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File: 2.08 MB, 940x846, nobody wants to work anymore.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
50870834 No.50870834 [Reply] [Original]

Why don't people want to work anymore?

>> No.50870890

Not sure off the top of my head if those years are right before a significant financial happening.

>> No.50870955

owners of capital have bitched about having to spend their capital to get shit done since forever. They blame workers for their own short sightedness.

>> No.50871105
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The best one.

>> No.50871124
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funny how they're all around some economic fuckery i wonder who could be behind it

>> No.50871186
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>> No.50871410

This is the problem with catastrophising. Something 4chan does a lot of and is a sign of mental illness.

>1 person from group X does thing

>> No.50871492

Lol thats me, cecil is talking about me!

>> No.50871583
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At my full time WFH job with a six figure salary I've done 30 minutes of work this week, all of it just responding to emails. I took a 3 hour nap in the middle of my workday yesterday, then when I got up I spent about 90 minutes doing chores around my house while still on the clock. After my chores I started to prep for dinner over the last hour of my shift. I will never be coming back into the office or doing manual labor again, Cecil. Cope, seethe, dilate etc.

>> No.50871587

When you say
>"I don't want to work for a venal status-obsessed incompetent anymore"
they hear
>"I don't want to work anymore"
They then read or write these articles, in an honest attempt to discover why you don't want to work anymore.

>> No.50871636

So what is your joby8rvk

>> No.50871802
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>> No.50871856

Why wageslave and get paid less than cost of living when you can NEET and get paid less than cost of living?

>> No.50872212

Can you hire me? I'll cut down on all those chores so you can sleep longer

>> No.50872291

Pretty based anon, what line of work? You a coder?

>> No.50872303

how come we never see questions on how bad american management is?

>> No.50872312

if it was fun to work, you wouldn't be paid

occam's razor

>> No.50872818

>How DARE you not want to be a slave for me, goy????

>> No.50872858

How is this sustainable?

>> No.50872897

Because unless you have a college degree or connections all the job you can get won’t pay a living.
I still have to live with my parents despite working full time. My company offers 2% raises every 3 years (before taxes) but rents increase by that much over a single year.

>> No.50872906

Automation. Even agriculture is starting to automate as Central America runs out of warm bodies to provide H-2/illegal fruit pickers.

>> No.50872916
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>How is this sustainable?
>Now he is saying white collar workers will be getting laid off while tradies stay solid. All those wagies working for home the last two years have perfected their jobs for outsourcing.

>> No.50872926

>owner of capital wants to not work/manage/do anything
>owner of capital just wants 'put money in = get a lot of money out'
>owner of capital wants to do this without having any expenses
>this is why owner of capital is generally uninterested in training people
>owner of capital literally just wants people qualified to the job to work for him for as cheap as possible
>owner of capital wants slaves, really
>Can't find it

>> No.50872966

It's not
>Literally why the fuck am I paying this faggot 6 figures to do some pencil pushing McCodemonkey job that any Bangledeshi peasant can learn how to do in 1 year?
White collar office drones are this generation's surplus factory workers. Where I live, a hospital caused an uproar by moving to outsource literally the entirety of it's IT department.

>> No.50872979

>Why don't people want to work anymore?
CBDC+UBI propaganda. next question

>> No.50873007

As someone who is a NEET I hope for you that your WFH 6 figure job lasts forever, because im telling you now, the longer you spend doing this, if it ever comes to an end, you will no longer have the mental fortitude or capacity to actually go back out in the real world and get a job again.

>> No.50873058

>>Literally why the fuck am I paying this faggot 6 figures to do some pencil pushing McCodemonkey job that any Bangledeshi peasant can learn how to do in 1 year?
The Bangladeshi McCodemonkey can't do the job anywhere near as well in 90%+ of cases. The industry got burned HARD by cut rate pajeet programmers well before COVID. Sure they can still do the old fashioned Microsoft point and click IT jobs, but those jobs are themselves being ruthlessly minimized by cloud, DevOps, etc. where infrastructure is managed as code. This even happens internally within companies - I've seen IT departments get iced out of everything but helpdesk, security monitoring, hardware swapping, and user management (read: scut work) by annoyed DevOps teams who can't stand how slow and incompetent traditional IT is by comparison.
>well what if people want to run things locally, they can't use public cloud
True! That's why Kubernetes exists, and why hardware/hypervisor vendors are working on better ways to run Kubernetes locally.

