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50894438 No.50894438 [Reply] [Original]

Is going back to college at 30 years old worth it?

>> No.50894457

It’s over when you’re that old seeking to better yourself.

>> No.50894479 [DELETED] 

it's never worth it, what the fuck.
OP, it's 2022 already, try a bit harder to imagine the near future of the job industry.
if you don't know how to make money just start a feet fetish onlyfans, jfc

>> No.50894504

>take out student loan
>read books and party
>spend loan living in cheap area for 4 years
>biden forgives students and/or usd inflates to oblivion and/or you never pay it back
Or start a business or somethin

>> No.50894510

Yes ofc, do what you think must be done. Never too late to start living :)

>> No.50894512

depends for what
anything else?

>> No.50894515

maybe but it'll definitely be hilarious for your classmates

>> No.50894524

I plan to go for my Masters in my early 40s. Do what you want anon.

>> No.50894537

No, brainfog will crew you over

>> No.50894541

yeah as long as it's a useful degree and you do everything in your power to secure employment before you graduate (internships, etc.) i did an accounting masters at 27. finished it at 29. now i'm 33 making a little under $100k/year from home as a senior accountant. ignore faggot doomers like >>50894457 and >>50894515.

>> No.50894544

Go to trade school.

>> No.50894559

are your wife and kids okay with that?

>> No.50894560

This. Make sure you have a highly probably $150k+ starting salary BEFORE you get a degree in STEM.

>> No.50894598

Undergrad maybe, masters and PhD have lots of young boomers.

>> No.50894676

Fuck young puccy
It's literally the meaning of life

>> No.50894730

I want to go back for the sole reason of fucking 18 and 19 year olds.

>> No.50894820

Don't you get it, all life worth living is within the first decade as an adult. After that you're basically a zombie.

>> No.50894821

lol poorfag

>> No.50894828

Depends on what you go for, but it can be. I was in the Navy for six years operating reactors, got out and basically took the first job that let me live where I wanted to in 2010 making 50k a year for a gigantic fortune 100 company as an entry level manufacturing tech/projects guy.
Worked at that company for 11 years doing various jobs, topping out at around 70k a year. In the middle of it, met my wife who convinced me to use my GI bill so over the course of 6 years(took forever working full time and having 3 kids) and got a new job 2 months before graduating for 100k a year at an engineering firm, so it was certainly worth it in my case. I know 100k doesn't seem like much to /biz, but I live in a state where just my income alone puts us at the top 13%, and with hers too we live pretty comfortably. Going back school in your 30s is a pain in the ass though.

>> No.50894861

undergrad was in math, tried coding, found it incredibly boring and tedious. accounting has more upward trajectory (have friends who are at controller/CFO level) and longevity (very few coders in their 50s or beyond) and is far more recession-proof.

>> No.50895087

Ive already basically worked a trade in my 20s, my health was seriously impacted. its time to switch to something that wont destroy my health and I can do well into older age. im not trying to be some 50 yr old trade worker with a blown out back and no prospects of even retiring any time soon

>> No.50895112

thanks anon, glad it worked out for you. im not as much worried about the work load of school, as I am really not wanting to be around zoomers and woke retards

>> No.50895116

Education at any age is worth it, don't let these crab-in-buckets tell you otherwise. I respect even the oldheads at community colleges that are still learning new things. Never stop learning and never stop growing.

>> No.50895273
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I started college at 22 and finished at 27. I felt a little weird once in a while but I fit in with my peers. Its not so bad being in 101 courses at 22, but yeah that would suck if youre 26+ taking english 101 for the first time.

Still never too late. I saw lots of older people and it was hard to be critical of them when they were there to better themselves. Its like watching a morbidly obese person try to lose weight. You may feel they are too far gone but maybe they arent, and at least they recognize the need to better themselves AND they are taking action to do so.

>> No.50895345

Is everyone unironically afraid that zoomers will make fun of them for trying to pursue a better career?

>> No.50895402

lol lmao, anyone in college at 30, or worse 40, is an absolute failure at life. roasties getting phds at 40 are the absolute worst (and common af these days).

>> No.50895457

No, they are ironically afraid that zoomers will make fun of them for trying to pursue a better career.

>> No.50895468

not exactly, just a combination of being out of touch with current trends plus not really caring about woke ideals.

