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File: 405 KB, 562x517, just fuck my shit up.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
50910589 No.50910589 [Reply] [Original]

Tomorrow is Monday

>> No.50910604

It is? Well, that's nice to know I suppose.

>> No.50910617

its gonna dump so hard isn't it?

>> No.50910626
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Already posting from the office right now

>> No.50910637

Imagine the dump

>> No.50910649

>upset because you didn’t win the lottery

Awwweeeee wittle anon is a wittle mad because he has to wwwworkkkkkk. Fucking child. Roll out of bed glad that you have your fucking health and aren’t dying of some weird disease like you see poor Indians and Africans get. This whol “aweeee I’m allergic to work” shit is pissing me off. Took 20min to get my smoothie from jamba today because there was only one wagie cashier. I was about to flip my fucking lid. Roll up your fucking sleeves and contribute to society. I’m retired now so I paid my fucking dues. Now it’s your turn you ducking ungrateful child.

>> No.50910652
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i will never know this feel

>> No.50910653
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>> No.50910677


Not bad anon

>> No.50910680

its ok to have slaved your best years away anon, most people do it too. I know i know the anger is too much, just dont harm anyone ok ? ;)

>> No.50910681
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Go fuck yourself boomer faggot. You took the most prosperous country known to man and turned into the most indebted nigger hell hole history has ever seen.

I cant wait till youre in the retirement home getting beat by Shaniqua...for diversity and infinite growths sake

Get rekt

>> No.50910682

>Roll up your fucking sleeves and contribute to society.
What do I get in return?

>> No.50910693
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Ill skull fuck you

>> No.50910695

I actually like Mondays idk

>> No.50910708

i sleep in to 4pm every day.. no matter what time i go to sleep
please help bros, how do i fix this. I'm also a type 1

>> No.50910724
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>> No.50910732

Quit jacking off all night

>> No.50910739

The state will be slightly less likely to chimp out and direct unprovoked theft and violence toward you. Usually.

>> No.50910746

a nigger will kill you and steal everything you worked for. assuming your a burger which you 100% sounds like

>> No.50910762

not even the problem, my porn addiction is under control compared to a few years ago. Maybe watch it once a week if im sick of one of my bitches.

>> No.50910771

Its already monday morning for me. Fuck bros... Working 8 to 6 is killing me

>> No.50910785

are you smoking high grade weed?

>> No.50910798

1 in 1000 boomers will see what it's like, most are too stupid and selfish to awcholege anythings wrong.
Some will even point to RANJESH and be like "see the new brown people in our country are doing fine"

>> No.50910813

I just quit my first job after Uni. Only worked there for a month and a half but it feels great to not be a wagie.
I draw coom artwork now and I'm free

>> No.50910823

fuck im Canadian so yes, i can go buy super high grade on any corner

>> No.50910831

Its simple. I get
>being replaced in my own democracy
>my savings and wage inflated away by central banks
>no promise of home ownership
>globalist policy aimed at extracting wealth and resources from me
>more globalist policy reducing my wages and breaking up male/female relationships
>40+ hours of working for pittance for kikes
>niggers and spics shitting up once nice communities
>no assurance that me or my children will have a future or even a country

No thanks, you're not entitled to my labor. If you want my labor then give me a reason to support your dying system.

>> No.50910833

there's your problem

>> No.50910844
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>> No.50910869

Dying in sleep is not real, people who are said to "die peacefully in their sleep" wake up from the suffocation and get tortured with panic before their brain dies. It's not a good way to go.

>> No.50910871

>my own democracy
>my savings and wage
Bud you have some serious misconceptions about government you need to get cleared up.

>> No.50910881
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>> No.50910888

Funny this is how I feel about my weekends. I enjoy my work.

>> No.50910902

Monday is the last day of work for me.

>> No.50910903

Unless it’s a massive aneurysm.

>> No.50910969

checked and keyed fren thank you. im a degen legal weed smoker

>> No.50911020

we are not your bud, guy