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File: 55 KB, 607x573, RIP_TORNADO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
50874580 No.50874580 [Reply] [Original]

Everyone is so surprised that TornadoCash got shut down & wallets blacklisted....... on fully traceable, public ledger technology.

If you want privacy, then use Monero.

>> No.50874631

tor browser is just firefox kek

>> No.50874650

Only shitcoin rugpullers and bridge hackers got butthurt over TornadoCash getting sanctioned(its only userbase).
If privacy was a legitimate concern to you, you would have never used the Ethereum network to begin with.

>> No.50874695

what can i buy with monero? why the need for privacy?

>> No.50874738
File: 169 KB, 750x595, 84C1B109-B58D-4B13-829D-A4D0273266FB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>trusting TOR nodes completely

That’s like licking a public toilet and trusting not to get sick

>> No.50874814

monero is identical to tornado cash
both are decentralized protocols with developers
both act as mixers while also letting you prove which deposit/input your mixed coins came from

but one got sanctioned in 3 years, while the other's been left alone for twice that long


>> No.50874815

Can blacklisted wallets even swap for xmr now?

>> No.50874829

like 70% of the nodes are owned by cia,kekw

>> No.50874918

wait until you find out where 90% of xmr outputs come frm

>> No.50874929

tell me senpai

>> No.50874937

It's better than trusting VPN or Brave browser.

Sauce? or let me guess... "bro, trust me"

>> No.50874964 [DELETED] 

Tornado cash is an app built on top of a protocol. Stop changing definitions.

>> No.50874991

TornadoCash on Ethereum (vs using Monero) is the exact same thing as Brave Browser's "TOR" function, vs using TOR itself.

Stop trying to argue semantics.

>> No.50875113

Monero is not identical to tornado cash in any way. Completely different privacy and protocol. Monero is not a mixer.

>> No.50875133

Exactly my point.

Brave Browser allows you to surf .onions, but it's not TOR in any way.. it's just a built-in VPN.

>> No.50875811

owning 90% of all xmr outputs costs you a few hundred thousand dollars a year last i checked. effectively free for any large institutional or governmental agency.

>app built on top of a protocol
no matter how you try to define things, both are almost equal entities in the eyes of any government. nice attempt at deflecting but it does not help explain any of these curious incongruities.

>> No.50875836

>Monero is not a mixer
wrong. from the outside, both look exactly like mixing services. and with proofs, both let you break away fungibility and show your inputs/input transactions.

different technologies, but legally they represent the exact same thing, when shielded and when exposed.

>> No.50876026

Havent you leant anything so far or do I assume you are just too retarded to know privacy is the best form of security from fucking hackers.

>> No.50876050

Never been a fan of mixers anyways,relayers are much more secure.

>> No.50876103

And BAT had to be dragged into this.

>> No.50876507
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>> No.50876560

It's a heavily modified Firefox that connects through the Tor protocol.
It is the best way to browse tor outside of just using wget in terminal and browsing the files via text editors.

>> No.50878104

This is a retard take. Ethereum is inherently more private than Bitcoin because it uses an account based system, not UTXO. This means that normal tokens (not usdt or usdc) cannot be blacklisted or tracked to previous wallets. On Ethereum you track wallets, not tokens, and that's why 0xMonero's 0xTIP off chain privacy bot is a better privacy solution for Ethereum users than Tornado Cash. Tornado Cash shows you interacted with it when you look at Etherescan. 0xTIP shows nothing.

>> No.50878445

there's no valid argument for differentiating moneo and tornado cash in the regulatory world.

>> No.50878467
File: 194 KB, 1094x1152, privacy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Privacy is not just an illusion; it’s a delusion. Things like privacy statements and permission to use cookies are little more than sophisticated propaganda. If you think for a moment the Overlords cannot prepare a dossier on you within minutes that would make your mother faint and your father die of shame, you’re living in fantasy land. You have no idea how much data they store on individuals, and not just credit card purchases: tracking data, telephone conversations, text messages, anything you ever posted on the Internet. It’s a devouring machine. Get in their way, and you will find out how much they know about you. It has been this way for a very long time. This is nothing new. And yes, they really can turn on your cell phone camera and microphone at will without lights, so long as the battery is attached. And VPN? I laugh when I think about VPN. There is no cryptographic protocol used on the Internet, that the Overlords who brought all these technologies out in the first place, cannot decipher. None. The only way to live with this level of privacy evasion is to accept the reality of it. Stop thinking you are ever alone. Out in the middle of nowhere with no electronics on you? Maybe

>> No.50878880

You mean the same hackers that use these services to avoid law enforcement, after they're done stealing your money or rugging you?

