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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 401 KB, 1706x851, 2022-08-14_015048.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
50904943 No.50904943 [Reply] [Original]

>real estate market is already down 50% from its peak in some of the most manipulated markets
B-But it's different this time! Housing prices only go up!

>> No.50904963

Cope seethe dilate rentoid faggot.

>> No.50905007

needs to go lower

>> No.50905011


>> No.50905018

>retarded homo that bought the top is already this butthurt and it hasn't even begun
This isn't the time for tears, that comes later

>> No.50905027

Still at least three times what it's actually worth desu

>> No.50905034

not even worth $500k

>> No.50905040

isnt the weather in san francisco like really nice? 70's all year?

>> No.50905046

I dont understand America

Here in Australia inner-city suburb = Rich people

But in America inner-city suburb = Poor people

Here in Australia if youre poor, youre forced to live far away from the city, in the outer-suburbs, but apparently in America the outer-suburbs are where the wealthy live.

Why is it the exact opposite?

>> No.50905050
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>est payment $7,775/mo

>> No.50905103

Seethe, real estate will NEVER crash. You will never see BTC under 20k ever again, you will never see SPY under 420 ever again. You're a fucking loser faggot bobo who will be priced out of EVERYTHING.

>> No.50905123

It's not the opposite, the rich live in penthouses in the city. Losers and racist /pol/tarded doomer bobos pretend that the city is bad, only losers live outside of the city.

>> No.50905153

Still overboughted af!

>> No.50905188
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Yas queen! Slay! Hooms only go up!

>> No.50905207

50k. pure garbage that needs none stop maintenance

>> No.50905208
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I am a property flipper in LA.
This is a very low price per square foot. There is something wrong with this property to be listed so cheap.

>Inb4 Muh San Fransisco, California

>> No.50905225

Psy op.
The rich all live in the cities or way out in the country.
Suburbs are poorfag cope because they're marginally less poor than the poorfags in slums, which keeps them compliant. 401ks are another brilliant invention to make those same poorfags buy in to a system that is actively funneling wealth to the top.

>> No.50905256
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Rentoids keep dreaming of a market crash. I just keep watching my zestimate moon.

>> No.50905281

Not an argument, incel.

>> No.50905367

OK now what? You're still priced out.

>> No.50905390

Niggerhives are needed for slave quarters. Someone is needed to clean the toilets and cook the food. For every 9 niggers in the projects there's some good goy mexislave who will serve the elites.

>> No.50905432

actually rich people live in $10M luxury high rises. upper middle class people (doctors, lawyers, codeniggers, middling businessmen, etc.) live in $1-3M cuck townhomes in the suburbs because they can't afford a $10M penthouse that's isolated from homeless niggers.

>> No.50905527

Not sure if this is a troll or you're actually this retarded

>> No.50905529

That shack isn't worth more than $100,000

>> No.50905554

Actually, if you look at alot of the new property listings in SF, they're all massively discounted. Much bigger things are wrong beyond the property

>> No.50905580

America intentionally designs ghettos within the cities. This increases and centralizes supply of the slave labor class for government and businesses, which in turn impacts natural wage dynamics and suppresses the cost of hiring employees. Furthermore, the poor people actually WANT to seem to live like this (gotta rep "my city" mang), so its a fucked up little win-win scenario for all parties.

Economically, the American situation works better than allowing the rich to naturally box out the poors, and then scrambling to coordinate subsidized transportation of the poors into the cities for labor purposes (the Australian situation). In America, you even get the added benefit of suburban wagies paying you gas and tax money to commute in to give you labor which >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> the business or govt having to figure out how to transport the wagies themselves.

>> No.50905911


Housing market will never crash anon. Housing market to the moon. Buy now or get out priced loser.

>> No.50905958

Kek, another midwit bobo faggot who is priced out of everything.

>> No.50905980

>Built in 1931

>> No.50906014

looked at some houses this morning and fouind some new listings

>2020 160k
>early 2022 240k
>now 170k


>> No.50906104

We hate each other and sharing walls/ceilings/floors is a special kind of hell.

>> No.50906519

back when we started getting top indicators two months ago somebody mentioned something about banks taking homes from lendees once they end up under water. what was that about? what was it called

>> No.50906572

It's called cope. As long as you make your mortgage payments there's nothing they an do.

>> No.50906574

Lmao a house on the the corner went up for sale for $500k in April. It's now listing at $395 and there's a good chance it will go lower. Dumbass put it on the market literally a few weeks too late. He could have gotten $520k if he sold just a month earlier. Love it, makes my pee pee hard.

>> No.50906604

Lmao yes anon, the tens of thousands of house poor people who will be paying over 50% towards their house that's underwater will magically be able to keep paying, literally nothing bad on a large scale could happen that would effect everyone economically right?

>> No.50906607

The lendee has to stop making payments and default.

>> No.50906708

The goal was never to sell to other people for 300% over actual price. It was trying to get some giant investment firm to scoop it up and over pay so boomers and real estate kikes could get a fat check.

Anyone who bought a house over the last few years probably bought the top. They got scammed thinking they were about to ride a parabolic run on houses and then sell their house to buy... another house that was marked up 1000% like that makes perfect sense.

>> No.50906729

it's pretty funny when you think about the number of drooling nigger retards that are now bagholding 6 figures of debt for the next 30 years. i saw one retard on /biz/ who thought his 3% down FHA loan didn't have lifetime PMI (short of refinancing at 80% LTV... into a 6% loan.)

