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50879057 No.50879057 [Reply] [Original]

Is Dave Ramsey actually a good financial helper?

>> No.50879098

I can’t agree with him on the credit card stuff. Why shouldn’t I use credit cards to get free shit if I always pay it off in full every month?

>> No.50879118

If you are a loser or barely functioning member of society. He is the best thing for you.
But if you came out of 1st grade and understood don't spend more than you can pay back. He is so boring to listen to.

>> No.50879136

Why would you ever pay off your loan when the government/corporations certainly will not.

>> No.50879160

This.. let the pedo and jews inflate your loan payment into oblivion

>> No.50879189

His advice is mostly geared towards Red State Low IQ idiots. It's not really the most sound, it's the simplest and easiest to follow though.

>> No.50879191

He is a big shill for the real estate market which is odd main source of income

>> No.50879209

he is just repeating the shit laid out in the richest man in babylon

>> No.50879272

Idk why you felt the need to bring up black america but okay

>> No.50879308

for the wagie that wants to work their 40-50 hour slave job and retire at 65, yes. For the investor/entrepreneur that wants to be rich, no

>> No.50879336
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>pay your debts asap
That's basically his only message, aside from his horrible advice on CCs. I made over $700 across all my CCs this year so far.

>> No.50879385

He gives the most basic bitch financial advice to lure unsuspecting people to buy his bullshit materials, he is a fraud.

>> No.50879388

His advice is good for lower IQ whites that realized they got fucked into slavery by the debt Jews and want to climb their way out. This is not an insignificant portion of society in the year of our Lord 2022 America (Judaea)

>> No.50879459


LOL no, he just isnt a delusional rentoid who thinks housing crashes happen every 10 years

>> No.50879499

Sure okay... It would be more honest of him to say I have not fucking idea what the hosing market is going to do after it just doubled in a year.

>> No.50879503

It's solid advice if you are OK with guaranteed wealth after 30-40 years. Obviously it's obviously possible to built wealth sooner, but that also comes with debt and more (although not much more if you aren't a retard about it) risk.

It's also stupid not to put purchases you'd be making anyway on a credit card and get cash back, but his financial advice is geared toward retards who get in massive debt they have to dig themselves out of and can't be trusted to use credit responsibly.

>> No.50879601

>Don't own a credit card
>Never have a car payment or mortgage
>Pay cash for everything
>Haggle with cashiers and stores for better deals
>Use coupons
This is all I remember about his advice from years ago

>> No.50879617
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>pay down your debt
>don't buy shit you can't afford
>don't buy a 60k vehicle on a 45k salary
>live within your means

it's good advice, but if you haven't figured that out by 30 years old, you're probably a lost cause

>> No.50880726

He deals with morons who shouldn't have access to anything but cash. Of course he tells those people they shouldn't use credit cards. His advice doesn't apply to people with a tiny bit of discipline.

>> No.50880881

Any time I have debt in my wallet, I spend it. It’s gone, just like that.
Put your student debt in your wallet!

>> No.50881704

kek, you're not wrong

>> No.50882039

I've been on Dave's RBC (Rice, Beans, and Cash) plan for 4 months now. Got 30k saved up, my 2018 Camry is paid off, and life is good!

>> No.50882065

debt maxing student loans and buying crypto with it is the ultimate key to success. all anons should be doctors

>> No.50882178

He's a dumbass that gives generic as shit advice

>> No.50882227

Is it worse than Suze Orman?

>> No.50883214 [DELETED] 
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i actually don't use banks anymore. they charge you hidden fees and crap like that. i keep all my money in my house somewhere

>> No.50883422

Guys a boomer the answer is no HELL no!

>> No.50883456

I never read his sales pitch but he sounds like a basic bitch.

>> No.50883520

I think he's good for the unwashed masses. His recommended mutualfunds are pure boomer bait. In general it's easier to find ways to make more money if you're dedicated rather than trying to eat beans and rice for every meal

>> No.50883656

he's a retard but can at least convince other retards to stop spending so much being consoomers

>> No.50883761

>Why shouldn’t I use credit cards to get free shit if I always pay it off in full every month?
that's what responsible people do, and if paid off every month then there's no reason not to
it's just credit cards don't work for dumbasses that fail the marshmallow test, with no impulse control, buying shit they don't need and getting $5,000 in the hole from it

>> No.50883988

I disagree with credit cards on principles. I understand the grift with credit cards churning, but on principle I don't support it. Don't feed the sharks, so to speak. On another note, if the credit card strategy does work, over time the companies will just change their policies. It begs the question, if the churning doesn't phase them, then they're getting their value elsewhere. Not sure where though.

>> No.50884090

CC companies have big fees. Think 2.9% plus $0.25 on the low end for every purchase. They get money from consumer data too, but it’s not much compared to the fees.