>> No.50879080

at the end of the day it's really simple: NK would rather launder funds through ethereum and tornado cash instead of monero, which means monero is irrelevant ;)

>> No.50881126

We cannot dwell on this basis to deny the upsides of utilizing privacy protocols.

>> No.50881654
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monero to 10K

>> No.50881786

What’s a relayer

>> No.50881831

>both look exactly like mixing services
Except they aren't You are not mixing monero outputs together. You are pulling up previous outputs to use as decoys in a transaction. That is not mixing.
>and with proofs, both let you break away fungibility and show your inputs/input transactions.
Complete bullshit. You are talking out of your ass. You can not ever deanonymize a pederson commitment or a stealth address.
>but legally they represent the exact same thing
And yet, Monero has not been "sanctioned".

>> No.50881942

Nobody wants to use Monero though, it has no smart contract functionality. They want privacy solutions on Ethereum like BUCC and 0xMR.

>> No.50882573

Why not just convert it from eth to xmr and then back to eth with a dex?

>> No.50882606

IRS shock troops will be garnishing your wages. It can’t hurt to support an alternative system outside their purview.

>> No.50882608

so what the government literally made tor what did you expect that they wouldn't support their own project?

>> No.50882615

rookie numbers, etc.

>> No.50882766

No shit. But don’t try to tell me “ah just give it up” when it comes to online privacy and good opsec or being aware of nifty tools like putting your phone inside a faraday pouch if you don’t want to be tracked. Monero allows extreme privacy. So does TOR. VPN’s are fine for routing your internet traffic away from ISP, so that there’s ALOT less data out there on you. Thing is, you can take all these privacy measures, buy your weed and coke online with monero without any trouble from low level local governments and law enforcement just fine. But if you ever… EVER piss off something high level like the NSA or mossad your fucked. You are correct in that regard. They’ll probably go to your VPN provider and water board them if they don’t give your data.
In spite of that… I wouldn’t say privacy measures are completely hopeless. They are very very valuable and useful. So long as your “enemy” that your trying to hide all your info from isn’t mossad, CIA, or NSA in particular. Been using encrypted messaging and currency using SHA256 algorithm that (((they))) invented and your a target that (((they))) are interested in? They aren’t gonna waste time brute forcing that shit. They’ll probably tie you up and work you over with a 5$ wrench lol. Forget about “due process” and “muh basic human rights” if you fuck with the wrong people. Spooks in particular.

>> No.50883042

Railgun is also a good privacy solution on ethereum.

>> No.50883104

>Brave Browser allows you to surf .onions, but it's not TOR in any way.. it's just a built-in VPN.
What does that even mean? Brave is using the tor network just as tor browser, look it up it's open source. How is it not TOR in any way, are you retarded?

>> No.50883347

Relayers can be termed as smart contract proxies, they collect orders,organise them into order books and relay them to parties that request these orders to possibly fill.

>> No.50883465

How would anyone know if Best Korea was using monero?

>> No.50883609

>>but legally they represent the exact same thing
No, idiot, you missed the point dipshit. First of all smart contracts are just a way to scam normies, second Monero is either a security or other capital asset, depending on whether or not the SEC wins or loses its fight over who can regulate crypto. Either way its PROPERTY, unlike tornado cash, and it cant be taken without due process if law, i.e., you cannot make Monero illegal, or simply take it from people anymore than you can make Rubles illegal. Yes, it can be seized, sure, but that would require a law, not merely regulations, you cant regulate Monero or any Crypto out if existence.

>> No.50884525

Railgun doesn't fucking work. Literal pajeet project scam. endorsed by barry silbert and still a dead project lmao, how?

