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50879174 No.50879174 [Reply] [Original]

Are the people who were fearmongering about inflation going to apologize after getting completely humiliated?

>> No.50879340

They were doing it on purpose you dense retard

>> No.50879377

Media really thinks people are retarded...

>> No.50879479

The Burrito Index is undefeated
Tyler always btfos mediaettys

>> No.50879593

They just report the facts. Some people are too retarded to understand them.

>> No.50879657

They are

>> No.50879718


well that didnt take long to know OP is full of shit

>> No.50879734

>Falling gas prices
Kek, they went up bigly. Kikes desperate to make pedo pete look good

>> No.50879783
File: 796 KB, 1170x802, 1659539013505742.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based biden making up new definitions for words, while all the magatards seethe and cope.

>> No.50879872

>The US is rapidly selling all their Strategic Oil Reserves
>Look goym, inflation is low and prices of fuel are going down
Seriously? They are just keeping the price of oil low by selling reserves. The oil price is going to explode next year

>> No.50879893

That literally just means inflation didn't accelerate, not that it actually dropped to zero you fucking ingrate. It's not going away.

>> No.50880189
File: 67 KB, 1022x1054, E2FuWGIWQAE-EYQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>1919: Inflation drops to zero due to falling gold prices

>> No.50880230

The universe is calling for me to become the next hitler. Should I do it bros?

>> No.50880462

Lmao even

>> No.50880471

Their readers are

>> No.50880474

Are you non-white? The next Hitler is going to be non-white.

>> No.50880484

>blatant lies pushed by the media to protect democraps from their nation destroying policies

>> No.50880486

>hoe ID
I don't think so, you slut

>> No.50880536

The next Hitler will be Latino which is one of the reasons why (((the media))) started shilling the “white hispanic” label.

>> No.50880857

Oh would you rather me use some extremist conspiracy site? Im sorry, but in the real world facts actually matter.

>> No.50881033

nothing has changed in the us monetary supply just because gas went down.
problem is, most cattle will believe this.
its tempting to say that they deserve it

>> No.50881253

most people dont know that, Statistics and probability math is something that's completely backwards from gut instinct so its a very dangerous skill to have.

>> No.50881427

Sociopath here. Probability and gut instinct intertwine perfectly for me.

>> No.50881474

just think about everything in terms of probabilities. life is easier this way

>> No.50881516

We're with you mr. Biden! LFG!!

>> No.50883067

It didn't accelerate yeay on year.Month to month it was zero. Cope fag