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File: 1.49 MB, 3264x2448, bike.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
50900144 No.50900144 [Reply] [Original]

>allows me to accumulate $300-1000 more BTC a month than a car driver
nothin personnel, taxcattle

>> No.50900151

>he doesn't make an average person's salary a day.

>> No.50900179

>make $250,000 a year
>coworkers all drive BMWs
>$200/month insurance, gas, maintenance
>so they can take women out on dates
I am saving an unfathomable amount of money, cope seethe and dial 8 carnigger

>> No.50900184

At least upgrade it to an e-bike and charge off public power.

>> No.50900208

I'd consider doing that if I was a fat fucking faggot LMAO

>> No.50900209

Even better: save money by living further from the city, and ride a motorcycle to work. Scooters and low-cc bikes get such good fuel economy it's unreal, and you can park for free on the footpath.
Parking alone for my car would be $20/day, or a train ticket would be almost $10. But riding my bike feels like a little adventure every morning, and it saves so much money.

>> No.50900240

>want to go somewhere a 30 min drive away

Sounds great fag

>> No.50900251
File: 123 KB, 635x505, QnfsQuJqdCc4XuVLo2_00mI2joFDlu3siCx0XBzgWNU~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You're souless life
Sad really

>> No.50900258

oh no not a 45 minute bike ride
keep giving your money to the insurance jew, the oil jew, and the auto repair jew. i'll have plenty of cash to burn on my lamborghini when btc is 250k

>> No.50900268
File: 251 KB, 1000x1300, 164348.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.50900273

Zoom out

>> No.50900279

>30 mins @ 100 km/h
>45 mins @ 20 km/h?
Interesting maths there.

>> No.50900280

>random picture of stores

How do you even get groceries lmao. Everyone literally hates biking faggots.

>> No.50900289

>gets hit by car

>> No.50900290

Panniers, presumably. Cycling to the shops really isn't hard if you're feeding less than 4 or 5 people.

>> No.50900297
File: 1.98 MB, 1300x806, 1643489801887.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>zooms out
>Just roads that look like this
Middle America chuds will defend their shit life to the end.

>> No.50900305

I think that applies regardless of your method of transport. If I get hit by a car while I walk across the road I'm probably even more likely to die than on my bike, given that I wouldn't be wearing any protective gear.

>> No.50900311

Hi OP remember how u rugged us? We sure do

>> No.50900313

cope, cyclists live longer on average
>n-no I drive everywhere at 60mph there is no such thing as traffic
I hold bitcoin, everyone already hates me and I don't give a fuck. cope.

>> No.50900327
File: 936 KB, 2048x2048, restaurants-in-downtown-carme22a2be.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I walk to it in a seaside town full of rich people

>> No.50900329
File: 13 KB, 220x180, Tour_de_France_2016,_froome_(27979590983).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.50900339

For starters, on most roads (especially freeways) if the traffic slows down to a crawl then I will just filter through it. Also, when I can get to the speed limit (which is often) then I'll obviously be much faster and safer than a bicycle. You're limited to a small area near your house, but I can go anywhere.

>> No.50900340

>A gas station, mcdonalds and a few stores

Post where you live right now, oh wait you live in the city like most other people, basically in the pic you posted.

>> No.50900357
File: 572 KB, 2272x1098, Breezewood,_Pennsylvania.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did. Here I'll post where you live

>> No.50900363

So you make $250k a year and you're worried about getting an extra $300-1000 a month? Do you live out of your car with a gym membership too?

>> No.50900366

wow that's awesome bro, I'll remember your story when I hit 8 figures

>> No.50900381

Walkable cities are supreme. Call it reddit if you want, but you're wrong.
The only "good" thing about cars is it leads to urban sprawl so that the natural world gets completely destroyed.

Urban locations beyond a certain population density should be outlawed from allowing cars within them. Park your car at a parking garage at the outskirts of the city. Urban sprawls would be cut down massively. Plus there would be a massive parking garage district on the outskirts of the city which is very cyberpunky.

