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50915913 No.50915913 [Reply] [Original]

When did you first hear about bitcoin?

>> No.50915936

bot thread

>> No.50915938


>> No.50915953

what's bitcoin?

>> No.50916239
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2001 at NSA with that sha-2 article by bill newbill (we always picked on him for that name)

>> No.50916246

how much plastic surgery + makeup + filters?

>> No.50916252


>> No.50916295

unironically 2010 and I ruined my best friend's life and mine by telling him that it sounds like total nonsense that nothing is going to come out of and we should just keep playing World of Warcraft and not bother mining.

>> No.50916306
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>> No.50916328

there was nothing to ruin, stop crying and focus on the future

>> No.50917063

This is a sexdoll how could you not realise

>> No.50917169


Back in 2013 when that guy spent his bitcoin on pizza and I was like kek and I never bought any and cry years later when it is big moneys

>> No.50917279
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White roastie detected

>> No.50918591

not enough to give it a soul

>> No.50918643

Spring of 2013. I bought two BTC for $80 each. Coinbase fucked up the buy order and after some back and forth with customer service, they gave me .2 BTC in apology which at the time was worth 16 bucks and is now worth about 4,800 bucks.

>> No.50918690

It was earlier than 2013 because I saw on a weed forum around 2012.

Without addiction to a marijuana and autism in meeting dealers I never would have learned how to do everything so early

>> No.50918699

chromosome xy

>> No.50918719
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Charlie shrem taking money orders kek

>> No.50918745

September 2010, wrote an uni paper on it and how decentralized cryptography could scale. Uni prof said “cool” but that this has no future so I stopped mining and used up my btc later for “herbs”.

>> No.50918862

For a cp subscription in 2018

>> No.50918884


>> No.50920820

2010, was to lazy to do anything.
I unironically would have sold at $5 probably, if not before.

>> No.50920852

What the fuck

>> No.50920879

That's a man

>> No.50920904


>> No.50920971

Around 2012 anon, had a chance to buy at 60$ but I fucked up and didn't. Also could have been part of the ETH pre-sale but I dropped it. Managed to make it with bitDAO though.

>> No.50921049

Probably at some point in 2012. I went on Silk Road and all the prices were in BTC. Thought about it but decided not to buy anything so I never ended up buying any Bitcoin. My friend at uni at the time was mining it and he explained blockchain to me and I thought it sounded dumb

>> No.50923253
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I played this game called Bitcoin billionaire when it came out in 2014, I thought it was silly joke internet money. Perhaps it could be used for regular interchange in the far future… anyways I thought nothing speculative of Bitcoin and grinded this game completing it multiple times (it’s a tycoon the rewards multipliers for resetting) I just think of the time spent into this that I could’ve been buying Bitcoin. It hurts everyday bros.

>> No.50923276

*or mining Bitcoin on a home gpu rig

>> No.50923301

In Hell.

>> No.50925216

the pizza story hit front page on reddit

>> No.50926984
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My bro shilled it to me last year and he lost it all kek, I bought some Vita Inu instead, at least I made some money

>> No.50927003

Some Asians wear fake noses

>> No.50927206

2009 or 2010. I thought it was a scam though. I started buying in 2015 so I could buy drugs on the dark web.

>> No.50927686

Max Keiser when it was a fucking dollar.
If only I had bought at the time.

>> No.50927900

I first heard about Bitcoin in 2009 on /b/ and various political forums I was a part of. I never bought. I thought it was cool idea, but I figured I would just buy bitcoin whenever I needed to make a purchase using it. Never occurred to me that it's value would go up over time until the Mt. Gox thing in 2013 when it hit $1000

What's worse is that I did drugs back then it's just I had no reason to use darkweb. If I had done so, I probably would've had a few btc laying around, but who knows maybe I'd have lost them earlier.

Never bought until the hype in late 2017

>> No.50928182

2010ish back when I was in college. Tried mining but said it was stupid because I would only get a quarter of a Bitcoin every month in the pool.
Yeah I do want to die sometimes.

>> No.50929344

I heard about it back in 2011 but I had no idea how it worked. I wanted to mine bitcoin but at the time I couldn't find any tutorials on how to mine bitcoin. I downloaded the official bitcoin wallet and I couldn't find any mining button on their software. To this day I still don't know how people mined bitcoin. How the fuck do you mine a fucking bitcoin? Of course mining bitcoin is a lot more difficult today than it was back then but I couldn't find any tutorials anywhere and there was no Mine Bitcoin button on the bitcoin software. How the fuck did people mine bitcoins?

>> No.50929355

three days ago

>> No.50929377
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>gun cocks
>"I'm sorry David..."

>> No.50929385

I heard about it back in 2011 but I had no idea how it worked. I wanted to mine bitcoin but at the time I couldn't find any tutorials on how to mine bitcoin. I downloaded the official bitcoin wallet and I couldn't find any mining button on their software. To this day I still don't know how people mined bitcoin. How the fuck do you mine a fucking bitcoin? Of course mining bitcoin is a lot more difficult today than it was back then but I couldn't find any tutorials anywhere and there was no Mine Bitcoin button on the bitcoin software. I probably would have been a millionaire if they had a tutorial or some mine bitcoin on their software but back then there was nothing. How the fuck did people mine bitcoins?

