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50882371 No.50882371 [Reply] [Original]

$1,500 a month for food is not a lot of money.

>> No.50882386

The fuck are you eating?

>> No.50882388

post body

>> No.50882399
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>> No.50882407

You can eat healthy for 600 a month.

>> No.50882413
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Anon, you're talking about processed food, not real food.

>> No.50882420

Thats an small amount of money for an averaged sized person i would say

>> No.50882426

That's a months paycheck in Europe

>> No.50882445

>$50 a day
Thats objectively a lot, it is like 2 doordash orders a day. Even a normie who eats at restaurants wouldnt spend thst much. Let one the autists on this bpard who survive on a diet of ramen and gorilla feed

>> No.50882451

I spend 1k/year tho
So yeah it is.

>> No.50882455

europoors are not human. they are just cash pigs for their jewish masters and the shitskin refugees that are there to replace them

>> No.50882484
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>> No.50882532

Nah you can get steak dinner at restaurant for 30 bucks same thing using same restaurant on door dash and it’s more than $50

>> No.50882714

I eat out 5 nights a week. I make $110k and can afford it

>> No.50882773

I spend $350 (CAD) per month for my food.
You need to learn to cook and look at flyers for deals (especially whatever meats are on sale for the week)

>> No.50882791

I'll never understand why people would rather do this instead of save/invest more

>> No.50882798

I spent $100-$200 max a month on food. I love living with family and not having to spend money on basic things.

>> No.50882998
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It's pretty perverse. They do it because it distracts them from the misery of their day to day lives slaving away in order to make their money so they can consume more in order to distract themselves from the misery of their day to day lives...

>> No.50883035

Reminder that you can live on fried chicken and beer and as long as you eat less than 2000 cals worth a day, you won't get fat.

>> No.50883049

i live on less than 1500 cad in toronto

>> No.50883057

I spend $500 a month on food, thanks for making me feel better.

>> No.50884535

Because I’m not some retarded poor

>> No.50884545

how much more for a 6ft4” man? asking for myself.

>> No.50884597

I spend $120. I eat mostly hand made bread and beef

>> No.50884620

that's $50 a day for food, more than enough.

>> No.50884631

$100-150k for a single income isn't that rich to me and I'm saying that as someone who just got a 20% raise to that income level yesterday. I will only consider myself upper class when I make over 200k annually. Even if I save and carefully invest 75k a year I'm not guaranteed a million in the next 5 years and that's worrying in a country where things are only getting worse and worse over time economically speaking most of all.

>> No.50884735

Isn't a 1 bedroom apartment $2000 per month in Toronto?

>> No.50884786

You're acting like one

>> No.50884805

If you cook your own meals you are way overspending. You can eat like a king for $20/day (even on a bulking cycle). If you are cutting or just a skinny meet, you can easily get by on $10/day or less.

Just buy rice beans, broccoli, bulk spinach/kale, whole chickens or bags of frozen chicken breasts in bulk, milk, eggs, sweet potatoes/yams, and you are good to go. Make you own dressings and marinades with oils, vinegars, mustards, and hot sauces. If you want to splurge get free range beef or bison and wild caught fish in bulk. You can split bulk orders like a quarter cow or whole salmon with friends (if you have them) to make it affordable.

>> No.50884852

Would also add steel cut oats, bananas, whey protein, and berries (again if you want to splurge). All together you can easily get 3000+ calories for $10/day

>> No.50884879

I make almost twice as much as you and spend max $500 a month on food. I would probably only spend $300 if I didn't have a useless gf.

>> No.50885390

im renting a room for 800

>> No.50885927


I pay right around 500 leafbucks a month. Money goes fucking nowhere when you spend $15 on two chicken breasts and $100 for a tub of protein powder.