>> No.50900383

My bike cost $1400, does 4L/100 km and I could sell it for $4k.
No, I will not ride a bicycle 25 km to work each day. And neither do you.

>> No.50900393

>reduces your fertility
heh nothin personnel kid

>> No.50900405

Why everyone hating on OP he's just grinding. Hell I don't even own a car my only bills are food and phone and I can DCA almost 90 percent of my pay at 21. I don't get bitches though

>> No.50900406

The concept of a walkable city inherently sees its residents as nothing but consumers. You can walk to the shops, you can walk to the cinema, you can walk to a restaurant. But what if you work in a specialised field, are you forced to live right next to your office? What if you work in a factory that produces toxic chemicals, do you live next to it in an industrial zone?
Once you consider that there is more to life than eating at restaurants, you might start to realise that walkable cities cannot, do not and will never exist.

>> No.50900413
File: 272 KB, 1200x799, 1075643676.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not just cities. Walkable town and the thought of being near the ocean or having a fun fulfilling life terrifies anyone from middle America. Especially midwestcels who have no culture besides Applebee's

>> No.50900418
File: 428 KB, 2400x1596, DSC_0032.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your life is posting a truck stop surrounded by greenery on a cockroach breeding forum, every single day you do the same thing.
Pic related is in 'middle america' I could post 1000s of places that look like this, dumb tranny.

>> No.50900428

/biz/ wants you to live alone in Unabomber cuckshed

>> No.50900431

This whole thread is you coping lmao. The 40 year old virgin rode a bike to work.

>> No.50900440

>But what if you work in a specialised field, are you forced to live right next to your office?
Public transit. Subways, trolleys, light rail. put security guards and cameras in the trains. Specialized heavy duty rails for industrial and commercial transport. Automobiles would be regulated to areas outside densely populated urban zones.

>> No.50900451
File: 326 KB, 975x1524, ggxqdpcllp091.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lmao you "post this is middle America" and the image is still 90% asphalt and cars. These people are cucked beyond belief. No wonder you're all poor

>> No.50900458

I take it you've never actually used public transport?

>> No.50900460

lmao why do carfags seethe so hard at bikechad threads? I'm guessing it's because they're butthurt about the $10k they spent on their vehicles in the last 12 months

>> No.50900483

I have and it's ass because a lot of low lifes use it. In my scenario low lifes would just be a portion of the users. But that's what the security guards and cameras are for. I was thinking maybe you could make tiny stand up compartments with locking doors on them to make it safer for people, but I don't know if something like that would be feasible.

>> No.50900503

Every single day without fail, lmao at your life. You live in a state with the worst homeless problem in america, the dirtiest shit covered streets in all america come from cali and the crime is above average across the board, has the worst air quality in all of america and is home to the most aids and gays, not to forget the highest count of pedophilia.

>> No.50900515

No, obviously it's bad because it takes for fucking ever to get anywhere on it and you have to wait for every interchange. If you aren't going from one hub to another, you have to wait for a bus to take you to the train station, then have 1-3 trains and then you wait for another bus. You can easily spend two hours getting somewhere that would take 20min in a car or on a motorbike. It's expensive too -almost $10/day for a regular city ticket here, and you can easily spend $40-50 if you're going regionally.
And no, spending more taxes on it won't fix the problem.

>> No.50900527

>you might start to realise that walkable cities cannot, do not and will never exist.

There's a lot of first world cities that are walkable. Areas of tokyo, new york, mumbai, all end up with walkable areas because they are so dense that cars are basically useless naturally.

>> No.50900528
File: 227 KB, 1200x958, 1650383144077.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cope I live in Maine and have more money than you. You live here. Your land is cheap because the life you live isn't worth living

>> No.50900536

Oh yes, because Mumbai is absolutely the perfect model for what good living conditions look like.

>> No.50900556
File: 1.87 MB, 1781x1324, 1655858233649.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Less than 200 people live in that area, its a truck stop. I live in wyoming, life couldnt be better.

