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50861241 No.50861241 [Reply] [Original]

You vil eat ze human und you vil be happy

>> No.50861261

I love they are billions, its a good strategy game!

>> No.50861265


>> No.50861281

>inb4 burgers posting some bs against wef with their mouths and hands full of mac donalds

>> No.50861286

Ikea meatballs

>> No.50861289

soilent green is people

>> No.50861336

Give me a link to this heathen article

>> No.50861348

There's not enough dead people to account for even 1% of the caloric intake of the world. Not to mention they'd all be old af and not nutritious at all.

>> No.50861390

I thought Beyond Meat was human already. It isn't cheap.

>> No.50861401
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>draws short straw
nothing personal kid kek

>> No.50861440
File: 1.28 MB, 1992x1992, CE17B848-D531-43D0-9E7F-68D3E6079716.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wait you guys haven’t already been doing this?

>> No.50861467

Um, sweaty, I'm pretty sure that's how prionic diseases get started.

>> No.50861853

>I will eat your leftist ass
Imagine thinking (((You)))'re eating me.

>> No.50861957
File: 131 KB, 1023x734, 32CD1669-C75C-4F5D-A527-B7F61963D206.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's disgusting how the jews are just spitting in our faces rn.
>You want meat? Eat each other.
It's time, bros.

>> No.50862007
File: 60 KB, 728x546, definitions-cults-sects-etc-5-728-3476719445.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>climate change

>> No.50862143


>> No.50862276

Fuck off loser incel.

>> No.50862282
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>> No.50862293

WTF is going on with Sweden?

>> No.50862301
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>Fuck off loser incel.

>> No.50862308

Cool, let’s kill and eat him too!

>> No.50863187

I agree. Let's start with the people who suggested that and then move on to politicians.

>> No.50863198


>> No.50863214

If you eat hot dogs or bologna, then you already do.

>> No.50863218

Who said this was about calories or nutrition?

>> No.50863268

>climate change
That's one excuse!

>> No.50863291

Also anyone posting unironically is an illiterate that never read "A Modest Proposal."

>> No.50863413

fake and gay

>> No.50863655

Gotta go get me some long pork.

>> No.50863671
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>Imagine being disliked by God
Couldn't be me

>> No.50863742

Mmmmmmm, prions

>> No.50863853
File: 86 KB, 447x687, 1660249908601.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally my favorite book of the year is getting a live adaptation.
Rejoice, anons. Black meat will be the cheapest while pristine white meat will be the exquisite Millionaire choice.
Cant have sex with the head, tho. Sick fuck.

>> No.50863895

Goyim, ze bugs are too gud fur u. You vill eat ze dead.

>> No.50863958


>> No.50864021
File: 180 KB, 840x704, f3lob9v5et991.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stfu you swedish misgeburt fuckin ikea-kike kill yourself desu

>> No.50864051

Fire punch

>> No.50864072

hang yourself kike

>> No.50864144

Bitch ass cunt. Nobody likes you cunt.
Fucking die.

>> No.50864156


>> No.50864204

It"s not hard to make more dead people, and most of the ones we can make are fat and nutrient dense.

>> No.50864551

projection is the most common psychological defense

>> No.50864612


I know it's a low hanging fruit but I mean, we're all thinking that, and it's kinda hilarious how they find inspiration from dystopian movies

>> No.50864626


>> No.50864875

> no not my heckin billionairinos

>> No.50864987

africans already do this

>> No.50865341

Kinda based desu.

>> No.50865364


seriously? no one's going to point this out?

>> No.50865418

is there a documentary story written up somewhere that actually goes into detail as to how goebbels went from being depressed and basically suicidal to being happy af with a life in politics? like, did he just wake up one day depressed and walked through town and just happened upon hitler giving some intense fiery speech or something? i want details. maybe there's some lesson we can all learn from it about how to find purpose in this life, even in the modern era where everything is shit.

>> No.50866084

he met hitler.

>> No.50866123

yep meeting a man like that will give you purpose.

>> No.50866175

you can hate billionaires and corporations without deluding yourself that there's some global collective with some secret plan. unlike america, european countries actually have a leash on companies rather than the other way around

>> No.50866196
File: 83 KB, 828x761, IMG_20220729_000505_619.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From what little I've read of him he still made depressive comments even after the reich came to power just fewer of them, which shows of course that one's mental state and one's duty and the world are mostly separate things
It shows that being a fanatic because you feel bad is no better than some plugged in always-on neurotic twitter leftist who obviously blames the external for the internal

Doesn't make him any less based though

>> No.50866421

yeah one random guy is representative of a whole country great job

>> No.50866435

nah liberals are just more comfortable talking to people and getting help rather than their outlet for depression being ranting about women on 4chan

>> No.50866462

its probably about carbon dissolving back into nature, there was an argument to throw bodies into oceans in the past.

>> No.50866508


>> No.50866527

how's open borders working out for you hans?
how's your energy independence? oh wait

>> No.50866542

open borders? try moving to anywhere in EU

>> No.50866555

and pretty good in countries with renewables or nuclear

>> No.50866614
File: 24 KB, 914x1091, 1618325630240.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

as long as you dont touch the brain and maybe nerves you should be ok
but fuck that, I will continue to climate enemy number one and eat grass-fed beef
eat shit carbon trannies

>> No.50866733

going from the 1920s equivalent of a 4chan user to a man with serious power and purpose will work wonders on your mental health

>> No.50866766

none of you will do anything anyways, in fact you look pretty poor and happy to me. probably snug and comfy too

>> No.50866778


>> No.50866797

npcs, and of course they socialize. That’s their only function since they can’t think abstractly

>> No.50866808

what does that have to do with my post? dumb negro

>> No.50866816

If Goebbels was a loser you wouldn’t kvetch about him to this day kike