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File: 59 KB, 300x433, financial abuse.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
50887944 No.50887944 [Reply] [Original]

What's the best way to protect your wealth from a wife or girlfriend?

>> No.50887965
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>financial abuse

>> No.50887979

Don't get married, don't live with them for more than two years, put all wealth in a family trust

>> No.50887985

this, and OP is retarded for asking a simple question.

>> No.50887986
File: 148 KB, 1031x1280, 243DE9A3-85BA-4933-9A7B-2B16B33A73C0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Marry a trad Catholic girl who goes to SSPX masses and treat her respectfully and say you’ll handle the family finances while you act as head of the family

>> No.50887988


>> No.50887998

If you think your wife is gonna divorce rape you then what you need to do is fake a gambling addiction.
>make appearances at gambling addiction support groups
>sign up to programs supposed to help gambling addicts
>regularly withdraw cash from casino atms
>store it somewhere not at home or in a bank
>a trusted family member is an option too if the succubus won't suspect them
>monero too
>when the date approaches drain the joint bank accounts too and withdraw from casino atms
>when she tries to divorce rape you you can claim you lost the money
>the state (her new husband) won't be able to find shit
>financial vampire btfo

>> No.50888024
File: 123 KB, 850x748, duluth wheel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Roastoids literally and unironically believe they're entitled to YOUR wealth and will call it abuse if you don't cough it up.
Shit at the end of the day even roastoids you don't know have their manicured hands in your wallet. The taxes that are stolen from you are funneled to them by the state while they ride a never ending supply of cock for decades.

>> No.50889477

Pretty based. How to avoid alimony? Do you deliberately drop income during divorce period

>> No.50889494

Don’t you mean from a white girlfriend? Lmao.

>> No.50889504 [DELETED] 

Sup, that's perfect! Everybody knows that crypto is the future, but have u tried Life Beyond?

>Fun action gameplay
>Open Alpha Reward Program
>CEO, Benjamin Charbit, was the Game Director for Assassin's Creed: Blackflag
>Upcoming NFT Drop

>> No.50889516

>women having rights

>> No.50889523


>> No.50889530


marry a dude

>> No.50889778

My wife is great. She only takes 400€ a month from me + I put 1000€ on joint account. I get to keep half of my money from my 2400€ net salary. I really like my life.

My wife works too, she is teacher's assistant. Makes nice 1240€ a month.

>> No.50889849

My gf doesn't know that I'm a millionaire. It's obvious that I make "6 figures" because of my job title but she has no idea exactly how much money I get at work or the scope of my personal investments. I'm gonna dump her later this year anyway.

>> No.50889867

Just marry a rich girl.

>> No.50889931

lets do the maths:

the joint account is split equally so thats €500 to her, plus you give her €400, leaving you with €1000 plus €500 in the joint account. so shes getting:
€1240 + €400 + €500 = €2140
and you have
€1000 + €500 = €1500

absolutely fucking cucked bro

>> No.50889967


>> No.50889976

i just kept it simple and budgeted for 3 divorces in my retirement plan

divorce numero uno estimated in 5 years and this bitch seems to be right on track

>> No.50889985


>> No.50890009
File: 96 KB, 926x462, -95094804291238.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am so fucking financially abusive bros

>> No.50890115

At least if he was giving a prostitute that much money each money he could switch it up and change women here and there.

>> No.50890169

my wife and I have a power couple agreement
1. we both work
2. numbers go up
3. sex wrestling 3 nights a week minimum

we are both in marital bliss and are primed to buy at least 2 more houses outright next year when the RE market self destructs. simple as

>> No.50890190
File: 111 KB, 500x497, 1654707782499.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.50890207

>be me
>account only has $100 left in it
>wife spends $100
>i notice all my money is gone
>you heckin monitorinoed my spenderinoing
we made it so even good discriminating or good controlling or good anger is seen negatively. women just go if its perceived masculine its bad.

>> No.50890259

>women have shitty sec twice a month with men
>call not having access to all his money abuse
Almost like you’re dealing with clinical narcissists who add nothing positive to your life

>> No.50890542


>How friends abuse alcoholics.

>79% Hide alcohol from the alcoholic.
>62% Exclude alcoholic from parties where alcohol is present.
>60% Told the alcoholic that they were an alcoholic.
>54% Insisted that the alcoholic stay away from alcohol.
>50% Monitored the alcoholics drinking.
>49% Refused to fix the alcoholics car after they smashed it in a DUI.
>47% Made the alcoholic give them all of their alcohol.
>47% eventually turned their back on the alcoholic after multiple failed interventions.

>> No.50891008

lol because they struggle with financial planning. Can’t think of any women among my friends that didn’t waste money excessively and drive themselves into five figure credit card debt before the man had to bail them out, which of course set them years back financially.
It happened to me too. She’s gotten better, but it has taken a long time and a lot of patience. I did the opposite of what the article is accusing men of doing, though. I think that just keeping the money away is lazy and won’t make them a better person. Instead I tried to teach her, give her more chances to fail so she can learn, but in scenarios I was prepared for. It’s been tough but it has mostly worked. Now her wasteful spending has been trimmed down to cosmetic improvements on the house. Which I don’t fight too much because, yknow, that Zestimate.
Lots of fathers just don’t bother to teach their daughters to be financially literate. Couple that with decades of consoomerism targeted at an extremely impressionable demographic and the idea that your man will take care of you… no wonder it’s a problem.

>> No.50892093

buy a sex doll instead of renting a gf.