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50928368 No.50928368 [Reply] [Original]

>buy eth
>buy link
>become a millionaire when they inevitably do a 50x

So easy.

>> No.50928399

The question is, what do you do while you are waiting to get rich?

>> No.50928429

Play with my ding dong

>> No.50928457

I work at a hospital while I wait to become a millionaire, it gives me a sense of purpose and seeing people die makes life easier to live

>> No.50928482

Or all of eth shit tokens crash and BSV moons to $1m+

>> No.50928487

>>buy eth
>>buy link
yeah im sure nothing can go wrong.

>> No.50928509

Ah yes, you and the other millions of owners of eth and link. You're all going to become millionaires. Everyone will be a millionaire!

>> No.50928519

I'm in the top 1000 LINK wallets on the planet though. LINK only has to create 1000 rich people for me to make it.

>> No.50928531

Someone post the ETH-LINK chart.

>> No.50928537
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>>become a millionaire when they inevitably do a 50x

Ahhh... but the GREED.
People hold for 'just a bit more',
then the Ponzi scheme collapses
they STILL hold because 'I got to get to where I was before'
collapse, All profits gone, self hatred set in
Then they do all over again.

Before you 'invest' ask yourself WHAT has changed for crypto to stop it from collapsing again?
What is stop Bitcoin from going to $100

>> No.50928551
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In a purely risk management mindset, the merge is an uncertain event.
To be sure 100% ETH doesn't dumping, I'd rather swing them for some stable coin and sit quietly while the world burns.

>> No.50928571

i thoughtt this was a dude until i expanded the pic and now i just cant tell

>> No.50928579
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>> No.50928581

I’m mentally retarded so I don’t know how to look these things up myself, but can someone tell me how many wallets have at least 1000 Link?

>> No.50928614

To be a millionaire from eth and link they'd both need to be 10,000, not happening. Maybe eth 20k but that's primarily driven by USD inflation, btc pair will not be that high. Also I'd need 10 eth to become a millionaire, can't afford that

>> No.50928621

Top 1000 holders would be roughly more than $300,000 worth of link, or 35,000 linkies.

>> No.50928628

I have 5 eth and 300 link will i make it?

>> No.50928677

Thx but how do I see how many holders have 1000 Link or more

>> No.50928723
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>crypto will make me a millionaire
>we are so early

>> No.50928755
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I really need to get some yellow pussy

>> No.50928959

That's a dude, right?

>> No.50929074

>buy eth
>buy matic
>become a billionaire
and yes you can take this as a financial advice because the biggest companies on planet earth are partnering with polygon while chainlink is doing shit

>> No.50929133

not sure about 1k, but 11373 wallets have 2k link

>> No.50929203

Not all that accurate considering many people have >1k link in exchanges, liquidity pools, lending platforms etc...

>> No.50929634

>centralized exchanges
>impermanent loss
>lending platforms
not their keys not their link.

>> No.50931346

You could wait that long or find a way to earn passive income soiboi

>> No.50931746
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You need 100 eth to make it in the next run, maybe even the next two runs.
Do you have that? No? You’re not gonna make it then.

>> No.50931783

What happened to her career omg

>> No.50931891

>I'm in the top 1000 LINK wallets on the planet though. LINK only has to create 1000 rich people for me to make it.
I'm glad you're working so hard to make it. Maybe the linktards can keep buying to make your dream a reality. I learned there are passive income opportunities in nodes as well. I'll rather sit that out while waiting for the Sylo incentivized nodes which has just on more Seekers NFT left to make that happen.

>> No.50932321

Passive income is based pleb. I've gotten used to LP mining on Ore Network for the decent yields. Considering staking on Ftx soon.

>> No.50932393

It's the Squid Game chick. She looks ugly literally anywhere but in Squid Game

>> No.50932458

yes. but buying@$430

>> No.50932500

thats a man

>> No.50932833

ETH is good no doubt. I've faith on payment gateway projects like COTI, UTK and XPTRESS that have a metaverse bank in works to launch soon

>> No.50932866

Passive income is indeed gold. I've joined xpress staking pools which are in the fourth round now. They all began with an initial APY of 2200%.

