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File: 42 KB, 252x291, KIKE_HEART.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
50900771 No.50900771 [Reply] [Original]

Let's discuss Richard Schueler AKA Richard Heart and this monumental scam of his known as Pulsechain since the fucking jannies nuked the previous one for no reason. How much money precisely has deceived people into giving him? I know for a fact the Feds are now investigating him so let's drop some fax here in this bread to make their jobs easier. Around $2 billion or so, yes? All they need to do for an indictment is prove he has used pulsechain sacrifice funds to finance his uber faggot spending habit/s. Let's assist our glowing friends in this endeavor.

>> No.50901102

is he actually jewish?

>> No.50901153

Y-yeah, kek.

>> No.50901309

Schueler is another ponzi scammer who just happens to be jewish
yes goy, just a coincidence

>> No.50901332

Schueler means scammer in both German and Yiddish amazingly

>> No.50901361
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the resemblance to pic related is uncanny

>> No.50901473

Well duh, he changed his name to hide it

>> No.50901531
File: 97 KB, 1187x815, hexaug2022.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Welcome back to another episode of:
Let's pretend HEX isn't one the best performing cryptos of the last 3 years.

In this episode, some douchy anon tries to convince dumb biztards that Richard is a Jew, and that somehow he scammed everyone who got into HEX, even though Most of the early adopters got crazy rich. He also will try to convince you that "Pulse is never coming out". These anons are quite crafty and employ many of the tactics that picrel would have you be worried about.


Now, for some real info that cannot be lied about, I take you now LIVE, to the HEX chart itself, which can only be appreciated on the Logscale since its performance to the upside was so explosive, it cannot be properly seen on a liner chart. As you can see, We are viewing the weekly chart, which is an insanely zoomed out perspective. If you look closely, you can see the RSI has bottomed, and even more importantly, you can see that the MACD is has been diverging for quite some time! This is extremely basic TA with no meme lines required. What we can gleam from this, is that HEX has most likely found a bottom at 2.7c, and has since went up an astonishing 160% since that bottom. Ethereum is also now attempting to move to parity with Bitcoin, since as we know, its superior technology. Many BTC bulls have tried hard to discount this very obvious fact.

This has been Grail Seeker, reporting live. Back to you Retard, OP and his cohorts!

>> No.50901556

99% of crypto is a ponzi, but this Hex shitcoin is beyond a ponzi. Yet you put all that effort in trying to convince us it's not a ponzi.

>> No.50901594
File: 184 KB, 1080x648, based retard hallway of heroes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

but you promised price go up
>still so much room left to go down
>they're locked in staking and can't pull out for years

what a scam
how many of you actually bought the bottom and sold the top when it did a 1000x starting from zero? considering the point of the coin is to make selling hard. lol what a scam. rich owns 90% of the coin. which is not a feature no matter how you try and spin it, it's a problem, a a centralized cryptocurrency which is the most pointless thing ever.

what value does a copy of a link token have that can't buy link nodes? what value for a copy of usdc not backed by usd? what value for a copy of uni that can't be used on uniswap? with no devs backing any of these copy tokens. what is the value? what is the point? you sacrificed your eth for what? to buy richard a watch? 33 validators, 3 of them rich, the rest voted by whoever has the most pulse (it's rich he has about 90% of it). it won't be faster then eth 2.0, which will shard for 100ktps and has 200,000 validators and is actually decentralized. what is the point?

>> No.50901595
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fucker stole my money.

>> No.50901612

It's "pupil" or "scholar" in German, depending on the context, but never "scammer".

>> No.50901622
File: 96 KB, 1533x969, vaperguy is a genius.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.50901715

Cryptos are not ponzis. They are just highly centralized assets that are highly volatile.

Celsius was a ponzi. Cryptos themselves, are not ponzis. I don't expect an intelligent reply to this since you're actually retarded enough to make that statement in the first place.

>but you promised price go up

Some anon promised you price go up? Go to just about any thread on this board. Everyone is a moonboy who promises this. HEX it was a bit crazier because on the way to 55c it just would not fucking stop. So the moonboys were emboldened. Big deal, get over it.