>> No.50885079

>You are pulling up previous outputs to use as decoys in a transaction. That is not mixing.
that's literally how tornado cash works, except you use all deposits ever as 'decoys'.
Both monero and tornado cash use the utxo system underneath.
Tornado is equivalent to monero that uses infinitely sized ringct and has fixed amounts (that one is definitely an advantage for monero over tc).
Monero has a total pool of all xmr and tornado has a total pool of all eth in the contract.

Either both tornado and monero are mixers or none is.

>> No.50885094

Tornado cash absolutely destroys monero in practical anonymity.
>keep anon eth on tornado
can: sell to anything, buy nft, lp, whatever
>keep monero
>oh no I have to use a human-controlled third party service to get anything else in exchange
monero would be absolutely destroyed by sanctions.

>> No.50885130
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This post glows.

>> No.50885716

>tornado has a total pool of all eth in the contract.
But it is not ETH dumbfuck, and Monero is a fucking cryptocurrency, not a contract, mixing or not mixing doesnt make a difference you stupid fucking babbler. A contract is not a cryptocurrency, therefore not "property" whose owners have due process rights.

>> No.50885768

>therefore not "property" whose owners have due process rights
you're seriously confused.
They didn't sanction eth inside tornado.
They sanctioned tornado itself - a smart contract.
Which means it's not eth inside that's sanctioned, but tornado, so by interacting with it any American is breaking sanctions, which means up to 30 years.
Ownership of eth itself isn't changed, but accessing it is illegal.
They can sanction monero - the blockchain - as a whole in the same way. Everybody still owns xmr, but accessing them is equivalent to breaking sanctions. There's no legal difference between a smart contract on a blockchain or a blockchain.

>> No.50885856

>There's no legal difference between a smart contract on a blockchain or a blockchain.
Under the law of the USA there is, sorry if you cannot comprehend basic legal concepts

>> No.50885890

there literally can't be and it can be mathematically proven
1. a blockchain does X
2. it's legal according to you
3. same blockchain adds capability Y
since there are two separate functions, that makes X and Y a form of executable contracts
4. according to you, the addition of Y makes X different legally, but X didn't change, so that's a contradiction
therefore, there's no legal difference between smart contracts and blockchains.

you got trapped in fake abstractions

>> No.50885986

Tornado is clearly not fungible given that there was a giant dusting attack last week. Dusting is impossible in Monero (well, effective dusting--you can dust all you want but it doesn't do anything)

>> No.50886004

All ETH that ever touched tornado is now basically unusable. How practical is that?

>> No.50886006

it's easy to launder

>> No.50886034

>since there are two separate functions, that makes X and Y a form of executable contracts
No, not under the law. You seem to be unable to grasp that what matters isnt your flawed analogy, its the legal status of Monero as a cryptocurrency. It has that status, it is a taxable capital asset, and it cannot be "sanctioned" the way tornado cash can be. Dont you see? Tornado Cash cannir be used by Americans, but nobody has lost any property. The mixer was between two different types of property or more, like tradibg stolen goods for clean cash, it is an illicit transaction that is sanctioned, not a crypto as you said yourself. Ethereum is still legal. You are clearly not familiar with how the law works.

>> No.50886122

Monero has no special legal status.
There's no legal definition of a 'blockchain' as distinct from 'smart contract'. Those are your inventions.
The reality is that nobody expected that they can sanction a smart contract before it happened. They just have to write 'Monero' under the 'specially designated nationals' category and it's sanctioned. There's no legal process to limit what they write at all.
>but nobody has lost any property
Americans lost access to eth in it, but didn't lose ownership of it.
Same would happen with monero.

>> No.50886177

this is the only legal basis

>but nobody has lost any property.
>Sec. 7. For those persons whose property and interests in property are blocked pursuant to this order who might have a constitutional presence in the United States, I find that because of the ability to transfer funds or other assets instantaneously, prior notice to such persons of measures to be taken pursuant to this order would render those measures ineffectual. I therefore determine that for these measures to be effective in addressing the national emergency declared in this order, there need be no prior notice of a listing or determination made pursuant to section 1 of this order.

stop your autism. it's not going to save you.

>> No.50886215

>Monero has no special legal status.
Monero fits the definition of a "virtual currency" under US law, tornado cash does not.

