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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 68 KB, 1200x600, M5Eb8Bm43hqt28YpCyWWPa-1200-80.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
50914030 No.50914030 [Reply] [Original]

Howard Stern once ran an experiment, he gave a homeless person an envelope fill with $12,000 on Friday and all the homeless person had to do was hold onto the cash and show up to a meeting with a landlord on Monday and give the landlord the cash to pay for 1 years rent, giving him a place to live for a year. The homeless guy spent the entire $12k over the weekend lol

>> No.50914052


>> No.50914065

Howard Stern is the worst kike monster to every breathe a breath of air.

>> No.50914080
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ha so funny that guy is like cattle ha a dumb slave he should be exploited by superior people like howard stern for money ha ha jk jk

>> No.50914099 [DELETED] 

if he told you he fucked 90 chicks over the weekend Im guessing youd believe that too I mean who would ever just say something that wasnt true right

>> No.50914123

probably had one hell of a weekend, drunk and high as fuck. But yeah homeless junkies and homeless junkies for a reason.

>> No.50914132


>> No.50914145
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That's unironically the better financial decision
You can always get a normie job and hold down a rent, bills, etc
How often do you randomly get handed $12k for whatever you want from a stranger? Sure he should have spent it on stocks (or bitcoin if this took place post 2009) but doesn't matter. He still made the better play

>> No.50914153

Based Homeless man out Jewing the Kikes.

>> No.50914219

Is this bait or have retarded niggers completely taken over biz?

>> No.50914245
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You ever do anal?

>> No.50914288
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I've noticed similar takes in this board, I think it's just a result of zoomers not having a hope for a healthy financial future. Even with 12k they wouldn't have a chance at owning a house or retiring anytime soon- they'd have to commit to being a wagie for 40hrs a week for the rest of their life. So blowing money in their mind has the same end result, except you get to enjoy a pleasurable weekend before you spend the rest of your life in misery.
In some sense it's rational, at the same time it's pessimistic, doomerlike, but this is what growing up in our nations results in.

>> No.50914508

Yeah dude, it sure is

>> No.50914527

>Howard Allan Stern was born on January 12, 1954, the second child of Ben and Ray (née Schiffman) Stern, in the Jackson Heights neighborhood of Queens in New York City.[3] Stern's parents are Jewish, and their families are from Poland and Austria-Hungary.[3]

https://boards.4channel.org/his/Howard Schiffman is a scam

>> No.50914536
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wow its almost like not everyone is homeless simply because of having no money

>> No.50914542


>> No.50914545

a kike playing kike games on goyim to feel better about himself. what else is new.

>> No.50914559

I saw some dude strung out laying on the backside of a bus stop, just bugging looking stuck and uncomfortable. It would be easy for the homeless in OP story to spend maybe a G on meth, getting higher than the moon, get robbed and not even realize it.
Also fuck howard stern, he is the epitome of not even once.

>> No.50914571

The homeless guy was black and he ended up spending the money on
>a fancy hotel room
>a complete drum kit
I think he had some money left over and when they checked in on him a few months later the money and drum kit were gone.

>> No.50914857

Plot twist: the homeless guy found a place to rent for $600 a month so he actually got two years of rent instead, and it wasn't due upfront so he started working and paying the rent with his earnings and DCA'd the remaining $11400 into Ethereum and is now a stake Chad with 32,000 ETH and lives in Howard Stern's head rent free.

>> No.50914887

Kind of a stupid experiment. Homeless people are used to being in low trust, violent life situations where everything they have is at constant risk of being taken.

For all the homeless guy knew, Howard could have taken that 12k back come a few days later.

Dude probably buried it somewhere and just said he spent it.

>> No.50914899
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A WISE person would have gone to a casino and bet everything on Red.
If you win you have $24,000, you give $12,000 for a years rent and pocket the other $12,000.
If you lose, you lost nothing you did not have the 5 minuted before you met Howard.

>> No.50914911

stern is a retard lol

>> No.50915030

>stern is a retard

Stern is an EXTREMELY wealthy retard
Fixed it for you!

>> No.50915344

he could have token the 12 month rent, stole all the copper and gutted the place for as much cash as possible while having a decent spot to get sleep and tweak for a while

>> No.50915591

The homeless dude would have been booted from the rental within the first few weeks.
Most of these homeless addicts don't want a 9-5 normie life where they have to pay rent and bills and bullshit.
They want to do drugs and do whatever the fuck they want when they want. They get addicted to the drama and chaos of the streets as well, they aren't geared mentally to live normal lives anymore.

Doesn't matter if they're male/female, black/white its always the exact same story just with slightly different flavors
>be sexually, mentally and physically abused or neglected from birth and all through childhood
>no stable home life, no solid male role-models
>be put in government systems
>be abused even more, now completely broken human being
>escape to the streets. Survive by hussling, whoring, thieving, pimping or organized crime
>choose drug of choice to escape mental issues from decades of sexual and physical violence
>"I'm a smart jew, here's 12k for an apartment. Surely this drug addicted individual with serious mental health issues will just have a shower and get a job at Burger King"
>"Im such a smart jew, money solves all problems"
>"omg he spent it, these people are beyond help"

That "Soft White Underbelly" series opened my eyes even further to the realities of the problem. Probably more so was the slow black-pilling of the creator over the journey after interviewing 1000s of drug addicts on skid row and in the Appalachian mountains.

Homelessness and addiction is an issue that can't be solved with current "programs" or money handouts.
It will take multiple generations of intervention at the family unit level by providing stable households for the kids. The adults are already lost.
Since the political system operates on a 4 yr cycle, it will never be solved. Ever.