>> No.50906781

We get some really nice weather in early fall(80s, mid 90s) when inland temps settle down then it dips by thanksgiving(40-50s, nights dip below freezing). Rainy and wet until april-may most years(comfy) then great weather until the summer fog rolls in when it's hot as balls inland. More stable temps and marine layer closer to the water obviously.

>> No.50906816

black and brown people were forced into our cities in the 1950s-1960s and rioted and white people fled.

>> No.50906861

Sounds like shit. I can literally pick out any city that has great temps for a few months of the year. What's all the fuss about?

>> No.50906879
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> moon

>> No.50906885

>stage 1: denial

>> No.50906906

>s-so what if my investment is crashing? w-well YOU'RE POOR!!!

>> No.50906929

its okay, you'll still never be able to afford anything worthwhile. Worse yet, you'll wait too long expecting lower and markets will just rebound again and you'll go back to bitching about how prices are manipulated for the next 10 years

rent is due on the first, btw

>> No.50907330

inner cities = niggers, and no one wants to be around niggers
outer suburb = no niggers, and everyone wants to avoid niggers

>> No.50907361


>> No.50907370

really? thats weird i thought san fran and cali in general have low humidity. i fucking hate my state
t. georgian

>> No.50907428

In my city the rich are usually in the city center and a few of the enclave suburbs. Go too far out and it's almost all middle class to lower income whites with a few pockets of the rich.

>> No.50907477

I'm not gonna wade into this debate but I got a job in property management recently. Company offers PM services to unit owners. A LOT of people have been trying to sell their condos recently (which would mean ending management with us) but end up re-listing the unit for rent because it didn't sell. I feel like we're over the hill in terms of crazy market-interest. I never wanted to be a realtor or leasing agent but this makes me especially glad I didn't go into that end of the industry.

>> No.50907496

Oh god look at her home.

>> No.50907522

you posted this same shit 3 weeks ago, image and all, and there is no way your derp shit zestimate went up

>> No.50907605
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as usual FPBP

>> No.50907629

gee I wonder why an apartment right next to the fucking golden gate bridge would be expensive

>> No.50908295

It’s the middle of august and 75f you dumb fucking gorilla. I’ve been working in SF 10 months of the year since I was 20 and it has the best weather in the state. It’s 100 today and I live 2 hours away.

>> No.50908312

It depends where you are. Obviously coastal niggers have ocean humidity. It’s 100f and 19% humidity where I live and I’m just 2 hours inland.

>> No.50908435

>cherrypicked property somali-teir city that people are fleeing en masse

do rentoids really

>> No.50908452

Actual rich people control any sort of scenic or useful land in the boonies AND control the apartments and condos in the inner cities. The same level of wealth that owns 1.5 million dollar condos also owns 1.5 million dollar mansions in the middle of nowhere. The suburbs and the majority of rural America are where the "poor people" live.

>> No.50908460

I knew the market was going down when I saw this video.

>> No.50908494

She's working so fast, her hair can't keep pace. Someone tell her to slow down for safety sake

>> No.50908519
File: 386 KB, 1170x2532, IMG_3106.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that this is the person calling you "rentoid"
Grey LVP isn't going to save your life savings boomer

>> No.50908539

Yet rent hasn't came down at all.

>> No.50908559

Is this the bucket you want to die in?

>> No.50908586

I bought last year and according to real estate agents it’s now worth about 28% less than I paid for it. JUST

>> No.50908646

This is the only actual answer I’ve seen. When did /pol/ get so blue pilled? Pussy ass bitch ass suck ass fuck ass faggot ass bitch niggers

>> No.50908681

I would pay at 100k not a single penny more for that shit

>> No.50908747

It’s literally because of black people. That’s it.

>> No.50909306
File: 320 KB, 1022x841, D79E13C7-CAA0-49C0-96D4-EC6F2FB2B228.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When I bought my home 8 years ago there were about 80 homes available for sale in my neighborhood. Now there are only two (up from zero last year). Wow really looks like the market has changed.

>> No.50909331

anon doesn't need to cope, what he wants is literally unfolding, retard.
the coping and seething is being done by people larping as landchads in this thread from mummy's basement.

>> No.50909371

im looking at a house thats on sale for 400k. was 470k 2 months ago. bought 229k 20 years ago. If you account for interest, maintenance, etc its prob underperforming inflation. on market for 39 days too. i think im going to offer 350 and see if theres a bite.

>> No.50909396

>8 years ago
You mean in the aftermath of the biggest financial crisis in modern history? Nice benchmark retard, but we haven't even gotten started

>> No.50909438

i'm seeing similar things here.
there's one i have my eye on for 450k on 4 acres in city limits. started at 600k and i'm watching the reductions roll in, it's underperformed inflation now since it was built.
might be time to upgrade pretty soon and rent out my current place.

>> No.50909817

Your reading comprehensive, knowledge of history and basic understanding of life is severely wanting.

>> No.50910535

>5 bedrooms
>4 bathrooms
I never understood the need to have more than two bathrooms in a house.

>> No.50910566

>Rich people live in buildings with private security in neighborhoods where police can be racist and be protected by the media.
>Poor people, along with liberals in denial that probably smoke weed every day, live in the rest of the city where the police cannot even look sideways at a minority without getting a 24/7 media show about their personal lives.
>Middle class lives in the suburbs and prays for public transportation to stay away so they don't get robbed as easily.
This is the truth.

>> No.50910622

they are all levered to the tee in something that basically just stagnates since all the home appreciation is coming from newer larger builds