>> No.50886237

>(b) the term "entity" means a partnership, association, trust, joint venture, corporation, group, subgroup, or other organization;
does a smart contract fit this? does a blockchain fit this? no.
reality: they can call monero an 'entity' and there's nothing to stop them.

>> No.50886262

>this is the only legal basis
Youre talking about induviduals and legal persons, im talking about Monero vs Turdnado. Uts not news that the givernment can sanction people, thats obvious. But everyone who ran crypto through tornado cash still has it except the crimunals behind Tudnado now on the run.

>> No.50886285

They didn't sanction tornado as a person, they called it an entity, and they sanctioned an immutable smart contract that holds people's eth that's not owned by anybody.
You are using convoluted legal logic when they outright broke the 'entity' definition from the executive order. This action is outside of rule of law. They can sanction monero like that too.

>> No.50886291

>But everyone who ran crypto through tornado cash still has it except the crimunals behind Tudnado now on the run.
they can withdraw it on ethereum, but if they do, they break sanctions and risk 30 years.

>> No.50886294

>they can call monero an 'entity' and there's nothing to stop them.
God you're dumb, entity has a legal definition too and it does not include or subsume virtual currency.

>> No.50886315

>virtual currency
xmr is a virtual currency, monero is also a blockchain, they can sanction the network.
There's literally zero legal difference between a blockchain and a smart contract on it, both are code executed by nodes.

The reason monero wasn't sanctioned is because nobody uses it due to near zero liquidity, but if that changes you will see how wrong you are.

>> No.50886327

>they can withdraw it on ethereum, but if they do, they break sanctions and risk 30 years.
Yeah, I was referring to those that had already withdrawn

>> No.50886360

>There's literally zero legal difference between a blockchain and a smart contract on it, both are code executed by nodes.
Show me where in the definition of virtual currency "nodes" are mentioned? It refers to a distributed ledger, and transactions on that ledger, a smart contract is the same as any other transaction, sure, but it is not a blockchain or a ledger itself? How hard are you trying to not understand?

>> No.50886382

The law is not written by Comp Sci grads, it is determined by legal fictions, and Monero falls into a category of property that cannot be sanctioned wholesale.

>> No.50886396

>Show me where in the definition of virtual currency "nodes" are mentioned
you are arguing against yourself here.
>but it is not a blockchain or a ledger itself
also I just realized, if they can ban one address, they can ban all of them, that is, the entire blockchain at once, making all future transactions illegal.
there's no legal limit to number of sanctioned addresses, they can write 'all monero addresses'. this is much simpler and there's no argument against it.
(if you reply some bs about stealth addresses that's only going to prove you have zero idea how this works)

>> No.50886459

>you are arguing against yourself here.
Wtf are you talking about, you brought it up. Im stating its not relevant to the law or legal definition of virtual currency.
They will not ban addresses, they cannot ban Monero. This is pointless because youre focused on the tech, not the law and the limits of the law. They cannot sanction Monero for the same reason they cannot sanction Bitcoin, but they can go after Bitcoin Mixers.

>> No.50886481

>If you want privacy, then use Monero.
I love honeypots

>> No.50886484

>Wtf are you talking about, you brought it up. Im stating its not relevant to the law or legal definition of virtual currency.
you stated they can't ban monero because it's a 'virtual currency' and that prevents it because of magical reasons.
I told you they can ban the network.
Then you responded that nodes aren't part of the definition, agreeing with what I wrote.
>They will not ban addresses
The tornado sanctions list has a list of addresses they banned.
Hilariously one has a typo, one zero is missing. That's the level of thought that went into it.
They can just write 'all monero addresses as of X'. This means every single output, which means every single spending transaction is now illegal.

>> No.50886945

C'mon bizfag. If you want privacy there are a lot of solutions to explore. Right now we even have protocols thet deliver privacy in DeFi and smart contract interactions.

>> No.50888014

You're delusional anon. Railway is running smoothly and aiding users make private transactions and keep shielded wallet balance.

>> No.50888123

it always runs smoothly when you have to delete messages whenever someone complains about stalled transactions

>> No.50888433

>Railway is running smoothly and aiding users make private transactions and keep shielded wallet balance.
I find the Sylo non-custodial wallet as my favorite. Inbuilt messenger where communication is decentralized and easy transfer of assets. Moving even further to move this tech to the metaverse

>> No.50888737

>then use Monero.
I would but no apps and no alts to buy and sell with. If monero gets a perfect swapping mechanism with Eth shitcoins and other chains its perfect. But in meantime I need an exchange with my ID to get it.