I just dont want to be surrounded by fags and social justice warriors. i just want to keep my head down and get my degree without being told how shitty i am for being a while male a million times.

>> No.50895482

whats the alternative? be a loser whos not in college and no chance to elevate my career?

>> No.50895487

literally no one is going to tell you this unless you pursue a women and gender studies path (ie, anything other than STEM). You wont even hear this in your PSYCH or HIS 101 classes.

>> No.50895497

That's even more retarded than being embarrassed by some dumb zoomer roastie calling you "old".

>> No.50895502
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I graduated during COVID and got the short end of the stick. I'm literally getting out beat by fresh graduates in the job market right now. I'm absolutely clueless what to do. I might just pick up Python and start to learn it. Absolutely seething. I got a degree in Finance, might just stick with working in the Financial Industry and get a Master's in Accounting. I lost my job working at a Credit Union during the beginning of the year and have just been trading stocks/crypto as my income. I'm fucked.

>> No.50895519

this is the part where someone brings up how employers will only hire you if you're under 25 as a complete newby to whatever career you were thinking of going back to school for.

>> No.50895535

He isn't disputing your role. You making very little for a *senior* accountant assuming u mean USD. Maybe entry/working way into experienced .

I make around 40k USD a month, but I'm in bongland with my parents. Call me a faggot or call me based. I don't care. Soon to be a millionaire.

>> No.50895552

there is no alternative, just become a tranny and whore youself out on camsites.

>> No.50895559

Dude turbo tax does your job

>> No.50895571

idk anon you dont seem too fucked, I would kill to have a finance degree already. best of luck tho, im sure you will find something but if you can make it trading crypto and stocks then thats great desu, most people dream of doing that.

>> No.50895578

That's what I was thinking when I took an intro to accounting course when I was in college. The instructor said that most accounting can be done through Quickbooks. So it would be a dead-end.

>> No.50895583

this is a thing? it doesnt surprise me but wow

i hate fags especially trannys

>> No.50895595

Take that money and start a small business

>> No.50895640

i think you're confused. senior accountant isn't management. $100k for a senior is pretty typical. most i've ever seen is $120-130k for senior revenue accountant roles at tech companies (interviewed for a few of these roles.)

>> No.50895643

No, just find a job where you're unlikely to get fired, a government job would be best, you wouldn't have to work hard and can work there until you retire.

>> No.50895689

>, a government job would be best, you wouldn't have to work hard and can work there until you retire.
you sound like my grandma, I personally dont think I could ever work for this corrupt ass government I want nothing to do with them. plus they dont really hire whites these days

>> No.50895745

fuck you zoomers
30s are the new 20s
our 20s were stolen by jews

>> No.50895755

based. okay, how about you take online classes or enroll in an online program, get degree, get job you want. college is a scam. i get that you might need the credential though for our scam system.

>> No.50895762

Yes - very much so.

>> No.50895988

>y, how about you take online classes or enroll in an online program, get degree,
this is my ideal solution right now. I just need to find the best program that will work for me.

>> No.50896017

Shit take. Be rich, life is enjoyable then.

>> No.50896034

Become a poker dealer. 6 weeks of training and you can make 80k a year with benefits

>> No.50897260

Shit take, be born rich.

>> No.50897517

You’ll have to make that cost/benefit analysis for yourself. For me, I’m early 30s making 90k without a college degree. If I go back I can probably make more, but since I work full time I’d take me at least 4 years, and I would have to spend a lot of money out of my pocket. Instead, I could save to buy a house for 4 years and move somewhere cheap and then save a ton of money I’m not wasting rent. School is not worth it for me at this point, but for you, it could be.

>> No.50897542

Also, if I waited to go back to school, then saved money afterwards, then bought a house, I probably wouldn’t even live long enough to pay off a 30 year mortgage.

>> No.50898362

do you mind sharing what industry you are in to make 90k already? im assuming something with tech

>> No.50898394

Yes. Life is long anon. It will take years but it's still worth it.

>> No.50898425

Your a faggot trades means you can work in the office telling tradies what to do aka project manager or estimator.

>> No.50898427

thanks anon, thats really how im starting to feel. With modern medicine and technology, It seems to becoming more and more common from people to live past 100. 3 out of 4 of my grandparents have lived past 90, so i definitely have genes to potentially live long. once you hit 30, it really puts things into perspective as well.

