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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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50916011 No.50916011 [Reply] [Original]

I just can't imagine how a WHITE MAN IN A FIRST WORLD COUNTRY FAILS to succeed in life. I mean, the only reason why you fail is yourself. That's it. There is no one to blame but yourself. Whites were LITERALLY GIVEN BABBY TIER SUPPORT, they treated you like a baby, and you STILL failed.


Me and my family started FROM POVERTY IN A SHITHOLE COUNTRY and now we are successful, my sister is a doctor, I am a lawyer, my brother is a high earning IT AI lead. I made money off crypto, and stocks and bonds. Recently I bought a residential lot for myself and plan to build a house as a mid term goal

>> No.50916072

I'm white, NEET and never had a job in my life.
Working is for dumb niggers such as you.
now back in the wagecage brown homo

>> No.50916085

Transcendental Basity

>> No.50916091

You sound like the person being carried by your family. Stop projecting your own lack of ability on white people.

>> No.50916101
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>meanwhile, in white first world countries, pic related is the reality

>> No.50916846

>31 years old
>failed lawyer
>his house and office get flooded every single time in an event of torrential rain
>can only speak 2 languages (esl at 82% passing)
>still a virgin
You were cute a few years ago senpai, but you've fallen so hard now it's pitiful.

>> No.50916906

wtf do you know about it, kys.

>> No.50916915

>my sister is a doctor, I am a lawyer, my brother is a high earning IT AI lead. I made money off crypto, and stocks and bonds. Recently I bought a residential lot for myself and plan to build a house as a mid term goal

>> No.50916925
File: 2.72 MB, 2376x3871, 1646565905728.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice Larp tranny.

>> No.50916966

>He doesn't know about kayugafag
Reddit is that way