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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 1.21 MB, 3264x3162, 1658587863748129.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
50856079 No.50856079 [Reply] [Original]

>apply for a job
>they fucking love me
>openly admit they really want me to join them
>recruiter guy makes an offer
>propose a new offer, increase of 10% on his first offer with the aim of meeting in the middle
>he calls me and appears offended
>says he will discuss it
What the fuck, am I in the wrong here? I thought it was a common practice to not blindly accept the first offer a company does

>> No.50856123

Who cares? Latina milf pussy.

>> No.50856136

For me, it's left.

>> No.50856162

just call him back and smooth things over and ask for a counter offer. Plenty of autists that play my way or I go out there he may have gotten the wrong impression. Do it, if you bring him back to the table you're going to get seven because you just shown him how to defuse and get the signature

>> No.50856163

You blew it, start looking elsewhere

>> No.50856172

you just bargained to bargain? what an idiot

>> No.50856212

that happened

>> No.50856247

Whoa mama! Hummina hummina hummina bazooooooooing! eyes pop out AROOOOOOOOGA! jaw drops tongue rolls out WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF tongue bursts out of the outh uncontrollably leaking face and everything in reach WURBLWUBRLBWURblrwurblwurlbrwubrlwburlwbruwrlblwublr tiny cupid shoots an arrow through heart Ahhhhhhhhhhh me lady… heart in the shape of a heart starts beating so hard you can see it through shirt ba-bum ba-bum ba-bum ba-bum ba-bum milk truck crashes into a bakery store in the background spiling white liquid and dough on the streets BABY WANTS TO FUCK inhales from the gas tank honka honka honka honka masturabtes furiously ohhhh my gooooodd~

>> No.50856251

Retard move on the company
At least you can use that offer as a leverage search for that company competition and apply there

>> No.50856279 [DELETED] 
File: 94 KB, 634x976, 1F2EB54C-BF4F-4D71-83F7-C07A00FC4757.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh no no, in this case Colombian beats Mexican. This is 17 yr old so mutts close your eyes. Ticker: $booba

>> No.50856288

>they fucking love me
>openly admit they really want me to join them
Because they thought they could swindle you.
"Never trust a smiling business man" applies here.
They liked you because they thought you were stupid enough to work for less.

>> No.50856305

Why do people ask for professional advice when this entire board is populated by third worlders who barely speak English and have socially repellant cultures?

>> No.50856317

no, you're not a slave, if they expect you to jump at the chance of waging for them at whatever price they think you're worth they can fuck off.
you work under your terms as much as you're able.

>> No.50856335

10% is alot to ask on a counter. I'd only expect to counter that if you have multiple offers in tandem.
HR is always fine with increasing 2.4% - 3.2%.

>> No.50856342

recruiters, whether internal or external, are universally lazy and worthless retards. he's just mad that you're making his life slightly more difficult.

>> No.50856379

At the end of the day, you are a WAGIE! Wake the fuck up dude, unless you’ve got your knee pads on you are expected to do the wagie dance, that’s mean yes sir no sir I will except your offer sir (even though I bring in 100x more value if not more than what you’re paying me). It’s called wage slaving for a reason OP

>> No.50856380
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If a company balks at negotiating salary then they arent worth considering. They will be stingy as fuck and you will be miserable with your "cost of living" increase of 2% every year.

>> No.50856381

Depends on how you asked for it. If you did even minor research and had reasons behind your +10% counter offer when you asked for it, than they are trying to low-ball you - keep it up Chad negotiator. If you were being a pretentious faggot, it's over.

>> No.50856439
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I told him I was happy to meet in the middle (I am)

Yeah, countering a first offer is completely normal where I love so I dont get that guy

I am clearly (they even told me) the perfect candidate. I'm also the only one, and they are in a rush to find somebody. It's a big pay increase already compared to my current job, but I dont think the first offer some recruiter cunt does is always the most attractive offer. I researched my position and motivated my counter completely

>> No.50856464

Also, I'm dutch and it's completely normal to counter with a 10-15% increase. The guy was asian though I'm pretty sure

>> No.50856522

Dutch? Don't you mean German?