>> No.50889729
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>If you want privacy, then use Monero.
I'd rather use Railgun, moron. What's the point of a privacy system that is limited by the kind of coins that can be anonymously traded on it

>> No.50889773

Stop embarrassing yourself. It doesn't work? Did you just say that? Dead? Clearly, you're retarded. Do a little search and see its recent engagements in the DeFiCon that took place at NY City few days ago. Then, come back and let everyone know how dumb you are.

>> No.50889780

>keep anon eth on tornado
>banned from all defi swaps
>USDC frozen
>All assets on all exchange accounts frozen for touching wallet with tornado

>> No.50889827

What DEX can do this tell me? There are none I know. Monero is a fucking let down. They don't understand that adoption comes with dapps, smart contracts and NFTs and will ultimately encompass everything

>> No.50890296

Look I'm a privacy autist to the max with Monero and Tor nodes on Linux servers, but Monero is just reliable in general, not just privacy.
Good money can't be non-private. Maybe a financial project/platform/service can, but not money, or not even a currency that has to be used natively on the internet. Monero simply satisfies a base demand of sound money, which, alarmingly the rest of the cryptocurrencies don't.

>> No.50890569

North Korea has been using Monero for years:

and whonix is just linux in a vm bro

You don't need to trust every Tor node just like you don't need to trust every Monero node.
>b-but muh nsa cia has 70% of nodes
51% FUD all over again. If you're so worried host a node. I do.

A blacklisted Monero address is a completely meaningless thing. Nothing gets frozen. Unlike other crypto, you can trade with some random dude and he would have absolutely no liability problems about specific coins or accounts being sanctioned. That lack of receiver liability is a huge practical advantage. It's more than "how to get away with crime?". But also, "How do I not get fucked in the ass over stuff I can't control easily?".

>we totally already omniscient so just give up goyim
Lowinfo defeatist retard making excuses to be a lazy goy. And no, good cryptography is one of few things I would trust in life. Thing saved way too many asses.

There has been a lot of coordinated Railgun shilling lately.

>> No.50890622

C'mon pleb. Your FUD is baseless and pathetic. It would have made sense if you weren't making things up and had actual proof that Railway failed to perform at any moment in time.

>> No.50890645

Great. So do we get to know who all the ETH whales are and how much they were pre mine gifted?
Or is that classified information?

>> No.50890952

In the press release for tornado cash, the US Treasury includes a link to their Money laundering report which very specifically defines the difference between a virtual asset (monero) and a service. In fact, Monero is literally mentioned there. They are obviously aware of Monero and how it can be used for nefarious uses, and yet, Monero still exists. So you can hamster all you want, but the reality is that they don't have a legal basis to attack Monero, at least currently. They have "blacklisted" Monero addresses through OFAC, though this doesn't amount to anything because addresses don't appear in transactions. The key difference is that Monero is person to person with everything encrypted. IT IS NOT A MIXER. A mixer literally combines outputs together. Monero does not do that. From a compliance perspective, it is no different than Bitcoin.
>They can just write 'all monero addresses as of X'. This means every single output, which means every single spending transaction is now illegal.
True, but this precedent would mean that any cryptocurrency could be made illegal.
If the endgame is to have every cryptocurrency be KYC approved, then Monero will last anyway because it will be our only source of financial freedom.

>> No.50891006

>then Monero will last anyway because it will be our only source of financial freedom.
It all goes through their tubes.
Good luck.

>> No.50891039

I don't think this is possible yet. The only dex that comes close is Railway which enables private swaps for any Erc-20 token.

>> No.50891089

Hurry up with atomic swaps and i'll use monero daily

>> No.50891948

>Tornado is equivalent to monero that uses infinitely sized ringct and has fixed amounts (that one is definitely an advantage for monero over tc).
That is true. This is why they target Tornado: it's privacy works. A small ring does not.
>Monero has a total pool of all xmr and tornado has a total pool of all eth in the contract.
>Either both tornado and monero are mixers or none is.
The critical difference is that in Tornado Classic (not sure about Nova) you can't do internal transfers: you have to go back to transparent ETH for withdrawal. In Monero (or in Zcash, which like Tornado, also uses ever-growing anonymity set) you can directly send from the shielded pool to someone in the shielded pool. That's why Tornado is a mixer but Monero/Zcash are not.