>> No.50873080

It's not, none of it is, it's all charade to keep the peons busy.

>> No.50873151

>The Bangladeshi McCodemonkey can't do the job anywhere near as well in 90%+ of cases.
That's what people said about outsourcing manufactured goods and yet here we are anyway. McCodemonkey jobs doing basic IT any loser could reasonably do after an associate's degree or bootcamp graduation in Java or Python (aka the floor of the pyramid where most workers reside): phased out. Sensitive IT jobs where the important shit happens that needs to be done by people who know what they're doing (the top of the pyramid where the minority of workers reside): stay.

>> No.50873203

kek you delusional normie retards have been spouting this shit for 2 decades and counting

jeets shit out code that is so abhorrent that you need a team of whites to clean it up and get it working
thus creating more high-paying codemonkey jobs

fucking lmao

>> No.50873215
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Cuz they’re all dead.

>> No.50873229
File: 26 KB, 474x286, BD6AFA20-EDCC-4528-B936-415DF7DEB928.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice try, Boeing.

>> No.50873251

yeah all those times were fearmongering
but this time i don't want to work any more

>> No.50873274

literal tax jannies lmao

>> No.50873301

>why nobody wanna do backbreaking labour for cheap?

>> No.50873328

No different in any business. I was a junior engineer on a gas plant project where they had everything pre fabbed in India and shipped over to be assembled here. Only issue was that the shit they shipped was completely fucked and pretty much had to be rebuilt which probably took longer and used more steel than just building it locally

>> No.50873418

blockchain will make so many finance white collars redundant. imagine 80% of the financial sector being laid off

>> No.50873458

i make six figures at a fancy corporate job and i dont want to work anymore. work is gay. fuck jewish executives, fuck jewish shareholders, fuck jewish bosses, fuck jewish corporations.

>> No.50873468

complete retard. blockchain is nothing more than a fancy ledger. ledgers have existed for decades as databases.

>> No.50873529

110 when

>> No.50873537
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>Even agriculture is starting to automate
>starting to
agriculture has been automated for 150 years

>> No.50873580

Low end jobs simply aren’t worth the time commitment. I made $9/hour in high school during the mid 2000s. I still see retail stores around here offering 10-12/hr. Only actual retards would take that job. You would be better off doing almost anything under the table while collecting gibs. I’m actually surprised there isn’t more of a worker shortage in retail and food services. $13 an hour is only $520 a week or $300-$400 after tax. You can easily make twice that with gibs and a cash side gig. Plus you don’t have to spend 40+hours working and spending gas money. The bigger question is why are so many people still working

>> No.50873601

Kek this is relatable
>Never had a well paying job
>Made $300k clear profits this cycle, saved basically all of it
>Can't even pretend to care about my job now, will definitely be canned before the end of the year

>> No.50873602

well the world is ending so might aswell enjoy the few last years we have

>> No.50873617
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>> No.50873692
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probably because of incentives from 'duhhh goobamint' , to not work, i.e government checks and also wages not going up with inflation, and also debt. People would rather be living of off credit cards and loans than work.

Cant forget about the people who took the jabberinos that got sick after it either and cant work. Worth mentioning. Disabed people in general (democrats is what they are called - mentally disabled mainly)

>> No.50873700
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That's not false like that twitter fag wants to imply, labor partecipation now is going down.

>> No.50874157

It's because the 8 hour work day makes zero sense for most office work in general, but especially software and IT. It isn't factory work where more hours directly translates into more widgets.

