doggy digging snow at him in a snowball fight?

What.a bunch of cads :)

>> No.50945551

dont worry your contract will get fucked on 15 min spot rates
you will sell your solar energy in summers midday and noon at a few cents, because then there is surplus production
but in winter when your heat pump system has massive electricity demand you need to take juice from the grid at nosebleed rates
you will seethe at this but watch and learn: governments compelled people to install heat pumps and digital meters do you think this was for your benefit, especially heatpumps those things are one of the biggest mistakes ever build

>> No.50945586
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>People getting new contracts with insane gas/electric bills
just signed a contract for 39,67 Cent/kWh

>> No.50945587

those backwards counting meters are being replaced everywhere with digital
if you refuse they can cut off your connection so don't count on that loophole saving you for very long especially with the crisis that is happening right now, without it you could have hoped to ride out the decade but no way it'll last past the next year

>> No.50945599

English, Hans. You lost the war

>> No.50945683

for reference its around 7 to 11 cents for a contract right now in east coast burgerland

>> No.50945729

Interesting, they did the same thing in France. They installed new mandatory connected counting meters in every homes (it's called Linky, LMAO).

>> No.50945761

Before the war the rate was about 30 cents. i tried looking at new contracts at different companies but they are STARTING at 50 cents lol. ive seen them go as high as 57 cents.

>> No.50945808

they do this everywhere in europe it is of course coordinate from above
the endgoal is to make the entire residential electricity market spot based in small increments, like i mentioned earlier in 10 or 15 minute blocks
this is of course a catastrophe for the average user as they cant buy and install much less operate the equipment necessary to control your energy usage at that level of control
think of it like this you are running your washing machine and your 10 yo plugs in the tablet for a minute you exceed your power draw and your bill just doubles
second thing already happening is power companies will send out very confusing bills where they grossly overcharge your usage to the most profitable timeslot and you have no recourse to claim they are lying as the data is the companies asset not yours

you best start believing in orwellian dystopias we are living in one, and of course all of this to safe democracy from putler

>> No.50946239

We got a prime example of an average german here

>> No.50946253


>> No.50946402


>> No.50946579

Nah thanks to being run by a schizo and everyone around him too scared to tell him he was wrong.

>> No.50946678
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Im from Spain and I was last summer in Ibiza with some German group. Theres this hot German girl. We are at a restaurant outdoors thing at the beach watching Euro 2020. Germany is about to play. They sign the hymn and for shits and giggles I sing along. "Deustchland destchland uubbeer allees". I thought it would be funny ("they will laugh at my accent"). I realize im singing the Nazi song thing. I realized I fucked up but it was too late. Their parents were there too, I get strange looks.
Holy shit, she was so hot, like a legit 8.
If this happened at the reverse (they sign the Franco lyrics for the hymn) we would have just laughed, but apparently it's different there.
I haven't had any interactions with Germans again.
How the Fuck do I get a hot blonde girlfriend now? Faggots.

>> No.50946716

This wouldn't have justified the creation of Israel.
Wether Hitler was an agent or not is irrelevant, the direct result was that Jews now have the perpetual victim card and can get away with anything, including stablishing a country by force so they could live in there.
Imagine Gypsies ganged up and managed to have enough power and influence, they claim that they keep getting kicked out of communities and decide to get the fuck in on some land and start a new country. Correct me if im wrong but that's what they did in Israel.
Im not a /pol/tard by any means but you can't deny Israel is dodgy as fuck as a whole.

>> No.50946735

>Germans move to Thailand to escape shithole Germany

Whilst the King of Thailand spends most of his time living in Germany. Really makes you think.

>> No.50947145

>but people like you and me can still make it out like bandits.
how would non Europoors make it?

>> No.50947300

>how much electricity do you use in a month, and how does your current price compare to that of say last year aug
Honestly, no idea since I only moved in this month. The letter said that it's an increase of 4,76 ct/kWh and with an average usage of 2400 kWh per year it's an increase of ~9,50€.
>also don't underestimate how close to the edge a lot of people live
Yeah, that might be true, but as cynical as it sounds: most people will manage. We have a social welfare system that'll literally pay your rent and utilities, so theoretically no one will have to live on the streets. And that in turn would prevent most doomsday and anarchy scenarios that some people like to throw around. Which is by the way a very underestimated pro argument for social welfare in my opinion.

Of course, it won't be pretty and some actual unfortunate lives will get turned upside down, but things like that happen everywhere every day and no one gave a fuck before. Especially not those idiots who like to LARP as freedom fighters and visionaries. Fuck them for shitting up every thread they are in and fuck their crocodile tears.