>> No.50915703

No he didn't. He just preferred 12,000 over a year of housing and didn't want to give money back.

>> No.50915714

it's like putting a wild feral animal in your nice house and then being shocked that it breaks things, shits everywhere, attacks people, makes tons of noise, can't eat from a bowl, doesn't listen to orders etc.

homeless people have to be taught how to live, act and think like a normal person again after being on the streets for so long, basically turn them from feral to domesticated. otherwise they're going to continue carrying out their lifestyle regardless of what they're given and where you put them.

>> No.50915755

or he could have invested in precious metals and be down 800$ just on goy fees alone

>> No.50915768

Poor impulse control (and mental disability, probably) got him on the street. What does that experiment establish? That the poor man takes from life whatever he is handed at the moment?

>> No.50915769

>In 2005, a homeless man named Ted Rodrigue did just that; finding himself in possession of a briefcase full of crisp, new $20 and $50 bills totalling up to $100,000 dollars and being told he could do whatever he wanted with the money
>After starting out slowly, treating himself to a new bike and a room in a motel, Ted's spending quickly started to spiral out of control, as he started spending money lavishly and ignoring the advice of his financial advisor.

>Ted eventually revealed that he had no intention of finding work, believing that the $100,000 would last him for the rest of his life, and started spending even more lavishly- spending $34,000 on a new truck and leasing himself a luxury apartment.

>In no time at all the money was gone and Ted was right back where he started, having blown through the entire amount in just over 6 months and was once again homeless.

I remember watching this on Oprah back in the day. Brutal blackpill.


>> No.50915823

I honestly think it's a bit cruel to give a drug addict 12k and then ask him to come back on Monday and give it all back to you in exchange for a year's rent (from which your behaviour could easily see you evicted). Why not just give the guy an apartment and a job and see what happens?

>> No.50915863

Free will

>> No.50915897

I don't get these posts?
Are you seriously trying to 'expose' Howard Stern as a jew despite the fact that he's one of the most infamous jews of the past several decades?

>> No.50915907

What would a homeless bum do with a job and a place to live? They obviously need neither to survive.

>> No.50916042

>homeless people are homeless because they are stupid and impulsive
this shouldn't be remotely surprising to anyone who has any significant interaction with homeless people. the average bum literally can't even perceive time as a continuous procession of cause and effect; the fact the bum in the stern program could even imagine the money lasting 'the rest of his life' shows he is smarter than the average hobo

>> No.50916054

Not arguments

>> No.50916202

Damn those fucking kikes always handing out free money to poor people.

>> No.50916217

this, forget scratch offs fucking hobo shit just put 10$ on red

>> No.50916267

There's some homeless beggar on a busy street corner by me that is always obviously blitzed out of his mind on meth. His shitty little cardboard beggar sign is scratched with totally illegible writing, strung haphazardly up to a signpost, and every two seconds he turns around to readjust it. He leaves all of his shitty trash and clothes all over the previously nice looking grass. I hate these people. Worthless agents of decay and destruction.

>> No.50916275

Stern is funny as fuck I just wish he wasn't bound to the shit ass sirius who is extremely jewy and I have to deal with the lying indians.

>> No.50916315
File: 3.32 MB, 1800x1322, Jean-Léon_Gérôme_-_Diogenes_-_Walters_37131.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>because they are stupid and impulsive
No it's actually because they're wise followers of Diogenes.

>> No.50916333

you can lead a horse to water but can't make it drink

>> No.50916359

You have never dealt with homeless people even at arms length. These are not philosophers deliberately rejecting the comforts of modern living. They are mentally ill drug addicts who are basically retarded and destroy everything they touch.

>> No.50916486

>normal faggot tries experiment
>he thinks hobos didn't cause their own misery
>worldview gets broken

>> No.50916502
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this guy is like a Boomer Ice Poseidon

>> No.50916507


>> No.50916514

this sounds like the kind of advice you would get from /tv/

>> No.50916530

Based homeless Chad knows how to party.

>> No.50916531
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>> No.50916585

Softwhiteunderbelly is a great channel. And I agree Stern is a pos. This is the epitome of shitty punching down humor . "heh dumbass Junkie doesn't know how to make good use of 12k ."
Yeah if he was smart he would rent .. but then what? It's not surprising that an addict is going to act like an addict and pursue the short term high cause the longterm delayed good seems so out of reach if your life is that fucked.

>> No.50916646
File: 600 KB, 1500x1000, 1632220041294.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haha Funny stuff.

>> No.50916744

I'd like to hear the other 2 of the top 3

>> No.50916801

>i'll pay you 12k but the catch is you have to spend it all in one week while i call you a moron for not showing up to a meeting with a landlord. there is no landlord. i'm just going to rip on you, its good radio and publicity for me, gets people talking and tuning in to my show. you in?

>> No.50916810

that 12k was probably better spent on this stunt then buying ads. it was part of the marketing budget for the show.

or maybe its all real. but why bother when you can fake it and get the results you wanted

>> No.50916867

he probably bought some shitcoin and is now richer than stern

>> No.50916880

he hid all of it in one piece

>> No.50916924


>> No.50916927

Fucking hell

>> No.50916951

>That "Soft White Underbelly" series opened my eyes even further to the realities of the problem. Probably more so was the slow black-pilling of the creator over the journey after interviewing 1000s of drug addicts on skid row and in the Appalachian mountains.

i can't remember what video it was, but in one of them he has a text comment (can't remember if it's the video description itself or in the comments section) where he says he bailed out the subject of the interview, some street walking trash ass hooker. anyways, he bailed her out with his own money and even put her up in a hotel for a while. he then said this same worthless whore tried extorting him and demanding cash or she'll sue for some bullshit about unauthorized use. in response, he sent her a screenshot of the money he made from the video, like legitimately $30 since jewtube more or less demonetizes him, and she fucked off. pretty sad.