Imagine you are a boomer CEO who needs a large hole dug. You contact a guy who can work an excavator. He estimates it will take 5 hours of work. He has other projects so he says he'll work 2 hours on Monday, 2 hours on Tuesday, and finish on Wednesday. But because you are a dumbass boomer CEO, you can't stand the thought of someone having time in their day where they aren't serving you. So instead of paying him a lump sum for the project, you take him on as a salary worker. Now he's able to finish the job in 5 hours on Monday. But because he's salaried, you expect him to keep working. So you make him do retarded busywork for the remaining 3 hours, like re-measuring the hole or doing tests on the soil. This continues into Tuesday and Wednesday.

This is what happens in office jobs. The work does not take as long as the boomer CEOs want. So employees either take their sweet time, or be rewarded with makework.

Outsourcing to India in this example is like seeing that the excavator operator costs $30/hr, but it only costs a mexican with a shovel $5/hr. What a deal! You can get four times the workers and still save 30%! Nevermind that the project is now going to take 2 weeks instead of half a day, the dimensions will be wrong, and the hole will be uneven - at least your employees will be working the entire time!

>> No.50874172

>Making a useless video instead of just copying the pictures below one another

>> No.50874252

>nobody wants to work anymore
>business owners
fucking crybabies. always trying to make something out of nothing.

>> No.50874385

> twitter scrolling webms
This is a tranny thread

>> No.50874456

lol mad jew

>> No.50874596

There’s multiple reasons. Primarily, people are constantly exposed to people making obscene amounts of money, from doing very little.

I have recently left a well paying job and am temporarily labouring to fill some time. Every employer I have encountered says the same thing. “Young lads don’t want to work anymore” people would just take days off when they wanted. They would and do get drunk Friday, Saturday and Sunday, while taking copious amounts of drugs, failing to turn in on Monday.

Work is often difficult and not particularly enjoyable. Some work can build knowledge, skills and help grow you as a person. You can be placed in difficult situations, which you learn to tackle. You can be confident in your own ability and navigate the world better. What we face now are workplaces that are not attractive in any way. Culture in workplaces is being eroded as it’s seen as toxic. In western nations, white straight males are at the bottom of the recruitment pile outside of some STEM fields. Wages have stagnated, while everything increases in price. People are increasingly depressed and feel adrift with no purpose.

>> No.50874637

i make $65k/year and I pay 40% to taxes and healthcare. I cannot afford a house, I rent from my mother (who collects $40k/y in tax free government handouts and has property tax exemptions from the government). My salary does not matter because it cannot buy any tangible assets. That is why nobody wants to fucking work.

It is far more effective to have been born 30 years earlier and gone on disability than it is to bother trying to fucking work for money that can't buy anything.

>> No.50874653

I work for an insurance software startup. We're trying to automate some steps of the insurance process for our SaaS product. My background before this was working in underwriting for a specialized type of insurance. A recruiter hired by my current company reached out to me while at my last job and they just threw a bunch of VC money at me because my experience was exactly what they needed and they were desperate.

Anyways, I don't do coding or any IT stuff. My job is to explain to our programmers what kind of functionality and UI and regulations are needed for the type of underwriting I'm experienced with, test out new builds, write reports with good feedback after I test and answer specific underwriting questions from investors/giving the company credibility by having an expert on the team guiding the direction of this certain type of underwriting. Typically once a month I'll have to test a new build. I'm given a week to get back to them. The testing takes 3-4 hours and writing my report takes another couple hours. No testing this week. Once a month (always the first week of the month) we have our investor call, which is scheduled for an hour and rarely runs over. I have to call into it and I'm usually asked one or two questions per call. The emails I responded to this week were questions from our programmers about the test build they're working on. When they are preparing to work on a new build I have to join their call to explain what we need done and answer any questions they might have, which is another 1 hour/month kind of thing. When I submit my post-testing report I just upload it to our database and they go over it on their own, no call needed. They email me if they have any questions.

Basically one week a month I have to do a little bit of work (testing/report week) but I stretch it out over 3-4 days so it still feels like nothing. Then it's just dialing in to a couple calls per month and replying to emails.

