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50928920 No.50928920 [Reply] [Original]

Feeling depressed today /biz/, getting awfully rough these days, but I push it down as much as I can and put on a smile. When the fuck did I get so fucking demoralized about it all.

Lets get a fren thread going.

>> No.50928941
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Let’s kill ourselves

>> No.50928953

What's the issue bro?

Hate your job? Or just barely making ends meet etc?

I'm here for ya either way

>> No.50928969
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What are some things you can look forward to? Me personally, I love fall weather, the changing leaves (I live in the northeast), the crisp temperatures and wearing sweaters. We finally got a break in the heat this week and got a little tease of fall weather so that’s got me feeling a little happier. We’re just a few weeks away from the seasons starting to change.

>> No.50928980
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Or we could just kill ourselves

>> No.50928981
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I'm depress, nigga!

I'm fucking crying my eyes out! fuck this clown world. I just wanted to make atleast 100k...all i have is 20k

>> No.50928994
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I have a well paying job I'm happy with, I stay health physically (good sleep, workout, run) and don't take drugs. I'm mostly lonely anon. Can't figure out how to break through and make real friends and have good romantic relationshops where I'm not compromising who I am and what I like.

>> No.50929008
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Why yes
I am suicidal
How could you tell?

>> No.50929014
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I look forward going to the gym and sculpting my body to something great, I look forward to crypto, I look forward to someday releasing my music.

>> No.50929018

kek who the fuck is transchad

>> No.50929021

Damn bro. Go hit the gym. Eat clean. Stay discipline for 6 months and you'll feel better because you'll be fucking gym sluts or tinder whores by the end of it.

>> No.50929037
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>releasing your music

Ok here’s no joke. It probably sucks. Bad.
But that doesn’t mean you can’t get a professional opinion on it all.

Upload some tracks to SoundCloud and make them private. Go to SubmitHub and get it reviewed by anons. Ask for honest feedback. Take notes. It’ll help you improve your craft.

Good luck.

>> No.50929051

I have gym girls eyeing me when I lift but I never say anything. these days I work so much that I barely pursue women anymore because I don’t have time to follow up and close. what is your gym approach?

>> No.50929052
File: 96 KB, 458x458, 2A7A1FED-03E0-40D1-8788-AB1544C3C526.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am TransChad
Make some music for GigaTroon coming soon. Telegram is @gigatroon

>> No.50929079


>> No.50929088

I doing these things anon. That's the problem. I'm lifemaxxing and I still feel like shit some days.

>> No.50929097

>a well paying job I'm happy with
What do you do? Everyone I know who works is miserable, regardless of salary.

>> No.50929100

I'm a software engineer.

>> No.50929122

If they smile at you, smile back. When your paths cross, compliment her on
her commitment to the gym, tell her she looks strong. Next time you see her, ask to work in with her. Make jokes, make her feel comfortable around you. If you feel like you're making progress, make a playful bet with her. Who can do cardio stairs at the highest level longer chooses where we go for food (my treat). Girls go to the gym to attract you. You just have to commit. Just don't be a creep. If you've got a good shoulder to waist ratio, you're already winning.

>> No.50929155

And don't give up. I just went years without sex. Just started bulking and working out like a bodybuilder this year and finally broke my dry streak just the other day.

>> No.50929162

I'm 38 years old with a B.A. and no tech job experience but I did spend the summer of 1996 sperging out on QBASIC, made some fun little games. Realistically is it feasible for me to become a software dev at this age or would I be passed over simply because I'm old? What would the road map even be, a four year comp sci degree?

>> No.50929170

I drank too much Saturday night. It's Monday evening and I still feel like shit. Just wanna dieeeee or make it already ffs.

>> No.50929175

do you work remotely? how is it?

>> No.50929176

nice man, yeah ive been in a huge dry spell myself. i'm on a cut (after lifting for a year and half), really happy with my body just need to lose a lot of belly fat. where did you meet the chick you banged? tinder?

>> No.50929178

You should get into mushroom foraging if you like the fall. It's my favorite thing to do in that season.

