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50902836 No.50902836 [Reply] [Original]

If it is NEEDED what is it NEEDED for, please provide proofs of how LINK is NEEDED because so far all i can see is TOKEN NOT NEEDED

>> No.50902852

sergey needs it to fund his lifestyle

>> No.50902862


>> No.50902864


>> No.50902885


>> No.50902899


>> No.50902905

I have Chainlink token. It is needed because it is very useful and interesting. LINK token could even flip the Bitcoin token because Sartosi dev of the token is retired

>> No.50902916

Chainlink will detox you from the Mrna vaccine poison if you injected yourself with it.

>> No.50902946
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>> No.50902963

why go out when you can stay in?

>> No.50903025

I need it

>> No.50903049

I have been brainwashed into a cult

>> No.50903051 [DELETED] 
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ApeGrow a project with lot of fun, never ending Competetion - especially interacting with the community i see a lot of potential in this team don't miss your chance and grab a bag and enjoy the ride -CG & CMC is coming soon - BULLISH ON APEGROW!!

>> No.50903062

As for OP, soon you will need it as gas to use CCIP protocols. So if you want to use or deploy multichain smart contracts you will need it.

To be announced at Smartcon.

>> No.50903190



>> No.50903222

Linklets permanently btfo it’s over

>> No.50903269

vitalik said multichain is not the future. we need to keep using eth. we need to get excited for the next worthless shitcoi. we need to let vcs in first for cheapies just like the kings used to fuck the bride before the groom. we need to stop investigating mev and let it be. we need to let sleeping dogs lie down and die. fundamentally we are all made of green cheese so its water under the fridge. a sophisticated supply and command analysis tells us that the link token is unavailable for status(need) and is not needed.

>> No.50903458

eth fails, chainlink tokens still needed
eth succeeds, chainlink tokens still needed
eth dies, chainlink tokens still needed

the obsession of methheads that hold on a shitcoin acceleratingly losing relevancy is cute. reminds of the btcpads that tried to convince methheads that btc is the only needed chain.
The ironing is glorious and is going to end in the same result, Billions of dollar in capital that are never going to interact with eth out of spite for the obnoxious bag shillers

>> No.50903585

give me seven reasons why the chainlink token is even needed chud

>> No.50903604

opinion absolutely discarded. Go be an irony faggot on twitter cancer, and if you need pricefeeds, verifiable random functions or automated dev ops for your smart contracts, keep some link tokens to pay for it

>> No.50903653

only one of those can't be copy pasted and the market for price data is already saturated. there is no growth potential left, the hype is gone, expect the same powerpoint slides until they don't get invited to conferences anymore

>> No.50903699

you still here cancer. go spam twitter

>> No.50903702

we are in a cult, we all hold LINK

>> No.50903732

>multi reply twitter cancer
enjoy you warning

>> No.50903834

The token has been needed for LITERALLY every single transaction of every single Chainlink feed, feature, service, ... on mainnet since May 30 2019.

>> No.50903847

its collateral

>> No.50903913

>pricefeeds, verifiable random functions or automated dev ops
three not is seven kek
>twitter cancer
wake up boomer cancer has rektered youre body and mind this is not 2008 anymore
I am in a cult. I hold Chainlink and god damn it is comfty as fuck
nope I use coinmarketcap to check the price of my favorite crypto assets for free.

>> No.50903922

>to check the price
Chainlink doesn't "check" the price.

>> No.50903925

I like to

>> No.50903933

Still here?
Bet you never get this kind of interaction with your twitter spam. Do you feel a rush being shit on cancer?

>> No.50903935

Hey that's great

>> No.50903936

I need the tokens to get to 1k

>> No.50903960

>do you feel a rush being shit on cancer
your a real sick fuck do you know that? imagine wanting to shit on cancer patients and stream it on twitter. people like you make me sick
thanks. its a bad habit

>> No.50903980

How does one transfer one's linkies from arbitrum onto one's ledger?

