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50897087 No.50897087 [Reply] [Original]

I took a $20,000 USD personal loan (after maxing out my credit cards, $10,000 USD) to trade options. Lost it all

>> No.50897152

Market sold a bitcoin into a 2021 scam-wick (spot was ~45k) for 32k. This was on Robinhood which is my degen retard broker but it still physically hurt.

>> No.50897170

I gave my money (the last of it) to a friend who needed it to build his innovative company and he managed to lose everything then tried to use emotional manipulation on me so i beat the fuck out of him. Lost a childhood friend but it was worth it.

>> No.50897204

I bought ICP.

>> No.50897221

>tried to use emotional manipulation

I don't understand. What was he trying to manipulate you on after you gave him the money and he lost it? You asked for the money back?

>> No.50897622

>Didn't buy two houses in my neighborhood when they were foreclosed on in 2015 for 75k each. Both are now worth almost 500k
>Paid 25k or my ex-gf's college. Never ever pay for shit for a gf.
>Loaned money to several friends. None of them ever paid me back and I don't talk to any of them anymore.

>> No.50897647

He came back for more money and then used "ur my bro" / "We grew up together" to make me give him more money. He got what he deserved.

>> No.50897679
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>Lost a childhood friend but it was worth it.
Did you kill him?

>> No.50897700

Bought SOXL and TQQQ at the top. I cut losses in February so I only lost 23 grand instead of being down 51. I've since made up almost half of that, but likely going to be red for the year.

>> No.50897844
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Lol thats why you don't use all your money for long options or as collateral for short options. Had you used your 20k for assignment with ITM debt spreads or longed X3 ETF's with married Puts you would have been successful.

>> No.50897870
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When I was new to crypto I listened to someone who ended up being a scammer. tl;dr I lost $30k.
Some people might have roped but it has only driven me to do better and learn more.

>> No.50898120

Damn, how did you get scammed out of $30k?

>> No.50898258

It was a really professional scam, they made a copy of a legitimate exchange that looked visually identical, but once you move funds onto it you can't get it back. The whole thing is run by chinks in mainland China which has made police efforts to go after them virtually impossible

>> No.50898333

I listened to my parents regarding how important was it to continue with my career even though we had economic troubles around 2020. So we looked for student loans.
I had no credit history so banks wouldn't give me one and my mother found out one student loan company.
When we were signing this my family reassured me I was doing the right choice and that I had their back with the payments. Interest rates were over the roof but I trusted them.
I've been paying for 3 years and I haven't even paid half of the loan. My family tells me they have no money so I have to take a loan to pay my loan. I have quite the deal of profitable investments but selling now would be fucking stupid. I haven't even picked up my diploma because I get paid by comission for my work, I have no need to be a wagie and there isn't anything in uni that I couldn't have learnt through youtube.
All that money could have been put into more of my investments during the last bull and I would have been set for life.
But boomers really like their memediplomas though.

>> No.50898373
File: 67 KB, 1010x524, Screenshot (Nov 25, 2018 11_54_08 PM).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I took out a $100k personal loan to buy BTC and ETH in 2018 and it was down 80% at one point. But I held and kept buying the dip so it turned out to be one of my best decisions.
>pic related

>> No.50898410

Did that double interceptor poison my water in the check out area?

>> No.50898456

The lesson there is don't flop your whole wad, blow off little bits.

>> No.50898545

october last year i made a 300k collateralized crypto loan on aave and closed it at a massive loss in march this year. think i lost around 200k

>> No.50898649

Based New Zealander

>> No.50898669

i went to college

>> No.50898675

Putting ~$35k in Celsius

>> No.50898719

Selling all my bitcoin at 500, followed by buying Alibaba at 220. Really those are my only two regrets, I'm up bigly on everything else.

>> No.50898758

Cashed out 7m in 2017. Lost most of it buying fucking gas stations

>> No.50898773

Buddy really fell for the pig butchering scam lmao

Stupid laowhy

>> No.50898792

I took out $55k in federal loans for my degree and haven't payed back a penny

>> No.50898809

i graduated right when covid happened so i never will

>> No.50898899

Based. Just wait for Biden to cancel your debt.

>> No.50898932

>they made a copy of a legitimate exchange that looked visually identical
kek I can make one of those in a couple hours and put them online, but if you want to cope believing it was that elaborated

>> No.50899179

Like I said it was when I was new. I had no idea that subhuman chinks were out there doing this shit. At least I am recouping my losses and will never trust a bughuman again.

>> No.50899210

lost like 25k on dude weed stocks a couple years back. Threw a hail mary and dumped everything i had left into oil in 2020 so i was able to recover in the end but it was a stressful few years. not money a could afford to lose.

>> No.50899788

Was the company actually innovative and he blew a good thing? Or was it all smoke and mirrors?

>> No.50899854
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I traded a shitton of bitcoin for tf2 hats in 2011

>> No.50900010

Had $50k in the bank in 2017 but spent it on a coding bootcamp instead of putting it in crypto.

>> No.50900056

It was. It could have a billion dollar company. But it ended up being a bag of shit

>> No.50900541

Lol i did the same thing but with crypto, and it wasn’t years, it was this week

>> No.50900691

get fucked gweilo

>> No.50900788
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wow, were they unusuals or just common drops? I don't know who would bother trading bc for hats during that time, when buds, promo items, and unusuals made bank back then. wish id know more about crypto back then but I was just a wee lad.

