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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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50904945 No.50904945 [Reply] [Original]

Presented without comment

>> No.50904958

b-but shemitah is not due yet! Muh merge

>> No.50904966

We aren't in 2008 and the whole environment is entirely different. Low IQ take.

>> No.50904985


This anon is correct listen to him, dont sell just keep buying.

>> No.50904992

Zoom out on first pic, nice deception though

>> No.50905135

MODS,Delete this thread

>> No.50905144


Yeah, you could argue it's worse than 2008. I'm not writing a dissertation and doing homework for you, but the strength of the dollar, global/US corporate debt levels/Europe all in conjunction with global central banks who are adamant on tightening no matter the cost, as well as QT which has never been done before at this level in the US.

I know you think you sound intelligent, but 2007/2008 didn't seem like a big deal until something broke. The current conditions are going to break something. That could be next week, month, or year. Based on the VIX, nobody is hedging. Long vol is dead money, any event whatsoever can/will trigger a cascade to 50 VIX. August/September are seasonally the worst time of the year, so even if nothing happens, a decline from here is expected; if something breaks, it'll be more violent.

>> No.50905401

china is literally having a 2008 moment as we speak

>> No.50905521

Yes, we are entering a recession. The question is what to do. I don't have money to buy a house now as prices are going down. And a loan would be a bad option would it not?

>> No.50905543

Yeah it's worse, far worse. 2008 is going to look good after this.

>> No.50905558

Right before a crash (like now), the best thing you can do is to buy a lot of gold.
Right after a crash, the best thing you can do is to invest all that gold into healthy and promising productive assets.

Why yes I have zero experience on the matter.

>> No.50905827

The best thing you can do before a crash is be in cash in several banks and hold a couple long expiry put options and complete the option on a crash and either hold more cash or use it to open more puts on next relief rally.

>> No.50905850

>I'm not writing a dissertatio
>proceeds to write a dissertation

>> No.50905915

>the whole environment is entirely different

>> No.50905967

>china is literally having a 2008 moment as we speak
it's conteined

>> No.50905989

Because it hasn't crashed yet. I don't think we'll have another 2008. A bad crash and recession is possible, but I don't think it will be nearly as bad. If it crashes 25-50% from here, don't be an idiot waiting for 80%. Buy before relief rallies and consider whether to sell or hope it continues to new heights over the years.

Contained to china. Other countries are not immune to making the same mistakes.

>> No.50906000

>Based on the VIX, nobody is hedging
how can you tell?
>The current conditions are going to break something
how? Which could be the catalyst?

>> No.50906011

The difference is the china swaps now.

>> No.50906063

not even contained to china
it simply hasn't even begun

>> No.50906101

It has begun in China.

>> No.50906238

>Because it hasn't crashed yet
it has been crashing for 9 months

>> No.50906251

>china swaps now
what does it mean?
>it simply hasn't even begun
who stopped it and why?

>> No.50907030

That's not "the crash" people are worrying about, it would be the beginning of it. I'm not saying it will happen.

>> No.50907512
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We are kicking the can down the road, most likely we are here somewhere. You better monitor S&P 4200 pts

>> No.50907557

no point showing it to these niggers, all that's spinning around in those stupid little mumu heads of theirs is "muh merge muh merge"

>> No.50907570

maybe it only looks like a dissertation to you because you're a fucking phoneposter with 0 attention span

>> No.50907580

>conveniently ignores 2008
sure, nigger

>> No.50907653

what are you fucking retarded and 54?

>> No.50907726
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>30 arbitrarily chosen stocks in 2008 forming a pattern means the same thing for a slightly different arbitrary basket of 30 stocks 14 years later

i shiggy diggy anon

>> No.50907745

Sure it looks similar, that's why I said to look out for 4200, yet it is nothing like 2008 because last 2 years were artificial and this was intended

>> No.50907756

>buy puts cuz i know EXACTLY when it will crash
yea why didnt i think of this, you're genius

>> No.50907883

>it would be the beginning of it
the sell pressure has gone

>> No.50907899

>You better monitor S&P 4200 pts
why, intelligent anon?

>> No.50907958

It will probably not contained, 2008 also hit europe

>> No.50908074

Why is long vol dead money?

>> No.50908229

Schizo /pol/ garbage, it's not a coincidence that the market tends to dump in September but schizos get the reason wrong. The dump in September is due to higher volume when the wealthy return from vacations.

>> No.50908245

get gassed

>> No.50908264

Seriously, go back. If it does dump in September, even the week or exact day of shemitah ending, it still doesn't prove anything. If we do dump it will be on far higher volume than the last few months have had and thus the non schizo theory is the correct one.

>> No.50908456

>wealthy returning from vacations is not a schizo theory


>> No.50908473

It isn't, the volume is always higher in September after months of low summer volume. It's consistent and true, your jewish nonsense is bullshit, but because it happens on the same month as the volume pumps you low IQ racists think it proves causation.

>> No.50908745

you're right, jews don't exist and they definitely haven't been ejected from every country along history. it's all mere coincidences. why don't you fuck off to /pol/? you like to think only people from /pol/ can smell you fucking rats

>> No.50908905

>Schizo /pol/
so you're saying they're right?

>> No.50908929

/pol/tards have been wrong about literally everything for years. They were wrong about the election being overturned and everything related to covid.