>> No.50903985

damn that would be something wouldnt it. Im hopeful thats why I joined the link cult and set up my own big mac sergey shrine

>> No.50904079

crazed fuddie here (I own LINK) I dont think the token is needed. so tnn lol but you might be able to get 3% on it but it is not needed and if you think its needed youd be wrong. catch me on twitter my name is harmless thomas I fud for fun to confuse absolute retards and to keep niggers from owning any chainlink link tokens not needed!
>i own link

>> No.50904089

sorry for your loss

>> No.50904141

stop posting in link threads anon you are posting too much in the link threads

>> No.50904183

they will find you anon they will hunt you down for ruining the precious link threads for a token that you own that is not needed lol discord trannies come out to play this is serious business on the internet anon serious business and you need to start taking things like link seriously because of complicated reasons that we cant discuss here. just shill link do not redeem the fud do not train language bots on link threads then post whatever it shit out do not do that nigger faggot

>> No.50904199

Gas fees worth more than the link tx value

>> No.50904214

No slashing nigger

>> No.50904233

fud you will get slashed in a dark alley by a bulgarian

>> No.50904247

never. That is why chainlink oracle services are so expensive on eth. Mev mafia has fucked itself. At one hand they want 1000 Million dollar eth on the other hand their chain is worthless without chainlink support and the more they play the ponzi aspect of meth the more expensive chainlink services become.

Sergey even proposed a way for mev mafia to get reduced rates for chainlink services but they rather cannibalize their chain
Stop abusing prednisone, you have Munchhausen faggot, kys

>> No.50904267

Slashing is literally outlined and projected in the recent staking blogs.

>> No.50904350

nope otherwise you will provide a link >>50904247
you sound really mad did the mev mafia front run you or was it sergey re re re releasing the staking annoucement in a blogpost format before consesus that must have really kicked you and your transexual discord buddies square in the axe wound

>> No.50904375

Munchhausen confirmed. You really need to stop abusing prednisone or just kill yourself.

>> No.50904390

i dont know what you are posting could you please use google translate bulgar to english? ty discord tranny

>> No.50904402
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>> No.50904479

cool pic. can you make a new thread with it ?

>> No.50904649

one look at the LINK/ETH chart tells me everything I need to know about LINK

>> No.50904655

Okay, so basically LINK tokens have value because you will soon be able to stake them to earn more LINK tokens which are valuable because you can stake them to earn more LINK tokens which you can use to stake more LINK tokens. That is why the LINK token is valuable.

>> No.50904687

lmao LINK is an erc20 token. If Ethereum fails then all erc20s goes to 0 value instant

>> No.50904721

>LINK tokens have value because you will soon be able to stake them
So how do BTC or ETH have value?

>> No.50904784

internet magic

>> No.50904799

>you cant migrate smart contracts
>you simply cant
I thought btc maxi were retards, but methheads hit the ball out of the park

>> No.50904858

I am an Algorand maxis. and yes, you can't. not without killing all decentralization. especially when going evm -> non evm.
You know nothing, and I know my shit. suck my cock faggot.

>> No.50904869

>not without killing all decentralization
lel just throwing out a scary buzzword isn't going to save your ass.

>> No.50904882

so you are ignoring 100s of contracts that already migrated away from eth. what else to expect from a retard that got conned by a namefag larper

>> No.50906034

What, this pending rugpull? Lemme ask you this, if link went poof, would ETH even notice?

>> No.50906083

honestly no token is needed in the entire crypto market, tell me one example of actual utility outside of trading even more shitcoins dex's etc,
you use altcoins to accumulate more bitcoin end of story

>> No.50906824
File: 521 KB, 1170x2182, D3FA1FBA-7AD8-482B-97E9-E41B7F1A73E1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine buying eth over link
Btc maxis are fucking retards

>> No.50906933

Is bulgaria needed?

>> No.50906950

>Btc maxis are fucking retards
shitcoins come and go, bitcoin stays, what would you rather hold for the next 5 years? btc or some shitcoin that can be either copied, hacked, banned by the sec or simply become irrelevant?

