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50925813 No.50925813 [Reply] [Original]

Is he right? Do homowners have a right to sell to the highest bidder?

>> No.50925861

>believing anything a jew says, ever

>> No.50925903

Landlords are not human. Stealing from landlords is not a crime and it is 100% morally and ethically good.

>> No.50925944


Landlords were born human, but decided to drop out of mankind and become what they are so they do not deserve sympathy. Do not feel empathy or sorry for landlords. It was their choice and they knew the consequences.

>> No.50925970

Is stealing from Walmart a crime? I'm think about calling my bank and reversing a charge for a high priced item I'm going to lie and say broke and walmart won't honor the warranty I bought... asking for a friend

>> No.50925973

I hate jews so much
Homes shouldn't be a profit engine

>> No.50925976

Simply ask if a single christian landlord should own all housing in the USA if they could provide the highest bid to any homeowner.

>> No.50925978

ah showing his true colors

>> No.50926000

I see benny doesn't grasp the concept of liquidity

>> No.50926006

Go live in their houses for free until they stop being landlords. That is the cure to the curse. Go live for free, exercise your universal human right for housing and shelter.
(remember, you are human, and they are not, but by helping them not be landlords anymore, you are helping them regain humanity. You are the hero they waited all their lives).


>> No.50926023

Yes stealing from Walmart is a crime. Sleeping in a Walmart is not a crime though.

>> No.50926063

I'm as far right and pro capitalist as they get, but corporations are not people and corporations shouldn't be allowed to own land. Vanguard and Blackrock should be illegal. This is the furthest thing you can get from a free market.

Fuck the constitution. Jews should have to pay a 50% tax.

>> No.50926093

Same answer as any other regulation
Its just better this way

>> No.50926153
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> mfw I am a landlord who lives at home

>> No.50926173
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What if... Ben Shapiro, but with big fat tits

>> No.50926188

>Do homowners have a right to sell to the highest bidder?
Yes but corporations could easily be restricted from making offers based on current zoning laws.

>> No.50926199

Why should Blackcock take money out of the pocket of those who want to buy a home? I fucking hate Jews so much.

>> No.50926234

These aren't even the same class of evil- you're comparing individual slumlords to a literal shadow appendage of the federal reserve (blackrock). These fuckers get unlimited money printed for them, via their jew buddies in the Fed, to buy up all of middle america.

The end goal is a class of people with no equity, who are renting and in debt from the day they're born until the day they die.

This is true evil.

>> No.50926565

Explain to me why the government is sending some of my taxes to Israel?

>> No.50926588

>an Israeli first glownigger jew protecting crony capitalism
Imagine my shock

>> No.50926589

not the poor property developer companies noooo

>> No.50926636


>> No.50926685


>> No.50926696
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i don't give a shit about this pseud influencer and his merchantly opinions.

>> No.50926714

>An actual jew

>> No.50926738

Homeowners have a right to sell to the highest bidder, but corporations should not be legally allowed to buy up housing like this. Of course, it's hard to make such a thing illegal when the government is almost indistinguishable from the company doing it

>> No.50926786

Why did she elect to wear high heeled platform shoes for that photo?
>inb4 so is he
I like to think so

>> No.50926826

holy femoid cope

>> No.50926862
File: 100 KB, 805x611, 1018316866.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if you don't let giga-capitalism buy up all the homes and force us to rent for all eternity, you're bad, because you're standing in the way of a homeowner making a small profit (and that's a bad thing, because money is all that matters)

>> No.50926889

blackrock doesn't buy up the homes kek
it's a stupid fucking myth that won't die
they cover a tiny portion of the market
but i do agree landlords are scam artists that take advantage from the rigged economy
it's a hard problem to solve, though ; not everyone can buy, and screwing up landlords means high rents and badly maintained houses (social housing for example tends to lead to this)
one thing they could at least do is to ban investments from foreigners ; chinese should have no business buying up the supply

>> No.50926948

I'd like Ben to explain why hes taking homes away from the middle class and prospective families.

>> No.50927174

He is objectively correct but framing the problem in a way to make it so that arguing against his statement makes you wrong. The problem isn't homeowners selling high (potentially to institutions/corporations) and taking advantage of the situation, it's supply being limited. Have to admit Ben does have a gift for trolling the people by drawing these kinds of artificial boundaries and then giving the "facts dont care about your feelings" shpeel. Its honestly amazing that the bait is still working.

>> No.50927537

A home is a right not an asset you fucking parasites

>> No.50927890

shut up poorfag

>> No.50927904

Why is he even famous? Same with his ugly ass sister.

>> No.50927925

based and Ciepley pilled

>> No.50927932

>I could kidnap your children and sell them on the black market for tens of thousands of dollars. It's morally wrong for you to stop me because you're literally stealing money from my pocket.
Conservstive are literally subhuman at this point.

>> No.50927941

I’m mad at Blackrock for doing pricing us out of housing with jpow funbux.

