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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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50919937 No.50919937 [Reply] [Original]

The government takes 28% of my money.

>> No.50919963

Yes, and it keeps the roads maintained and less privileged people safe and healthy. It isn’t all about you anon, just be happy you are fortunate to be able to give a little back to those who have nothing.

>> No.50919997

Fuck them, idgaf about "less privileged" degenerates

>> No.50920009
File: 32 KB, 238x220, 5cpjvl.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hang them.
>Yes, and it keeps the roads maintained and less privileged people safe and healthy. It isn’t all about you anon, just be happy you are fortunate to be able to give a little back to those who have nothing.

>> No.50920042

Why do you let them do that?

>> No.50920054
File: 109 KB, 1003x837, budget.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


None of this goes towards roads. It goes to various shades of welfare queen and DC grifter

>> No.50920078

>he doesn't live a king in a 0% tax haven third world

>> No.50920128
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>Yes, and it keeps the roads maintained and less privileged people safe and healthy.

I'd rather have toll roads. Also other people are not my problem unless I specifically care about them.

>> No.50920150

>Yes, and it keeps the roads maintained and less privileged people safe and healthy
if in first world yes, in third world all this would be a lie

>> No.50920270

State taxes pay for basic infrastructure like roads. The income tax should be abolished as it goes to bloated feseral horseshit that doesnt help anyone.

>> No.50920293


The unfortunate consequence of living in a democracy is that my political say is equal to an absolute window licking moron who has never even bothered to consider the distinction between different kinds of taxes and will happily vote to force me to hand over 40+% of everything I make and spend into this eternally growing bucket of bureaucratic bloat and bullshit

>> No.50920315

And gives it to boomers and jews never forget.

>> No.50920348

Whats the transportation section for?

>> No.50920356

>less privileged safe and healthy
Not my problem

>> No.50920376


A big fat building full of a bunch of useless admins and paper pushers who make $100k/year plus benefits and pension to come up with "road plans" and rail schematics and research that never comes into actual fruition or use

>> No.50920403

I wish I had it this good, mine takes 60% and it doesn't even takes into account the several mandatory insurances that I need to subscribe to

I know you're baiting but most of the money from taxes is used to pay for useless institutions and administrations.
Most people on welfare don't truly need it and often would be better of without it as welfare puts people in a situation of dependence and passivity, effectively locking them up in poverty.
We gives 800 bucks to a guy for doing nothing, and if he finds a job he'll get paid 1200 a month. On practice that just mean working full times will makes him 400 bucks more than doing nothing, from his point of view it's not really worth it.

>> No.50920691

>theft is justified because the thief give 1/10 of it to poor people