>> No.50917005

in some strange way, I agree. although I would not have spent it all. I would also not have paid $12k for renting a shed somewhere for a year. what would the homeless(free) man have gotten out of this? he would be put back into the wage cage and be an absolute slave for the rest of his life. wow, what a nice idea. I bet he understood well enough and didn't want to be a fucking slave.

>> No.50917071
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>sample size is 1
wow, looks like the (((science))) is settled then, all homeless people are degenerate losers. were they black?

>> No.50917130

>Ted eventually revealed that he had no intention of finding work, believing that the $100,000 would last him for the rest of his life
This is the problem with growing up/living poor, you're so used to living on peanuts you become completely delusional as to how much it cost to live a normal standard of living.

>> No.50917147

the disparate behavior to both homelessness and brown immigration is very telling when you realize both have the same end result and same underlying cause.

>> No.50917187

You think it can't be both?

>> No.50917229

$12k for rent implies $1k/month
it's just too high, better ignore the deal and go rent with roommates, or even buy a car and sleep there. That way he gets both a roof and leftover money for a suit and expenses. We're talking about a hobo here, not a family with kids
of course the guy probably spent it on drugs and/or got robbed, but yes, paying $1k/month on rent is a piss poor decision if that's all the money you have

>> No.50917236

I hate Jews.

>> No.50917248

Yeah it is eye opening, got a strange vibe from the owner though, smart, competent but involved in some messed up stuff, he mentioned he was a high profile photographer which makes sense.

>> No.50919532

Based post, you hit the nail on the head. One thing that some of these bootlicking, sycophantic faggots in this thread will never understand is that life isn't as simple as following tHe RuLeS nor does that even guarantee benefit. Not everyone starts at the same place in life. >>50914887 understands this, too.

>Since the political system operates on a 4 yr cycle, it will never be solved. Ever.
I'd change the beginning of that sentence to
>So long as
These 4-8 year cycles are also why the financial system is fucked

>> No.50920308

Homeless people like being homeless

>> No.50920361

Sadly I'm afraid you're right

>> No.50920380

lmao thats not how renting works. you need a warranty to rent, so that if you damage the place, the owner of the property can execute someone (in a judicial sense) by suing him for damages. You don't sue people who have no registrable property to their name.

>> No.50920589


This? Will check it out then.

>> No.50921176

The majority of the population wouldn't be able to grow $100K and would blow through it pretty quick. This isn't exclusive to homeless people, just look at lottery winners.

>> No.50921224

Isn't it great that God gave predators clear traits so we can identify them? :)

>> No.50921351

Are you referring to appearances such as poisenous frogs with their bright colors?
I'm starting to think that jews are the descendants of Cain.

14 Behold, thou hast driven me out this day from the face of the earth; and from thy face shall I be hid; and I shall be a fugitive and a vagabond in the earth; and it shall come to pass, that every one that findeth me shall slay me.
>And the Lord set a mark upon Cain, lest any finding him should kill him.
>12 When thou tillest the ground, it shall not henceforth yield unto thee her strength; a fugitive and a vagabond shalt thou be in the earth.
Seems like jews are vagabonds without any home, they are bankers and merchants but don't farm themselves because their lands won't produce yield.
The mark is obviously the nose.
My GF says I look like a caveman and I do have a bit of a hooked nose.

>> No.50921374
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>that every one that findeth me shall slay me.
Also it seems like everyone wants to harm jews.
Even lefties because muh Palestine

>> No.50921505

This. Let's make a top 10
I nominate Sacha Cohen for 2nd

>> No.50921707

>here goy let's see if you can stand two days with more money than you've ever seen at once without spending it!
Why didn't he just pay the rent for him anyways? Not like he couldn't afford it. This is rhetorical, I know why he didn't pay for it.

>> No.50921866

>These 4-8 year cycles are also why the financial system is fucked
Every day I keep finding more and more people that think throwing democracy in the trash is the solution. The right's covert goal is a nationalist dictatorship (I've heard Franco being referenced as the "ideal") while the left's overt goal is a communist dictatorship with how much they always blame everything on capitalism. I'm from an ex-USSR shithole and I've seen what a society that was raised on dictatorships turns into, and as dysfunctional as modern democracy is, you're all gonna miss it when it's gone.

>> No.50921928

This board is so biased... lol. If Stern was le blue eyed aryan /biz/ would be praising him and commenting on how funny he is.

>> No.50921957

It's wierd that he even still comes up in convo. The last time I really remember howard having any relvelance is when he did fart man on some award show and we saw his buttcheeks. After that he just kinda disappeared. strange seeing him still being talked about when he used to get brought up all the time for his antics. that just leaves morton downy jr who's fairly off radar now and sarah silverman who's been reduced to radio

>> No.50921965

Perfect post
it’s always irritating when people argue that we should fill up vacant houses with the homeless. Houses have to be maintained. Do they really think that someone strung out on heroin is going to start mowing the lawn and attending the HOA meetings?

>> No.50922041

nope, /biz/ hates Logan Paul too

>> No.50922050

He put it into I-Bonds.