>> No.50874725
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>reasons to work: consistently fewer and fewer since 1970

>> No.50874750

If you're educated, then look for something else. I don't feel comfortable with 60k in the modern era at all.

>> No.50874794

Because no one is having kids. The only reason why a man sacrifices and grinds away his days is to provide.

By pricing young people out of homes, boomers have collapsed the entire system.

>> No.50874836

Do you live in the US? There's no way you're getting taxed 40% when I'm making 110k getting taxed 29%

>> No.50874940

I live alone but when my brother comes to visit I'll have him log me in at 9 AM with instructions to move my mouse every few minutes and wake me up if I get an email from certain people. He's a morning person so he doesn't mind but I'd rather sleep in until 11 or so instead of taking the midday nap. When I was hired the CEO told me I need to be available for quick responses to programmers during business hours and I figure it's the least I can do for what they're paying me and how easy it is and because they don't bother me after business hours or on weekends.
Not my problem, but white collar companies are still getting major surplus value out of most employees. My last job wasn't hard but it involved doing a lot more work than this. I was paid less than half what I make now and I saved my previous employer millions of dollars.every month. As for my current job I didn't put a gun to my CEO's head, they offered me this job and salary of their own free will. If they weren't getting something from me they wouldn't have done it. I was told when I was hired that giving the company more credibility with my background and easing investor concerns would be the most important part of my job because that's what secures the funding until we're ready to put the product on the market, so there is my value.
If Sergey ever stops betray I won't need to work again, but with how easy this job is I might keep doing it even if I end up with fuck you money. Telling friends and family and dates my current job title would feel better and more respectable than telling them I won the crypto lottery. Either way I could spend most of my day playing video games and screwing around but one of them is more acceptable to society and prevents my sleep schedule from getting too fucked up.

>> No.50874957
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oh boy run it for women vs men

>> No.50875073

yes I live in the US, its not exactly 40%
I think my tax is something around 30% with a flat biweekly of $90 for health insurance.
at $65k I should take home $2708 biweekly pretax. In reality I take home $1730 biweekly, which puts my effective "tax rate" at 37%.

>> No.50875158

>t California/New York/libturd state resident

>> No.50875164

Humans are generally lazy fuckers who don't want to do shit unless they absolutely have to. See Africans.

>> No.50875231

Same friend. I am chilling in my back yard by the sandbox watching my son play and shitposting. Never going back to the cage. Fuck Cecil btw.

>> No.50875271
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You are the retard here. You should understand that technology in the space is evolving, and a better understanding of how to incorporate this so-called ledger into real-world applications is constantly emerging.

>> No.50875597

I live in Texas

>> No.50875650

work sucks fucking ass, that's the reason for it. all the good jobs are immediately snatched up and then there are only crap jobs left for the rest of us. Also, almost all the crap jobs have total fucking asshole bosses you grossly abuse the power they have as supervisors/bosses. they know damn well the work is hard as fuck but instead of being nice to their employees and making the work easier for them, they go on crazy power-trips and freak out if they don't get things exactly they way they want them. source: me, a guy who has worked a ton of total fucking crap jobs and hated them all.

>> No.50875979

>> no one wants to get exploited anymore

>> No.50876069

even the non crap jobs suck bro. I have an IT degree and was sold a dream of good paying career nice job. its fucking horrible in the IT business. fucking bullshit all around. Thank God I got a huge bitcoin stack cause i'd would KMS if I had to wageslave 40 years then die like most people.

>> No.50876094

should be a new banner

>> No.50876113

There is no incentives for a very large portion of people to contribute to society. Everything only goes to helping the Jewish nigger feminist globohomo grow and they openly hate us and mock us and give us penutsbin return for our hard efforts

>> No.50876158

>Not my problem, but white collar companies are still getting major surplus value out of most employees
This is the little secret, the value companies extract are outrageous.
Remember the productivity and salary curves not being correlated at all.
Just milk the system and don't bother.