>> No.50900560

It's expensive because it has so few customers. If people couldn't use cars, public transport systems would have so much demand they could afford to charge a lot less. The increased demand would also justify building more frequent schedules. Also take into account that due to increased urban density and walkability, you won't need to take as many trips to get to where you need to be as everything is designed to be within walking distance.
You'll walk to the grocery store and back, you'll basically walk everywhere. You'll only take transport to go to work, which will be in walking distance of the transport hub, or to go somewhere for recreation.

In my opinion, the biggest issue is maintaining security on the rail lines.

>> No.50900574

I used the wrong city.
It's a city in the same world region as Singapore with a similar name, I can't remember it.

>> No.50900585

They actually have tons of demand here, enough that they needed to buy new higher-capacity rolling stock. It isn't expensive because nobody uses it, it's expensive because it's run by a government-enforced monopoly.
I think you should consider moving to a Chinese ghost city, it might be more your style. Or even just Mumbai. If you want to force it on everybody else, you can at least try it out for a few decades yourself.

>> No.50900596

Mumbai and Singapore are nowhere near each other. An expected level of geographic knowledge from someone who wants "walkable cities" but has never left Chicago (or whatever other flavour of black-infested American city you come from).

>> No.50900613

You're equating urban sprawl with luxury and walkable places like tokyo with poverty.
Even tokyos worst places are /comfy/ because they are walkable.


>> No.50900620

I'm saying the city near singapore has a similar name to mumbai. not that mumbai is near singapore.

>> No.50900622

Want to take a guess about how much time each day the average Tokyo resident spends on public transport?

>> No.50900628

Doesn't matter, you pay with your time so it evens oht

>> No.50900629

I'm guessing it's less time than the average LA resident spends in bumper to bumper traffic

>> No.50900647

Or he could try france, japan, germany, netherlands... you know, every 1st world real country that doesnt have 30,000 people a year dying from car accidents, because they have public transit oriented designed cities, which, america used to have, until auto executives bought them up, scrapped them and unironically made you think the stroad/suburban design was the proper way to live, while they made huge money from gullible retards like you who buy cars, gas, insurance, maintenance, fast food, cardiologists for your inevitable no excercise and drive thru food life heart attack. Americas economy is literally built on this suburban structure. And the best part of it all is that it isnt sustainable, towns are taking on massive amounts of debt to fuel more of this infrastructure

>> No.50900649

Bro, I have an idea, instead of banning cars from ultra dense urban zones, let's dig hundreds of cubic miles of massive tunnels for cars to drive in!

>> No.50900714

Basically, they want to build underground public transport for their fucking cars rather than build public transport for people. full clown mode.

>> No.50900808

where i live pedestrians and cars give me the right of way on a bike. i feel like the asshole king of the road.

i get cucked on top speed but make up for it everywhere else. and also 32km/h on my road legal ebike isn't that bad and my 1000w custom built goes up to 45km if i hold the throttle for about 20 seconds

>> No.50900900

If you haven't figured it out from my other posts, I live in Australia and ride a motorcycle. I get that you hate America because the TV told you to, but it actually has a pretty high standard of living in most areas.

>> No.50901009

As someone from America, let me give you a run down on what it's like. America is a first world country that WANTS to be third world. Basically this country is riding on the infrastructure of the previous century and the massive government investment in military and police spending. 1 in 3 Americans make less than 15 dollars an hour, which is below the poverty line. Most Americans have been obsessed with thug culture since the 90s and most of them are LARPing "Grand Theft Auto" in their heads. Everywhere there can be homelessness there is homelessness and lots of it. There were more shooting deaths in Chicago in a recent year than soldier deaths in the war on terror in the middle east.

Basically, if it wasn't for the massive investment in police and military by the government, this country would have been burned down and would be on par with mexico in terms of being third world, or maybe worse.

Basically, we're a police state riding previous century infrastructure barely holding back a population that would like nothing more than to live in shit. Also we have lots of cars. And guns.