>> No.50900790
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The worst was not selling DWAC at $100. I put in 23k, had 40k at the peak, then held all the way down to 12k before getting out. I then went all in on SIGA and I'm back up to 24k now, so as of writing this, I'm back to where I started, but I blew several one shot tactics to get here, including maxing out all credit cards, selling my entire video game collection, selling my entire Pokemon and Yugioh card collections, and another major single-use tactic that I will not disclose. Basically, I have utilized every safety net I had at my disposal, so if SIGA plummets, I'm legit fucked. I've resigned myself to my fate. Either I will make it out of this hole with SIGA, or I will be homeless.

>> No.50900832

If it ever crashes I’ll keep you in my prayers anon.

>> No.50900856

Them and Indians. Never trust indians...

>> No.50900872
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>he knows he has a way to disrupt a major tech
>on his third try, he succeeds at getting his startup off the ground with seed funding from a major vc firm
>everyone's given up on him, except anon
>anon, who owns 33% equity in the company, is now a billionaire overnight after amazon offers to buy the entire company
>he and anon never have to do anything ever again

>> No.50901606

I would have given you all my earbuds

>> No.50902592

same, at 19 i borrowed 30k, will repay a total of 50k in 10 years
my wages are garnished by around 40% thanks to being in a third world shithole
there should be an iq test when applying for this autoapproved shit

>> No.50902628

This. In the future batteries will become rare and we will need manual imitations of essential tech. Humanized vacuum assisted glory holes will be a market disrupting paradigm and the friend, with Eric Schmidt advising, has been playing the nearly silent game cornering the market.

>> No.50902639

Depending on the time frame inflation probably means your idiot tax is much less than it nominally seems. What did you take the loan for?

>> No.50902887
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i sold 10 eth at 0.05 bitcoin like a month ago
thanks for the hot tip ben!

>> No.50904369

I bought shitcoins as a strategy to diversify my portfolio instead of investing in lowcaps with relatable usecases like ORE,UDO or even IOTA.

>> No.50904489

if you were checked for an IQ above 115, nobody would ever get consumer tier loans and most houses would also not get financed. most people are retards and 115 isnt even smart.

>> No.50904516

how do i trade options not like a retard(like op) and not lose all my money

>> No.50904537

I let family and friends see my transactions instead of utilizing privacy protocols and those shits milked me dry.

>> No.50904567

I didn't buy property in Walthamstow in 2012 even after a tip from an estate agent friend that it would explode.

>> No.50904575

how do you know he's a new zealander?

>> No.50904576

Back in 2015 I put 1 million dogecoin into the bankroll of a centralized gambling site that stated a 1% house edge. 2 days later the site disappeared. Worth $300 at the time.

>> No.50904695

Bought the top of 2x QQQ and SPY in January
Fucked around with margin trading crypto before knowing shit about anything
Lost a couple 100k of my initial
Still I'm confident this is just a minor setback and I will become a multi millionaire in time

>> No.50904747

>beat the fuck out of him
Guaranteed that you just slapped him once or twice lol
Congrats on your investment btw

>> No.50904886

We rock same boat. I got on some shitcoin, the pump lasted a while but it began to drop badly due to dev issues, lost about 20% of my folio and I had to sell my bag for the ORE solid project in the identity management niche.

>> No.50904901

Paying 5k to go to college. Could of worked (even minimum wage) those 1.5 years and used the money on useful things

>> No.50904980

You gotta give us more details fren

>> No.50905006

I hesitated buying a house 5 yrs ago and now im priced out

>> No.50905216

When I was in AIT--the day I got off the bus from basic training I was a retard.

>go to little shop to buy a snack with ny BATTLE BUDDY
>he leaves me for 5 seconds to get Gatorade
>a girl walks up to me in air force uniform she's like a private or something
>says she has a family emergency and she needs $500 to travel home but (insert bullshit reason) happened and she can't use her bank
>"anon if you give me $500 to get home for my leave I'll have my family money order transfer whatever the money to you"
>sure I'm a hero now i shall help
>give her $500 cash
>we actually go to some western union place and go through this entire thing with her dad on the phone and everything while they figure out how to pretend to send me money. Of course there's an issue and they'll have to do it later.
>I'm doing everything in my power to try to make sure its not a scam
>except thinking
>ex: I ask for her home address and she just makes some shit up and I believe it
>she drops me off at the barracks (it was actually a really far walk so thanks)
>"anon ill txt you when my dad figures out the money order thing thanks for the money"
>I look at her license plate because I know its a scam
>she calls me out on it and I say its just in case no worries
>she laughs at me and drives away
>days pass and she ignores my txts
>I was too nervous and forgot the license plate number anyway
>she was a nigger fyi

500 dollars is nothing but the fact that I was suspicious the whole time and was making pitiful efforts to figure out if it was a scam or not is what made it hilarious and sad at the same time. I was so angry. I had crippling autism and social anxiety and was at a bad place in BCT/AIT--I was absolutely fucked the second she approached me, and a perfect person to scam. I'm just happy it wasn't a legit thing involving my actual accounts. I was fooled because I was a scared and weak person. I fixed all that after 6 years of soldiering and nursing (I was an enlisted nurse).

>> No.50905220

putting 1k into 1-icnh when it was at 6 dollars.