You people think the multi-million dollar raises crypto protocols are getting is a fluke? It's just a glimpse of where things should be.
We slowly slipped back into feudal societies but with corporate executives at the top instead of lords.

You work at FAGMAN? Find your company ticker and check what your execs are cashing out quarterly : https://www.secform4.com/

>> No.50876178

theres no state income tax in Texas. How are you fucking up your taxes this bad?

>> No.50876201
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;_; I live in a box bros

>> No.50876204

The gravy train won’t last forever, enjoy it while you can, soon we will start dabbing on you once smart contracts btfo’s most white collar work

>> No.50876258

Wages don't reflect value and time-cost at a level that a large portion of the population is willing to accept. Same as every single time it's ever been a problem. Honestly, it's more of an economic indicator than anything else - from a business perspective it makes sense to pay as little as possible for as long as possible for the labor necessary to produce value and gain in free capital/profits, the vig or "catch" therein is that this requires on a somewhat regular basis actually rewarding the ones that stuck it out through the hard times and bringing up the wage floor for new hires as well even if it means sacrificing profits and salary for the executives that manage the company. This is a tale as old as fiat and capitalism, in fact even older than that. When people working hard manual labor are getting paid the same as or less than burger flippers, it's not the burger flippers fault for demanding higher wages - it's the ones paying for the hard manual labor refusing to raise wages to reflect the value of that necessary and in-demand skill when far lower skilled jobs begin paying more. Nobody would be a doctor if you could make more flipping burgers because it's easier and far cheaper to flip burgers than it is to pay off hundreds of thousands of dollars in student loans for the degree and training to be a doctor, to not even mention the cost of living in a city to be near the hospital where you work. This shit really is not that hard to understand and you don't have to just be a lemming and slurp down propaganda from either side like so much anonymous semen through the local truckstop gloryhole unless you actively want to.

Wages need to go up. This necessitates prices going up. This increases inflation. Prices are going up and inflation is going up because wages are going up because if they don't, there will be mass labor shortages, and everyone around the world is generally just about ready to start eating each other if they don't.

>> No.50876321

So you let the proles eat each other and keep the pressure on as hard as possible, and right about the time they start looking higher up the foodchain than the level they're currently at or one above and below it, you let the pressure off before the boiler explodes. We're nearing that point. This is how this has worked for a quarter of a millenia and some change all around the world, honestly longer than that but needing an example larger than that is retarded and there is no real defense for communism as an alternative because it has all the same problems and fewer solutions, with the only real one being a violent revolt from the proles to install a new system. The advantage of capitalism is that you can let enough steam out of the boiler before that solution is applied to make it more attractive to not go through with it. With communism it's harder to do this and if you just resort to beating/imprisoning/raping/killing people to stop it you're just gonna breed completely deranged psychopaths with no regard for human life that are going to get pointed directly at the pillars that hold up that system. Whereas with capitalism you can take those same psychopaths and point their talents in a more manageable and healthy direction, like being cops or soldiers or for the especially talented engineers and doctors.

This is how the world works. This is how it has always worked. You either maintain enough power to crush rebellions and die before the pendulum swings fat and happy, or you take your foot off the neck of the proles and let them stand back up for a bit before you start pushing them back down to the ground again.

>> No.50876425

Nice. I don't have kids but seeing them grow up instead of being stuck in Mr. Shekelberg's cubicle has to feel great.
Yeah, that's another good point. Being worried about six fig employees earning too much is one part crabs in a bucket and one part jealousy. 50 years of my current salary wouldn't even be a quarter of what the CEO at my last company (huge globohomo corporation, one of the biggest in America) makes in one year. And that was just his publicly disclosed salary, to say nothing of all the stock and bonuses and other compensation he gets.
Read my third post in this thread, I'm a linkie. Smart contracts eliminating my job means I have generational wealth. I vill not live in ze pod or eat ze bugs.

>> No.50876428

Hello NEET, do you understand what’s about to happen to the labour market? Because of you did you would understand what’s about to happen.