>> No.50892169

Pretty crazy stuff anon. Bottomline is users would switch to other privacy protocols to make untraceable transactions. It's also good yo know that there are other privacy solutions for Defi as well.

>> No.50892685

Railgun DEX is highly rated for that reason. You don't get to see a lot of DEX that supports anonymous trades and swaps on multiple chains.

>> No.50893391

I feel bad for your cunt mother

>> No.50893436

If Monereo is fucked, why not try secret, with its smart contract and privacy features, you are secured

>> No.50893460

But they are definitely other advance privacy chain that are different from others in many ramifications

>> No.50893524

>...Anonymous (ID: RwifbK8P)
>08/13/22(Sat)07:02:18 No.50886481
>>>50874580 (OP) #
>>If you want privacy, then use Monero.
>I love honeypots
Honeypot = delisted from most CEXes ?
Barin.exe not found

Also what is open source. Kys

>> No.50893581

>I would but no apps and no alts to buy and sell with. If monero gets a perfect swapping mechanism with Eth shitcoins and other chains its perfect. But in meantime I need an exchange with my ID to get it.
SCRT network has wraped monero and a monero bridge. There is also wraped ETH and wraped boomercoin there as well. You can provide liquidity etc. No kyc.

Still I beleave smart contracts are mostly* over rated. Good for making things like DIA but are more comolex, so they can be hacked and are hard to decentralise

>> No.50893679
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It seems you never have any experience with other privacy chain apart from this, I wish you give others a try, especially those with auditable features, you will be amazed

>> No.50893815

>why the need for privacy?
why do you close the door when you shit at the mall? you've got nothing to hide, ride?

>> No.50893827

>hide, ride?
I am retarded and meant right
Thank you for reading my Blog.

>> No.50895419
File: 141 KB, 1000x1167, 1633254b88e2af1a1f0a72eed4a64ddd8566caf9b370d88b6237eb3183898a9a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he doesn't know


>> No.50895978

Isn't all of them the same, is there anyone with auditable features?

>> No.50896007

I don't think that's true anon

>> No.50896010

Doesnt Brave have a built in Tor browser option?

>> No.50896042

They are all the same anon

>> No.50896061

Yes, secret network has auditable features and smart contract

>> No.50896107

>I dont want to say the jews won and I'm cattle, but Mossad is all-powerful

>> No.50896470

He's such a retard

>> No.50896545

Not at all, Secret is unique, apart from the smart contract which allow other projects to build on their privacy network, the network is auditable and outstanding

>> No.50896579

People actually use Ethereum though, so privacy is needed. I didn't start on Ethereum with a stack big enough to care about. Now I'm too wealthy to let people know so I'd rather keep my wallets split from one another and my net worth hidden.

>> No.50896603
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There are so many privacy solutions to explore anon. Don't be outdated, we even have privacy protocols in the space that deliver privacy on Defi and smart contracts.

>> No.50896676

To put this in simpler terms - Monero doesn't make money. You throw $400 into it and congrats, nobody knows you have $400 in crypto. Sometimes it'll be worth $450 and sometimes it'll be worth $220, but it's not really moving.

With ETH, you can throw in $400, ride some shitcoints, chase some yield farms, provide liquidity, leverage/hedge your positions with loans, utilize synthetic assets for futures, flip some NFTs, etc. and that $400 can be worth $400,000 at the end of it all. Or you just hold ETH I guess and it still doubles because there's actual demand for it as more than just a coin miners mint and dump immediately.

So there's a larger chance you'll need security in the ETH ecosystem. All you fags larping as having any money worth keeping hush about are delusional.

>> No.50897006

Is kucoin that simple and risk free? Just sign up and start exchanging btc for monero, withdraw it immediately with no limits?

>> No.50897024

That's true, some also have privacy in both gaming & NFTs

>> No.50897062

Yes and the corrupt kike serving goy CIA is on its way out

>> No.50898349

NFTs are going mainstream and its only natural that privacy protocols integrate them for access control to make for a better crypto ecosystem.