>>they're locked in staking and can't pull out for years
Oh another dummy who thinks staking is required? You do realize there are people who don't stake at all and have made more just playing the swings like a normal trader right? Not all of us are smooth brains who can't trade and need to lock our coins for 15 years to "delay gratification". Also, you can stake 20% of your stack for 1, 2, 5, 10, 15 years. Its up to you how long and how much you stake. Many smarter anons make these things called staking ladders. Again, not something a tard such as yourself may have heard of.

>how many of you actually bought the bottom and sold the top when it did a 1000x starting from zero?

I was actively making threads when hex was between 6 tenths of a cent all the way up till it hit 2 cents and it went crazy. Then I couldn't shill in good conscience anymore since it was in price discovery. I will post my chart from back then so you can see what I saw.

>what value does a copy of a link token have that can't buy link nodes? what value for a copy of usdc not backed by usd?
Most tokens will have little value compared to their ETH counterpart. Stablecoins will most likely go to zero or close to it as anons extract value from fake dollars. The only coins that will perform well at first on Pulse at the start are HEX, Pulse, PulseX, and newly launched projects.

>> No.50901732

richard got played by some fiverr devs who milked him for a year. So embarrasing.

>> No.50901739

Only idiots bought above 8c. I had people asking me if they should buy when it first said 8c and I warned against it. It had done a 4x in such a short time, that if you bought above that you deserve to have lost money. As for people like me who got in under a penny... We are doing just fine. And even better, those people who got in in those first months and were able to hold for only two years.... Those people got insane gains. So im not sure what "money" was stolen. Unless you mean Pulse, in which case you're about to see insane gains so quit your bitching.

>> No.50901755

it's centralized entirely on one man. in terms of total value and also validators voted in. do you have any understanding of how retarded and pointless this is? no serious project will ever be developed on pulse. you are placing full trust and faith in a man that openly lies to an manipulates his followers, preying off their ignorance

>> No.50901767

hexican sucking rh's dick as usual. Go and watch a few Sons of Anarchy episodes with your boomer friends.

>> No.50901806

Still one one of the best performing cryptos of the last 3 years. Not a single OA coin has been sold because he became a billionaire off selling the BTC/ETH tops and then taking in over 1.5 billion for Pulse/PulseX. So where is the sell pressure from this centralized holder? It's not going to appear any time soon, but keep wishing brother.

Nope, just putting retards in their place. I don't suck his dick and I disagree with his stupid ego and tactics all the time. I have much disgust for the way he handles himself in interviews. Nevertheless, he's very smart when it comes to finance and crypto, and you room temperature IQ people who talk shit are absolutely pathetic. I can shut you idiots down on any talking point and 99% of the time I shut down HEX threads because you people just run away when I show up.

>> No.50901848
File: 30 KB, 1085x529, 032021.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My chart from back when I was making threads in March of 2021. Back then I couldn't get more than a couple replies and people said some the same retarded shit they say today. Then it went on to do a 50x. Imagine that.

>> No.50901878

plenty of dogcoins did better who cares
it's a pump and dump. it pumped, then dumped.

>> No.50901896

also you literally have to trust the guy. do you even know the word trustless, why the word exists, what the whole point of crypto even is. you admit you disagree with his ego and tactics and the way he handles himself. you probably notice the way he misdirects and manipulates. yet you trust him not to sell because you trust him when he says he made 1.5billion and isnt interested in making more. dude one day hes going to pull the rug, why wouldn't he, out of honour and integrity? give me a break

>> No.50901935

Multiple 60-90% dips. But of course this is the final dip right? It's never going to recover is it? Even though its one of the best on chain staking systems ever made. Oh wait, it is the best. Moron. You really are a fucking retard, but unfortunately you're not "based' at all.

Sergey has been dumping on Linkies for a long time, yet nobody cares. Vitalik sells the top, and still holds MASSIVE bags, but nobody cares. How many coins does Charles and his team control?

You seem to not get that these founders and primary holders in many projects will always dump on you. The difference in HEX/Pulse is that Richard is hellbent on "glory" for his projects, and has already made 1.5 billion dollars. And this guy has been going on a marketing rampage. If you think this is the end, you're legit retarded. If you cannot see that we've only just begun and Pulse isnt even out yet... Dude you cannot be helped.

>> No.50901941

Damn you're actually worse than Vaperguy at constructing sentences. My eyes are bleeding here i guess it's in your name though.

