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50859254 No.50859254 [Reply] [Original]

This man is the face of the future. Esteban ideas will be spread across the galaxy and beyond. Buy plebbit.

>> No.50859313

Ug. Again with the fucking useless token-not-needed crap. GTFO

>> No.50859314
File: 79 KB, 666x666, plebbit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Already bought.

>> No.50859341

I would kiss this man

>> No.50859401

The fuck is plebbit? Some knock off of reddit? Kek, why the fuck would you even need a token lmao??
Let me guess, you need to buy coins and use them to post on their shitty site??
Lmfao you guys are hilarious sometimes I swear.

>> No.50859402

I asked Esteban for a friend, He gave me 39 anonymous anti-semites in Plebbit chat
I asked Esteban that I'd not starve, He gave me 1000x+ gains in Plebbit
I asked Esteban that He would care for me, and he assigned me 22 glowies to watch my moves

Thank you Esteban. I asked for so much and You have given me so much more.

>> No.50859432
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>> No.50859443

>Plebbit is like Reddit, but better. Basically Plebbit does not use servers, it uses IPFS for p2p, working like a torrent, which means it cannot be censored. It is the best way to make sure you have your freedom of speech (unlike Reddit and 4chan, where your posts will often be deleted due to political moderators). On Plebbit anyone can create a subplebbit and become a community owner. Every owner can moderate their subplebbits as they like, but if the community do not agree, they can simply create their own subplebbits. Also, Plebbit is open source, which means that all of its code is available at Github, so if you disagree and want to implement your own version of Plebbit, you can edit the code as you like. This website is p2p, not at blockchain, but it will allow donations in crypto. The PLEB token will only be used for donations and for the DAO.

>> No.50859449


>This person does not exist

>> No.50859464
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I love pleb-chan!

>> No.50859490

problem is plebbit is also what people call reddit, because of the old wordfilter on reddit and because it has pleb in it for plebian and its a funny word. i didn't know there even was a real plebbit and on a quick search i can't seem to find it. where is it, sounds interesting

>> No.50859704

nevermind i found it with some more digging, neat concept, could be big

>> No.50859753
File: 160 KB, 705x649, evangelion.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He didn't sell at $1 million

>> No.50859771

>Basically Plebbit does not use servers, it uses IPFS for p2p, working like a torrent, which means it cannot be censored.
You say that now, but when they implement mods and they get takedown requests, I bet you my left nut they'll follow orders like dogs. It'll make it no less different then reddit.
It's a good idea, but you still didn't explain why a token is even needed with this site. In fact, based off what you just said (literally), the token is not needed at all.
I mean, donations are cool and all, but if I post my patreon account on a sub for donations, then what use is the token?

>> No.50859838

Someone post the dexscreener for this. I wanna see the chart before I start talking shit about this shit.

>> No.50859860
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Toucan needed

>> No.50859866


>> No.50859890


The base protocol doesn't use tokens, which lets people who don't have cryptocurrency (yet) use it for free, but optionally you can use any tokens to do many things:

- use names.eth (ENS, which are NFTs) to represent a username or subplebbit name
- use NFT images as avatars (only NFTs can be used as avatars)
- use any token, NFT or cryptocurreny of the subplebbit owner's choice to vote, curate, reward, tip, incentivize
- use any token, NFT or cryptocurreny of the subplebbit owner's choice as spam protection, instead of using captchas, require users of your subplebbit to own, stake, burn or pay a certain amount of a token of your choice to post/upvote
- a subplebbit's name like memes.eth (becomes /p/memes.eth) can be owned by a DAO, and owners of the DAO's tokens can vote on chain for who gets to be admin and moderator of the subplebbit, i.e. a smart contract/DAO can be owner of a subplebbit
- the PLEB token will be a DAO to vote on certain decisions, like grants, investments, curating the whitelisted NFT collections on the app, etc. (but the entire project won't be run as a DAO, a council will make the most important decisions) submit PLEB proposals on https://snapshot.org/#/plebbit.eth/

>> No.50859981
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Token is not needed, it was done to attract attention. The only use is voting in dao for default subplebbits.
Contrary to r*ddit you can run you community off a raspberry pi and serve A LOT of people because it is based off torrents and each member is a seeder meaning that it can handle large numbers of users.
One community goes down, another one pops up. As long as there is at least one seeder the community stays up, albeit with limited functionality.

>> No.50860055

>admin and moderator of the subplebbit
Okay so it's going to be completely censored that's all you had to say. My problem with this project is that you're both having to compete with Reddit that has a huge amount of normie users and niche autistimo subreddits as well as chans I don't really see where your user base is going to come from. If I want to say the nigger word right right here right now I can, and freely. Could I say the n word the nigger word on plebbit? Probably not sounds like censorship with extra steps. Reminds me of pnk to be honest.

>> No.50860123
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Plenty of communities were deleted because global jannies want to push their agenda.
When there is an easy way to delete a community its owner must toe the line.

If your community has no centralized server it becomes much harder to destroy.

As for censorship, plebbit has it but only on community level. The community owner is a dictator and can set whatever the fuck rules he pleases. The difference is that there are no global jannies who can come and take it down. That's the difference

>> No.50860165

Alright... I take back everything I said.
Chart looks good, I see the token is actually needed now thanks to this post, plus it seems like this is SUPER fucking early and the idea itself isnt bad at all.
You know what, I might actually buy a bag too. It's primed to pop actually. It's a good setup for a longish swing play.
Taking a look at the chart, looks like the bottom is in already (low 2's). And after that last top, it formed a descending triangle.
Normally this is a bearish pattern, but RSI is above 50 at the convergence and MACD showing signs of a reversal, and right after the triangle's convergence point there's a higher low (all of this on the daily interval). Only thing it needs it vol, which it is heavily lacking.
What's the make it stack for this?
Was there any airdrops in the past? Any airdrops planned for the future?
Is there a telegram or discord or something?
Just wanna make sure this isn't a fucking jeet scam before I buy a bag.

Well according to the post above yours, there's certainly a lot more you can do with the coin. But I'm about to check the whitepaper out in a sec so I'll double check to see if anything that was mentioned is true.

>> No.50860525
File: 290 KB, 466x466, 1660239067287.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

5b make it, 1b sui

Entire supply was airdropped, three airdrops (tg and biz, reddit and twitter)

yeah we have a tg. Devs there talk a lot, you can ask questions if you would like

t me/plebbit

>> No.50860996

Good stuff mate, I'll be joining to see how the community is. So far chart looks bullish, and it's pretty primed. Doesn't seem like a bad play so I may buy a sui stack and see where it goes.

>> No.50862666

I’ll only buy because this dev is attractive

>> No.50863963

it has more use-cases than 99.99% of the tokens in existance. it will be used to incentivize quality posting (tipping), for purchasing services/goods (market place sub) and voting (eg. main subs)

>> No.50863976

absolutely not. you can freely use the protocol. just download the desktop version.