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50909244 No.50909244 [Reply] [Original]

I have 2 girlfriends at the moment. They know about one another. I got found out. Both of them forgave me and gave me a chance to choose them over another one. How bad is it? I like both of them.

>> No.50909253

get a third girlfriend

>> No.50909256

they're both men, aren't they?

>> No.50909261


>> No.50909268

Women love this shit. I hate women so much it's unreal.

>> No.50909283
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The first one is long term gf of 5 years, 27 years old (no kids, no marriage). Second one is young zoomer, 24 years old, sex is amazing, our vibe is synchronized. I am only 28 years old and it is my only and first relationship which I have already fucked up. I am holding ETH, ROSE and Link.

>> No.50909311
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Introduce them to each other.
Then dump both of them.

>> No.50909335

Find a new one
Neither will ever have trust for you again. It will always be held against you.

>> No.50909344
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bite their heels problem solved hahahaha

>> No.50909349

Choose neither, they'll both keep chasing you.

Also if you are on here you are clearly a fag and not straight, so you need to get honest with yourself and start spreading your boipussy.

>> No.50909395

Yeah OP you're fucked. They could be working together on a plan to humiliate you. Choose the first girl and go to couples counseling (required, if not it's a prank/gonna fail) or find a new girlfriend.

>> No.50909444

Tell both you choose her continue seeing both , they will never find out twice

>> No.50909460
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That's what I was leaning more into, thank you for confirming my assumptions. Isn't couples counseling a meme though? I am not sure I can deal with some roastie telling me how bad of a person I am while being paid by me.

>> No.50909801

Women are most attracted to men that other women find attractive
Your mindset on this is wrong

>> No.50909848

leave them both. this event will likely taint the relationship in the future and is not worth it unless you enjoy them using it as ammo against you. next time be more discreet or be more honest

>> No.50909930

Tell them they need to get use to idea of sharing you or they can move on, at least 1 of them will stay, then stay with her and use her to find another woman.

If you're gonna have a legacy anon, you need to start thinking about how to have 100 kids.

You will need a new 18 yr old wife every 2-3 years minimum.

All of these women should understand their place in your legacy, and you shouldn't be afraid to seize it.

Reject modernity, start a haram and have 100+ children.

otherwise, what's the point of getting rich?

>> No.50909962
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>working together

>> No.50910010

This. Couples therapy is a mistake as invariably you will come across some harpy fem therapist that'll plant the idea in your gfs mind that you are somehow damaged and that you will never be able to change your cheating ways. Tell your gf you'll get individual therapy with a male councillor and that you think the reason you cheated in the first place was because you were scared of commitment/responsibility/you've been behaving destructively due to blah blah life stress but you're not any more and you want help to keep that shit under wraps. Do not talk about the other woman ever.

>> No.50910098

It's called a rotation, keep them both and look for a 3rd one in the meantime

>> No.50910153

Only correct answer.

>> No.50910177

I scheduled my life on 5 girlfriends. House of cards crumbled down on my graduation day. 4 of the 5 came to see my graduation (I didn’t invite them). 10/10 would recommend. 10/10 would not repeat tho.

>> No.50910226

Marry both and a third one. Maybe one more. Become polygynous chad.

>> No.50910237

fucking kek. Might as well.

>> No.50910253

For real. It has less to do with OP, but more to do with their own egos.

>> No.50910254

Based and correct pilled

>> No.50910261

the hell does this mean? Is that zoomer talk?

>> No.50910279

misogynist nazis will die miserable and alone anyway, so it doesn't matter what you do, unless you change.