>> No.50927978

So if you buy a house as a middle class citizen you're evil? Sounds like you're just jealous of people who can afford to buy property for them and their family.

>> No.50928007

>Ben Shapiro
All Americans are liberal minded, Ben supports gay sex and zionism.

>> No.50928121

Some kind of power kink. She probably pegs him

>> No.50928191
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Companies and corporations shouldn't beable to own property in residential zoning.

>> No.50928216

i know this will be hard for your peanut brains but try and put yourselves in the shoes of someone who isn't overdrafting their account a dozen times a year

>> No.50928272

>Why don't you explain to those companies and corporations why you're taking money out of their pockets smugwojak,jpg
Something like this is actually a good solution.

>> No.50928475

He'd say yes because he knows the christcuck would be donating to Israel

>> No.50928477

Doesn't he mean Blackstone?
The difference is they get free money from the Fed and I don't. They should stop getting free money, or I should get the same access to capital.

>> No.50928506

You sound more like a commie than a capitalist.

>> No.50928526

Yep. Just like any other asset.

>> No.50928544

She's making this post to convince herself she made the right choice.

>> No.50928565
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Shut up, kike.

>> No.50929252

of course they should
now where's my rent payment lazy commie wagie?

>> No.50929261

I can hear his whiny voice saying this. God I want to step on this smurf

>> No.50929290

>imagine thinking you have the right to another man's labor
another reason why all collectivist turds must be flushed

>> No.50929308

The thing is, they also target weak people who is dealing with alot of problems. That’s how they manage to scoop up so much real estate. I mean if you owned a house, would you sell it, even when offered a 20% markup? Most likely not, but if you struggle financially, you’d go for it in a heartbeat.

Illegal, no, but definitely not moral. Extremely jewish, just like little Ben who must be stepped on and have pics of his sis spammed on his Twitter

>> No.50929817

not if the highest bidder is some kike or chink trying to hoard houses

>> No.50929878

you literally cannot win an argument against this debating genius. kneel.

>> No.50929931
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imagine for a moment living in that house, corralled, as a 5’5” man

What the fuck

>> No.50929978

i loathe this slimy rat with the fiery hot intensity of a thousand suns. very glad his sister miscarried because of the vax he shilled, serves him right, hope he thinks of that before he sleeps every night. will never sell my home, but if i must it certainly will not be to crackrock

>> No.50930171

Build co-op apartments.
Make Ben mad.

>> No.50930237

>Build co-op
Cool, who is paying for the materials and the insurance? Who pays for the work? Sounds like someone has to supply the capital... Oh right...

>> No.50930471

Hating landlords is literally for poors.

>> No.50930599

I know someone who worked for a company that owned properties and they got bought by Blackrock, and now they're transitioning to single family homes.

>> No.50930627

BlackRock has stopped buying homes though.

>> No.50930748

>be fed
>print money
>give it to your friend
>he outbids everyone
Wow that's so righteous of them I sure love Israel and capitalism

>> No.50930872

The problem is landlords are artificially restricting supply of homes.

>> No.50930968

Fuck this asshole. Companies should not be able be allowed to own residential real estate greater than a thousand units or something.

>> No.50931013
File: 4 KB, 128x128, 9AC42979-8615-4A5B-878F-4BB935D8F3C2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> b-but my heckin landowners with 3+ houses getting 100k less out of their million dollar homes!
That’s a shit take Ben, blackrock is not a product of the free market, it’s backed by the fed. No one likes blackrock, not even cuckservative boomers

>> No.50931033
File: 299 KB, 484x569, el campeador.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Selling for the best price is definitely the best thing to do.

So how about instead, the total area of land that an entity may own, becomes limited? To some X amount of square footage that we can get congress to agree on. And you could have different limits depending on if it's a business, school, consumer, etc.

>> No.50931096

fuck off you commie bastard. Let the free market solve this as always.

>> No.50931110

the government is the ultimate landlord. property tax and imminent domain

>> No.50931121

If you are a homeowner and you hate this BlackRock shit then don't accept all-cash offers and let your greed make you part of the problem. Make sure you are selling to a local family.

>> No.50931123

Shapiro once again showing that his right-wing facade is a mask that covers his lust for all things Jewish: Worshipping Moloch, the Dollar, and sucking corporate cock.

>> No.50931130

PoorTard Cope

>> No.50931286
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der jude

>> No.50931367

Because in the long term it takes money out of everyone’s pockets as supply is consolidated.

Wow nice totally not Semitic take as always ben

>> No.50931402

All libertarians are lucifarians.

>> No.50931418

I don't know, but I can assure you as a 6'3" man that if my girlfriend was taller than me I would be disappointed if she did not wear high heeled platform shoes at all times

>> No.50932046

You sound more like a human than a capitalist

>> No.50932093
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>ITT retarded socialists
Since when this place is infested with gay niggers?

>> No.50932107

If we were 100% honest, blackrock is stealing money from the pockets of homeowners, because higher property prices mean higher property tax.
We all know who really wins here.