>> No.50898432


>> No.50898455

cope, i dont want to be around the miserable fucks. jk....in all seriousness, I just dont have the physical health to start a new physical job even now, Ive still considered it and most the guys that do it are based but starting a trade at 30 with health problems seems like it could possibly be a recipe for disaster for me

>> No.50898521

Good accountants are hard to find
Pajeets write the code for quickbooks
There will always be a need for accountants

>> No.50898896
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He could just shave every morning and pretend that he's 20 instead of 30.
Surely OP doesn't look as rough as pic related...r-right OP?

>> No.50898909
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I'm 27 I'm going back to school in October. I'll be 28 by then

Wasted time. Could've ben done by 24/25

>> No.50900147

Would you rather NEVER go to college and waste away like a pathetic piece of shit, or go back and make something of your life? If you actually have to think about it, then don't go back.

>> No.50900180


You'll be immune to the long march communist shit but it'll be difficult to monetize your degree properly.

>> No.50900196

As long as you don’t bankrupt yourself and you’re able to forge a better wage then yes. Do not take out a massive student loan unless it’s for doctor/lawyer/engineer-tier money though.

>> No.50900197

>4 in 10 Americans hold a bachelors degree
>1 in 3 Americans make less than 15 dollars an hour
What did the statistics mean by this?

>> No.50900544

I'd rather pay a flat fee for a proctored industry exam with up to 2 retakes in a 10 year period as the litmus test. One and done. Free of the other bullshit that anybody can study on their own time now that the information is already published and well framed. I don't give a shit about the socialists that make their living off of government subsidies and predatory loans. Those fuckers can all die and be forgotten.

>> No.50900563

>NEVER go to college and waste away like a pathetic piece of shit

lamo even

>> No.50900619

People lose everything at 40 and then still manage to rebuild their empires and get rich. My own dad was a poorfag in his mid 40s but is now a multi-millionaire. I have no idea why 1st worlders have the mindset of "if I don't make it by X age its over".

>> No.50900683

>computers and internet became mainstream in the last 10-20 years
>no 50 year old coders
do u realize how stupid u sound? coding is a new job

>> No.50902375

at 46, was working at grocery store as a checker, took the Stationary Engineer apprenticeship test, scored high, got a 4 year apprenticeship at Marriott Hotels, at the end of which making 100k+, now (55) i'm making 120k. Just make sure it's something you have an aptitude for and work hard to be the best. Good luck anon.

>> No.50902428

I started phD at 30, yet I wonder it is a good idea

>> No.50902458

Imagine being this precious lol

>> No.50903244

For the social aspect: yes
For earning potential: depends

>> No.50903329
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I only did high school & make 40k USD a month on my business. I'm 24 currently.

Life isn't fair, it really isn't. I certainly don't let me debt ridden uni friends know about my income. They all did history & shit & are working phone line jobs ect.

If u goto do education, it must be a job at the end of at least an industry u desperately want to be in.

>> No.50904210

Zoomie here, best friend I ever made throughout college was a 50 something boomer who had experience in the field we were studying, he made me realise the difference in how math was taught back in the day where they understood why the formulas did what they did but now it's you put X here you get Z me and him didn't understand what the formula did but since that's how I was obviously taught throughout my education I got it for lack of a better term.

Quick question for anons what the hell is binary code used for in maths? I'm talking 4 by 4 = 0/1

>> No.50904320

No everyone will look at you like a huge loser. If you're going to go back wait until you're in your 50s so it looks like you're changing careers or something

>> No.50904777

I've been thinking the same thing. Can anyone who knows anything about Engineering help me: >>14756945

>> No.50904792

If you know what Job you really want and it requires a degree.

Accounting, Engineering, and Certain Computer Science positions would need the Bachelors as a Minimum. With designations or Masters to be considered a strong candidate.

But if you just want to code, take web dev bootcamps and build some projects on github. Some small startup will hire you and you can stay until they go tits up for experience to apply at a medium sized firm later.

>> No.50904816
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>our 20s were stolen by jews
idk if i'm ever going to get over this
i'm only 26 but i feel like i've missed out on so much

>> No.50904862

No. College is a scam. Why get a degree just so that you can be employed? Employ yourself or start a business that you can employ other people. Then use the money you make to invest.