>> No.50929196

Keep it up, fren. You got this and yes lol. Solid 7/10 looks and an absolute whore. Great night.

>> No.50929234

Yes! I just recently bought a book on identifying mushrooms

>> No.50929277
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You'd have a rough road ahead of you. Not impossible, but not exactly a walk in the park. The reason being that entry level positions are insanely saturated with bootcamp devs, recent grads, and other people trying to self learn. To make matters worse, many companies (mostly startups) are laying off en masse creating an even more competitive market. Your age isn't a HUGE problem, but it's not ideal i.e. why hire a boomer when you can hire a new gun from college. In your case a 4 year degree is a waste of time and will hardly give you an edge. I'd recommend self teaching yourself or finding a credible and reliable bootcamp that has a very strong promise of getting you a job after its done (many bootcamps fail to place students and then students end up being demoralized and being in debt without a job).

Jump on the Blind app. Tons of good info and people like you looking to make the jump. If you dedicate yourself, have discipline, and aren't a complete tard you'd be surprised at what you can accomplish, again it won't be a walk in the park.

>> No.50929312
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Yup work remotely, I personally don't like remote as it isolates me. I like working in an office as I know how to get along with normies and it gives me just enough social interaction to feel normal.
Some coworkers in tech are pretty cool and fun people to hang out with.

>> No.50929320
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damn it could use a solid 7/10 bang kek

>> No.50929322
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You can do it fren.

>> No.50929347
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Dubs of kindness and helpfulness. Thank you for the thoughtful reply. I am a very hard worker and have self taught myself many skills over the years, I think I'd be comfortable with this. I've been doing the Odin Project recently and wonder if I'm just spinning my wheels since I'm aged out. My other consideration is nursing, although your field involves significantly less feces and urine and that seems like a perk. Either way, I know I can do it. I BELIEVE!

>> No.50929383

Don't forget to Leetcode btw. This is insanely important for many companies especially FAANG.

>> No.50929410

Frens I need 8.3k or my life is ruined.
I need help.

>> No.50929417

Say more retard.

>> No.50929441

I will grind until all is ground

>> No.50929452
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More retard.

>> No.50929465

why will it be ruined

>> No.50929490

I am barely hanging on somedays too. Feels like nearly everyday. I have money but can't find anything to do that feels worth it. I could spend it on a nice vacation but it doesn't really change anything inside. I could buy a fancy car but that too wouldn't do shit for how I feel alone and don't see hope for escaping. I have a family, wife and a kid, and that's going okay but I feel utterly isolated outside of that. And it's causing strain on my wife because I'm miserable.

>> No.50929552

It sounds like you are lonely and isolated. Keep working hard at sculpting a good life for yourself, first of all, because it sounds like you’re doing great. In order to fix your problem, you’ve got to be able to push through some of your inhibitions and ‘put yourself out there’ or make a significant change (get an in-office job, move, etc). Definitely use tinder if you’re not already doing that.

>> No.50929566

Cause I won't have 8.3k and I'll be disappointed and sad n stuff.
Should I larp about a dead pet or some shit?

>> No.50930666


I'm quite similar anon, sorry for the long time to respond, i have only maybe 1 or 2 close friends, including my brother.

it is very hard to make a ''real'' friend'' unless you kind of grew up with them, and once you reach like 20, showing people the ''real'' you is much harder to do in a sense.

i wouldn't worry about it too much, unless its family, most people wont really understand the real you....even family sometimes doesn't care nor listen.

sometimes you need to just be content with who you are....but if you do find a partner who you can express your true self with, it is a good feeling i must admit.
where ya from anon? what country maybe we can hang out

>> No.50930804

memecoins are still a good option, especially considering that things like qom are still profitable in the short term

>> No.50930843

Try watching wholesome uplifting things for a bit. Get away from all this doomer posting on biz.

>> No.50932717

is it synthwave

>> No.50934153

anon is going to be groomed, fucked and killed kek

>> No.50937179

>be me
>have severe health issues
>world going to shit at lightspeed
oh boy i wonder why i wanna kms