>> No.50898412

what if all the exchanges block not just monero, but any crypto wallet that can be traced back to monero.
we know all it takes is for the government to pass a law overnight and then all the good goy exchanges, even defi, will immediately ban you and even prevent you from withdrawing.
guys, it's over

>> No.50898858

Thanks just sold 100k

>> No.50898875

put it under your mattress because its not like banking is safe, fractional reserve. precious metals are rigged by derivative markets and other bullshit trading gold that isnt even there back and forth. it's all ruined. cash under the mattress getting inflated by 30% a year. they've made sure there's no where to go, no hope.

>> No.50898960

ETH-XMR atomic swaps are coming soon.

>> No.50899646

When it comes to privacy in DeFi, Railgun has been efficient so far.

>> No.50901780

You never saw a 100$ in your life champ, easy with the onions sauce

>> No.50902327

This would be a good innovation for privacy solutions. Reminds me of a DEX I came across which enables private swaps and trades for all Erc-20 tokens.

>> No.50902358

>Monero is not a mixer.
wrong you faggot

>> No.50902383

Either because of paranoia or to buy drugs.

>> No.50902406 [DELETED] 

been like 6 years they're talking about this, if not more. I don't think it's possible

>> No.50903453

>why the need for privacy?
You're kidding right? Privacy is needed cause having your funds visible to everyone could lead to targeted scams or sensitive details might be exploited and you get hacked. That's why there are privacy solutions in the space to help users prevent things like this.

>> No.50903476


>> No.50903509

Thats about 2 billion in volume per year. Yes amazing adoption.

>> No.50904845
File: 858 KB, 1261x777, IMG_2415.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't forget where they take you if they really want information out of you.

>> No.50905045
File: 16 KB, 700x467, 34535926.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Monero is a privacy coin. More like ZCash. Generally, I'm not a fan of mixers. Relayers in smart contract protocols are considered to be more secure and efficient.

>> No.50905126

Based. One privacy solution I've noticed to be open source and auditable is Railgun. The privacy protocol has been audited by ABDK which are experts on zkSNARKS cryptography and its been functioning smoothly.

>> No.50905186
File: 37 KB, 327x346, IMG_2362.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

samefag glownigger shiller.
>There has been a lot of coordinated Railgun shilling lately.
It's pretty obvious it's the samefaggot once you start noticing posting patterns.
Same with "secret" network shills.
Obvious C.I.A. posts are obvious.

>> No.50905277

What's the site of railgun dex?

>> No.50905388
File: 2 KB, 125x106, 1660142196539485s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek, coming soon

>> No.50905405

>It's pretty obvious it's the samefaggot once you start noticing posting patterns.
>Same with "secret" network shills.
Indeed, it's always 1 or 2 posts per ID with the repeating ad nauseam talking points - of which are uneducated and easily seen as shills.
/biz/ is low IQ because of morons like these.

>> No.50905426


>> No.50905439

>Ignore the last dot

>> No.50905456
File: 238 KB, 608x640, pepe dance.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks frens, I bought more Monero.

>> No.50905523

There are at least 3
are they all the same?

>> No.50905968

Private DEXs are the next big thing, I guess more people will be comfortable transacting that way.

>> No.50906026

Well its obvious the monero cult never wanna acknowledge this because they know privacy protocol with relayers are far better.

>> No.50906386

just to name a few legit sites

and of course dark net markets. Also, one of the most popular monero wallets (cakewallet) now has a gift card integration so you can directly buy a gift card to your local grocery store and effectively buy your beef with Monero.

It's just computer money, not shitcoin pump bux.

>> No.50906529

You're right anon. Making swaps and trades in private on a non-custodial DEX is based. I just came across the Railway web app which makes that possible and it gives me a sense of security when trading.

>> No.50906682

At the end of the day every niche in the crypto space needs privacy from NFTs to web5 and Defi.

>> No.50907132

The importance of privacy in Defi is still very underestimated hopefully the few privacy protocols that offer privacy for defi will be well utilized.

>> No.50907258

hopefully private defi can be made efficient enough to be useable because as it sits defi tech is bloat and privacy tech is also bloat, you can thus far get away with one but not both, it would be unusably inefficient and expensive.

