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50926966 No.50926966 [Reply] [Original]

Are linkies not my frens? Do linkies wear small hats on Saturdays ?

>> No.50926992

you hold link

>> No.50927040
File: 31 KB, 512x511, 31701BBA-3945-49C7-A99F-60A16C5F5B07.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don’t. I intend to make linkies hated amongst their /biz/ peers for investing into the WEF ecosystem

>> No.50927046
File: 3.66 MB, 3536x3368, 1660511654406171.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So these people well they are not really people they are more like vermin living in the walls of our society want to bring us down to the level of jeets with low impact content that demands a strong red pill in response. These frens would also red pill if they were not part of the low impact agenda designed by pic related to get you deradicalized through boredom.
The only good content is high impact content this is not what anon would do OP is part of the low impact agenda

>> No.50927066

You are part of the mining the chans project posting anime to try and fit in and low impact content to bore anons to death. You do not belong here (((researcher)))

>> No.50927070
File: 16 KB, 229x220, F2BCC35D-05C4-4FA0-9B19-D82D0F756EB2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I’m low impact because I don’t want to eat bugs
Ok rabbi

>> No.50927085
File: 218 KB, 750x464, 9914E65B-D75B-4044-8DA2-587D381275FE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek hello IDF

>> No.50927102

The only one discussing Chainlink here is you but in a very particular way. Anime to fit in and boring low impact posts to bore anons to death. Technocrats pushing bugs and other new eating habits they can set up industries for and profit is not unique to Chainlink

>> No.50927120

>you have an identity!
The Jew cries out in pain as he strikes you

>> No.50927132

If you don't hold Chainlink why did you name your twitter "ChainlinkThomas"?

>> No.50927459

what a faggot. does not explain the constant low impact threads with the same repetitive style. explaining it away as mental illness is a jewish psyop. someone wants repetitive low impact content in places were radical ideas are common

>> No.50927529

The Fourth Industrial Revolution will happen with or without you.

Fuck bugs, we'll have lab grown meat. Lab grown everything.

>> No.50927553

LINKies are their own friends.
We don't want to eat the bugs and we also don't care if you don't want to. If someone needs to eat grubs so we can eat steak, it's all our own faults for being where we are.

>> No.50928468
File: 1.27 MB, 1597x1080, 2930D900-F65F-4365-BEB3-103B67B6545E.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don’t even have a Twitter why are you assuming things about annoymous anons on an anonymous board