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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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50870549 No.50870549 [Reply] [Original]

Who here in /6 Figure Hell/?

Enough money to the point you start to envision a future of freedom, but not enough to actually retire. I hate my job so much bros and can't take it anymore.

>> No.50870652

Low 6 figs here. Got rekt from 500k sad

>> No.50870674

Top commodities that are going to grow: wheat, gold, and lithium

>> No.50870800

Are you me? 510k ath, now 205k.
I need to make it next run man, I can’t endure slaving much longer. It’s soul killing.

>> No.50870812

provide liquidity for ETH/LINK on uniswap v3 and earn 300% apy, live off that and see you principal appreciate over time, fucking dumbass

>> No.50870883

my net worth is 4k bro

>> No.50870905

wtf just looked and cant see anywhere near that apy on uniswap v3 anon

>> No.50870926
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do more research

>> No.50870948

Enjoy your rugpull

>> No.50870952

> are you me?
are you trying to be cute?

>> No.50870976

holy fuck much better than the shitty apy im gettin on polyjeet
i should
thx anon

>> No.50870994

>had 1,5 million
>didnt sell
>back to 300k
im such a retard

>> No.50871017
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>stuck in 7 figure hell
Why is it so rough anons?
I just wanna buy my mom a beach house and dad a yacht.

>> No.50871303

Made it to low 7 figures twice already but this nigger crypto industry will never actually stabilize or bottom around 'i can retire here' values.

>> No.50871604

Just cash out like 50k, quit your job and start a business related to crypto. That will keep you occupied until you make it and should last you long enough

>> No.50871623
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The only fear in my mind is if the entirety of crypto will crash.

I mostly hold blue chips (BTC, ETH, LINK) so as long as the market recovers I'll be in a good place.

>> No.50871919

I was ressurected back to five figures months ago.

>> No.50872474

low six figures and feel like i'd easily make it in a new bullrun but too much uncertainty right now
my job is comfy and i don't need my crypto to buy a little house, so life could be a lot worse

>> No.50872900

>/6 Figure Hell/?
nothing yet, that's still my goal, I'm using memecoins like vinu to scale fast to 6 figs but god wishes his bravest warrior to remain poor

>> No.50873147

Same but got rekt from 1,5MM pre tax (kill me)

>> No.50873176
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I can't fucking take it anymore.
So I made a grave mistake that led to my pure and udder insanity.
Back last year when Quant pumped I was in 6 figure hell for a very very short time... immediately transported to 7 figure heaven. I remember responding to threads being cocky and saying shit like >"wow 6 figure hell was so easy... I don't >know why people are always crying >about it."
Fast forward a year to now.
Been stuck in low to mid 6 figure hell for a fucking YEAR. I really am starting to break down. I need to get back to 7 figs and take serious profits this time. I can't take it dude. Help.

>> No.50873198

Wow I really fucked up that green text. Fuck

>> No.50875173

>TFW stuck at a measly 200k