>> No.50901052

>he thinks this is a valid defense

>> No.50901076

It's sad. Their minds are broken

>> No.50901137

Top fucking kek OP revealed yourself almost instantly as a LARPing wagie faggot. Dont worry though most here have a shitty low end wage slave job just like you


>> No.50901769
File: 60 KB, 742x495, helicopter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek all these retards squabbling about land based transport. There is no traffic in the skies.

>> No.50901938


You hate America because the kikes in your government told you to hate America. You don't drive because the kikes in your government have used your tax system to price you out of owning anything other than a 1.8L shitbox or a child's scooter. Not only are you not upset about this, but you're actually proud of what the kikes have done. You even attempt to use these facts as an example of you, yourself, somehow being superior. Fucking lol.

>> No.50902200
File: 3.84 MB, 5652x2736, tsau.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

High five for not being a carcuck OP, but why do you commute with a racing bike? Do you enjoy the stiff neck and sweaty back?

Here are mine. Makes a world of difference if you can actually be upright and store all luggage away.

Btw for all aspiring people wanting the orange pill, here is my fav channel

>> No.50902219

>even the dock has a gigantic carpark

America is a satire

>> No.50902312

All I see is how shitty niggers are.

>> No.50902324

>encounter a boeing 747's wake turbulence
>helicopter flips over and crashes

>> No.50902328

damn that's crazy *downshifts and rolls coal in my big dirty diesel, blowing a cloud of smog towards you and your faggy children's toy*

>> No.50902344

>Saves climate
>Gives you good health through exercise
Very smart anon

BTW, are you a BTC maxi? You could make more from low caps like QANX or stake stables for 10% APY on Binance.

>> No.50902387

ITT OP is based af

>> No.50902423

Its most efficient

>> No.50902482

Good job Anon!
Fuck all those fags who use e bikes

>> No.50902546

Bikecels are incels though

>> No.50902656
File: 14 KB, 177x285, download (4).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> "and the best thing is that chicks love it!"

>> No.50902716

Not everyone is a filthy beaner with no winters, pedro

>> No.50902717

Based fellow bike bro

>> No.50902748

I get paid by owning a car and I barely use it. Thank god for car allowance arrangements, sticky work terms and wfh changes thanks to corona.

>> No.50902755

Is.. is that supposed to make it look better?

>> No.50902767

>commuting is 30 minutes of straight line highways

>> No.50902777

this has to be a larp

>> No.50902794

>50% of the people in this picture are obese
>He's cutting out the 6 lane stroad on the right
>Only this street looks like this, they rest of the town is souless suburbs
You're fooling no one

>> No.50903217

The pedestrian pill is a bitter and sour pill, but it is a red one. Really teaches you why nobles always rode horses and horse thief were hung.

Honestly, stealing a horse wouldn't have been a bad deal.

>t pedestrian in Seattle for a year.

>> No.50903279

>shitty police state
>isolating self from international finance by trying to levy authoritarian taxes.

Lamo... who could have seen this coming?

>> No.50903301


You see the webm of the guy getting brained for eating nuts on the subway?

>> No.50903324


>> No.50903359

Bus drivers in the USA only deny you a ride if you don't pay in locations that are more than 80% white or asian.

You don't practically have to pay for public transit in America.

Yes it's terrible, but you must understand bus drivers don't do anything about it because the person who won't pay might also strangle them, stab them or slash the bus tires.

>> No.50903376

You're posting trucks stops, dumbass. Those aren't towns where people live.