>> No.50856571

Asians are the hardest to negotiate with. No joke. Is it a mostly Asian company? If so admit defeat and move on!

>> No.50856572

>they fucking love me
My experience is that this never means you'll actually get a job kek they can fucking praise your skills and the market is so fucked up with bullshit they'll still pass you over for zoomer shaniqua.

>> No.50856607

Germany was founded by the Dutch not the other way around.

>> No.50856632

wat zeg je nou nikker

>> No.50856660

Most of it is just LARPs to band the NEETs together so they can circle jerk how shitty the world is outside their parents basement

>> No.50856677
File: 77 KB, 900x551, 0C3DD68F-8698-4933-B94B-A3B95AFEECB0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You’re not wrong OP. Tell that faggot recruiter to grows some balls and learn how the world works or call his manager and tell him to transfer you to a more professional recruiter in the company or never contact you again

>> No.50856713

Work environments are becoming too friendly.
Your colleagues are becoming "pals" instead.
Asking for more money is like asking your "new buddy" for money that you don't intend to give back and people react as such, "ah mate how can you do that to me? I thought we were buds".
It's all backwards and we have to go return to the old ways.

>> No.50856722


10% is a lot lol

>> No.50856731

Unbelievably based and hummina hummina pilled

>> No.50856767

>kills himself

Good riddance.

>> No.50856818

Salsa of this picture?

>> No.50856829

Yeah I cant believe people act like they're personally offended like it's their own money at play. It's fucking ridiculous. I'm hired to do a fucking job. Not to make friends

>> No.50856913

For me, it's latina mommy milf on the right.

>> No.50857093

part of the problem people forgetting why we work: to make fucking money. yes, there are people that are passionate about what they do but most of us just work for a paycheck. don't know if it's just an american thing but we put way too much of our personality into what we do for a living. what i do outside of work is infinitely more interesting than what i do while working.

>> No.50857143

based as fuck

>> No.50857191 [DELETED] 
File: 72 KB, 600x925, 46f1b799308ef97787ecc2e850ecaf11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Correct choice. Sel mommy all the way. Pros you can understand what she says

>> No.50857244
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Nice try, Chang.

>> No.50857304

Double down, the guys at the office will double love you if you do this.

I hate it when people don't put shit down in writing.

When you get the job don't show up on the first day and say you expected to work remotely because they never specified in writing.

>> No.50857320
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>> No.50857389

I can think of many battles that refute that quote. Bosworth, for example.

Richard III had the high ground, more numbers, better equipment and better preparation and he still lost.

>> No.50857456

I only have experience with Chinese and taiwanese upper management for a clients. They will come into our office building and a 5'1" 50-60 year old man will be yelling that I'm "trying to fucka him, but he fucka me first instead - no contract no money". This is construction though.

>> No.50857478
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Lol smoth brain. He is saying that the winners and outcomes are predestined. In a sense every battle has already been won by one of the teams strategies. Kek

>> No.50857523

Also met a lot of Chinese employees and they were brought to Texas to supervise the on projects. 10 people stuffed into a 2 bedroom apartment. Met one cool guy, taught me some bad words in Chinese. he was telling me about his wife in China and how he's supporting them from over seas. He was over here for 2 years. Went home once for his anniversary. I felt so bad for him.

>> No.50857609

search "liminal spaces"
retarded term but hey, thats what theyre calling it

>> No.50857629

>apply for job
>get called by recruiter a few hours later
>asks some screener questions and seems really interested in having me join
>get added on LI, texted, and emailed about the job
>says that he's going to see what the plan is for scheduling an in person interview later that week
>follow up after a few days
>turns out the position got frozen and now nobody's getting hired for it
I was so close to putting in my 2 week's notice. They weren't going to pay me much more than what I get now, but it at least had some upward mobility.