>> No.50922055

Why the fuck would he waste 12k on rent? He's homeless, he sleeps around for free

A better experiment would have been to give him 1k cash and tell him he'd exchange the 1k for 2k on monday implying he spent none of it

>> No.50922094

Lmfao i felt that.

>> No.50922107

Most people if not everyone Inc every poster I'm this thread are low iq

>> No.50922173

>Give person who has no money the opportunity to give a huge portion of money to a landlord
>Be surprised that the person would instead spend the money on themselves, since giving money to a landlord is a secondary need that comes after food, drink and human dignity

I don't see a problem here, other than that this man had expectations of someone who was not them to make a decision the way he would have made it. Why people are surprised that other people are not themselves baffles me. We're all different! Literally the only thing you can be assured of is that if you give another person a choice, they're going to choose something different in some way than what you chose. So, in fact, you could say he set himself up for failure and disappointment instead of just working on his own life.

>> No.50922188

Howard stern is one of the Jewiest Jews to ever exist and hes aware of it. We dont need an early life of wikipedia to figure that out

>> No.50922258

Absolutely spot on. One of my good friends went though this and is now a completely broken human being. Its breaks my heart to see it and any attempt I made to help ended up fruitless as he was completely warped at this stage. The cruelty of some people and what they do to their children is truly nightmare fuel

>> No.50922296

What did he expect that homeless guy to do? Rent an apartment and get a job at mcdicks this man very well may have been sucking dicks to get by

>> No.50922336

You've described black culture in general.
>Work hard, bust ass, look for promotion opportunities, yessah, nossah, etc
>Fired at the first whiff of a recession
>Dogshit worker the rest of their life
>This mentality spreads because everyone remembers Uncle Greg with the 4.0 and all that promise who's still working retail at 45
>"If he couldn't make it, we're all fucked"
>The only people who succeed are a small portion of the contingent of dumbshit cocky negros who are high IQ enough to make moves but not so high that they recognize the horrible risk thingyIcan'tremembertheword

>> No.50922357

Honestly I think its the flaw of the individual. People need to stop blaming their past and the actions of others for their shit lives. Yes other people are dicks. Yes the world sucks. Just find the mental power to move on and succeed.

>> No.50922427

>1 year rent and back to being homeless.
>12k USD for smack and crack.
Gee anon, real earth shattering revelation you have.

>> No.50922436

>The adults are already lost.
Nah. It would take a massive amount of therapy and basically caretaker-style supervision for n number of years per person, but it could be done. And we have the money to do it, but it would mean everyone living at a sober level. No more jetting around the globe for a weekend. No more importing expensive foreign shit. All the hallmarks of American affluence would be gone. We'd have to squeeze meaning and self-actualization from actual interpersonal connections, and self-expression not tied to commercialism, and tending our gardens and cleaning our rice bowls. Can't have that. Omelas etc.

>> No.50922468


>> No.50922655

this is only partially true, this starts now at a much younger age than you’d think
black kids police each other for READING. if the black kids spot another black enjoying a book, they’re going to humiliate them until they give up

>> No.50922895 [DELETED] 

Reading is a waste of time for blacks. Most simply dont have the mental capacity for it.
So why focus on a losing strat?
Their strength is in fucking, sports, music, and crime.

>> No.50922965

>black kids police each other for READING
Reminds me of some long thread years ago from some defense attorney who worked in an inner city and all of his clients were hood rats. The defendants wouldn't even humor his request of wearing a suit and tie to court because it would make them "look like a bitch" in front of their gangbanger friends.
Like >>50915591 said about homeless people, it would take generations to fix that ghetto mindset, but anyone who's noticed the patterns of an average black person can tell that they are one of the least valuable causes worth supporting.

>> No.50923035

t. never went through any real hardship

>> No.50923366

White kids do this too, actually. This is why our job recruiting (and, honestly, recruitment for education) is based on nepotism and networking (but I repeat myself...) rather than merit, starting with the first people you meet: your parents. Intellect is loathed nationwide and across cultures; what is prized is grit, wit, and being with it. God forbid you put a black kid who loves books in with a bunch of white kids, whether they're rednecks or they're being groomed for """high achievement""".
With the elite, it doesn't make much sense to me, because they're competing internationally with people who DO prize actual intellect (including, gasp, Africans and West Indians). But for American blacks? Shit makes perfect sense. Why would you waste energy on educating yourself when people like >>50922895 think you don't have even the capability? Remember, this is the country of truthiness, where perception is more important than reality; where being offended is the standard for corrective action, not sustaining an actual injury. Mortals have limited time and energy and a strong drive to do what keeps them alive one more day. So that's where the effort goes.

If you don't subscribe to this model, how do you explain your average Asian high-performer who claims to be "not that smart" and has to get years of therapy to overcome the abuse heaped on them by their parents? They get good grades so that they don't get beat (physically, or worse, psychologically).

>> No.50924255

If your life decisions are based on someone elses opinion, you are never gonna make it. In terms of evolution, it makes more logical sense for blacks to just hustle on the street and do basic menial jobs and just outfuck everyone. They will never have the mental capacity to compete with bloodlines long selected for intelligence (jews/anglos/germans/asians/upper caste jeets).
Its like a 4'0 dude wanting to play in the NBA. Yeah it can possibly happen but its a waste of energy for most.
Also lmao le smart african man is a myth

>> No.50924429

In addition I wanna add: black people are doing just fine as a race. In fact they have never been more dominant despite the low quality of their individual lives.
They already blacked the USA into submission where they are cultural icons and gods. Now theyre cleaning out countries like the UK and France at the street level.
Whats the point of being smart if you get easily erased by more dominant and reproductive species?