>> No.50903479

That guy is a gigantic redditor faggot and so are you for posting it. If you want to ride your bike like a faggot go move to the Netherlands like he did instead of bitching constantly about how things are done here

>> No.50903564
File: 1.58 MB, 3656x2105, 20220814_073049.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP is based and nobike fags only seethe.
t. 100+ miles per week on the grabbel

>> No.50903624
File: 842 KB, 2400x1080, Screenshot_20220814-053641_Gallery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I live here tho :(

>> No.50903748
File: 21 KB, 480x320, rollin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking hell this thread is full of /nocar/ cope
Enjoy breathing in my emissions, using public transit with all the niggers, and having your fancy carbon-fiber roadbikes stolen by those niggers every other month because you're a crushed-testicled soiboi
Fucking imagine your time being worth so little and living in such a small area that you BIKE everywhere LOL
You make $30,000 a year at Taco Bell

>> No.50903777


>> No.50903790
File: 39 KB, 640x780, 1646920366928.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit burger bros... Your alien hotspot looks quite nice

>> No.50903799

t. fat burger that can't handle 15 minutes of cardio kek lmaoing at your pathetic existence

>> No.50903868

I'd roll your ass in boxing or MMA, you'd get gassed out in like round two because you think your faggy 20 minute commute over a bridge counts as "cardio"

>> No.50903899

Lol take a run fatty

>> No.50903949

extra $300/mo in BTC will be $30000 in a few years.

>> No.50903956

Yes and they are all balls deep in 20 yo pussy while you are masturbating on /gif/ with your DIY fleshlight kek

>> No.50904245

lmao post body fatass

>> No.50904528

Now imagine working from a rural home permanently. I am saving WAY more than you.

>> No.50905246
File: 47 KB, 678x452, 1660489965869..jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it bad that I prefer the pic on the bottom than the one on the top?
I live in suburbia, like pic related, and I hate how few shops are close by.

Not like I frequently leave my house anyway.
I'm WFH, spend most of my time online anyway, and have almost everything delivered to me even groceries.

>> No.50905365

Burgerpunk is its own flavor of dystopia.
Urban sprawls of ghetto as shit cities with suburban sprawls of cookie cutter robot McMansions. It's almost desert like and you need a car to survive. At least in in other cities like Tokyo the houses and shops are close by to each other, which gives off less of a "wasteland" feel. All that plus the miles of asphalt poured just to be used as parking lots makes a lot of american urban and suburban areas feel like wastelands.

>> No.50905419
File: 650 KB, 1200x800, Suburbia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

don't get me wrong, if you've got a car America is great. Also not every neighborhood is like pic related. but most urban centers in america are sprawls of 40-50% parking lots.

>> No.50905555

>Euro plates but US-style cardboard houses
Where the hell is that?

>> No.50905620

If you're gonna leave less than 5 ft between houses anyway, why not just build duplexes and townhouses and save lots of money? So you get to tell everyone you live in a detached house?

>> No.50905715
File: 33 KB, 511x671, 1658970036393536.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.50906339

>get to tell everyone you [x]
Why do you think that's more important than actually doing it? Stop worrying what others think and live your life.

>> No.50907216
File: 616 KB, 1088x830, 12A6E536-FC32-44CA-B49D-9DA4B5F2A58F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I live in the UK but hear me out: their is ONE city in the UK designed in the US car focused grid system. and yes, it was boring to grow up there without a car. however, the car focused system has made it the fastest growing city in europe. lockheed, boeing, raytheon, mercedes, redbull, santander, airbus all have offices in this city (to name a few) crime is low, the population is happy, and this city is considered a success story of post ww2 british rebuilding. its also considered a model city of humble conservative values, with a more American outlook then other UK cities. additionally, this city is one of the most technologically advanced in the UK, with widespread smart technology use. thats saying nothing of the appearance of the city; the car focused design allows for massive greenspaces you wouldnt find in other european style cities. having spent time in these so called ‘walkable paradises’ I can confidently inform all US based anons here that the car focused city design is far superior, safer, and more productive. look into milton keynes to find out more.

>> No.50907252

>hehehe le COAL ROLLING
have sex. your 300lbs trailer trash slampig doesn't count

>> No.50909355

based cyclebro, carfags seething.
i still drive, but an old toyota and don't give a fuck about luxury cars, it's for low iq people that park their 10 year old porsche in front of their rented 1 bedroom apartment

>> No.50909884
File: 301 KB, 1440x1440, IMG_20210608_122511_648.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>carcucks seething
>muh how will you pick up women without a moneypit crutch
try not being a fat faggot for once in your life

>> No.50910078

nice wheels

>> No.50911798

Holykek. The last part had me rolling.

