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50916587 No.50916587 [Reply] [Original]

How long until the elites pop all their cooldowns and start max DPS’ing crypto?

>> No.50916853
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can you rephrase the question?

>> No.50916881
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if you get euls'd by a shadow fiend and you too have a euls sceptre of divinity, should you immediately euls yourself euls the shadow fiend and run instead?

>> No.50916886
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when health moves below 35% ofc you got to monitor the enrage timer

>> No.50916890
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doc, in english pls

>> No.50916892
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can't touch PoW

>> No.50916952

Eul the sf like the fucker he is, unless you can breakcast his ult

>> No.50916988

>> Jewcrosoft.
why does anyone use this in THE CURRENT YEAR? its super shit and the competition is free and more secure.

>> No.50917006

Linux is only free if your time has no value.

>> No.50917093

Probably also body pull?
Lolol, Noobs, bads, casuals... u cry that the content is broken, that I am OP and the devs straight up nerf the shit that u cant roxx0r.

YOU break the game. Endgame lowskilled as fuck. Lfg spam everywhere because ur not good enough for lfm. Pvp broken coz of fotm. Pve easy casual for baddies like you.
No kk thx byez! I say LFM arena and the amount of whispers burns my monitor. Iam 2800 on bloodthirst and my dudu homies pwn u so fckn hard that ur dead before you can click hs icon.


>> No.50917140

Lolol I stunlock n00bz liek u with only 10 toxic marines stutter micro make u rq go play sum casual b4 I clap u noscope wallbang stylz and type "sit" in global rolfmao

>> No.50917274

>implying it takes a significant amount of time to type sudo apt update every day
Neuroplasticity is a bitch, eh grandpa?

>> No.50917300

In English please

>> No.50917316

2002 called they want your retarded statement back
you install ubuntu and you just use it faggot
>but w-what about my win gaymes?

>> No.50919219

I'm calling you stupid and/or old.

>> No.50919560

if you are playing against a good sf he will just stop his ult if he thinks you are gonna euls yourself and then channel it again so if you can euls sf thats the best play

>> No.50919694

>using winblows and now linux

Its going to end up being a separate technology stack, like using linux, tor, running you're own node or using alternative RPCs, decentralized DNS and hosting alternatives, etc. Probably eventually a completely separate, sovereign internet over small peer to peer wireless relays, that are privately operated and unregulated. The "trad" internet will be a monopolized, government locked down, cable TV like network.

Same with crypto, CBDCs are already going to be a thing, and this might be through a government developed tech or just taking over some existing thing like USDC. The government will probably also create a fake defi network either from their own chain or forking eth or something and replacing the conscientious mechanism with a government controlled one.

>> No.50920194

The key is going to be to stun-lock the NWO after they pop cooldowns and hit the engage timer. Hopefully the tank (the working class taxpayers) saved some Cooldowns and Health Pots for the end of the fight. God knows, Heals is dead and DPS couldn’t make it to the raid.

>> No.50920823

Average /g/ incel

>> No.50921147

fight me irl nigger
bitches love my open source fuck the corporations Laissez-faire attitude

>> No.50921202

the TC OFAC listing was the pull timer
5 months till pull, remember to prepot

>> No.50921653

Why is everyone passing this photo around as if it's legit rather than a mockup of possibilities from paranoid schizophrenics?

>> No.50921657

This was true for a time, but with how modern Microsoft does things I'd say time wasted fixing your system is about the same on PC's. Over the past year I tried daily driving Windows 10 and it's required more fixes to work right than any Linux distro I've used in the past. The last thing that broke was it enabling HDR on some things and not others after updating, so random apps would look washed out and the existing registry fixes no longer fixed it because they stopped using that registry key to check for HDR settings, so I was stuck with fucked colors unless I disabled updates. It also pinged my hard drives and SSD all the time for no reason which would wear them out faster over time. And you can't really go back to 7 anymore because things are starting to break on it, and running XP nowadays requires so many custom patches that the experience is like running Linux except less secure. I haven't tried Mac OS 11 yet but I heard a lot of things are incompatible with their ARM chips so that will potentially be another clusterfuck of things to fix. Normies have switched to using phones as their primary means of computing for a reason.

>> No.50922361
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>> No.50922545
File: 84 KB, 1024x576, _103584572_davidwilkinson-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bitches love my open source fuck the corporations Laissez-faire attitude

>> No.50922584

depends on the rank
in legend i euls myself
in ancient and higher i would euls sf unless he had bkb active/linken

>> No.50922610

unironically, linux "just werks" out of the box now, even for vidya