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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 261 KB, 680x661, D152767D-39B8-4053-B59A-A7800FBAD783.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
50898824 No.50898824 [Reply] [Original]

I don’t care if the IRS hires 87 million agents. The result is the same, I’m just not playing taxes. Simple as.

>> No.50899250
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I'd like to hear more about how you feel about your tax obligations

>> No.50899295

>reports tax gains
>keeps USD as UST
it rugs
>still owes tax on gains
Taxes for DeFi is retarded

>> No.50899341

The 2020 US election was blatantly stolen
The US federal government is wholly illegitimate
No Taxation Without Representation
Every staffer of the US Federal Government deserves to hang from the neck until dead

>> No.50899354


>> No.50899424

Fucking midwit.
The Fed is a corporation.
You not paying taxes is like you not paying a corporation to do business.
What would you do if a customer didn't pay you for leasing space for their business?
You'd do exactly what the IRS would do, take them to court, take their assets or send them to jail.
You can choose not to make money amd squat in America and you will never be touched, but choosing to do business incurs business fees.

>> No.50899427
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>> No.50899467
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>You'd do exactly what the IRS would do, take them to court, take their assets or send them to jail.
Sure, however they're not legitimate. My response to agents of an illegitimate federal corporation attempting to deprive me of my liberty, would be to shoot them

>> No.50899483


>> No.50899527
File: 462 KB, 1073x1007, D7772203-3CDD-455A-BC18-02CFAB3E4A27.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You god damn MORON
You ASSUME tax payer money is used efficiently in the first place. The mother fuckers are burning money

Just 25% ALONE gets burned on fucking WELFARE for baby boomers. How the FUCK is that not burning money?? Then they don't even implement universal healthcare despite it being cheaper and saving more lives according to multiple papers.
Instead the mother fuckers are burning money to fund stupid ass retarded programs no one gives a flying fuck about. Kys, bootlicker

>> No.50899528

Is Halliburton illegitimate?
Is Boeing illegitimate?
Is Raytheon illegitimate?
The Fed is just like any other corporation.
Again, if you had a business with a government contract and weren't being paid for what you were owed you would take the same steps.

>> No.50899554

None of that is the IRS or the Fed's problem.
You're misappropriating blame.
I'm not saying you're wrong, but blame falls elsewhere.
At the end of the day you gotta pay your taxes.

>> No.50899563

>universal healthcare
It would go mostly for niggers tho. if ubi was good jews would not be pushing it

>> No.50899569

By law, no shit, but it is NOT ethical. It IS theft. That money IS being burned. This government IS a mafia. Taxes to fund retarded programs IS a waste of money. I don't give a fuck if the IRS is not the ones that makes the rules. They still enforce the stupidity.

>> No.50899583

Macro data shows it would save more lives than the current system while costing less. Simple as. Nothing else is a factor.

>> No.50899604

>The Fed is just like any other corporation.
Let me know when agents of Halliburton, Boeing, or Raytheon show up to my front door to deprive me of my liberty. I'd shoot them too

>> No.50899612

Ending the nigger race would also save more lives considering they commit more murders than any other race. "more lives" is not the correct metric since saving a criminal or a alien is negatively contributing to society as a whole.

>> No.50899616
File: 59 KB, 500x581, tree of liberty.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>At the end of the day you gotta pay your taxes.
And the end of the day this country was founded after a war with their own government for far less taxation than we're subjected to today.

If someone works for the IRS, their blood will count towards watering the tree should they choose to walk that path

>> No.50899625

You seem to be seething awfully hard.
Kill yourself

>> No.50899626

You're not paying attention at all.
Universal health care does the job better for less. I don't care about your hate boner. I'm simply stating a fact about the healthcare industry. You're basically just distracting and changing the subject.

>> No.50899645

Same thing would happen if you didn't pay your mortgage, rent or property tax.

>> No.50899648

>Universal health care does the job better for less.
Again, you are aiming for the wrong target. "saving lives" as a general concept is a bad idea not because saving lives is a bad idea, but because the ones who will benefit from this are mostly the invaders.

>> No.50899674

Nope. You aren't listening at all.
It is more efficient therefore superior. Your logic is retarded because you want a "machine" that does a shittier job. What the fuck?
It's like saying you have the option for a 100% efficient motor or a 50% efficient motor for the same price and you choose the 50%. That's retardation.
You are trying to justify a retarded system as being "secretly good" because "more blacks die!" which is down syndrome logic. Overall it would be a net positive to the poor and middle class. Not "just blacks".