>> No.50932905

Hi Craig. Slow day at nChain?

>> No.50932954

That's a very humongous APY. So big, it scares me. How are they able to sustain such a thing?

>> No.50932983

When the time comes for crypto adoption, we will revisit the talk about crypto payment and alladat

>> No.50933003
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This but don't buy the LINK, instead more ETH

>> No.50933090
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This is never happening. More reasons to catch lower caps with good fundamentals like Geeq in this dip. This bear market has been showcasing working products.

>> No.50933112

Hardly pleb. I smell no strategy on you. Some education on multichains and blockchain tech just might change your life.

>> No.50933176
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Is dynamic anon. I don't invest in shit and trash coins. They also have an NFTs market place

>> No.50933198
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Mark this down anon. From their utilities, I couldn't pass it up.

>> No.50933216

I'm glad you added that when they do the 50X, other alts that would be in this radar for me id ORE, RAIL and ALBT, all having innovative application in the DeFi space.

>> No.50933231
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I am not buying link, in fact I am buying some eth and scrt for privacy and might ape in some matic too.

>> No.50933241

>>become a millionaire when they inevitably do a 50x
>they go another -90%, then do a 50x
congrats on this, seriously

>> No.50933318

>link in exchanges, liquidity pools, lending platforms etc..
You fags never learn till you lose it all. Keep at it while chads slurp the flexible and autocompounding rewards on geeq. Don't care.

>> No.50933336

Diversification is key anon. Eth is here to stay but other alts with solid products are a choice. I prefer those with mulitchain architecture.

>> No.50933355
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Appears excessive to me. But then it's just me. I've developed a fear for high APYs. Yet I see people cashing out regularly with no issues

>> No.50933364

How soon does anyone think crypto adoption would reach full scale? I think we still need a lot of work to do

>> No.50933448

You’re right OP it really is that simple. Everything else is just BULLSHIT. WAGMI NIGGA

>> No.50933485

Rather than waiting this long, I'd rather have them as stables, staked through Spool, I'm sure by the time you attain the 50x, my cummulative passive returns will be bigger than the 50x you're waiting for.

>> No.50933632

Not your keys not your coins BITCH

>> No.50933750

>>buy link
fucking absolute topkek get a load of this guy

>> No.50934270
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Still wondering how link could easily give 50x more after all the FUD going round. Probably a better chance at scrt with the privacy is normal campaign going round as well

>> No.50934280

Go private with your coins and be safe, you pleb. That's the new normal

>> No.50934328

You forgot rose too. Just accumulate and wait.

>> No.50934382

Why is the board suddenly being flooded with these jeets spamming pepe images? Makes me pretty bearish. BTC is going to 14k isn't it?

>> No.50934512

LP mining is my strategy for passive income and the yield on Ore Protocol is quite decent.

>> No.50934533

This, I'm so fucking bored bros can we just get our 50x already

>> No.50935055

>>buy eth
>>buy link
including Tezos
>serious adoption than almost any other crypto, and can be baked in the Sylo smart wallet

all long-term hold, ideally 10years

>> No.50935161

You'll get hacked... Fool.

Buy QANX n feel secured on Qanplatform

>> No.50935243
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Regards waiting for buyers of nfts are going to die broke. With the Binance recent partnership with Cristiano Ronaldo breathing more life to the nft world, faggots can can also earn developer royalties when other developers use your code.

>> No.50935297

Based. My quest for privacy led me to thee Railway DEX which allows private trades and swaps. Things just keep getting better.

>> No.50935365
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Pajeet can fuck around and go to bed because Its NFTs remain secured on the platform even with the emergence of quantum computers.

>> No.50935415

Privacy solutions are the best defense against hacks bizfag. By encrypting your transaction details and assets, hackers would have nothing to work with.