>> No.50924477

>just dont get robbed for a whole weekend

>> No.50924752

They don't need decades. I can solve homelessness with a solid five year plan and the ruthlessness of Stalin.
>Round them all up.
>Put them in camps.
> Categorize them based off gender, skills, IQ etc.
>Give medical and mental aid.
>Place them in a six month long paramilitary training program in which death is an option to weed out the weak.
>With this remainder force that has detoxed place them in work camps for the next four years punctuated by reserve military/civic defense duties.
>The last six months are a transition to civilian life and apprenticeship programs.
>Failure to complete would result in placement in a prison military battalion with no firearms, death camp or if they're lucky a lifetime work camp with 14 hour days, 6 days a week until death.
Simple as. You can also mix them with prisoners and have them all in the same system of control.

>> No.50924787

>get 12k
>bought LINK
>now millionaire
>oh hey jew man uhh what 12k oh yea you gave me that thanks I uhh spent it

>> No.50924795

My dad inherited 1 million and spent it in a year.
Poor people are meant to be poor

>> No.50924846

the types of people dumb enough to spend money on lottery tickets are the type to blow through it all
I used to ask why the universe decided to give these guys millions and not me but then I realized I've never bought a lottery ticket

>> No.50924899

Perspective, thanks for sharing yours.

>> No.50924926
File: 365 KB, 831x835, 1630100785099.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck u jp morgan shill, you bankster liberal globohomo fuck i dare you to damn your soul to hell by looking at this picture and not repenting

>> No.50925053

Back then being a millionaire was literally considering as "making it". Now you can just a semi decent house with it. Before some retarded anon suggest you can buy some house in middle of fucking nowhere, back then you could build your house in middle of nowhere without any house. If you accumulate an amount which would take decades of your life with a normal job, you still can't reach a socially higher class. It's pretty much a working class misery all your life unless you inherited some wealth from your parents. We are back to medieval way of existing. All you can do but saving money would result only very slight improvement to your life.

I know some rich people who would 12k on a regular night out without anything fancy. It really isn't much.

>> No.50925091

All in on SIGA ezpz

>> No.50925183

This. Read "The Body Keeps the Score". Its a book on trauma psych. Trauma is being raped by your dad,, neglected by your parents, living on scraps while mom is beaten by her boyfriend next door, watching your sibling OD in the living room. Etc. It reprograms you and you become physically broken and the only fix is safety, unconditional support, socialization, and aggressive reprogramming. Over the course of years. Add into this drug addiction and zero formal education and these people are so fucked its a cosmic joke. They should be put in little concentration camps outside the cities away from my offended gaze, or put down. I don't hate them they're just annoying and won't get better so there's no point to them.

>> No.50925402

This is s high level and IQ post. I too would've pit the 12k to good use over a weekend. Rentcucking away the money is for poorfags.

>> No.50926186

Mostly agree, but there's still degrees of wealth. A middle class boomer reaching retirement with a million dollar house and maybe a million in savings/investments is going to be way better off than someone approach retirement with a 100k or 200k net worth. It's the difference between no longer working and having to keep working to survive.
>All you can do but saving money would result only very slight improvement to your life.
Today most people could probably retire off 1 million living a poor lifestyle for the rest of their life and not have to work. On 2 million suddenly that means they can safely retire comfortably on a middle class lifestyle, vacationing once or twice a year, and eventually die leaving most if not all of that to their children.

A life of no longer working wasn't really a possibility in the medieval times afaik, and while I do see your point and agree we are rapidly heading that direction, we're not there yet. It's still possible for people to hit 1-2 million in their lifetime, especially if they work in the right industries and live below their means. As cost of living increases and wages continue to stagnant it will be even harder to obtain, but there's still opportunities, always ways to think and work and reduces costs outside the box. Sure almost nobody will go from being a peasant to nobility, but if they make the right decisions they can go from peasant to landlord (not exclusive to RE of course).

>> No.50926795

Baccarat is a higher eV gamble for the player

>> No.50926993

Completely this
And on the off chance that you find a career with retirement possible within 40 years, it'll pay so much that the 12k can't be a regret

>> No.50927117

I've had this idea for a while to give three random people in a ghetto $10k in cash each to see what they would do with it. I'm willing to bet at least one of them will be assaulted/murdered and the others will completely squander it on fleeting items like clothes/shoes.

>> No.50927152


If you like Soft White Underbelly, check out the videos by Charliebo313. He rolls through ghettos and hellholes to give you a genuine perspective of how bleak the reality is for a lot of lower-class Americans (black folk, in particular)

>> No.50927181


That's the channel. Pretty insightful and depressing

>> No.50927247


This happened with a close friend of mine!

>grew up with just the basics, nothing extravagant or exciting
>never had new clothes, shoes, anything that he didn't buy on his own from his part-time job
>suddenly gets a $50k inheritance from the sale of land from a late grandfather
>he blows it on a new car, new clothes, starts acting like a complete dick
>loses the rest of it on cocaine, an MLM, and DUI-related fees
>back to square one with fewer teeth than when he started

Sad, really

>> No.50927304

1) As social animals, humans must, in fact, base most of their life decisions on someone else's opinion; society itself is the abstraction of one's duty to listen to other people.
2) You have issues and I hope that you're one day able to work through them.
Otherwise lolno.