>> No.50899679

Federal agents do the arresting for those?

>> No.50899700

I'm not saying the current system is good, I'm saying your proposal is worse.
jews are pushing it non stop for a reason.

>> No.50899713

it's mot worse, retard. It's cheaper and saves more lives. God damn, what an idiot.

>> No.50899714

if you dont want to pay your taxes why dont you just fucking leave?

>> No.50899732

Because I don't have an immigrant mindset i.e. if I were born in a third world country, I'd have stayed there because I hate the idea of moving from place of origin.
Fuck you for justifying a retarded system btw. Why do you allow government to gape your asshole? Not a rhetorical question. Answer it.

>> No.50899738

If the IRS ever hits me up directly, I will show them my big fat heavy balls.

>> No.50899752

I'm legit worried now. I've gotten away without paying taxes on crypto since 2017. My only hope is that my preferred exchanges continue to not report my trades to the IRS.

>> No.50899772

>another goy fell for the two party scam

>> No.50899793

Did the founding fathers?

>> No.50899796

Already adressed at >>50899648
gn my kike in moloch

>> No.50899802

Kill yourself, I can file a claim with the DTCC chairman and receive all owed payments via USC S 9-210. Death to the illegitimate taxation and government organizations that simply exist as a false corporation, not an actual sovereign country. The USA, Inc. is not The United States of America, the country. Death to all false entities who attempt to steal from the American people. This is not a joke.

>> No.50899813

I already addressed your retard reasoning here: >>50899674
You got btfod
Universal healthcare > current system
Cheaper and saves more lives
Your hate towards blacks is not relevant to the discussion
Take the L and shut up

>> No.50899835

so you're a basic level cuckold then

>> No.50899847

I am pro efficiency. Simple as, midwit

>> No.50899855 [DELETED] 

I was just browsing /biz/ when I saw this and I want to point out something very important.
This graph, as with most official statistics from the government, is a complete lie.
Need proof?
Social security pays out 800-900$ a month. Even if ALL 370MILLION american citizens were payed social security, the total yearly spending would be around 300BILLION dollars. To contextualize that, congress prints 730BILLION dollars a year out of thin air and gives it to the military free and clear.

Take every piece of "official" information from the gov as nothing more than government sponsored propaganda that is completely false.
Like all fascist states the US government wants you to be mad at fucking disabled people of all things.
The USA is failing because it is a fascist state. The USA hasn't been capitalist or democratic for decades. Full stop.

>> No.50899873

>us government actively discriminates against me
>expects me to pay them taxes
Nah bro

>> No.50899899

>because i dont have an immigrant mindset
illegal immigrants contribute more than you do kek
anyways your two options are to pay your dues like an AMERICAN or start blubbering like a btich once the cops knock on your door

>> No.50899903

lmao absolute mouth breather thread

>> No.50899906

>anyways your two options are to pay your dues like an AMERICAN or start blubbering like a btich once the cops knock on your door
Or shoot them

>> No.50899911

>pay your dues like an AMERICAN
That's not an argument

>> No.50899926

Also stop projecting. If you said that to my face, I'd knock the teeth out of you with a dick slap
You have no argument because you have low IQ so you basically just resort to saying "trust the jews or I'll have them send the cops after you!". Kys

>> No.50899938 [DELETED] 

My math is completely wrong. It's late. Forget I posted anything.

>> No.50899940

you arguing like a bitch about it on some imageboard isnt going to change shit lol
you either pay it or you dont lol cant wait to see you unironically asking /biz/ for advice once they grab you by the balls

>> No.50899945

No they don't. You sound brown.

>> No.50899954

>you arguing like a bitch about it on some imageboard isnt going to change shit lol
Aka "whaaa stop pointing out inefficiencies whaaaaaaa"
You deserve a god bitch slap. Retarded jew

>> No.50899956

you wouldnt do shit lol fucking pathetic cuck
i bet youre circumcised too you fucking loser

>> No.50899960

He's a leftie extremist. You can't reason with those types

>> No.50899965

yes they do lol you sound circumcised

>> No.50899970

Post a selfie :)
Dumb fucker
I bet even the average bizrael could kick your ass. How much do you weigh?

>> No.50899988

>doesnt deny the circumcision
KEK no refunds goyim!! keep complaining about taxes hard enough and maybe theyll go easy on you

>> No.50900002

My dick is perfectly unjewed, faggot. You also support jew taxes so it's ironic for you to call others jews. Actual retard, kek.

