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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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50917904 No.50917904 [Reply] [Original]

How the FUCK do I start a business with NO CAPITAL, NO ADVERTISING, NO AUDIENCE, and NO CONNECTIONS???

To get start up capital I might get a small part time, or if I knew how to properly target older women might try to get money from them; however, idk how to broach that kind of agreement. Will not suck dick or do gay for pay.

>> No.50917936

get a job

>> No.50918096

You don't.
Business is for people who know how businesses work.
you're missing money to start one, people to buy your shit, nowhere to sell it and i'd be surprised if you had a product that was profitable to begin with.
work, get pissed off at your job because the people you work with are retards. come up with a way of doing it better. make a business, fail at it because you're retarded. get into a management position from everything you learnt running your own business, repeat till CEO.

>> No.50918119

Everyone laugh at the poor faggot

>> No.50918300

That’s a man

>> No.50918314

Very beautiful man

>> No.50918350

I've had a business before using my only connection source, it got fucked due to Corona, got into a bad accident, lost everything, and now they don't need me.
If that's a man we're fucked

>> No.50918417

First step of any business:

Form a company, for this you'll need to hire an accountant, a lawyer and a non executive director, next you'll need the relevent certifications for your chosen field of business, next you'll need to apply for a business license from the county, the state, and the federal government, if you want to cross state lines with your business you'll need the appropriate licenses from other states too. next you'll need a business premises, you need to make sure thats up to code so you need to have it inspected by a chartered surveyor and hire a licensed contractor, then you need building insurance, and public liability insurance. next on the list would be to file your taxes at the IRS. Then you need to file your documents with the SEC and the federal trade commission and get a permit from the beureau of alcohol tobacco and firearms. after all this is done you should be ok to run your hotdog stand. good luck

>> No.50918460

So the joke is just start sure whatever, how do you get traction so that any of that matters genius?

>> No.50918490

you dont even know "what" business you're doing. if you have no capital to buy stock you'll have to make it a service. borrow a ladder and a bucket and knock on doors to clean windows

>> No.50918509

I hate the institutions of the modern world and don't want to register a legal entity or hire lawyers.

What do? Become a criminal? Tax evasion?

>> No.50918519

Adam Smith made a funny comment about knocking on doors.

You probably don't remember it.

>> No.50918524

strange how they don't teach goyim how all this works in schoolz isnt it. you would have thought they could have devoted some time to teaching how all the tax and shit works

>> No.50918528

I love how the last time this image was posted somebody replied "WOULD" as if it was up for debate.

>> No.50918545

become a real estate agent

>> No.50918576

It's very obvious why they don't anon,

Its cheaper to pay a ransom than argue with the king.

Its cheaper to pay a hidden fee than walk to new york.

Its cheaper to let the landlord steal 100 bucks than go to small claims.

And if you have to learn how to go to small claims, learn how to walk or learn how to argue well it's just that much cheaper.

>> No.50918618

It probably would be service based like teaching and coaching through how to do x. Maybe dropshipping, or affiliate??? Something that requires no capital mostly. I'm not opposed to trying to knock on doors but that probably won't lead to selling a service for a lot rather than scraps. Pressure washing seemed kinda great honestly, even though it's low ticket and requires a little capital. I'd rather find a way to sell something for 5k+ though
Same honestly
Very strange, almost like school is made to produce drones
Some people are fags who think these girls are fat, but still will fuck them and simp hard when they're handed to them. Hopefully these girls realize this and don't capitulate to their skinny bones mentality and keep their meat and find those who appreciate them for the meat like me

>> No.50918631

Why the fuck would you want to start a business in 2022 when ((they)) can close you down, destroy your supply lines and stop customers from purchasing from you (as you're "unessential") when ever the fuck they feel like it? Take any spare fiat you have and put into equities or crypto. Fuck even gold. Then forget about having them. There is less risk and just as much upside (if not more). Nice quintessential slampig btw.

>> No.50918636

Hilariously enough I was thinking that and might have a way to get my license for free. Any insight?

>> No.50918639

>t.retarded Amerimutt.

>> No.50918644

Too fat and this whore is wearing a cross and that shit makes me angry. I hate whores who larp as Christians

>> No.50918676

That sentiment is very true, but ultimately the way to get max wealth and have some control over it is business. Ignoring the markets would be dumb though, and it is probably the easiest path to some windfall capital, but I only have a suicide stack of some alts I'm holding and can't really afford to gamble. No stonk ownership yet. Yeah need a new irl slampig who's as cute as that, when I lost my business I lost my cutie who had a similar body. She misses me I'm sure, but she's angry at me and that was the straw that broke the back. She'll come around but in the meantime I need moar

>> No.50918677

t.low test reddit atheist

>> No.50918678

Adam Smith characterized a society in which tradesmen had to go door to door to find work as "overdeveloped" and miserable.