>> No.50904986

I'm 32 and already have an established career. I was thinking of going back to a small college so maybe I can get some prime college pussy because I don't have any real interactions with women at my current job. Is this a good idea?

>> No.50905129

>Coding is a new job
New compared to carpenter or cobbler? Yes. But Fortran has been around since 1957 and there's a lot more shit than you'd ever believe that still depends on it because nothing else can replace it and do what it does the way it does and/or as efficiently as it does. Same with COBOL and that was 1959. You're the one that sounds retarded to people that actually know what they're talking about.

>> No.50905651

community college for nursing or rad tech or econ or premed yes

>> No.50907633

I want to go back so I can get a .edu email address and get those sweet student discounts on things like Amazon Prime.

>> No.50907816

depends on why you go back
if you made it and want the experience or simply want the studies as your preferred hobby then yes it is worth it

if you go back unmade and for monetizing your degree absolutely not
job market turned to shit this last decade so don't listen to anyone here saying but some boomer did something 30 years ago and was successful
if you start at 30 and get out at 34 you need to apply for entry level positions that pay shit with 22 year olds so you are far behind in getting your first job
after that it gets even worse, you will be exploited at the start of your career as if you were a 22 yo even tho you are mid 30's and now you have to directly compete with young people to keep your job get promoted
in your mid 30's you already degraded substantially that you cannot win in a fair competition with a early 20s person
so you start your career at a massive disadvantage fighting an uphill battle all the way in one of the worst economies since the 1930's
if you want to get better employment prospective it is better to leverage your current background into roles where degrees matter less than objective measurable output
for instance sales is an evergreen for this and can lead to significantly enhanced yearly remuneration compared to pure cagie wagies

>> No.50907821

What about at 40? What should i do, I'm pretty much set money wise. I'm getting into urban gardening what else could I do?

>> No.50907828

I'm about to turn 30 and have thought the same
I don't think the tuition is worth over just expanding your tinder radius to cover the college town

no one stole them from you, you just wasted them you pathetic shitstain

>> No.50907849

>I don't think the tuition is worth over just expanding your tinder radius to cover the college town
it's way different than having class mates that you are forced to interact with

>> No.50907856

Nobody outside of certain markets makes 150k starting. Thats only for fagmans working in silicon valley or doctors.

>> No.50907907

True, the japanese tried to tell us using anime.

Rich just do drugs all day to fill the void, still a shitty existence.

>> No.50907970

I’d rather do drugs all day in my huge mansion with the finest meals a day and easy access to the best gaming equipment while fucking my hot maids all day than to be a “hard working, honest man” working a shit-tier job one paycheck away from homelessness. Anyone who says that being poor is better than being rich has never been poor before

>> No.50908083

You make that because you were born into wealth/had connections. No one is making that money at 24 unless there is some other factor involved. You didn’t “earn” shit for that type of money

>> No.50908098

You are fat, old, and poor. Not a great example of what zoomer women want

>> No.50908144

>paying to have a leftist your age or possibly younger "teach" you
Nah. Literally do anything else op

>> No.50908162

I’m 43 and applied for a masters degree. For me it’s more for personal reasons. I need to refresh my academic dumbness

>> No.50908338

For grad school? sure. For undergrad, absolutely not -- you'll be seen by your classmates as a weirdo freak unless you go to a commuter school or an online college.

>> No.50908430

30 here, no friends, no social life, I just want to go back to meet people with common interests

>> No.50909002

Whatever u do, don't do computer science. Go for liberal arts. My advisor said that computers r going to be phased out in most offices anyway,

>> No.50909046

If you are going because you're going to study something you actually care about, are motivated about and like then yes. If you're going just because "it's what I have to do" or think it will automatically and easily lead to a high pay then I have bad news

>> No.50909220

only if you are going back to actually learn something. forget about parties and all that "college life" stuff

>> No.50909693

>only if you are going back to actually learn something. forget about parties and all that "college life" stuff
Unless you already made it. Then go back for that + ideally elite networking

>> No.50909763


All OC coders either went into management or retired. Not seeing many coders in their 50s means nothing

>> No.50911098


>> No.50911303

Who gives a fuck about what a bunch of socially challenged nigger loving retards think?