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50923568 No.50923568 [Reply] [Original]

A "friend" of mine has been using Tornado Cash and now needs help finding a replacement to mix his funds. So far I have been able to identify a handful of them. Do you know anything more about the ones I listed? Also, please respond if you know of any others that he could use.

Railgun- I heard yesterday that it is down but I think they use relayers to mix.

0xMonero- They launched 0xTIP last month and their community is growing fast. The problem with this one is that although it has the potential to replace Tornado Cash, it doesn't have the liquidity needed to mix large amounts of funds yet.

BUCC- I heard that v1 and v2 were exit scams and that v3 just launched and was one too. I don't know if this is true or not but the token is supposed to enable you to store and transfer BUCC privately on ETH.

Pic not related. Also, not glowing, privacy is a human right.

>> No.50923668

kek 0xMonero guy is back everybody, point and laugh at him

why not just use XMR brother, unless even TradeOgre wont take your stinky eth

>> No.50923709

Aztec protocol its the only privacy network that doesnt have a scam token.

Fuck erc20 scams and fuck monero. Token not needed

>> No.50923713

Okay, so you are looking for a comparison of using TradeOgre to mix Ethereum vs 0xMonero's 0xTIP? TradeOgre is an exchange that has your IP and Email. TradeOgre does not bridge chains. TradeOgre does not use a mixer. That said, TradeOgre is a good option but how long will it take before all exchanges have to be SEC regulated? Very good question though.

>> No.50923744

Aztec doesn't have one yet but it will likely have one in the future. Aztec stated recently on Twitter that they are preparing a statement in light of Tornado Cash events. It is likely that they will be forced to pivot to a non-private roll up L2 as the team is doxxed and lives in the UK.

>> No.50923769

tradeogre has some IP and some email

you can go there and sell some eth, buy some xmr. send the xmr to a wallet, make another account with a new IP and a new email, buy some Eth, send it to your new Eth wallet.

I mean, if all TO coins get banned like everything else you're still fucked til atomic swaps, but stop having such stinky coins to start with and stop trying to launder nationstate accounts, at that point you might as well just hold the XMR.

>> No.50923835

Yes, Monero is great but it is very old and doesn't have smart contract functionality like newer projects. You have to use an exchange to swap it until Atomic Swaps are released for Ethereum. You don't have that issue with the projects I listed in the first post as they are EVM compatible solutions.

Dero is building a bridge to Ethereum and that could be a good privacy solution.

>> No.50923856

You posted this thread already get out faggot.

>> No.50923887

Best feedback so far was TradeOgre honestly. Any others?

>> No.50924416

Tornado cash still works, doesn't it? Keep using it.

>> No.50924422
File: 42 KB, 334x506, 285.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. Monero will always be the best option.
>Crypto > exchange
>buy monero
>send to monero wallet
>send monero to another exchange
>buy Crypto
>send to kekbase
>cash out to your cayman islands bank account.

>> No.50924503


Right? Why not just use tornado then just create your own token and LP or something to wash trade to another address to clear it from being atomically detected.

>> No.50924536

If you stay with EVM chains though you don’t have to deal with multiple wallets and exchanges, you can swap on an AMM mix and swap again using the same web3 extension wallet. Plus several things lead me to believe that Monero is a honeypot for criminals.

>> No.50924549

Interesting idea. I also heard about NFT trading.

>> No.50924588

You would have to airdrop the token to lots of wallets or else it would be obvious.

>> No.50925317


Being obvious isn't a problem, the point is just to avoid aromatic flagging of your address from using tornado cash. Yeah, you could also wash trade an NFT. Doesn't really matter.

If its not illegal funds it doesn't matter if its obvious. If it is illegal funds then you'd be doing that anyway but like you said in a less obvious way.

>> No.50925355