Because he heard horror stories about china.

>> No.50918723

I’m a high test Catholic Christian and a father of two beautiful children. Hosanna in the highest

>> No.50918757

It's America, it is pretty much overdeveloped, but hope isn't lost like that yet. One could probably, if they're actually a decent tradesman unlike me, find a place in a company. I'm an ideas guy who has some level of social acumen and that's about all there is going for me
Still how do you know she's a whore? And how can you deny she's beautiful? Any red blooded man would fuck her and love it, otherwise you're probably a fag desu. Rail thin girls make my dick sad

>> No.50918815
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>tinder pic related
>10-30 chads waiting on hand for nightly release
>can't find a "good guy" to "treat her right"

>> No.50918845

She 100% has the OP pic on her profile and is still getting railed by chads because she's definitely hot enough to be a consistent fuck just not someone you'd ever want to be in a relationship with. Well I wouldn't anyway

>> No.50918886
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painfully true

>> No.50918896

God I fucking hope he has a big meaty beer can girth 9" haha that would be funny as a prank if you got tricked

>> No.50918941

This shit is sad guys. Maybe you're right, but why speculate like that until you talk to her? She might be full of love, and doesn't throw her body around (probably not because she has a picture set on the internet but still why have that mentality?)

>> No.50919071
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My first observation is you don't know what you're doing. You want to work for yourself but you don't know how. First question: what is your value proposition? If you don't know what a value proposition is, that would explain why you can't into biz. Look it up and post back.

t. 7fig business owner.

>> No.50919075

I need to breed her.

>> No.50919129

Value proposition is easy bro, the lawyers and signing the satanic pact with the feds is the hard part.

>> No.50919189

Exactly, I've only ever lucksacked my way into business. I need a blueprint. My value prop is I'll save people or businesses time by coaching them out of unhealthy mindsets, that's been something I've been thinking about; however, it seems odd to do that when you yourself aren't necessarily a "success" even though you've bridged that gap. Do you need to have money to appeal like that, it seems everyone who coaches mindsets is usually already rich. Then there's the typical dropship, affiliate, etc. Inherent value props? Idk let me know if I sound completely retarded because I might
Based, same, we'll find our breedstock soon

>> No.50919194


>> No.50919243

the other choice is to become a wagie at least with business you have some control over your work life.

>> No.50919245

fat chicks are dumber and lazier than skinny chicks. They all love the same...temporary

>> No.50919260

>value proposition
Wait, I thought you were going into chocolate? And that word salad of platitudes is not a value proposition.

Generally, a value proposition is something like "We will provide the best possible product at the lowest possible price".

>> No.50919317


You could get capital from working together with a whore. Its simple, the whore made a lot of money from sucking cock, but she knows she cant keep on making the same kind of money when she is older. So setting up a business would be the next logical step for her. She will appreciate some help though and thats where you come in. You can set up a business with her capital.
You will also need a whore who is not a drug addict.

>> No.50919329

>I gib peanuts at low price yes?
>you gib money at high price yes?


>you gib thing is worthless yes?
>I move or hold thing to worth more yes?

Value proposition is such a bullshit meme, the value proposition is always the same and a pajeet can make a value proposition while pooping in the street

>I will take gift card
>I will give discount

>I do hard thing
>u gib money

Theres even a meme about it.

>trade offer
>I receive
>you receive

The retarded commie piss language is designed to destroy faith in reason and gaslight grown adults into thinking they are in 5th grade again.

I'm convinced most who desire to be "self employed" are better off finding a family member who is already self employed or disengaging from society as much as possible. If everyone is simply so greedy the NEED the money chasing bank loans for capital then this retarded juvenile hellscape won't quit getting more retarded and juvenile.

My business? Connecting motivated clients who provide top tier service with motivated buyers who can pay top dollar! (Pimp)

The tower of babel is real, I don't speak language.

>> No.50919336

I would unironically keep pounding this land whale until my cock was covered in friction burns

>> No.50919388

>value proposition
Cool. I do over 7fig in sales from my own business. What business do you own?

>> No.50919392

>best product at lowest price

What did anon mean by this? Is it budget quality or luxury?

>its luxury on a budget!

How do I short the english language?

>> No.50919411

This is what peak fertility looks like.

>> No.50919412


That explains it,
Your livelyhood is puts on the fabric of society.

>> No.50919439

I do not own a business but I would frequently write business plans for gift cards in college.