>> No.50908947

It's even more ogre indeed

>> No.50908965
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they were right about those things though??

>> No.50908988

>Coronavirus is airborne aids
>*World catches on*
No real beliefs.

>> No.50909030

Two more weeks till the vaccine actually starts harming people? They were wrong about everything.

>> No.50909060

High iq take

>> No.50909196
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Are you saying nobody is having health problems? You can't be serious. My dad got the vaccine and had extreme inflammation in his back the very same day that made him suffer for a whole year and he's still dealing with it. Why are you lying?

>> No.50909241

>Anecdotal evidence
Provide multiple peer reviewed studies that show the vaccines are harmful, anecdotal evidence is meaningless.

>> No.50909271

I don't need to provide anything, you are the one with the onus to prove /pol/ was wrong. Telling me to prove a negative is beyond fallacious and retarded. Where's your peer reviewed study that shows how wrong /pol/ got things? Oh right, you didn't present any. Instead you gave anecdotal evidence.

>> No.50909340

>You need to prove the schizos are correct
Not how it works, outrageous claims require evidence and you and /pol/ are the ones making outrageous claims.

>> No.50909369

You actually believe there are any such studies done with independent funding?

>> No.50909377
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You made the first claim in this conversation nigger! And you also gave plenty of anecdotal evidence, right after giving it in your next comment you denounced anecdotal evidence as meaningless.

>> No.50909399

lmao i thought this was a bugchasing tattoo initially

>> No.50909424

You actually believe there's a grand conspiracy where somehow millions of people are all hiding information with nobody blowing the whistle?

>> No.50909462

I want you to research into the health claims of products like bottled water and anti-oxidant drinks. When I did a deep dive into it I found out that the health claims come from "peer reviewed studies" that were directly funded by the corporations selling the products. Which heavily invalidates the idea that peer reviewed studies should be seen as the end all be all of authority on scientific data. I bet you didn't even know that because you're a low info brainlet.

>> No.50909532


>> No.50909555
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top kek, you literally have no response because you're completely blown the fuck out

>> No.50909568
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>> No.50909576

le based redpilled vax discusshion le jews le wymen
jfc get some new material + have sex

>> No.50909599

>peer reviewed studies
this is dark-age levels of retardation, kys with your fake-ass paid-for studies and kike media coverups

>> No.50909644

Go back to /pol/ you chinless incels

>> No.50909658
File: 353 KB, 1676x1088, Average_Investor_Sucks.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Everyone wants a crystal ball to see the future.
Some look to the past to predict the future, BUT cars are NOT like horses, vacuum cleaners are not like brooms, nothing compares to the Internet.

One thing that is true and always will be, the average investor sucks!

>> No.50909691

you get punched in the belly daily on the street, i bet, you street-shitter

>> No.50909711

EU is fucked this winter with energy prices going through the roof and could easily be the catalyst for a global economic recession

>> No.50909722

you act like these jew companies aren't all owned by vanguard and blackrock. kys nigger brains. it's literally the same jew shit as before, new shell name.

>> No.50909741

imagine the joy nazis felt when gassing those fucking kikes, pity they didn't really do it and the joo rat masterminds all spread around the globe some more

>> No.50909752
File: 114 KB, 976x549, Africans.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>could easily be the catalyst for a global economic recession

OR maybe the government could STOP giving welfare to endless boatloads of uneducated male immigrants who can not even speak the language of the country they are immigrating to.

>> No.50909849

The difference, as you can see is we've had a much harder rebound. Insiders know there's no lehman lurking in the shadows, because of the large changes in the financial system since then.
We will keep melting up because of the endless money supply.

That pity pump from march to april of 2008 doesn't match our 6 week run since july bottom.

>> No.50910431

that's simply not going to happen. I'm with this anon >>50909711
If we make it through the winter without a happening I'll buy back in.

>> No.50910479
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>that's simply not going to happen.

EU would rather freeze to death than stop the BBC invasion.

>> No.50910710

u dumb

>> No.50910723
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Yeah. Hope you sold.

>> No.50910737

We're definitely headed for a massive crash, 2008 was never actually resolved. The big question is whether or not they'll let it crash before midterms.

>> No.50910769

you faggots have been shilling for a collapse forever

>> No.50910836

>and the whole environment is entirely different
Correct. It's way worse than back in 2008.

>> No.50910924

are you saying 20 years of crab??

>> No.50910999

>DOW TO 7k, SPX TO 800
I’m so sick of you insufferable perma doomsday faggots, holy shit. The US is ~$30 trillion in debt and would go actually bankrupt if the FED keeps rates above 4% for more than a few months, but surely they will just let everything collapse in the next few weeks because of the heckin inflation and the putin recession.
If you actually think they will pull through with their QT meme, you’re unironically retarded. The printer will be turned back on before EOY, because they will do everything in their power to keep this ship afloat. They do not give a single fuck about the people, they never have and they never will. The only two things they care about is furthering their clown world agenda and increasing/securing their wealth and power.

>> No.50911018
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>all debts forgiven
>vitalik says they will purge the blockchain
holy fuck this is starting to make a lot of sense

>> No.50911030

Checked, and based. Bobos are faggots.

>> No.50911047

Checked and witnessed. This shit will probably continue for at least another 10yrs, if not longer

>> No.50911059

Climate change.