>> No.50907345

those transaction dont really boost the mc tho
and that is what op is really asking will my link bags pump
the token is recycled almost instantly in its services, the entity wanting a price feed for example buys the token and gives it away almost immediately
the price feed provider will also dispose of the token quickly to cover his costs, gas fees alone demand almost instant 90% dumping of the token
the token will only be 'needed' in a price pumping way once staking, and that means full staking is released
so maybe this september the token is finally needed

that said tho right now after the cefi circus collapse both link and eth are neck to neck in a race they didn't even knew was going to happen
people will be hungry for non ponzi yield not corroded by third party risk and both tokens are the leading ones to take all that market share
chainlink has the lowest starting mc, the highest yield and the best tokenomics so should smartcon finally reveal everything we were expecting things would get very spicy and historic charts that bobos are shorting into the ground will be flipped near instantly
however should the fat guy betray us again and the celsius betray was fucking huge, eth will eat all the value and link will once again be left behind for a whole bullrun
choice, risks and opportunity abounds, who ever said investing was boring, make your bets accordingly anons and frens

>> No.50907405

You can shear a sheep many times, but skin it only once.

>> No.50907433

finally an intelligent and informative post

>> No.50907481

This, lmao. You can tell that all the link hopium is from starry eyed newfags and/or /pol/ schizos, except they're still clueless about why oldfags all left this place. But I'm sure this post will immediately be written off as fud by a paid bulgarian tranny jew, lmao

>> No.50907708

token not needed but it will pump anyways because fuck you

>> No.50907720
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The token is indeed needed for the Fourth Industrial Resolution, which is exactly what we don't need.

>> No.50907764

The only intelligent and informative post in this thread. Excellently writtem

>> No.50907803

You hadn't to rewrite the bible to contradict yourself in the first paragraph

>> No.50907864

are you retarded he literally just said we have to trust that the fat russian scammer wont betray us this time which is just this time its different in a long reddit post go back

>> No.50907895
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Token not sneeded

>> No.50907905

You are a tranny.
Plenty of guys with 50k stacks still here.
t. I am one

>> No.50907995

midwit iq take, the inability to approach a situation from multiple points of view illustrates your inferior intellect
let me explain the flaw in your reasoning
from an outside observer, say a frogposting anon that invested in link and simply holds it: it looks like the token gets recycled as various different actors buy and sell in an ebb and flow motion, whatever exact actor it is, is meaningless to the motion

now look at the action from the perspective of a price feed provider: he (she) provides a service and receives link tokens, these tokens are then always sold to cover operating expenses
yes they might also speculated but given the current nature of gas fees fucking everything up practicality demands the majority of these tokens are dump to cover necessary business expenses
so for this entity link comes in and only ever gets sold, so dumping is the correct word

did that enlighten you smoothbrain or must you sneed some more

>> No.50908066

> call me a bulgarian tranny jew,
You are definitely a tranny, and quite possibly Bulgarian, but probably not a jew, and that's why you put "jew" in there - however, that's exactly what a jew would do, so I think you can call yourself an honorary jew as well.

>> No.50908203

>didnt sell $50
>bagheld all the way down
so you're on of the oldfags that took it way too seriously lmao

>> No.50908309


>> No.50908340

i didnt sell at 1.27 and held it down to 18 cents
i didnt sell at 4.00 and held it down to 1
i didnt sell at 20 and held it down to 6
i didnt sell at 50 and held it down to 7
see the trend here, Einstein?

>> No.50908455

yeah, you not making any money LMAO

>> No.50908478

Cope. $250 EOY. You will commit suicide by 2025 and if you don’t you will be chasing pump and dumps for the rest of your life.

>> No.50908505
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do you expect me to read your drivel after you disqualified yourself with the first reply. lol?

