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50898064 No.50898064 [Reply] [Original]

Should i just throw it all into gold and call it a day?
How do you think Uganda's discovery of 320,158 tonnes of gold would impact the market ?

>> No.50898071


Uganda didn't discover shit, it was a chinese company flying a drone over some land to justify a government payday.

>> No.50898083
File: 426 KB, 872x475, gold.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.50898089

Do u like Gold dildos in ur rectum?

>> No.50898105

this is a pipe dream that will become pure cope when gold crosses $2000 again

>> No.50898127

price seems high

>> No.50898130

It's pure speculation at this point. Stop falling for clickbait articles. Governments pay for bullshit surveys like this all the time to con foreign investors into building infrastructure for them that they have to leave behind whether or not there is actually a profitable amount of resources.

>> No.50898133

As an investment? or Speculation.

>> No.50898136

yes but did you notice that line goes up?
also line went up even in 2008.

>> No.50898147
File: 85 KB, 606x474, 5375766148462.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pro tips for investing in gold

>> No.50898148

Long term investment, and i'm talking 70% of my savings.

>> No.50898244

Don't invest in anything that doesn't produce cash flows over the longterm. There's no advantage to owning gold over real estate (reits or physical) as an inflation hedge or stock indexes. If you hold over a long enough time you cost basis goes to zero on property and indexes. With gold you can't lower your cost basis without buying more. if you're young 20s or 30s you're going to want to kill yourself for owning gold when you reach your late 30s and 40s.
The world isn't going to just collapse and the earlier you start compounding the better. Gold can have a place in a portfolio witha purpose of liquidating it during crashes. I wouldn't have more than 5% personally.
My portfolio without going into specific positions is
>60% Developed markets
>20% REITs
>10% Emerging markets
>10% Crypto.
Im kind of retarded though

>> No.50898267

do it if you want to bleed along the junior miners and serve as exit liquidity for Barrick's shareholders
you're basically kike cattle
ah, buy silver if you want to line up JPM pockets, so they can short your shit for free money while you eat cat food

>> No.50898272

If you're a burger you can just DCA into a world index and be fine over the longterm.

>> No.50898296

thanks that's good advice but i have a really dark outlook on the future.
It's either this or water https://www.killik.com/the-edit/why-michael-burry-is-investing-in-water/

>> No.50898325

If you believe in water death don't buy gold by positions in nestle, coke and the other water barons. The gold play is retarded, if you put 10k in gold in 1986 to today you'd have $50k if you did the same with the S&P with 0 added money you'd have 620k today. Don't be retarded don't be a /pol/ schizo.

>> No.50898327

You've lost money the last 40 years if you had invested in gold. It's just a boomer meme. Shiny rocks were only valuable in the past because humans had no technology. The advent of the internet removed gold's extrinsic and intrinsic value. The scarcity of gold and silver don't matter because there's more than enough for another two hundred years for industrial technology. It's not even the most limited natural resource for technology.

>> No.50898346

If you put that same amount in coke in 1986 you'd have $5,000,000. Gold is a retarded play.

>> No.50898364

everyone knows that africa is a producer of gold. Same as russia and canada. the fact that 4chan is sperging out about africans finding gold is crazy to me.

>> No.50898478

most of us aren't mutts. my country's stock index aren't that impressive and for non-americans gold is a good play because we dont have the reserve currency.

>> No.50898499

You can buy hedged indexes. If anything it makes it a better investment and value lock.

>> No.50898510

weird that it's outperformed the SPY since 2000 if everything is bad for gold

>> No.50898627

i'm still not convinced non-dividend stocks aren't a scam. You give money to a company and get a stock ticket and you trade that ticket around to other people? I'd rather actually start real companies than just trade papers around.

>> No.50898731

You are comparing inflated bubbles to shorted assets that just became relabelled to risk free assets.

>> No.50898768

Gold is a good play

Lots of uncertainty with the collapse of USD in near future

I see it doubling Over Next 5years

>> No.50898822

You should really look into how dividends are paid and why they're paid. If you think a rock is going to be a better investment than a revenue producing company I don't know what to tell you.

>> No.50898838

>How do you think Uganda's discovery of 320,158 tonnes of gold would impact the market ?
Does this mean shinny rock not as good as pretty paper???

>> No.50898874


>> No.50899465

620k of monopoly money or real wealth that lasts across empires? Not exactly a hard decision.

>> No.50901516
File: 2.13 MB, 1011x517, Cursed.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This FUD again, can't you guys come up with better FUD than trusting niggers that say they have gold.

>> No.50901591

Uganda cannot mine the gold
china offers to mine the gold for them, for a cut and some roads + power plants, and also ownership of the mine
gold vein mysteriously depleted within 6 months
oh hihihihi we found rare earth metals here also ;)
we own the land now:)))))
now we mine metals ;)))))
shishi no re niggggggers

>> No.50901689

>because there's more than enough for another two hundred years for industrial technology

LMAO, better start cracking open the Vatican's secret vaults to smelt down their ancient silver ornaments and statues because COMEX is running hilariously low.

>> No.50901788


>> No.50901875

With the 620k monopoly money you could have bought a lot more gold than the 50k worth of gold...

>> No.50902161

Gold is only for when you're already rich, like 8 figures minimum. Then only 5% at most. It's a backup in case your profitable plays (crypto) somehow fail terribly.

>> No.50902256

>China and Russia have been buying gold for the last couple of decades
>West doesn't want gold to moon because they don't have a stack as big as chinks and vlads
>muh Uganda discovers twice the amount of the existing gold
>print ETF based on that gold and sell them to low IQ investors
If you want gold buy gold, if Uganda had any gold the Brits/French would've sucked it dry centuries ago.

>> No.50902283

>How do you think Uganda's discovery of 320,158 tonnes of gold would impact the market
Even if they have that gold (highly doubtful). They first have to get it out. There is probably trillions of dollars worth of minerals in all kinds of places. Good luck actually mining it.

>> No.50902411

>all news is good news
Signs of a hyperbubble 101

>> No.50902497

>The world isn't going to just collapse

>> No.50902727


Advice disregarded.

>> No.50902829

>19th century colonial powers had modern geological survey capability and took everything
and that’s why niggers are poor, the yt man stole all their gold and shieet

>> No.50902870

>w it all into gold
What a retarded thing to do. If you wont do crypto you can at least do SPY/QQQ and do better than gold.

>> No.50902959

You mean the thing that has barely changed price in 20 years?