>> No.50907274

can't believe this shit is still up

no, they're the same until proven otherwise, the underlying technology is irrelevant because no aml law makes a distinction between pooling money and hiding it, the only thing they care about is hiding the origin, or they'd be loopholes everywhere.

tornado cash and monero both use the same underlying utxo-like system, and both rely on other unrelated utxos to mask what's actually going on. you can, optionally, prove which inputs/addresses were yours, hence view keys, and the proofs tornado cash offers.

why one is sanctioned and the other not is purely up to the regulators discretion, hence the curiosity why monero is being left alone.

that's because TC is decentralized with the rest of ethereum. its like somebody using a trustless/trusted exchange to swap monero into btc and desposit it into other peoples addresses. legally identical, but because monero is a silo'd ecosystem nobody is going to bother.

as far as fungibility goes, within their respective ecosystems, TC has obviously better fungibility than monero due to zkps, but the ecosystem of TC is smaller than that of monero. if people were accepting TC eth as payment, then they'd be functionally identical.

and a blacklisted TC "deposit" is also impossible to blacklist. blacklisting those who interacted with TC is equivalent to blacklisting the entirely of monero. not sure why everyone is so confused about this. for all practical purposes, TC is effectively the entire monero network, only it gets its security from ethereum's consensus instead of randomx/pow.

go back to shitting in the street, brown. leave the humans to the thinking.

TC was i believe the largest pool of private funds for a time. outside of it, monero, and just privacy tools on public chains there's nothing else that materially helps privacy. even zcash is relativey unused and an even worse investment than monero, giving you no plausible deniability.

>> No.50908409

>they're the same until proven otherwise
Tornado had a dev tax and as such qualifies as service (eg. Money L. Service)

Monero does not.

You seam be mixing (no pun intended) what some interest group wants to do with what they can do. There is still some kind of legal system and chains of command. There will be a push back. And they cant go black ops to assaniate someonelike Gadafy. Its a p2p system in its purest form

>> No.50908543

The relationship between privacy and Defi is not yet set in stone infact projects offering such services are still testing the waters but so far so good it has shown that financial privacy and decentralization can work.

>> No.50908810
File: 658 KB, 1139x631, 1660356335192350.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eat your heart out Ztrannies and Disniggers

>> No.50909183

The first link leads to the Railway web app itself.
The last two links leads to the project website itself.
Anonymous trades/swaps take place through the first one. The other two are the official links to the project's website.

>> No.50909212

Hmm, are you sure you made the right choice?

>> No.50909254

I hold a stash but I'm fascinated by more innovative privacy solutions that integrate with smart contracts and dapps.

>> No.50909620

yeah, that gives them the theoretical right to go after the owners themselves, but it doesn't change their ability to sanction/block the protocol itself.

miners would be in the exact same situation by accepting xmr fees from "illegal" transactions. if the government wanted to sanction monero, they would have, and can. technologically sanctioning either has the same real-world issues given the decentralized nature of them both, equally. its the fact that they have actively chosen not to that's suspicious.

>> No.50909676

the real test will be when bitcoin and ethereum both end up with scaling solutions that rely on "privacy" features (but won't be called that, at least not anymore) to reduce/compress the entropy needed for better throughput. if you're right, then those systems end up in a position identical to monero today, where rather than being a "product" they're simply a protocol.

either way this is clearly where things have to go now they've played their hand with TC, no longer privacy as a feature but privacy as a scaling "necessity", or some other plausible reason.

>> No.50909802

Yeah. I just wish people shilled it less. Less hype, more Moneros for me.

Personally, I don't care about smart contracts or dapps, I never used it and I don't see why should I ever use this. Here since 2016. This new technology goes beyond me.

Yeah, maybe I shouldn't stick head in the sand, but at the end of the day I can't be bothered.

>> No.50909998

All the entry/exit nodes of Tor are compromised

>> No.50911992

unlikely all, but probably most. similarly to how its probable that most monero tx traffic is seeded by/for government/private tracking.

>> No.50912371

Well, it's not all about you anon. You might want to earn passive income in Defi or invest in a yield platform so you can't deny the fact that privacy solutions that integrate Defi are needed and innovative.