>> No.50876802

funny enough, it's more or less the same in the construction industry in europe, i've worked in it for years and i can tell you right now that it's absolutely back-breaking work. the work sucks complete fuckin uber-ass and you get tired in a way not previously thought possible, you literally get completely exhausted to the point where even a 2 weeks long vacation where you just lie in front of a pool in warm weather, won't fix it and when you go back to the construction site, you are still just dead fucking tired and exhausted. and working in a fucking gas-station almost pays the same as the fucking job that creates that feeling in a man. this is probably why so few lads want to work in construction in europe, these days.

>> No.50876842

>Yeah, that's another good point. Being worried about six fig employees earning too much is one part crabs in a bucket and one part jealousy. 50 years of my current salary wouldn't even be a quarter of what the CEO at my last company (huge globohomo corporation, one of the biggest in America) makes in one year. And that was just his publicly disclosed salary, to say nothing of all the stock and bonuses and other compensation he gets.

And I should add, I'm not talking about founder CEOs who deserve their outsized gains but career CEOs.
I doubt that the value they provide is on the level of their compensation, especially VPs.

>> No.50876874

It's the same in the US. I make less working in a machine shop working my balls off and hurting myself every single day to go home dog tired than new hires at the local burger joint make. I just put in my one month notice as I have enough in savings to coast for a bit and get a better job that doesn't work me as hard and will make the same or better money. Everyone is getting fucked, and continuing to get fucked when you know you're getting fucked and know you don't have to keep getting fucked is cuck shit.

>> No.50876915

i worked as a financial statement auditor for a while. please shut your dumb nigger lips.

>> No.50877055

>degree and 2 years of experience required
>pay: $25/hr, no benefits, no holidays, no PTO
>house: $500k for a 1 bd condo
>sandwich: $15

>> No.50877144

it's not about the quantity of labor, it's about intellectual capital. dumb warehouse wageslave faggot. anon gets the big money becuase he can do big brain things. same reason lawyers are paid retainer whether or not they do anything for you, plus an hourly rate.

>> No.50877175
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I quit my job to work web3. I'm a "director of vibes" for an NFT project. Basically that means I just smoke weed and watch anime/play vidya all day with a discord server of rich people who simp over me because I sound like a 9 year old. They like hearing me scream in amongus and gladly give me ETH and NFTs as presents all the time.

For the first time ever, I've broken 6 figure hell as of last month, and all I had to do was watch spongebob high. Work is a scam. Now I just need to figure out how much the IRS wants to rape me for next year when they see I have 0 cost basis on everything and became a millionaire from thin air.

>> No.50877311

That's cool, but don't bitch now that no one wants to do the really tough jobs anymore, and, as a result, the costs and waiting times have gone through the roof.

>> No.50877328

Small business owners are usually retards who turn into cronies the second mr market tell them that their business sucks.

>> No.50877494

>tough jobs
>ditch digging shovel monkey
cope harder. thanks to the abortion ban we're about to have a bunch of new literal retard babies born to do those literal retard "tough jobs".

>> No.50877568

I kneel.

>> No.50877573

being a "jack of all trades" is a terrible idea for your future. That means you are not superb at anything and as you get older you will have lots of tasks that actually take time to complete, because you are not an expert. If you want the comfy life of this anon, become an expert in something. Anything. Doesn't matter how niche, or how important. If a company needs a expert, and you're *that guy*, you are setting yourself up for a comfy future. Good job anon.

>> No.50877602


read my post please and give me a (you)

>> No.50877712

>you are paid for your misery and not the things you produce

>> No.50877762

God...this is too spot on about the CEO and alot of Americans in general

Im a tradie and EVERY single contractor we work for is exactly as you described. Like its a personal attack on them if youre not there for a day or leave on friday at lunch when you've worked 65 hours that week already...meanwhile they roll in at 1030, talk for 1.5hours, go out to Five Guys to fucking eat and run their cock sucker, "run to the office", then show back up at 230 for 10 mins before going home.