>> No.50947364
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>> No.50947380

Better get the old hatchet out and start destroying forests for heating fuel, lmfao!
What the fuck did you retards think was going to happen?




>> No.50947384

Good thing I moved away from that shit country

>> No.50947417

Weiß durch deinen Tweet, dass du einfach nur larpst. Als Teenager bzw. mit Anfang 20 braucht man kein Geld, um Spaß zu haben. Das war ja gerade das geile an dem Alter. Bisschen Geld für Alkohol und das war's.

>> No.50947423

thailand doesn't take immigrants. Retarded mutts like you still havent figured out there is no reciprocity in the global migration game. How can you be so retarded as to still not understand this?

>> No.50947432

what's wrong with weather? The majority of the world prefers to live in cold countries. It's not like they're hot like mexico or india or most of africa. They're the perfect climate for most people.

>> No.50947491

why do greeks have to take loans from other countries to buy military hardware? It's so bizarre to me as a canadian.

>> No.50947508

who the fuck cares dude, Germans are some of the most retarded shit eating faggots in the world. Everything you do is ass backwards and autistic as fuck. By the way, import more immigrants, that will magically solve all of your problems, Hans LOL

>> No.50947510

who are the anglo saxons in your worldview? Britain is run by kikes and has a huge indian, black, and east asian population. They're not very "saxon" anymore.

>> No.50949339

blame russia for launching this stupid war. no one said it was going to be easy

>> No.50949349

this is the cost of 14 year old white girls btw

>> No.50949359

blame america for redrawing a selfish and unsustainable map

>> No.50949373

Seems Putin ran germany all time long. You barked at him, now pay the price.

>> No.50950032

Fuck dem Krauts. They deserve to suffer most in this world. Germans are the worst creatures on this planet. But be sure: their time is over.

Third Reich? Yes. There is a sequence.
- Deutsches Kaiserreich
- Heiliges, hahahaha, römisches Reich Deutscher Nationen
- Nazideutschland

Needless to say: the EU is their fourth and last and final installment. Their time is up. As it is written. You know… the beast with 4 heads and four wings. The sneaky Leopard. Love to see them finally vanish in despair and chaos. Dreckspack!

>> No.50950939
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You got the first and second one mixed up you bumbling retard.
Not my fault that retards keep voting in the same guys for 16 years in a row and after that vote in even more retarded politicians.

>> No.50950960


>> No.50951087

>You could have been building nuclear plants, instead of shutting them down.
Even now people are still scared of nuclear so let them reap what they sow and pay exorbitant energy prices while countries like France who have built nuclear reactors thrive over cheap electricity

>> No.50951119

that's what you get for WW2 lol

>> No.50951990
File: 70 KB, 1024x820, 1649625483105.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


kek kurwa


solidarity for ukraine and climate change!

make buttsex and be gay

germany is gay gay gay

green green gay gay

germans pride

pay the tax and ride your e- bike

its the germans, its the fags, the kommunists and the dykes,

climate change, we fight, we unite.

ass up ass up

stay gay.

>> No.50952100

Oh mein Gott, im schlimmsten Fall 200€ mehr im Monat, falls du 2 Kinder und ne Frau hast. Als Single evtl 50€ mehr im Monat, wer das nicht stemmen kann ist eh ein Versager.

>> No.50952149

You should be overthrowing your government who instead of doing the pragmatic thing, decided to go fully behind NATO in Ukraine and cut off the hand that feeds you. Your government is a sham. I wonder if even Merkel would have done what Scholz did. Traitor to his nation.

>> No.50952203

You WILL own nothing amd you WILL be happy

>> No.50952235

I personally don't give a fuck. Germcucks deserve it for trying to make us pay their electricity bill.

>> No.50952246


They could literally turn on 10 nuclear power plants and enjoy almost free electricity but no, they'll rather freeze because of muh Fukushima

>> No.50952362

This 100%

>> No.50952415

Unironically, you need Hitler.

>> No.50952934 [DELETED] 

Yeah. It has hit a record high and who knows what is still gonna happen?
Even the fact that this is happening while the crypto world is dip in lows is another issue. But notwithstanding, My portfolio with keep increasing especially where Syscon is concerned, the bulls will return pretty soon.

>> No.50953094

Is this the straw that will break the camels back and cause Germans to riot against their WEF-owned Government??
They should be rioting and overtaking the government just like in Sri Lanka.

>> No.50953238


>I really don’t give a fuck and you’re mega gay

>> No.50954196

Nukes are not real dummy