>> No.50927335

>Implying that you're not one of them
No one makes their way to this website without having something seriously fucked up in their past. (Admittedly, for many, that's simply "growing up in America").

>> No.50927341

Is this second load of laundry ok?

>> No.50927398

No people just tend to go with what they do best. To survive in the world you need your niche and a fish won't have the same skills as a bird so trying the same strats is dumb. Stereotypes dont put people into roles, their skills and behaviors put them into roles which in turn creates stereotypes.
What kind of issues do I have btw?

>> No.50927523

I can tell the worst thing that's happened to you was losing a grandparent you barely knew

>> No.50927596

I don't even think about shit like that.
What's the point in even discussing the past? Its gone. Go do cool shit. Learn a skill. Make money. Learn how to fight, paint, swim, w/e. Have lots of sex with attractive women.

>> No.50927600

The fact is whites wouldn't exploit the guy like stern did for his own perverse power trip

>> No.50927858

OK, Boba booYee

>> No.50929093

>get millions
>put it into stocks
>watch it all go down the drain because that's what the stock market does
okay chumps

>> No.50929678

that isn't what happened. you are refering to homeless jeopardy. the prize was 10,000. one of the homeless guys one. howard gave him the money. he spent a lot of it very stupidly but when they caught up with him a few weeks later he just said that he put the money in the bank and his wife took it. it turned out he wasn't actually totally homeless, just going through a divorce. or maybe that was a lie and he just blew the money.

Anyway there was no challenge to hold the money until monday. they just gave the guy cash, and he went straight to buy booze, expensive clothes, jewelry, and a drumset and rented an expensive hotel room. By the next day he estimated that he had about 6K left.

>> No.50929810

I've always considered Stern to be pretty low IQ but this is kind of interesting.

>> No.50929850

Homeless guy was smart. He didn’t have any money for electricity or water. It would have been worthless anyway. Might as well have fun.

>> No.50929862

Hey now, cool it with the antisemitism.

>> No.50929885

Zoomers need to stop being so entitled and pay their dues. Why does everything think they need to own a house at 21-25? America is a dual income society, zoomers should be focused on getting married and building their career. You don't need a house until you're in your 30s

>> No.50929947
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I haven't watched yet but is it this one?:

>> No.50929959
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You can't fight the crowd. It doesn't matter how objectively smart you are; if everyone decides to treat you as dumb, you will find all avenues for capitalizing on your intelligence closed. That's because you're competing with people who have the "trust" of (or kompromat on) many other people. Meanwhile, you yourself are working alone, because your perceived lack of intelligence makes you seem untrustworthy or not worth attempting to manipulate (which gives you an opening to manipulate back). In fact, this is thought to be one of the structural reasons black professionals fail to succeed: their much smaller networks and the unwillingness of superiors to mentor or sponsor them leaves them open to attack from better-supported (and often less-skilled) white rivals.

You'll also note that much American policy has been undertaken with the express or implicit goal of breaking up black families, and connections within black communities - usually offloading the risk of white bullshit onto them. Consider: highways, connecting far-out white suburbs to city centers, that cut through and destroyed thriving black neighborhoods; consider, also, the crack/cocaine epidemic, used to fund CIA operations, ostensibly to promote national security. The examples are many. Negrophobia, as with negrophilia, is a collective delusion. It warps and restricts perception, with the aim of taming not a people, but the cognitive dissonance driven by the presence of the negro in an ostensibly white society, and the knowledge that he is not there by mistake, but rather was "invited" by methods of, shall we say, radical persuasion, in order to fulfill the role of an exploitable class in that same, and nominally "free", society. The understanding that blacks are human beings making perfectly rational decisions, given the circumstances, is one that would tear you and the world you live in apart. So you try very, very hard not to understand.

>> No.50929969

>What kind of issues do I have btw?
Whatever drove you to the chinz. No one here is normal, or even prosocial. Also racism, it being a mental illness and all.

>> No.50929993
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Get the fuck out of here you old fag boomer. No one cares about that faggot kike

>> No.50930008

why don't we just give homeless people an island to live on where they can be homeless together

>> No.50930035

kek, he'll remain homeless hehe, should have quickly made an extra gain from holoride metastaking from that before the weekend is over.

>> No.50930364

Racism is natural and even necessary. Sheepdogs are prejudiced against wolves for a reason.

>> No.50930719


u realize u can do drugs and fuck hoes in an apartment u have for 12 months too right

>> No.50930755

Here's what I don't get about the situation with the U.S. govt. and blacks. What at this point do they fear or want to prevent them from doing? Is there some type of latent potentiality there or something? Or in other words what do the elites/govt. lose if blacks were equal at this point? Same IQs, same workplaces, same neighborhoods, health outcomes etc.

>> No.50931050

Same with the fags, spics, and so on. They would rather push this false narrative of not equality, but subverted superiority when in reality this is simply false. Lets say if the vast majority of nigs and fags just did their own thing without falling deep within their own stereotype and actively chose or worked towards some semblance of normalcy(not pointing fingers at others for all of their problems or acting out in public in a form of unhinged fury or sexually deviant behavior) then that would bring them closer to not being zogbots and able to reason when the government is being fucky. Instead, you have these groups being teleported to the top-middle of the food chain above the average person with the same victim mentality and pointing fingers. Only issue is theyre pointing at the wrong people and it should be the (((elites))) being blamed.
Ironic as this is, /pol/fags do this to a degree, but they just stay butthurt on the internet being somewhat productive blaming da j00s instead of sexually grooming kids in public or destroying property.