Meanwhile ive been there working since 530, and dont get to leave till 630 because my bosses are workaholic boot licking faggots whose God is currency and working is their religion.

Fuck all kikes
Fuck all niggers
Fuck all faggot currency worshipping muttmericans

>> No.50877844
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Okay but because of crypto I can actually earn better interest rates. Even a 10% on USDC in a low risk pool on Spool fi or any other DeFi middleware, is a lot better than anything any other Financial market has previously offered.

>> No.50877847
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Theres no sense in playing a (((rigged))) game

>> No.50877910

Are you trying to say there is no way blockchain tech can be utilised outside of the space? A good reason will suffice, jeet.

>> No.50878008

The thing is, you retards are just gambling. What makes this any different than Curve Fi that just got hacked

>> No.50878034

What makes it different is that it's actually fully audited, plugged into Aave, Harvest, Idle, Comp alongside more and is a middleware, not yield generator. Google is free, newfag

>> No.50878054

Audited platforms aren't safe from exploitation, you retard. Nothing is risk free in crypto. kek

>> No.50878078
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That's actually correct. That's why you have low risk and higher risk spools to choose from, but you fags would know that if you two actually did your research

>> No.50878230

The improvement and growth in this sectors is unceasing

>> No.50878252

You're correct. Audited contracts aren't really safe just because they're audited. All an audit will really tell you is if there's an obvious backdoor or pre-existing exploit in place.

However certain protocols like the ones anon listed are battle tested and some have silo'd liquidity to severely limit the amount of funds that can be drained in a successful attack. Curve Fi wasn't even hacked on the smart contract level, it was a nameserver redirect. The smart contract is fine and still rock solid; reliance on cenrtalized frontends was the weak link there.

Going on a plane poses risks but to be afraid of using them because of the low likelihood of failure is more detrimental to you than anyone else. The most popular platforms have brushed off previous exploits because they're built with proper security.

>> No.50878308

Just pointing out, Curve lost no money from their DNS takeover. Nobody with money in Curve was impacted. Nobody who uses their new frontend (https://curve.exchange/)) or just interacts directly with the contract was in danger.

>> No.50878349

That's what I want to tell the poor fag, and many projects are in works to see this through.

>> No.50878409
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>> No.50878415

I am eager to finally enter the work market after my hell of master's thesis. Fuckin 80h/week of work every single week. Research is a meme bros. After this, a 40h-60h/week work seems like heaven to me

>> No.50878442

Even the anti crypto country used blockchain tech. I mean china.

>> No.50878472
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You could always stop taxing people and only tax the land.
Maybe even pay people money and food stamps to work, I dunno I'm just a wagie, probably better to import another twenty million immigrants.

>> No.50878488

Dunno bro, import more Africans I guess.

>> No.50878503
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Each generation is lazier than the last. There, I just saved you 1 minute and 39 seconds of your life.

>> No.50878510
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White people welfare, work from home is white people welfare.

>> No.50878523
File: 19 KB, 353x400, 3b6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Grug save pelt and meat for Gruggette
Grug see Gruggette boink Drad
Drad no have pelt or meat
Grug think pelt or meat no good
Grug no more hunt
Grug sad

>> No.50878537

Time will come when this will witness mass adoption not just in ecommerce but in all endeavors. I'm glad projects like Geeq and a few others are working underway towards providing such a solution. The space is still at an infant stage.

>> No.50878551
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>>1 person from group X does thing
We're talking about working and the sentiment behind working, working from home or even NOT working.
What the fuck are you blabbering about, dumb nigger.
Adam tooze.

>> No.50878554

i spend more time deleting emails than anything else (and shaking my computer mosue so my status doesnt set to away)

>> No.50878601
File: 419 KB, 699x757, 1612632656140.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Que that homeless anon from /pol/ who makes 100 or 200 bucks a day begging for free money instead of working.
I hate my life.

