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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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50901409 No.50901409 [Reply] [Original]

do normies realize how much money we are making?

>> No.50901422

we're making about three fifty per/hr

>> No.50901423
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>> No.50901427

You spelled losing wrong

>> No.50901434

you should just kill yourself

>> No.50901444

ive never made this much money this quickly in my life. if btc hits 30k ill have fuck you money

>> No.50901446

is he wrong though?

>> No.50901451


>> No.50901474

he is wrong dumbass. im looking at the number going up in real time

>> No.50901477

Post your trades bros.

>> No.50901500

I started from scratch with $1500 in April, down to $850 now.

How can I actually make some money trading?

>> No.50901510

Sorry, no. My dogbat making me money. I can see it hit 100m market cap by the time btc hits 30k aka I'll have like near 200k again LOL

>> No.50901511

so most alts were down 90% at one point and now they are still 80% down for the most part but somehow everyone on /biz/ is making banks. This place truly has all the sharpest minds in the world.

>> No.50901541

>how much money we are making
losing you mean

>> No.50901543

If you actually bought instead of freakout about "btc going to 10k!" you'd have at least been able to average your shit better

>> No.50901568

I did buy back at 20k and still down by over 70%. I dont know maybe you are all geniuses or straight up larping.

>> No.50901581

i made about -$1.4M from Nov 21

>> No.50901596
File: 484 KB, 2163x2036, normieinvestors.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>do normies realize how much money we are making?
But the average normie is making more money than the average /biz/ anon

>> No.50901613

Problem is I didn't fully get out in late 2021, then I started cycling back in from April 2022. My buy-ins from July 2022 and from 2020 are doing great, but currently I'm breaking even kek.
Yes I fucked up but seeing some green now makes me feel like I'm winning, maybe the same for others.

>> No.50901774

Do you know what that word means, anon? Or are you so out of touch?
The average normie back in my hometown is killing themselves with skag heroin because life in a post-industrial shithole is miserable. Maybe if you widen the scope a bit you'll see average isn't so great. Average is downright hell in Scotland.

>> No.50901832

I make over 12k/day from staking alone, not counting any asset appreciation. It's beyond most people's comprehension, certainly.

You are then reminded that a good % of people's conversations surround jobs, money, price of things, saving up, etc. and being unable to share in these concerns is quite isolating.

>> No.50901837

No. But I hope they learn of it, so that they can go ahead and pump my tokens to high heavens

>> No.50901844

thats means if you bought you could have doubled your money

>> No.50901859

My little NETA be doin a Lil smtn smtn
Remember i told you niggers to buy at ATL of $38 but you called me a pajeet (which may or may not be true) . Look at it now.

>> No.50901862

Thats like $3.6 million minimum, right?

>> No.50901893

and what kind of risk are you taking for this?

>> No.50901989

In 10 years you'll need a million just to buy food.

>> No.50902523


One of mi friends was asking me how I make money as he wanted to join Metaforce with a certain amount and wanted to cash out next month. I laughed so hard because he doesn't have a glimpse of how the market is. In here unless you're good at TAs and eliminate greed, then daily trading or swing trading is for you, but in my case, dammit man, long-term holds are bae that's why DYOR is my go-to point and that's what I did on GGM, SCRT, CTSI, RIDE, AZERO, and a plethora of other gems I hodl.

>> No.50902646

If I had a dollar for every time I've been wiped out I'd be a millionaire

>> No.50902678

You don’t make it from trading. You invest in longterm project. Use those gains to invest even further in another. Unfortunately/biz/ no longer can call the good ones anymore.

>> No.50902753

WTF how?

>> No.50902817
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they better not

money likes silence anons, remember that

>> No.50902892

Look at this sir, MiniElonDogeInuCumminWarObama token sir. too moon sir plz investment