>> No.50901983

I am speed typing and not doing any proof read. I could definitely construct better sentences but I don't give a fuck. Im just here to spit facts and put mid-wits in their place. It's fun to do while I do a workout here at home. Do you have anything constructive to add to the discussion here?

>> No.50902010

Im sorry Im retarded. I thought you were talking to me. My bad.

>> No.50902015

>i trust richard because blah blah blah
and i don't trust anyone, least of all richard

me write english good

>> No.50902024

You're fine the other guy admits he's retarded atleast and probably broke as shit in his mom's basement

>> No.50902044

actually it's your moms basement, she lets me stay here in exchange for sexual favours

>> No.50902082

Of course you don't trust him. I assume you, like most people who talk shit on this board barely understand how HEX works, and have most likely watched less than 5 hours of him speaking ever. I on the other hand have probabbly watched over 150 hours or more of the man talking. I watch every single interview he does. Now, the mid-wit in you would say this is because I am obsessed with him and because I "suck his dick". Then there are those who understand that when you have a large bag in something, that you do everything in your power to know everything there is to know about the man/people behind that project/token/stock. Also, unlike you, I have a very keen eye for reading people's personality, and have come to understand Richard Heart's personality in great detail. I understand him better than anyone who posts on this board. This allows me to have great confidence that he has no intention to sell, and is intelligent enough to have kept the keys to HEX forture far away from his brain, as to avoid any interrogation. If I could place a bet that the OA will never sell any HEX, I would do it. That's how confident I am. People like you are tourists who visit the world of Richard and HEX and run and flee screaming "scammer", and I completely understand why. But that doesn't mean you're wrong. Only that you judge a book by its cover, and yes, the Cover to the book in this case is a train wreck, but the book itself.... Fucking kino. Can't wait to see the documentary they are making about him. Hope you get around to watching it.

>> No.50902095

>HEX forture
Hex Fortune***

>> No.50902118

>trust based
and that's a dealbreaker for me

have fun with your cult and hundreds of hours gazing at your cult leader in admiration hanging on to his every word

i've spent a few hours watching him, and i can tell when he doesn't believe his own bullshit, which is often. so he's a liar

even if he was the best person in the world, which he isn't, i still wouldn't trust him because trust is garbage and defeats the entire point of crypto

>> No.50902157

>Only that you judge a book by its cover
thats just part of the shtick
present yourself as a clown acting the fool and any criticism can be deflected as "they just can't see past the tophat/gucci/rolex persona" and you get to feel like part of the clever club that "sees past it" and everyone who hates it only hates it because they "don't see past it".

when the truth is we see past it, and beyond that we see past it even further then you. we see past it to a man using flawed arguments but delivering with confidence and smugness to rope in stupids who desperately want to feel clever.

>> No.50902199

I will have fun with my awesome gains too. Have fun not reaping the benefit of investing in projects from one of the smartest people in crypto. Straight. Retard. Once again I prove that you can't talk shit on his projects and that all hate for HEX comes down to Richard. But when it comes to HEX, you still fail to acknowledge how incredible it is. I would have some shred of respect for you if you could see how amazing the design of it is.

If he is the person you say he is, HEX would have never been designed so flawlessly. It would have never made the gains it did. Your theory was invalidated long ago. In another year or two you will most likely say the same stupid shit, and still be just as wrong. And I will be here to laugh at you all the same for missing out once again.

>> No.50902264

We all know you're actually based retard. He is a fake fudder and is actually retarded. NOT BUYING YOUR GAY BAGS!

>> No.50902306
File: 426 KB, 1152x2048, photo_2022-06-25_13-59-19.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All aboard Sailor! You're being shanghaied! Richard thinks your ass is mighty cute! Enjoy waking up in his captains quarters, all tied up. Once the drugs wear off of course, hehehe.

>> No.50902347

Ok, where should I start? I’m willing to throw a few grands

>> No.50902370

is that why the price is down?

>> No.50902390

all my hate comes down to richard? i don't think you get it, even if i loved the guy as much as you do, trust isn't acceptable. you have to trust the guy, he holds 90% of the coin, thats a trust based system. thats not amazing, thats not designed flawlessly, thats inherently flawed by design.

i urge you to read up on the concept of trustlessness and why it is so vital to blockchain technology, the very reason for its existence.

actually, i could be richard himself. you never know ; )
so supremely confident i can fud my own project, understanding that fud is essential to a perceived sense of value. worse then getting fudded is being ignored and i understand that but fudding my projects isnt easy. sometimes i have to take matters into my own hands.