>> No.50908521

this is unironically the correct answer
and you can put a positive or a negative spin on it

>sirgay is an obese russian serial scammer who's all about extracting maximum value from suckers. the ponzi is not sustainable without incentives, they will softrug over the next few years

>the token lets chainlink bootstrap their network to a global monopoly, at which point bagholders will get paid

this is the factual outlook, and you can choose your conclusion. but if you think the token is needed for the protocol to work, then you're actually retarded
ergo the answer to this thread is: the CHAINLINK (Ticker: LINK) TOKEN is NOT NEEDED

>> No.50908560

>vitalik said multichain is not the future
Vitalik can suck my hairy nuts, how about that? And here's what you can suck:


>> No.50908582

obviously youre just trolling
but do the math for me
i i buy something for 15 cents a pop and its current price is 8.83, what is my return?

>> No.50908610

Hahahahaha. Well done. Linkies virture signaling about being cucks to a Russian scam artist is the most cringe shit on biz recently. Sergey could come over to their house and take a shit on their dinner plate and they’d eat it while commenting how its not that bad

>> No.50908622

peak midwit
posters like you are why biz is shit nowadays

>> No.50908624


>> No.50908635

0 unless you sell lmaooo, you will learn some day!

>> No.50908645

>g g guys smart I promise!!!

Do the math for me on this: if I own something for two years and the price goes down, when ai couldve sold for anything else that went 10x in the same period, whats my opportunity cost?

>> No.50908647


>> No.50908766

I'm sick of Chainlinks scammy bullshit, I'm sending Tornadoed ETH to all of Sergeys dump wallets.

>> No.50908835

You know why I'm 100% convinced Link is guaranteed to succeed and will continue to make me wealthier and wealthier?
Because of you retarded trannies. If you thought Chainlink was going to fail, you wouldn't be here, posting again and again in a thread on an obscure corner of the internet about it. You wouldn't do it because there would be nothing to fight against. I don't see wave after wave of FUD in the hair comb threads, do you? You know what would actually make me reconsider my investment? If you simply disappeared. The day you disgusting cretins stop posting, that's when I'll feel genuine fear that I'm not in a financially viable situation. Until then, I'll maintain the utmost confidence Link. Don't you get it yet? I'm holding because of you.

>> No.50908940

we dont have 50 daily threads shilling hair comb since 2017, at least oldfags were funny you nulinkers are just pathetic

>> No.50908950

stay poor, newfag

>> No.50909056

>my opportunity cost
expected that this would come up, very easy to say with hindsight
slightly harder to pull off in real time, i have seen so many anons lose it all trying to play the shitcoin casino against itself
like i said calling for tops and bottoms on a single asset is hard enough, but doing it in perfect succession almost impossible
i can guarantee you that the amount of people that successfully sold link at the top and bought eth is very fucking low
remember its risk tolerance and believe in a project that gets you there and that can make you lose it again
now i am not poor nor greedy so i don't have to concern myself with chasing the picobottoms and tops the whole run

>> No.50909301

Opportunity cost is a meme, you also could have bought a lottery ticket every single week and vastly outperformed any crypto, that's technically massive opportunity cost.
What actually matters is risk vs reward, the negative for link right now is its been outperformed by arguably less risky assets in eth/btc for 2 years, but its trending up against them right now. If it breaks trend its a fantastic play as summarized by your post earlier in this thread, if it doesn't well, another 6 months to a year of link bear market would be quite painful.

>> No.50909330


>> No.50909596

>LINK is an erc20 token
Literally isnt.

>> No.50909700

Can some bored rich shitlord pump up the value to some comedic amount?
I don't even own that many link, I just think it'd be funny

>> No.50909827

>best tokenomics
I was with you until this. Please explain to us how 500 million undumped tokens are best token economics

>> No.50909971

Cope the post. Eth was widely considered a much safer than Link by everyone. If you even rotated half your link into it youd be MUCH wealtheir than you are now. And wouldnt be virtue signaling about being Sergeys cuckold

>> No.50909988

Who cares. Its at the mercy of Eth so as an investments its the same thing

>> No.50910002

at this point i am not even going to bother typing out a reply to what is clearly stated in the white paper and has been spoonfed to /biz/ retards for years
try using your brain anon, all the information is publicly available, spoon time is over

>> No.50910003

“Link broke the trend”

>open coingecko, its down more than everything in top 100…


>> No.50910034

It was, got downgraded for being shit.

