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50886376 No.50886376 [Reply] [Original]

Imagine still holding a previously pumped, Bear cycle shitcoin and dreaming about it going 100x to $1000, kek. fucking delusional baggies.

>> No.50886404

Ngl I’m getting demoralized seeing Celsius is doing a 2x when we were hoping for a link short squeeze

>> No.50886408
File: 96 KB, 1279x1009, 2342354278.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

methheads are so retarded
Imagine still holding a previously pumped, Bear cycle shitcoin and dreaming about it going 100x to $1000 again, kek. fucking delusional baggies.
look at that ratio... five years later and has never been close to 0.15 and never will be kek

>> No.50886457

>cuts chart at 2019
kek, cope.

>> No.50886516

the point is that eth had a more brutal drop and for longer than link holders have at this point
but yeah, when you guys thinking about turning to shilling again? just prior to smartcon?

>> No.50886625

After 5 years ETH was up 1000x from its ICO price. It also had millions of users.

Nobody uses link and its up a pathetic 50x from its ICO 5 years ago. The only thing it has going on are partnerships with communists who want to force inject you like Eric Schmit. Even Ari is still wearing a mask at conferences KEK. You just know he's quadruple vaxxed and will do everything he can to give try to force inject you

>> No.50886697
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yeah true but we did get a 200x in a bear which was pretty great
can't get too greedy
but yeah shit for last couple of years

>> No.50886713
File: 126 KB, 1273x1164, 23817934211312.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and anyway, it's still bullish that our discord friends are makign threads on link
they could pick on any defi project

>> No.50886748

No it didn’t. If it did go down 90% I would have put my life savings into it.

>> No.50886808

How do you make this kind of chart? Will use it to dunk on fudders (aka Thomas)

>> No.50886829

Yeah, I'm not selling. Thanks for your concern though.

>> No.50886955

it went from $1448 to $80 (-94.5%)
in btc terms it went from 0.147 to 0.017 (-88.4%)
just go to coingecko and change the unit
also thomas is not at all malicious, he holds a lot of link and is a big supporter really
the problem is these one here...

>> No.50887065

>also thomas is not at all malicious, he holds a lot of link and is a big supporter really
>the problem is these one here...
>these one here
bulgarian apologist detected

>> No.50887354
File: 636 KB, 1080x986, 1571438835190.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine being so desperate for attention that you feel the need to create a thread about a token not needed

>> No.50887427

>Imagine still holding a previously pumped, Bear cycle shitcoin
Well you personally don't have to imageine, you ARE holding said shitcoin. In your heart.

>> No.50888391

100x isnt out of the question. It only has to get to 20$ for10x and 40$ for a 100x. It can reach that again.

>> No.50889472
File: 359 KB, 1170x1688, FCF8040F-283C-4725-B625-5FE9F9858A41.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lol lmao

>> No.50889758

The entire market is pumping. Link isnt budging. Were gonna miss another bullrun arent we

>> No.50889833
File: 373 KB, 1170x1747, 1BDB2E7A-9C4B-46D3-A861-2100C2C19144.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do you think?

>> No.50889935
File: 11 KB, 251x242, aasdgttt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>still into crypto

>> No.50890421

I have no idea what this means. I thought all the shorters were insolvent

>> No.50892051

>its up a pathetic 50x from its ICO 5 years ago
Through a crypto bear market fueled by race riots, a global pandemic, supply chain shortages, a stolen election, and impending global economic collapse, on top of World War 3 on the horizon. Yeah, 50x on a speculative investment is really underwhelming. Thanks, just sold 100k.

>> No.50892100

All I need to know is that link is highly correlated with /pol/ shit, so I'm not buying.

>> No.50892119
File: 225 KB, 1067x1216, Screenshot_20220809-112901_DuckDuckGo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You could have 13x'd your eth stack if you put into the link ico

>> No.50892144

It was up 100x and now it keeps dropping. Stop posting this cope pic.

>> No.50892153

can we get a break please? Leave us alone.

>> No.50892165

What you Bulgarians don't understand is that -90% is actually a positive. Making link affordable for everyone is part of Sergey's social mission.

>> No.50892179

Brutal, almost vertical downwards with no signs of stopping at all

>> No.50892188

>Failing this profoundly to interpret language
ETH top signal

>> No.50892429

But who's really retarded OP? The eternal link bagholder or the people like (You) who complain about them?

>> No.50893597

Wow 2 token not needed projects crabbing along together while losing against usd eth and btc

>> No.50893672


Whats the alternative??

>> No.50893845

>the weakest, most retarded muh /pol/ fud
Sergay pays HR roasties 300k/yr and is creating the Snopes of blockchain. How exactly is that /pol/?

>> No.50893866 [DELETED] 

Haha, you're wasting yar cash on the shit and then cry on 4ch on every topic. Be smarter, kids, check Life Beyond

>Massive Multiplayer Online game
>Doxxed Team
>Upcoming NFT Drop

>> No.50893927

I have reasons for being skeptical of the technology itself, but I'm not going to get into that here. But Chainlink's fanbase here always parrots /pol/ shit, and it's disgusting even for 4chan. No one wants you racist twats here.

>> No.50893943

>Sergay pays HR roasties 300k/yr

>> No.50893955

Go back esl

>> No.50893981

I'm not esl, and even if I were, it would not negate my argument. You're just showing your racism yet again.

>> No.50894219

The problem is comparing against ETH. Ethereum is a much bigger project than Chainlink. Link is good and necessary but it shouldn’t be compared to the biggest decentralized app platform.

Also, Link market cap is already high. Being fair, it can be at most between the top 5-10 projects and that’s only about10x from here. Going to $1000 is just delusional

>> No.50894348

> kek he doesn't know LINK is top 3

>> No.50895064


Keep dreaming. It’s been 5 years and nothing happens

>> No.50895091

jokes on you. i jumped out (almost literally) at a 50% loss