>> No.50885975

Dumb fuck you could pay a private chef to meal prep for you for that much and eat better

>> No.50885981

unironically shop at a chinese grocery store, the meat there is very affordable
2.5/lb for chicken thighs

>> No.50886021

Holy cope

>> No.50886074

Anon let me tell you a story
>Be young me working as a hotel valet
>One of the regular guests is this skilled programmer who made it by selling a patent for a gps app
>Dude was wealthy as fuck
>Casually carry around a 1000$ stack and just wave it around
>One time he was fined for $50 for breaking a plate intentionally and just laughed at manager and throw $500 at him
>Other time he gave $10,000 to a staff and told him to buy a some gold coins from a jewelry.he and his friends than took those gold coins and played skipping stone on nearby lake with them
>4 years ago I found out he fucked up one single deal and went broke and filed bankruptcy
>2 years after that he an heroed

Keeping your wealth is harder than getting wealthy

>> No.50886120

Retard, shop at costco. i bought 6 kg of sirloin tip for $60. 9.99 per kg. Also... Protein powder is at costco, even the expensive vegan shit my wife likes is $34 here in the dirty alberty. i pay 350-400 a month, and i eat beef and expensive vegan shit, fresh vegetables, 30 bananas every 15 days, apples.. you name it.

>> No.50886130

Yeah but the beer will nuke your liver.

>> No.50886140

oh and for $25 you could get like 30 fucking chicken thighs from costco.

>> No.50886181

Enjoy your high blood pressure and high sugar.

>> No.50886180

>free range beef or bison and wild caught fish
>steel cut oats, bananas, whey protein, and berries
Basically my diet, but I pay $460/mo (average of last 24 months). I splurge on fresh-baked bread and good cheese though. Stupidly low food budgets are dumb because you end up cutting out fruits/fresh vegetables.

I should probably get on anon's homemade bread trend

>> No.50886191

And as an added bonus it's full of steroids and antibiotics, so you'll get huge and never get sick

>> No.50886194

weird flex, but you're still just a retard.

>> No.50886216

>30 bananas every 15 days
hugely based diet

>> No.50886316

>Cottage Cheese
>Chicken breast

Literally all you need.

>> No.50886615

i send 600 a month max on food

>> No.50886672

seethe poorfag

>> No.50886704

Dont go to London and you''ll be fine

>> No.50886773
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I'm glad you said that. It is possible to destroy your liver in your 30s or 40s. But those are boomers, right? Who cares about boomers. They ruined the economy in 2008!
>That's what I read about in a history book..

>> No.50887146

I use to eat out everyday and it only cost me $600/month

>> No.50887147

In top 0.1% of world earners.
Grocery bill for me and wife is ~£150/week.

4chin larders probably building 5chins

>> No.50887156

>I spend 2x so niggers can spit in my food
Hope you're long SIGA, cuz you def have the niggerfagpox

>> No.50887181

Post loaf.

>> No.50887218

you sound fat

>> No.50887229

>He said, from goyim wageslave country that's 40% white

>> No.50887243

are you obese?stop eating goyslop

>> No.50887254

My partner and I spent about $100/wk on food. Eating out is for idiots who don't know how to manage their time. We only go out for special occasions--like twice a year max.

>> No.50887261

>I eat expensive vegan shit like bananas!
Do canapoors really? Organic bananas are a buck a pound, they are poverty food in the states

>> No.50887269

You shouldn't be spending more than $300 max

>> No.50887290

Damn that rat sure lives in a society.

>> No.50888424

what a waste of 2 mins. kys.

>> No.50888895

i am god checkem

>> No.50889733

I only ever ate like this and it is mind boggling how people can become fat. Turns out all they eat is plastic food with 20 ingredients

>> No.50889759

I spend like between 60 and 100 € per month on food...

>> No.50889927

Of course you can, but should you? Do need to? Thats how people making 100k live paycheck to paycheck, because hey i can afford it, they spend all their money instead of saving it and eventually let it work for themselves

I save 70% of my pay and still go out occasionaly

>> No.50890430

i make $100k a year and no you definitely cant afford this lmao

>> No.50891204

im 6'2 and i spent like $200 per month for food, what the fuck are you eating?

>> No.50891298

>short term enjoyment instead of long term planning
typical /biz/ mindset baka

>> No.50892098

Well, you're right, but I certainly wouldn't want to spent that much on food. Could be cause I grew up relatively modestly.

>> No.50892130

>t. Romanian
Go to Goymoney and earn 4x your current salary, if you even remotely care for money

>> No.50892664

Actually I am Italian, I just don't eat out and don't need to much to be full.

>> No.50892762
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Eating little boys is gonna get you the gay fren.

>> No.50892843

Based pizzabro

>> No.50893278

That's more than enough. Are you feeding your neighborhood? Fuck! If I were to be earning such, I would be comfortably investing 1k in ETH, VET, ALBT and COTI.