>> No.50878638
File: 247 KB, 1003x915, 1567504795286.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if it was fun to work
It's fun to work when you don't work for faggots and niggers.
>inb4 banned for hecking Le racism.
Maybe people hate working for chump change, not hate the work itself.

>> No.50878647

>put jews in charge of monetary supply
>suddenly fiat is completely debased and worth less than toilet paper
amazing *clap* Hitler was right

>> No.50878694
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Sums up Americans to a fucking idiot T.
Thank goodness my job is manual labour.

>> No.50878697

>spend that much of our budget on medical gibs and gibs
>people who work for a living can't afford to see a doctor
niggers and boomers are killing this nation. send them back

>> No.50878732

Useless Jewish job.

>> No.50878783
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When you wanna get it started.

>> No.50878797

Sick of talmudic exploitation

>> No.50878811

>have recently left a well paying job and am temporarily labouring to fill some time. Every employer I have encountered says the same thing. “Young lads don’t want to work anymore” people would just take days off when they wanted. They would and do get drunk Friday, Saturday and Sunday, while taking copious amounts of drugs, failing to turn in on Monday.
I can't imagine drinking more than once a week, fuck Going to work hungover.

>> No.50880018

The full saying goes like this: "A jack of all trades is a master of none, but oftentimes better than a master of one." it was originally meant as a compliment. it meant that you were a smart cookie who was smart enough to develop good proficiencies in several fields, enough so that you could profit from them instead of just one. Dumbass...

>> No.50880123

that's construction for ya. it sucks fucking ass and that's why everyone hates working in construction. sure, some dudes are lucky and get a job in a company that's run by a cool dude who understands the business, but a lot of construction companies are run by fucking corpo types now and they just want everyone to fucking rund around like fucking crazy and magically complete insane deadlines because the bosses low-balled a building project to a fucking crazy degree and now all the poor workerslaves have to suffer though that crap, as a result. working for wise old worker dudes who gets the business is not that bad, working for donald trump type assholes who think they can just lowball construction projects to below the floor, no matter what logic dicates a construction job should be done for, that shit just fucking sucks ass and just isn't worth it.

>> No.50880156

the US dollar is a ponzi scheme

>> No.50880210

>meanwhile they roll in at 1030, talk for 1.5hours, go out to Five Guys to fucking eat and run their cock sucker, "run to the office", then show back up at 230 for 10 mins before going home
Every single manager or supervisor who does this has inspired extremely violent thoughts in my head. I feel nothing but contempt for them when I notice them disappear for 5 hours each day. Not sure how many years of it I will be able to take, it's already been 5 since finishing college and I'm borderline schizo.

>> No.50880389

I keep hearing tech's going to completely wreck finance with automation, most of it seems to be parroted by tech monkeys themselves who sound like morons pretending to know what they're talking about and attempting to inflate their own value, but I'm not informed enough to make an assessment. So is this true? Will tech eclipse everything? It seems ridiculous given that tech can't even seem to automate helpdesk gigs that comprise entirely of repeatedly solving the same brain-dead problems everyday

>> No.50880553

Where to apply? I'm retired but wouldn't mind fucking around there until I get fired.

>> No.50880878

It's a federal LEO position for the IRS. You'd find it on usajobs

>> No.50881680

for all the good arguments in these thread you cant deny that the coof and everything following it created a permanent change in the times
like that dilbert comic giving people a taste of happiness in todays work culture was a mistake
many young people figured out working yourself to death in a career isnt worth it 2 decades earlier than they should
and for shit wages you are never going to get decent work done ever again, so they either start ponying up the cash or hope that everything can be automated away soon

of particular note from my personal observations are the construction sector and the agricultural sector
both run on modern day slaves, construction standards are falling to incredible lows with shoddy buildings that literally collapsed before finish something that was unheard of before
and in agriculture vegetable and fruit pickers can simply not be found and the farmers refuse to adapt to the new normal and instead choice to bitch and moan while they sink in ever greater debt
its going to be a fun few decades ahead

>> No.50882189

Same here. Whoever could it be