>> No.50932087

That experiment is completely flawed. A homeless guy already (obviously) is okay with being homeless, the bad part is not having any money. Having a "place" to live at with no money is just homelessness with a roof, you still dont have shit other than perhaps better sleep.
12k would take the average wagie at least a year or more to save from a job. The incels that hate on taking the money are just looking for reasons to hate the homeless, when they made the smartest play in that scenario

>> No.50932116


Verification not required

>> No.50932120

i really doubt htat

>> No.50932129

why would a jew change his last name to blend in as a jew? changing his jew name to an even bigger jew name how does that help him hide?

>> No.50932320

not a bad haul for $4k desu

>> No.50932422

Homeless dude already lives free of paying rent. Why would he need a year of rent?

>> No.50932595

Fucking mutt education. Schiffmann was his mothers name you dumb fucking idiot, after marriage that name changes in 90% of cases to that of the man.

>> No.50932632

How long ago? Even if they made it clear he still got to keep the money, cheap crappy apartments were only like $400 a month back in the day. So that's only like an additional $4800.
They should do it again today.

>> No.50932673
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That is leemon baird in a wig

>> No.50932809

You exagerating a lot, amosgt kikes Howard is a literal saint

>> No.50933151


>> No.50933190


>> No.50933536 [DELETED] 

Why has Syscon chosen to remain Proof of work while so many industries are focusing on transitioning towards Proof of Stake? Most importantly our approach allows us to be the most secure blockchain after bitcoin.

>> No.50933773

I can't understand what these cunts are saying

>> No.50933848

>doesn't mention the opportunity cost of paying rent
>tv jew gives you a small loan of 12k for rent

Homeless guy made the right choice

Super jewish, I probably would have taken the money, bought a gun and put the rest in BBBY so that his handlers shoot him for funding a terrorist.

>> No.50933897

Unironically though.

>> No.50933907

>Black culture
>work hard

O I am laffin

>> No.50933990

Alright niggers it’s story time. A year ago, me and a buddy wanted to buy a couple $30 lottery tickets. Yes I know it’s a waste of money. We went into a gas station and they were completely out of $30, $20, and $10 lotto tickets. When we asked the cashier why, they told us that a homeless guy had come in the week prior and won a million dollar scratcher. Apparently, the man did not wish to change his life very much at all. He continued to live homeless and ride his bike around, only instead of buying a couple lottery tickets he bought ALL OF THEM. From EVERY STORE IN THE SURROUNDING AREA. $2000-$3500 spent PER GAS STATION PER DAY. Poor people are always the shittiest, most degenerate humans, and they deserve to have what little they can scrounge up, taken away from them.

>> No.50934180

This is the truth, people don't know Howard behind closed doors. He's a monster.

>> No.50934593

isn't there an entire podcast devoted to exposing him, historically? i've never listened to it but it seems like an interesting concept.

i remember hearing that he bullied a prostitute into suicide and then joked about it on air? something along those lines. pretty fucked.
i do miss the wack pack days though, exploiting the mentally/physically disabled like a circus act is fine by me

>> No.50935319
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Howard Stern is a jew

>> No.50938449

This but x 100

>> No.50938503

>The actions of 1 hobo means the same for every hobo

>> No.50938679

Homeless people know how to not be homeless. The choice of numbing out in bliss with drugs and barely experiencing homelessness as your mind is far away > being clean and dealing with their personal demons and not being homeless.

>> No.50938952

holy shit, 50 bucks worth of coins!!?!

>> No.50939298

High IQ people understand this because they can look around and see how the game is rigged but also how most people are stupid and not creative. High IQ see a path to navigate this landscape. A lot of these poor high IQ even have pasts of coping with drugs or homelessness but not enough to fry their braincells and pulled themselves out of it in time.

The issue is that mid wits who were born rich will have their smarter parents give them a step by step guide on what to do. No creative thinking is necessary. Poor midwits will blame their parents for not giving them a path and they can't see the path themselves so just give up and blame women, blacks, jews, the government for why they can't see a way forward. Essentially the majority of poor fags on biz. The mid wits who suffered extreme abuse as kids end up homeless.

My close friends and I were high IQ people who were born lower middle class. We all figured out how to navigate this landscape, taught ourselves skills, taught each other from our trial and error, and showed our obvious worth compared to our peers just phoning it in and have made it to upper middle class. All of our parents were narcissistic boomer morons who were of zero help. Going from here to rich is going to be more a matter of luck and making the right connections with already rich people who want to work with you.

People like this who have made it will pay it forward but only if they recognize that you are reliable, eager to learn, and are not a fuck up (it's fine if you were a fuck up in your 20's but you have to be over that shit by your 30's). Because high IQ smart people want to work with other high IQ self-motivated people instead of the rich mid-wits they are usually surrounded by.

>> No.50939768

>don't be an emotional retard
>stocks usually recover and if you kept investing during downturns you'll be in an amazing position when the ebs and the flows of the market return
>Anyone who would have invested decently during 2008 crash would be in the millions today.

>> No.50939824


A high IQ person gets to the point. A midwit writes a 9 page essay fellating themselves

>> No.50940219

>give all your money to landkikes and be happy
If he'd paid the rent he'd have nothing left for utilities or anything else that make an apartment worth living in.

