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File: 49 KB, 660x574, A26B9170-F724-4A34-B85F-368CE41D61E8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
50881218 No.50881218 [Reply] [Original]

I was in high school and college during the ride and peak of social media platforms like Facebook, this was back when you’d literally get looks of disgust if you DIDNT have a Facebook. I never made one. I never made any social media profiles, ever. People would ask me to add them on Facebook, I’d tell them I didn’t have it and they’d think I was lying, women would literally have disgust reactions (like when you see gore or something).

I never got vaccinated against COVID-19 either, I also wore a protective masks in December of 2019 and January of 2020 and again, I was given looks of disgust. I am immune to any and all forms of social programming.

>> No.50881270

what are you holding?

>> No.50881277

Same as you.
On top of that I didn't even go to the final high-school test diploma (don't know how it's called in muttistan)
Doing fine today,
normies are insane, fuck them

>> No.50881278

Shcizophrenic braindead 4chan parasite thinks he is anti status quo revolutionary supersoldier when in reality rightoids, racists, capitalists and other bootlicking parasites are the ones in complete compliance with the status quo and extremely obedient, compliant, submissive, insecure and productive little slave cattle.

Keep spamming neoliberal boomer propaganda that fox news force feeds you and die alone sad hated and in pain like you deserve

>> No.50881288
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>I am immune to any and all forms of social programming

>phone posting pepes

>> No.50881290

dont care

>> No.50881304
File: 30 KB, 660x574, 1653172417511.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how do i profit from this ?

>> No.50881306

now. now. now. now. now. now. NOW. now. now. now. NOW. now. now. now. NOW. now. now. now. now.

>> No.50881311

Of course you got looks of disgust.
You're a ugly virgin beta loser that's never had a gf.
You probably hate minorities because they're more successful than you'll ever be, you fucking incel.

>> No.50881414
File: 967 KB, 995x1202, 1658585643295569.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

same here bro. I'm agnostic religiously and neither Republican nor Democrat. I'm basically more evolved than all other humans since I'm so galaxy brained. The worst part is being bisexual and getter my shit pushed by my friends but I prefer kissing girls since they don't have scratchy stubble. Sorry to present a bias on that. I am usually neutral af since I'm so smahrt and not just a faggot.

>> No.50881460

You fell for anti vaxx and nazi propaganda so you're not immune, we all fall for something because we are biased

>> No.50881733

Truth still exists in this world, most people don't just happen to "fall" for it.

>> No.50881835

Wow you’re so BASED and COOL and INDIFFERENT and UNIQUE and SPECIAL bro!!!!

>> No.50882682

the only truth I care about is that I'm gonna end up as worm food like everyone else in the future, soon all this drama won't matter anymore

>> No.50882716

Aw she's seething

>> No.50882751

not having social media in high school would be retarded. That was the main way people got together and advertised parties. I assume you never went to those

>> No.50882769
File: 62 KB, 1100x1007, 1574761148770.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>girl asks me what's my Instagram
>say I don't have one
>the conversation abruptly stops right there as if I just loudly proclaimed that I'm a pedo serial killer

>> No.50883705