>> No.50902397

Sorry I just left my mum's house. You know what? I regret buying HEX don't do it please

>> No.50902427

hex and pulse are by far the most centralized projects in crypto, nothing else even comes close. 90% controlled by a single man, openly and honestly.

>> No.50902449

From what I see, the BTC/ETH will continue to rally till BTC hits 26-29k, then another big dip will come. At that point, HEX will go back to the 4-5c range (best guess). That's where I would buy. Buying now at 7 is fine if you plan to DCA in either direction it heads. Depends how you like to play. As for the how, you just buy ETH, and trade on Uniswap with Metamask. Should be easy.

Price is down because it's still a speculative asset at the end of the day. The design of HEX is doing its job just fine and dips are in the game. The dips in HEX have always been great buying opportunities and another dip does not change that fact. In the grand scheme its still so early for HEX considering its still heavily gate kept. All that will change next year I believe.

You make a decent point. Which is why I try to educate people on why HEX is so good and why Richard (you?) is worthy of trust. At the end of the day, I can respect that you see the largest flaw in HEX for what it is. That being said, I am willing to take the risk because I have the intelligence to understand HEX, and I understand that people still no clue how the fuck it works and refuse to research further than watching Richard talk a bit. And I am willing to take the Risk that Richard won't pull the rug this soon. Been a pleasure Richy. I'm actually heading to bed.

^ Nice try. Fake ass bitch. I would never say mum because im not a dirty Eurotard. I'm an Amerimutt up late.

>> No.50902473

>it's actually perfect, it just doesn't do what it was designed for

>> No.50902501

>a dip
any other coin falling 95% would be considered a crash, but with hex it's a dip.

you see hex is the first project designed to let you profit off the dunning-kruger effect. smart money gets to sell and dumb money gets duped into staking (sometimes for up to 15 years). why does this help you? think about it, it means after the smart money sells there is no selling pressure, repeat no selling pressure, they literally cant sell into the pump. pumps smoother then a miami whore. thats what lets my coin bounce back so hard, every time, its by my own brilliant design.

so you can be a midwit and get caught up in the weeds and the fud, that i laid don't myself to keep you out. midwits are useless for price action. or you can a low iq sucker stuck in staking to benefit the rest. and you'll only hear me admit this while undercover as "based retard" for obvious reasons, plausible deniability and because we need the dumb money locked down.

now if you'll excuse me i have some watches that need winding. million dollar watches and i want you to have that, buy my coin.

>> No.50902518

it pains me to write so poorly it really does but someone might actually believe its me if i dont

>> No.50902539
File: 43 KB, 931x500, trend.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I expect only green candles. Red candles mean its a shitty designed token!

I will just leave this here. Feel free to talk shit once the yellow line has a candle closed below it I guess. Till then, down boy.

Incredibly Based.


I will now take my leave and get some rest. This has been fun.

>> No.50902557

if you ever see me in person and call me a based retard i'll give you a watch

>> No.50902740

Look dude i made 200k with Hex could have made more if i took more risk but i was playing too casual. You think i give a fuck about what some snot basement dwelling troll says. You're spending your useless time talking smack while the price is rising and you're going to miss an easy 4x. I'm putting down a house deposit and buying a new GR86 with the sports package tomorrow while you're snivelling tears about missing out.


>> No.50902791

>all my hate comes down to richard? i don't think you get it, even if i loved the guy as much as you do, trust isn't acceptable. you have to trust the guy, he holds 90% of the coin, thats a trust based system.
It's a decent point, but the full picture requires understanding that there's two sides to both centralization and decentralization. The negatives of centralization are well known and the positives are pretty much what Richard has laid out countless times on his streams (all of which are actual positives only "IF" the entity is benevolent, as in if it's taking on the role of a Good King).

The positives of decentralization are well known, but the negatives are not properly emphasized due to the an-cap mentality that pervades crypto, which doesn't let people see beyond their own self-interest. Basically the main negative to decentralization is that, without a "Good King", all that's left is a bunch of mercenaries looking to maximize their own pie by any means necessary. Mercenaries have no allegiance to any project. They simply go where the money is while it's there to suck up as much of it as they can. This turns the whole on-chain wealth building process into a cannibalistic game where vulture capitalists and traders endlessly cycle noobs through the meat grinder, causing mass suffering, which over time will lead to increased calls for regulation from the victims, which won't be good for any of us.