>> No.50940666

Full reparation would bankrupt the country. Racist policy was actually inefficient, and it required some portion of the population to be destitute in order to sustain the appearance of affluence for the white majority. Think about it. Every other developed country just barely hangs on to an American upper-middle class QoL with most of their populations in cities, high taxes, and essentially no military spending (our second-biggest expenditure). The typical suburban American lives 30 minutes from work, drives their own car to the workplace, works for 4 hours and gets paid for 8, and somehow all of the municipalities these people live in have stayed "solvent" enough to afford city-level amenities. And more spring up every decade. How is this possible? It isn't. They've hidden the true cost in debt, and in austerity for PoC. Don't even have to talk about slavery. Don't even have to talk about the drug war. The simple fact of American life is that we live well above our means. To let PoC succeed would be to double down on the batshit fiscal insanity, essentially moving up the time-table for the ultimate reckoning.

Tribalism and territoriality are natural. Racism is to those what shooting up with fentanyl is to eating shrooms.

>> No.50940774

I’m currently homeless, 18 years old and living in a fucking motel. I would love to be one of the fucking people a part of this experiment right about now. Fuck you

>> No.50940853

>The majority of the population
>This isn't exclusive to homeless people, just look at lottery winners.

Ah yes, both majorities of the population

>> No.50940901

>Why not just give the guy an apartment and a job and see what happens?
Because that's not either ill nor degenerate, which is what Stern and his audience are after...

>> No.50940950

You become the trouble you invite into your life, this is why feeling any guilt for being rich, being White, or being Western only seeks to destroy you. People have autonomy for their actions, no matter what happened to them, and always have opportunities to better their lives by their own merit. They are just too fucked in the head for anyone to help, and there’s a good reason why any functional society institutionalizes them instead of handing out grants and “social equity” programs.

>> No.50940966

>you don’t need a place to raise kids until you’re too old to have kids safely
Please consider suicide very seriously, anon.

>> No.50941019

That's only contingent on them thinking you'll fail to begin with.

>> No.50941099

If I had three wishes from a genie my second wish is this kike rat nastard and everyone who ever listened to his radio show for more than 2 hours in their life cumulative would drop dead.

>> No.50941247

This just tells me how little he understands about being homeless.
Of course the guy that is already used to not having a home won't blow 12 grand on a fucking place to live, he already gets that for free. It's also very likely that he doesn't know what an investment is, or what he could invest in.
Stern showing, again, how stupid he is.

>> No.50941853

This board is braindead. It's almost always wrong, test it yourself and actually take suggestions from here and track how they do.

>> No.50942995

takes one to know one

>> No.50943998
File: 660 KB, 924x750, E7026C4E-4534-415A-9365-4A421D179F26.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Checked and Gretzky-pilled

>you miss 100% of the shots you don’t take

>> No.50944195


>> No.50944283

Opie and Anthony did a lot of this shit too. Being robbed, spending it all on booze or having a homeless party were usually what happened. You;ll come to learn homeless people are usually homeless because they're retarded. The not retarded homeless people don't stay homeless for very long.

>> No.50944288

the homeless guy might also have lost the money in a boat accident.

what you want with a rented home when you have no money left kek.

>> No.50944559
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>> No.50944666

>600 a month
>he actually got 2 years of rent
Wow biz really is fucking retarded

>> No.50944882

retard druggie. If I was in your situation I would get myself out of it within a month but then again I never would be because I'm not a retard devoid of self control and discipline

>> No.50945095
File: 186 KB, 1024x682, 2DAF3876-3950-43CE-8BA0-21FCCAAD4F68.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m not a druggie you faggot. I (surprise surprise) live with my parents cause I’m just barely fucking 18 and our old landlords didn’t renew our lease, evicted us and then jacked up the price on our house by $500 (they knew we couldn’t pay a higher rent so they got rid of us)

God you fucking people are dumb. You guys grow up in pic related and then try to talk down to real people, kek

>> No.50945284

So you never do drugs? You never even smoke pot? kek. like father like son. Your parents are losers and unless you make a big change you will be just like them.

>> No.50945336

12k is like 3 months in ny

>> No.50945395

>you got smacked with a yarmulke
the most comprehensive BTFO ever caught on camera

>> No.50945466

Midwit post

>> No.50947228

What you said made no sense. Growing up poor would make you frugal and know the value of things.
People that blow through money and don't know how long it will last are just dumb on a genetic level

>> No.50947307

> Makes fun of stuttering John relentlessly
HOWARD in 2013 on AGT
>Stuttering comedian, I kneel, you are stunning and brave

>> No.50947568

>Make a change by smoking pot, bro.
What a fucking imbecile

>> No.50949366

>their lands won't produce yield.
The Haifa group, one of the largest fertilizer producers in the world, would beg to differ.

>> No.50949379

And most normies would do the same in different ways (worthless shit, eating out, cars, etc). no one knows how to manage money

>> No.50949389


>jew gives away money

press x to doubt

>> No.50949684
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I live in a welfare state, so I just openly laugh at beggars when I see them.
How much of a retard can you be when the state is offering free money and you still fuck up lmao.

>> No.50950455

clearly the guy figured out that he wouldn't be able to afford the utility bills and realized that it was a trap to fuck him over

>> No.50950480

Anon can't do math but that's okay because in his theoretical fantasy our homeless friend is a millionaire.

>> No.50952494

That homeless guy's name? Albert Homelesstein

>> No.50952538

If you're actually mental you get more money
To the point where it's the equivalent of a basic wage
So unless someone has a thousand a week habit you can comfortably sit in your free chair completely fucked up and if you remain fucked up they don't want to know and just tick the box marked fucked up and just pay the money till you die because it's easier than being stabbed in the gibs office by some nutcase