Closest I come to true self employment is selling PowerPoints to private schools

>> No.50919448

You need capital. At least save up $1k before trying. Then research MJ Demarco.

>> No.50919450

looks like you landed a whale by hooking it right in the belly. i can tell because the hook is still lodged in its belly flesh

>> No.50919483

Ok, reverse engineer the question. What is Uber's value proposition?

>> No.50919511

Fat chicks are generally smarter desu, they just like eating, also if you think she's fat you're stupid and probably don't get laid
Lmfao no chocolate aspirations here. The value prop is I'm saving you or your business time from those shitty mentalities by providing the best done with you coaching ig. I don't want to price it that low, but it'll be the best for the money
Yeah it's gay but we have to think about it along those lines
That.. isn't a bad idea
I've done so with someone who looks similar fren, it's great

>> No.50919519
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I am not a middle man merchant. I do unique limited production custom work.

>> No.50919522

>you pay money on phone
>we give you competing taxi mafia

>> No.50919536

>Get a fucking job
>invest a percentage of your paycheck into ETH and MATIC
>make profits
>Re-invest profits into business opportunities
>more profits

It's so fucking easy anon

>> No.50919546

Why don't you act on one of those business plans?

>> No.50919609

I don't understand your ESL answer. But I think you plan to go door knocking to sell crystal therapy to people who don't need your retardation.

Right. So in any business, what are you doing that the other guy isn't already doing?

>> No.50919616

I appreciate you trying to help anon, but you’re wastin lt your time. If you haven’t noticed there isn’t a lick of optimism or open mindedness in this place. They want to be spoonfed not think. Keep posting thought, at least you are trying to add some quality content to the thread.

>> No.50919680

>what do you do that others don't do

Thats not a value proposition anymore anon thats a competitive advantage.

I live in brazil and grow sugar cane.

>> No.50919749

That's awesome, if you're right wing to some degree even better. throwawayterminal@gmail.com message me please, I'm trying to get anything off the ground and could use a non-insane mentor of some sort who actually has a business. Have you heard of coaching as a business model? It seems like an easy way to provide a service with no capital. It could be sold to companies or individuals at high markup due to the personal direct time you can give them or their employees that a therapist or YouTube inspirational videos can't. Plenty of people seem to need motivation or help to get out of a mental funk while it saps their time away.
Why the fuck would I buy MATIC, or DCA into ETH instead of BTC with wagie gains? The upside on ETH isn't really worth the potential downside and BTC is the standard with little downside. The point is to avoid waging anyway

>> No.50919808

I am opposed to risk and could not find anyone to accept that risk in my stead.

>no optimism or open mindedness
What you would rather we throw our hard earned money and effort at the first bad deal that comes our way? I think we are too optimistic and open minded, any sane person would grit their teeth and accept the solutions and costs provided by our benevolent overlords. Instead we think there must be another way.

>> No.50919827

Your competitive advantage is you grow sugar cane in the jungle. Most people can't do that. And, you have a ready supply of slave labor. You would never get an American in a sugar cane field.

Your value proposition is probably related to the scale at which you can farm.

>> No.50919856

In this case, the gatekeeping jew is protecting retards

>> No.50919899

Because she’s already at her absolute upper limit of fat, even people who have good genetics for fat storage (storing it in a proportional and relatively more aesthetic way) will hit start to hit the wall and just go down hill.
I don’t want to be stuck with that after she gains another 50 pounds.
She will probably give you the best blowjob of your life though

>> No.50919916

Anon, literally no one believes you are actually an artisan tier business owning millionaire crafstmen, and heres why, because if you were you wouldnt be arguing with people on 4chan in the middle of the day on a monday, someone this lacking in focus and work ethic would not be in the position you describe.

>> No.50919925

>Many people have a head for business. Few have the stomach for it.

>> No.50919959

Where's hitler we need the gas chamber

>> No.50919972

I think you are mixing terms anon, the value proposition is on the customer's side of things (what they get) last I checked. If your scale lets you produce cheaper then the value proposition would simply be "lower price" not the reasons for it.

If competitive advantage (like scale, location or something else that doesn't change short term) is contained within the value proposition doesn't that mean that the terms are sort of incestuous and losing meaning?

Sorry if I'm being stubborn, but I've had the misfortune of reading tons of economists. They never agree on terms and they destroy their initial assumptions on accident all the time. It's always cheaper to slide around in a fluid language than to admit you are wrong.