>> No.50935427

>ETH gas fees should be included among the 1000 ways to die.
The platforms running them are too slow, consume too much energy, have data management, and storage issues and developers need to learn a special
programming language to code in them.
Whereas an LQ quantum resistant blockchain platform do not depend on the actual daily exchange rate of the coins but have a pre-defined value in FIATs.

>> No.50935449

I'd rather go for MATIC than ETH. I have BTC already

>> No.50935494

No fucking crypto has a low gas fee and that's why I'm quitting crypto.

No retard should try to convince me.

>> No.50935547

Moron is going crazy, enjoy a low transaction fees compared to other blockchains like Ethereum, you can also predict transaction fees while paying very low fees.
Kudos to white Asian asses.

>> No.50935677
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I hate you faggots so fucking much. I don't know if your bots or pajeets but I sincerely hope, with all my heart, you or your creators fucking die.

>> No.50935707

Asians are disgusting, kys

>> No.50936711
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gas fees on elrond is low retard, this makes it much easier for everyone to be involved,
and keep building partnerships with trusted brands like Holoride, that intends to bring pleasure to passengers on transit with VR glasses to dive into games

>Moron is going crazy,
i'm laughing my ass out here

>> No.50936774
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Never going to happen.

None of us will make it, now that banks and governments are cracking down more on crypto.

More regulations and bs tax laws soon to come.

>> No.50936937

They're telegram niggers who follow a guide on "how to shill on biz", which gives them a bunch of buzzwords to say and some rug of the week to push. Even though it reads like some shitty AI output, it's actual people making the posts. Sad, extremely obvious, low effort scamming. Anyone dumb enough to fall for it is either an newfag or sub 70IQ.

>> No.50937499
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>Missed one

>> No.50937540

>Not balanced.
No, you won't

>> No.50937661

A whole lot of work, starting with saturating the crypto space with privacy solutions.

>> No.50938371

Thank you sir i will market buy geeq right now

>> No.50941718

The regulations are necessary for the mass adoption of crypto chud. However, users would need privacy solutions to keep their TXs out of prying eyes and enjoy financial freedom.

>> No.50943576

take it easy knowing no matter how bad i fuck up I will be a multi-millionaire no matter what in 5 years

>> No.50943964

>Anonymous trades/swaps
Recently possible on Ethereum, BSC and Polygon. Thanks to Railgun.

>> No.50944064
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>>crypto will make me a millionaire
>>we are so early

>> No.50944595

>another potential 50x

>> No.50944763

90% of eth holders hold less than 1 eth.

>> No.50945416

>its so easy
remember its pride before the fall

>> No.50946539

Being a millionaire in the future depends on what you invest in now pleb. I have privacy solutions at the top of my watch list as they would get big with the coming regulations.

>> No.50946945

Aren't these superprivate coins the first to be shotgunned though? Monero spends 80% of its budget on lawyers daily

>> No.50947082

No not that one, the vertically skewed one that starts at August 2020

>> No.50947415

Run along soiboi. No one needs you here anyway, you'd miss the next bull run and fomo like the incel you are. I'm already balls deep in platforms that bridge web2 to web3 as they would be taking center stage when the bulls come.

>> No.50948204

It's true that privacy solutions are the favourite targets of the authorities. But it doesn't change the fact that each user has a right to privacy even in the crypto space. I see them thriving regardless

>> No.50948230

I keep selling when I'm up 5x because I don't want to bag hodl

>> No.50948251

just take initial out at 2x and hold the rest

>> No.50948319
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etherum will move from decentralized miners to centralized validators who have to be government puppets to be allowed to run business.

good luck dreaming

>> No.50949612

Well said anon the gas fee is fuckin cheap with Elrond and with them acquiring Utrust and integerating with the ecosystem made crypto payments hassle free.

>> No.50949624

why wait around for a 50x when the BBBY squeeze is happening right now?

>> No.50949856

>buy BitDAO
>become a millionaire EOY after they release the L1