Trustlessness is valuable, but it's not without its flaws. There is a reason why we don't see trustlessness in history, and there is a reason why we see centralization everywhere. Kings are lindy while decentralization is still an experiment and needs to undergo a critical evaluation of itself, both intellectually and materially, to prove it can work better, which on paper it could do so, but in reality I'm not sure how much better the outcomes it produces actually are.

>> No.50902834

no i'm pretty sure it means scammer in all human languages, even dead ones

>> No.50902866

fuck off and go hit the gym richard, you're a disgusting kike

>> No.50902888
File: 2.19 MB, 300x345, EATING POPCORN.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ok hexbros i haven't had the time to mingle in a hexfag thread in quite some time
so i need some questions answered
where is vaperguy?
where is Avalon?
who the fuck is Grail Seeker and based retard
these are extremely important questions
i thank you in advance for your homosexual answers

>> No.50902889

there are no good kings, all power corrupts. decentralization is a new concept because we never had the technology to attempt it before. since it is new there are a lot of kinks to work out, and a lot of naivety to be exploited. either we learn and make better systems or we go back to the inevitably failed systems of old. me, i'm hoping we learn.

>> No.50903196

People corrupt power, the same way they corrupt money. Power is a constant in life and the only choice is regarding who has it, someone who's good or someone who's evil. The fact that we have a decentralised platform doesn't mean powerful people can't use it against us nor does it mean that power has disappeared from the world, there's still the question of whom do we want to give it to or who is going to take it for himself.

I think a pseudo-CEO in the form of a Richard Heart can be a bridge between centralisation and decentralisation. The question is mainly a matter of trust and whom can you trust as there is always trust involved even in trustless systems. HEX is competing mainly against BTC for to be the top SOV, so the question of trust is a question of whom do you trust more to not dump on your head - VC's such as Chamath, Saylor, the Vinklevi guys etc., or do you trust Richard Heart?

>> No.50904197
File: 61 KB, 579x576, 2022-07-05 07.06.39.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A "friend" of mine has been using Tornado Cash and now needs help finding a replacement to mix his funds. So far I have been able to identify a handful of them. Please respond if you know of any others he could use.

Railgun- I heard yesterday that it is down but I think they use relayers to mix.

0xMonero- They launched 0xTIP last month and their community is growing fast. The problem with this one is that although it has the potential to replace Tornado Cash, it doesn't have the liquidity needed to mix large amounts of funds yet.

BUCC- I heard that v1 and v2 were exit scams and that v3 just launched and was one too. I don't know if this is true or not but the token is supposed to enable you to store and transfer BUCC privately on Ethereum.

>> No.50904508

a good person with power is only formerly a good person, now that he has power he will become evil. it's the nature of power, when its too great a man becomes overburdened and his morality collapses. it's too much strain for any one person to handle, too great a curse. but you're right about decentralization and how it can be abused by power. any power richard has though is not enough power to ruin a man, its just a coin, thats fine.

>> No.50904594
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dude will probably be fine. He used the term "sacrifice" so he can't get in trouble because there was no promise of profit. The man is a walking circus.

>> No.50904686
File: 31 KB, 701x377, HEX PLSX PLS z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We will be fine. Richard is timing the market and will release Pulsechain once the bottom is in.
He sais otherwise because he has to, so he'll keep on saying "software is hard, it alwas takes longer than expected, 2 more months..." etc.
But we all know he is timing the bottom. The wait is annoying but it will be great for holders because from the bottom it only goes up.

>> No.50904813

That would never hold up in court. Any reasonable person would have sacrificed in order to gain profit. The language was used to try to avoid tax shit and everyone knew that. Once this scam follows through, the dude is fucked beyond belief. Probably why he is spending all of his money now. He knows he's gonna end up roping once the feds crash down on him.

>> No.50904822

Imagine falling for the hex transsexuals. Your pajeet scam coin will be worth ZERO by eoy this is just an exit pump for schueler to cash out

>> No.50904839

I imagine the court haring to be a shit show just like the Alex Jones one

>> No.50905108

HEX HDRN PLSD are all bussin

>> No.50905378

looks like there are some hex people in this thread
please respond to this article

>> No.50905443

>thats what lets my coin bounce back so hard, every time, its by my own brilliant design.
>>my own brilliant design

Oi faggot. Prove it

>> No.50905849

"Go and watch a few Sons of Anarchy episodes"

Hahahahhahahahahah this is the one comment that made me laugh out loud. Well played, anon.