>> No.50900039 [DELETED] 

All social media did was reveal how shitty and dysfunctional the average person is. It's always been shitty, we just haven't been as aware of it. No socio-political solution exists that will make people stop being shitty. At least with democracy you have the right to own property and a gun.

Just my opinion.

>> No.50900044


>> No.50900778

This. we require reparations for what has been stolen from us on top of the hundred of billions in military equipment lost.

>> No.50900883

Based. Hang the kikes

>> No.50901706
File: 952 KB, 2500x1667, shadow president.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Biden is a puppet.

Donald J Trump is the greatest leader we have ever had. Without his selflessness in service to the nation, his love of the USA and his business acumen, Operation Shadowprez would never have worked.

All the things Biden is doing are for show. DJT never actually handed over power. Biden's inauguration was a farce. His EOs will never actually go into effect. Haven't you heard? WE HAVE NOT LOST. IN FACT, WE HAVE WON.

Donald J. Trump is STILL PRESIDENT.


The plan was enacted over the weekend… Only you never saw it.

Biden, his cabinet, and tons of both Dem and Republican senators and other officials were arrested. Proof of their vast crimes was shown. They were court martialed and found guilty. However, it was decided this was too much for the American people to accept. Overturning the election and showing the crimes of these politicians could lead to Civil War.
So an agreement was reached: Biden and other deep state elements will be allowed to move freely and serve their terms. President Trump would "concede" and leave office. But this is all for appearances. Behind the scenes, Donald J. Trump is still President.

This plan, known as Shadowprez, was seen as a last resort. But it worked. Anything that happens during Bidens term is actually President Trumps doing.


>> No.50901740

spending millions on glowies will reduce inflation anon

>> No.50901936

I've never cashed in I've never cashed out
I have unknown amount of monero

>> No.50901939


>> No.50901949
File: 61 KB, 976x850, _91408619_55df76d5-2245-41c1-8031-07a4da3f313f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do they need tax agents when they literally print money out of thin air?

>> No.50901954

You could just sell the UST for a loss in the same financial year and pay 0.

>> No.50901985


>> No.50903361

>Cheaper and saves more lives
Not necessarily a good thing.

>> No.50903396

thats like...a third of the working population...

>> No.50903412

so the printing doesn't get out of control

>> No.50903428

Checked and based

>> No.50903433


let's just

end the federal reserve first

>> No.50903436

Doesn't matter if it's ethical, or if it's theft, or if you think there's no justice. They can and will throw your ass in prison. They do have all the power. Grow up.

>> No.50903532

It wouldn't go with nobody since insurance companies and medical corporations are scamming you and the government at the same time, sucking up 5-10x more money than their services and products cost. Only in america lol.

>> No.50904262

The solution is simple - 0xMonero

>> No.50905030

The printing is already out of control

>> No.50905394

>The Fed is just like any other corporation
Except that it is unconstitutional

>> No.50905466

>t. Low IQ non whites and beta pol cels only

>> No.50905499
File: 33 KB, 600x600, st,small,507x507-pad,600x600,f8f8f8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The 2020 US election was blatantly stolen
2 more years faggot, you do realize that Trump would have been easily reelected if he wasn't all paranoid about conspiracy theories and didn't shit on everyone who doesn't like him on Twitter? Pathetic loser who can't accept to lose, same as a 100x leveraged degen who can't accept a loss

>> No.50905579
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Enough of your wannabe project. If it's not Monero or Railgun, I don't think it's worth the mention, especially when secure privacy utility is in question.

>> No.50905586

The invaders already take advantage of the system. The only way universal health care would work is if we deport the invaders and stop sending tax dollars to other nations like Israel. Reallocating money so taxes aren’t higher.

>> No.50905588

Just in case you don't know, you've limited yourself in a big way, in terms of investing in crypto.

>> No.50905720
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>> No.50905794

these ones have guns, that means they are going to shoot you in the leg repeatedly until you give them your seeds

>> No.50905826

I can hear regulations demand around the corner. I wonder how anonymous tools and systems will come into play here

>> No.50906144 [DELETED] 

Syscon remains dedicated to being the ultimate solution for applications that need security, decentralization and scalability, but without the compromises. Every advancement of syscon is built on the base layer of security that only bitcoin can provide and that is why we stay on Proof-of-Work through merge mining.