>> No.50911851
File: 53 KB, 640x480, 07BC83F5-796F-4266-AC44-81994383EAF2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based low-CC biker

>> No.50911861

BTC Maxis should learn how to diversify anon. I have a stash but I aslo hold other assets like JUNO and ORE which have a lot of room for growth.

>> No.50911871

Most bike accidents are either because the biker is fucking retarded or avoidable by riding responsibly

>> No.50912096

Theres no walkable cities in sea retard

>> No.50913393

Good idea horrible choice. Get a Mountain Bike and proper tires for taking sidewalks and trails. One speeding like a faggot on city roads is what'll get you in an accident. BMX onto pathways and real biking trails is not only faster, but trains you to ride better.

>> No.50913419
File: 11 KB, 183x275, average_cyclist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>t. fat burger that can't handle 15 minutes of cardio kek lmaoing at your pathetic existence
>lmao post body fatass
>have sex. your 300lbs trailer trash slampig doesn't count

>> No.50913437

>i still drive, but an old toyota and don't give a fuck about luxury cars, it's for low iq people that park their 10 year old porsche in front of their rented 1 bedroom apartment
What a cope
Holy shit you're such a moronic loser :)
Can't get blowjobs while riding a bide, loser

>> No.50913465

>There is no traffic in the skies
>Has to listen to Air Traffic Control

Okay Chairman

>> No.50913471

fucking based, i wish i could still bike to work everyday but my job requires me to have a diesel pickup truck

>> No.50913498

thought you fucking posted my town for a sec with my truck in the pic. freaked out till i took a closer look kek. yeah middle america small towns are so comfy and nice. i'm glad that coasters and northerners don't get it. look what's happening to poor fucking texas, don't try to change people's minds about middle and southern US it'll just make things terrible like what happened to florida and what's happening to texas.

>> No.50913508


>> No.50913524

I'd give it a 1/10 its barely bait, its like left over bait a fish vomited up.

>> No.50913536

Fuck yeah bro I'm going tow my generator, lightening rod and and lawn mower down the road in a thunderstorm, wish me luck...

>> No.50913538

127 replies lmao

>> No.50913546
File: 2.54 MB, 498x498, blindblindblindblind.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the burger is unable to SEE IT

>> No.50913576

>Can't get blowjobs while riding a bide, loser
Not with that attitude.

>> No.50913584

>Aaaaaa stores I’m goin insaaaaaaneeee, I’m not a neurotic retard with mental problems who recoils in horror at the sight of a gas station aaaaaaa

>> No.50913650

Is that a STREET?? Quick mommy I need some benzos!! I’m hyperventilating

>> No.50913800

When I was living on Southgate drive in Penn State I'd ride my bike to campus through orchard park. A real kino time in my life

>> No.50914015

Inside a car is unironically the safest place to be in a thunderstorm, not that would no since you're not an autochad

>> No.50914028

*not that you would know
Sorry, I was just doing a little S&D, Shitposting & Driving, autocorrect took it over

>> No.50914799

Bikers are utterly insufferable. This thread is living proof. If you want to bikemax until you make it, fine, but don't try to tell me it's a superior way of living. Beanmaxing works too, but nobody tries to tell you rice and beans is the ultimate way to eat.

>rain exists
>snow exists
>nobody wants to fuck a biker
>good bikes are FUCKING EXPENSIVE you midwits spend more on your shitty bike than a used Toyota
but hurr durr if only the entire transportation was structured around me and my wants, biking would be le based, right?

>> No.50915396

summer and bear market /biz/ combined

>> No.50915609
File: 3.87 MB, 6000x4617, happy pepes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>clothes exist
>my girlfriend begs to differ

My winter beater cost 240€ 10 years ago + around 100€ of spare parts and extras, ~50€ for studded winter tyres.
My summer speeder cost 185€ used + around the same invested in it.

~50€/year on maintenance