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50927955 No.50927955 [Reply] [Original]

So once again this fat fuck is affecting an African American ebonics accent. Is is autism?


>> No.50927968

Ebonics is a dialect dumbass

>> No.50927982
File: 32 KB, 720x480, 268cc51efa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck off incel and touch grass, you understood my point perfectly.

>> No.50928026

That was hard to listen to when he went full ebonics on the bitgoy podcast. I hope I never have to hear that again from a honkie.

>> No.50928048

I don’t have a problem with whites speaking a little Ebonics. But code switching is for bitches.

>> No.50928053
File: 1.38 MB, 220x220, hex-richard-heart.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I seriously don't understand why he does this. He's only doing it when he's talking to the black guy, kek right now.

>> No.50928059

Neither of those retarded nigs are fresh or fit. Also, they're cringe as fuck "redpillers" lmao. Who takes this shit seriously?

>> No.50928098

He's literally code switching from sentence to sentence. This shit is tripping me out, I can only imagine how the black guy is feeling. Schizo inducing.

>> No.50928101

he is jerking his red bull sized pp under the desk.

>> No.50928106

He was making sense until he started trashing bitcoin to shill HEX.

>> No.50928134

retards white and black alike talk like retard niggers. he needs retards because only retards fall for his scam. it's like how scammers filter out people who notice typos by deliberately injecting typos into scam emails. he's filtering out high IQs by talking like a nigger. because as I said, he needs retards.

>> No.50928139

Lmao, imagine seething in this thread instead of buying HEX right now. They're absolutely killing it in this interview, dropping bangers left and right. Also RH is a lot better in live convo than on stream. Great energy.

>> No.50928233

Code switching is high IQ. You're supposed to learn ways to make people like you at like 13. He is manipulating npc brains into liking him more. If they like him more he can sell them more shit.

>> No.50928299

> He is manipulating npc brains into liking him more.
Does this shit really work on normies? I find it hard to believe. To me it just seems really transparent and insulting but then again my IQ is in the 99th percentile so I have to consciously conceptualize how a goyim brain works (not fun) and reverse engineer their thinking process in order to relate with them.

>> No.50928309

Every feature looks like a bug to a hater.

>> No.50928420

is he speaking pidgin? LOL

>> No.50928424

no he's trying to get black people to buy into his pyramid scheme, same with the fancy sneakers and gucci/LV costumes

karma is going to come for this guy hard

>> No.50928525

Yes it does. Don't underestimate human stupidity. If it didn't work, the jews wouldn't be in power right now, and would be extinct.

>> No.50928546

he's trying to be cool

>> No.50928560
File: 30 KB, 512x512, 9A4C18F0-D6A5-4AE4-8F5B-A2A2C819085F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What the fuck? He keeps saying “wit” instead of “with” lmaooooo. Cryptofaggots get gayer every single year lmfao

>> No.50928564

HAHahahah. Wtf, he talks like a zoomer, hilarious.

>> No.50928642
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Well fuck me, and then the black guy at the end of the podcast says "I actually really like you man!". So this shit apparently works, wow.

Ok so apparently he explains at 8:55 that he's not doing it intentionally. Still weird and cringe though.

>> No.50928652

he keeps saying "dem" "den" "dey"