>> No.50910053
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>> No.50910288

>. If it breaks trend its a fantastic play
sure but for a sustainable long term play it needs sustain the 'new' trend'

>> No.50910416

the token is not needed but I keep buying them because it is the right thing to do. by keeping link tokens out of the hands of niggers and jews I am serving a higher purpose.

>> No.50910483
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Chainlink requires the web to become "machine readable" by "Oracle" services. Then, how the token is supposed to work is like this:
When a smart contract needs an oracle a small amount of Link is added to the contract to pay the oracle operator. When the oracle responds to settle the contract, the operator keeps the link as their fee and they can then sell it on the open market. This, its believed, will lead to free-market competition for Oracle services.
My gut feeling says oracle operators would rather be paid in ETH directly and there is absolutely no reason why ETH can't be attached to the smart contract as a fee.
Token not needed. Direct Oracle support will probably be added to ETH at stage 5 of the upgrade, "The Splurge"

>> No.50910544

Transfer and call, nigger. Transfer and call.

>> No.50910573

Can jannies clean up link spam already?

>> No.50910600

Apparently there is some gibberish called I forget but you need to isolate the individual economies from each other to protect against some attacks. Turns out none of that matters because the purge will delete all tokens from the Etherum blockchain including ETH itself. Working hand in hand with layer two solutions like Optimism, all tokens will be purged from the blockchain and you will wake up at block whatever and own nothing but you will be happy since Ethereum finally achieves its communist goal of a perfect digital utopia. I should not be posting about this as a key Ethereum developer but I think giving regular people a sneak peak at what is to come will make them happier now and relieve some of the tension that people have around tokens and price. We have decided to purge all tokens from the Ethereum blockchain in the name of science. You are welcome.

>> No.50910633

Honestly purging token cancer from eth would be great. Do it faggot.

>> No.50910645

Excellent gaslighting. You could not form a convincing argument to decent that enormous supply inflation so you resort to ad hominems and gas lighting.
So much for best token economics

>> No.50910678

Watch this space. Also the Ethereum Team will announce a Funko Pops and Lego Partnership to celebrate the event. We hope all our fans will be happy to collect Funko Pop and Lego versions of their favorite Ethereum developers!

>> No.50910727

The Chainlink Team need to unlock all tokens at the time of the merge so they can be purge all at once. Think of it like a big toilet flush. After the big flush the blockchain is clean and free from capitalist greed just as the Ethereum Developers intended.

>> No.50911237

token is NOT needed

>> No.50911360

It will be flushed by Central Ethereum Council. Dont worry trust your local communist. Bash the Fash!

>> No.50911449

not sneeded? great

>> No.50913300

what was that chainlink roasties name that did porn again???

>> No.50913311

Sasha Gray

>> No.50913359

no it wasnt her it was the one that was in control of like 500million dollars or whatever I cant remember her name.

>> No.50913390

Probably because she doesn’t exist and you’re a stupid fuck if you’re referring to Jessica khater

>> No.50914235

She could lose weight

>> No.50914323

The token is needed and at the same time, not needed.
This is obvious, because defi exists. Price feeds exist. VRF is used. Proof of Reserve is proliferating.
Machinksky and Bancur needed the token very much to jew down. The success of the big short owed in large part to the token being not needed. There is nothing to do with it other than dump
Fat Serg has some tricks up his plaid sleeve still. Once CCIP is proven success, chainlink is truly the abstraction layer. Then the token is really not needed any more, other than to puchase daily big macs & salary a growing cadre of hr roasties.
The middleware abstraction layer erc677 transfer and call sending juel upon juel accross the cryptoverse, afterthe full 1,000,000,000 have been dumped will be pure entropy, as the universe slowly cooling after the big bang. So of course, the token is not needed in any way shape or form, except for jews to manipulate goyim cattle

>> No.50914325
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>> No.50915259

Vaporware nigger. Why does staking take 5 years. How long does it take you to fucking learn.