>> No.50929399

I heard about it back in 2011 but I had no idea how it worked. I wanted to mine bitcoin but at the time I couldn't find any tutorials on how to mine bitcoin. I downloaded the official bitcoin wallet and I couldn't find any mining button on their software. To this day I still don't know how people mined bitcoin. How the fuck do you mine a fucking bitcoin? Of course mining bitcoin is a lot more difficult today than it was back then but I couldn't find any tutorials anywhere and there was no Mine Bitcoin button on the bitcoin software. I probably would have been a millionaire if they had a tutorial or some mine bitcoin on their software but back then there was nothing. How the fuck did people mine bitcoins?

>> No.50929426

on the offchance youre not a bot, your thread subject is boring and your threads suck stop making them and kill yourself

>> No.50929485

Around 2011 and I thought it was dumb. Heard about it again from a coworker in 2016 that was trying to convince me to invest. Was all for it but he wouldn't tell me how to actually buy it so I ignored him. Wish I had just done my own research but I was still a stupid libtard zogbot back then.

>> No.50929518

you guys would've sold for a couple hundred bucks profit, let's be honest

>> No.50929555

"what the hell are you"

>> No.50929644
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Way back in 2015, my dad got one of those paki emails that told you to invest in bitcoin trough some third party broker that would "save" you if you the price ever flopped. He's regretted not putting at least some 1k in btc since then but didn't want to invest because he's a chicken. I've already made my first 7 figs investing since 2018, first with doge, then with d0b0 (got out early, thankfully) and now with qom bc ryoshi is supposedly in it, so yeah, full on memecoins, that's the real unicorn people are always searching

>> No.50929650

Larp, you would have mined much more in 2010

>> No.50929698


>> No.50929713

>World of warcraft
You never had a life to ruin though

>> No.50929729

I had a shit desktop with no GPU. I couldn't get much at all even in a pool.

>> No.50929783
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First heard about BTC around 2 years ago, and made payment with it Via Utrust

>> No.50929805

>When did you first hear about bitcoin?
2010 on some forum.
Downloaded bitcoin.exe
Tried to mine coins.
Didn't really understand wtf I was doing and gave up after 10 minutes and deleted bitcoin.exe because I didn't want useless trash freeware on my computer

>> No.50930023

No matter what she does she will always have those big eyes.
Asian genes are truly the bottom of the barrel

>> No.50930033

Bug eyes

>> No.50930043

Like 2013 I thought it was a gay scam

>> No.50931978

I came across it on a medium article. Was skeptical at first but now I'm so deep into crypto and hold assets like BTC, MATIC, ORE and NEAR.

>> No.50932008
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a jewish friend told me about it when it was worth $20 a coin in 2011. I thought it was stupid and didn't buy. oh well

>> No.50932812

2011 or around there. I was going to buy $100 of it but it was too hard and I was worried I'd get scammed.
Exchanges weren't cushy and easy like they are nowadays. Things didn't feel as secure.

>> No.50933116

I heard it from a hot Asian lady on twitter who tried to teach me liquidity provision.
I did my research and learnt it on my own. Realized the hot kind Asian Lady is a Nigerian prince so I ditched him/her.
Now I'm staking UTK on maiar, thanks to that first encounter.

>> No.50933127

on the front page of Kirtaner's gay drugs and wrestling imageboard when it was like a dollar per btc or whatever the fuck

>> No.50933202

around 2013.

played games in a Ventrilo with some older guys who were buying bitcoin when it was a few hundred dollars.

though i was young with zero income, they appealed that i find a way to buy some bitcoins, but i was convinced by another in the group who said SCAM SCAM SCAM

for some perspective, the guys who had money in bitcoin ended up selling it on the way up until 4 digits. I spoke to some of them recently and they are more at a loss than i am

you would literally need a crystal ball. only dumb luck and an extremely specific sequence of events could lead to someone safely keeping + getting rich off early bitcoins. the chance of you losing everything in some hacked exchange, lost wallet/keys, or even some kind of hardware failure over the span 8 years? no shit none of us got rich

>> No.50933265

rapidshare was trying to pay me in rewards with Bitcoin for my files that were being downloaded for FretsonFire back in like 2010-11 or something, maybe earlier. I dont know. I wouldve had no idea where to store it, sell it, use it, etc. It probably would have sat on hard drive somewhere, forgotten forever.

>> No.50933459

Don't know the exact year but a IT news magazine my brother was subscribed to had one article every issue on it. The lowest price I remember was like 12$. That said all the early stuff written about it in articles sucked ass since it was mostly computer nerds sperging about the technology and the possible implications were never elaborated on. You can't get value of bitcoin if you have no clue just how broken the current monetary system is.

>> No.50933518


>> No.50933543
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>> No.50933600

go to console
type setgenerate true 1

>> No.50933636

Syscon's mass node network utilizes chain logs which fully protects against the threat of 51% attacks. Perhaps these days the main criticism being levied against proof of work security is the energy and efficiency.

>> No.50933654

"version" : 31900,
"balance" : 0.05000000,
"blocks" : 107886,
"connections" : 7,
"proxy" : "",
"generate" : true,

>> No.50934162

twitter bot found xer way to 4chan

>> No.50934361

a friend told me about crypto towards the end of 2020, but i bought ethereum and sylo instead, and i've made some monie.

>> No.50934552

Probably 2010. I was 13/14 years old. I remember people shutting themselves when it went to $1. Nobody ever thought something like that could ever happen. Thinking about it peaking at $60k+ is fucking nonsense lmao. My friend had 13 or so in a wallet and they were worth $2.5k each at the time. He went to fucking PRISON for almost killing a girl. It went up to $60k while hes rotting in there are doesnt get out for another 5 years. Life.