>> No.50906737

>who the fuck is Grail Seeker

I am far more powerful than Vaper or Avalon. I enter HEX threads to destroy the fudders. Had this name for over a year now, but I took a break for the last few months since the HEX threads got stale due to people saying the same tired old bullshit. Now that we have hit bottom you can expect more of me since I am actually here to show people the light.

See my ID in this other thread, and you will understand >>50906632

>> No.50906858



>> No.50906893

you have issues my man

>> No.50907579


NFA, but there's a newer one that seems to work ok called blockblend on BSC

You fucking retard, I've been telling you fags on this board for days now, I legit talked to an agent from one of the 3 letter agencies last week and he literally told me it doesn't fucking matter what fucking verbiage this piece of shit used. What matters is the money trail and what they can prove he did with all the money he accepted from investors. Period.

>39▶>>50901767 >>50906858
Fucking typical, I make a thread to discuss the scam pulsechain and all these fucking boomer hex richard heart groupies come out the wordworks to foam at the mouth about how amazing Hex is. This is about pulsechain you braindead faggots. FUCK OFF.

>> No.50907846

Ok MR poor seether who missed out on easy money. You sound like a walking pink wojak.

>> No.50907921
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>Fucking typical, I make a thread to discuss the scam pulsechain and all these fucking boomer hex richard heart groupies come out the wordworks to foam at the mouth about how amazing Hex is. This is about pulsechain you braindead faggots. FUCK OFF.

It's all related you moron. The reason Pulsechain will be so successful is because of HEX. Without HEX there would be little reason to care about Pulsechain. Because it's coming from the same guy as HEX, as well as the fact that HEX is one of the few things that actually benefits from being duplicated, unlike most garbage ERC-20s, means that Pulsechain will be epic. You can look at how well Pulsedoge and Hedron are doing to see that people are itching to get a taste of pulse and will buy anything that is closely related to HEX/Pulse even if its not made by Richard.

The fact that you think you can talk about Pulsechain without acknowledging how great HEX is means you don't understand what you're talking about and would rather just make a bait thread to tell everyone how much you are hateful and jealous of Richard. So I took over your garbage thread. The hilarious irony of you calling ME braindead gives me a chuckle. I am far more intelligent than you, clearly, and I dare you to make an intelligent reply to me.

Also, Richards last name Schuler is German, and there a bunch of German settlers in the 1700s with this name. Trying to pin him as a Jew is a typical biztard tactic. You won't get away with your lies and bullshit while I'm around son. Get to typing your pathetic mid-wit reply. I will wait.

>> No.50908101


lmao, thanks for writing me a novel, you're still a faggot. Dick's a fucking jew, if not by blood then by action. No way around that fact. Keep sucking his dick, the faggot will be in prison eventually. The money I lost to this scam will be well spent when photos of him and his ego shattered spread all over twitter and elsewhere. looking forward to it. Seeing faggots like you on suicide watch will be entertaining as well.

He hires retards with cerebral palsy to develop this fucking shitshow and milks on dummies like you for 13 months with lie after lie about it's release whilst you broke faggots whom made the ingenious decision in life to rely solely on crypto profits for survival suffer and seethe at anyone who calls out the fuckery just continue to bow blindly and praise this fucking cartoon character as some kind of finance deity, and I'm the low iq moron? Fucking lawl

>> No.50908236
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This post wont age well. You're quite pathetic. I asked for an intelligent reply and this is what you give me.

HEX did a 50x from when I started shilling it. And even crazier gains from the early days. People said the same stupid shit before HEX launched since it also took forever to launch. It's only been a year yet you act like its been 3. I don't care if its taking long because of programming delays or because he wants to time the bottom. It will come out, and you will seethe, and you are still a fucking looser. Nothing will change these facts.

Imagine using "lawl" in 2022.

>> No.50908322
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>> No.50908436
File: 464 KB, 592x1280, 1642296838294.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.50908663

just when you think it cant get more pathetic
also bumping this >>50905378

>> No.50908946

I bet you can't even dance. Sad.