>> No.50919980


>> No.50919984

thankyou for your cervix. what did you do to kickstart your self managed career and how long did it take? I'm feeling a bit rocky rn because I opted out of going to uni to instead learn to code with the intent of having control over my career, though I fear I may have shot myself in the foot and am way behind on what I should be accomplishing

>> No.50920072

Really? What should I be doing right now? AMA.

>> No.50920208

Feel free to AMA or start new threads on actual business. Most motivational speakers are hucksters.

No, you're right. The value to the customer. Why is someone doing business with you as opposed to the other guy. Sometimes it's as simple as location. Having a hotdog stand on a busy downtown corner.

First question is, what can you do that people will pay for? I have a bunch of brilliant artisans but they are generally disorganized and bad with money. Not corporate types. I spent years in government dealing with budgets, rules, regulations, organizing, planning, and directing work. I do the business end of the stuff they are bad at. I couldn't possibly do what they do. I just don't have that talent not skill.

>> No.50920492

Work backwards
Get connected
Have your connections get you an audience
Launch advertisements to your audience
Convince someone to give you capital to grow

>> No.50920555

>First question is, what can you do that people will pay for?
fingers crossed, in the coming months the ability to build enterprise level webapps - all my personal building has been around systems that's scale, but it's kinda a monkey's paw if it goes that way because the main reason I went this route was so I can finally building something specific I percieved to be needed, I'm writing off the potential for it to not meet the markets needs as something to put under my belt / portfolio before moving onto something else

>> No.50921289

it's all about confidence

>> No.50921347

Start a waging job that let you make connections and save money from it.

Some businesses also don't require a starting capital or connections, just an internet connection. Freelance translations, delivering, influencer on tiktok, etc

>> No.50921457
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>> No.50921506

same here but can't become a criminal because my opsec sucks

>> No.50921519

if you stopped saving pornographic lust provoking images your neurons might fire.

>> No.50921550

Why would anyone want to give you money in the first place?
What is your business idea in the first place?

>> No.50921898

Start small. I started by driving Uber and selling my product to my riders and on etsy. I do custom made jewelry and ironwork.

>> No.50922059

Are you guys not American that's the only way I could think you'd think she's fat. Big girls do give great blowjobs though
It wouldn't be motivational speaking, but something like coaching anxiety and stressed folk. Where would you start with something like this?
That actually sounds reasonable, but how does one "get connected"???
Confidence in the house, yourself, or what? I have a lot of confidence and sometimes it seems to put people off
Have self-control when it comes to fapping, also have you seen what some girls wear these days?

>> No.50922083

That's also a great idea, didn't see your post before I made my other post. It could be

>> No.50922331

You need a real product fag

>> No.50922348

Also that fat pig in your picture is disgusting

>> No.50922640

You're very homosexual

>> No.50922735

ETH and MATIC are good investments but it'd be a good choice to diversify as well. My picks are

>> No.50923350

Freelancing is the best option for babby's first business. Selling a service (as opposed to products or information) is the fastest zero-to-the-money business you can start.

This is important because when you've never been in business, you need to see some results ASAP to be motivated enough to continue.
It also requires zero or almost zero starting capital. Just a willingness to learn a skill. Some of these skills can be learned in under a month or by reading a short book.
You don't need to be great at it, just better than your client.

The core skill of business however is learning how to get clients. Human relationships. The technical stuff is always secondary and can be outsourced.
Just look at the translation farmers in Upwork, who list themselves as "Native level" in 20 different languages and have several hundred k of earnings on their profiles.
Or see all the tech billionaires who never wrote a line of code in their lives (Steve Jobs, etc). They were all shit at the technical stuff, but great at networking.
Their technical partners who had early on were all eventually replaced and ended up eating shit.

This is completely unavoidable. Business IS marketing. Business IS networking, to be constantly meeting new people/clients. It's like to be looking for a job every single day.
If you hate dealing with people and can't put in the effort, you won't succeed at business, ever. Just keep dreaming about making it big gambling on shitcoins.

>> No.50923389


You can start a buisness with $100 OP.

>> No.50923462

Thanks for the pep talk and advice anon. What skill might you suggest, or what info do you have about getting clients?

>> No.50923487

Like what?

>> No.50923657

I would avoid anything too technical unless you've been trained and or have a degree in it.
There are so many skills, (just Google or Youtube "best freelancing skills") but personally I'd choose anything related to sales and marketing.
Copywriting is the prime example of a skill that can be learned in a short time for $0 and get you some income pretty fast but there many others.


>> No.50923761
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>> No.50923809
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Seize the means of production

>> No.50924336

>Social skills
Keep in mind where you are.

>> No.50924929
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>> No.50925526


>> No.50926088

That's why I included that last line.
>Just keep dreaming about making it big gambling on shitcoins.