>> No.50857686

Dubs of truth. That pic is topkek.

>> No.50857774
File: 454 KB, 696x687, Boobme.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You did well. +10% is nothing. The recruiter guy is retarded.
Every profession is full of morons so don't take it personally.

>> No.50857863

It's not a fair comparison. Left pic was taken when Salma was still pretty young and her natural beauty was still intact. Right is older in her picture and has started bogging herself.

>> No.50857866

mucho basado amigo

>> No.50857889

That pic of sel was taken I'm 2019. Cope harder

>> No.50857916

>Pros you can understand what she says
You say that like it's a good thing to understand the bitching your woman spits, if she speaks a different language you can't understand, you can always pull the "I don't understand what you're saying" card

>> No.50858015

I usually negotiate the salary but for my current role, the process went so well, they were so professional and gave me a good offer that it would have felt cheap and jewy to pull the 10% card. So I didn't and don't regret it.

>> No.50858055

It's from the movie Grown Ups 2, released in 2013.

>> No.50858089
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You rike fuck Asian rady?

>> No.50858093

The interesting part here is that the manager already informed me the range would be 78k-95k EUR. The current offer is 87k. It makes sense to try and bump it up right?

>> No.50858157

i just looked it up (really gay term btw), and that picture in no way matches the definition of 'liminal space'. try harder, smartphone addled zoomer retard

>> No.50858227

No matter how much I love a job I still want to be fairly compensated for my time. They aren’t giving me this job to be friends with me, it’s to steal excess value from my labor. Anyplace that says they’re like a family is the biggest red flag they with abuse you and never raise your pay.

>> No.50858310

In that case yes. Definitely.

>> No.50858316

I only date women I actually enjoy interacting with because I'm not fucking retard. You probably would marry a chick like this then complain about having to listen to what you signed up for

>> No.50858336
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Forgot pic

>> No.50858352

Those eyebrows though...little too done up.

>> No.50858891


>he calls me and appears offended
>says he will discuss it

fuck em, nothing wrong with negotiating more money if you dont care whether u get the job or not

>> No.50858915 [DELETED] 
File: 126 KB, 1792x828, 1eptvryl4az81.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bros why is Latina pussy so good? I only have sex with Latina now, plan on marrying one and having kids with her.

>> No.50859072
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>I only date women I actually enjoy interacting with because I'm not fucking retard.
youre not wrong in thinking like this, but remember true attraction transcends language. ive seen many successful marriages where they barely understood each other in the beginning.

>> No.50859080

I have some Qs:
>what makes them so good? Is it the thiccness?
>how do you feel about your future wife turning into goblina when she's 23?
>where do you get latina pussy?

>> No.50859118
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Some things like sanity and not hating your job are worth more than a 10% larger paycheck. Just make sure you're not joining an MLM or commission only sales job.

If you had another offer from another company in your back pocket, that would have been appropriate leverage before counteroffering.

Take what you can get and swap your way up if you end up hating this job. HR roasties love the already employed

>> No.50859170

You asked too low. Ask for 25% more. 10% seems like you just want to fuck them over. 25% means you actually value yourself much more and they will need to do their best to get you

>> No.50859213
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He probably is a sandnigger in his morrocan souk. They must haggle for anything and everything, even when it doesn't make sense. They don't understand it's not in the western culture to try to be a stingy piece of shit trying to scam ppl at every opportunity you get.
Fucking subhumans.

>> No.50859354

>ive seen many successful marriages where they barely understood each other in the beginning.
What puts you in that position that you see multiple examples?

>> No.50859441

for every girl out there, there's some guy who's tired of fucking her (and listening to her bullshit).
stop being a simp.

>> No.50859483


Ask for 20% next time. Too many losers in this thread.

>> No.50859497 [DELETED] 
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So tight. Wet. Really good at it.
She'll work out regularly, she won't have to work a job.
Be White. Go to places where there are a lot of Latinas.

>> No.50859545

Ok jew.

>> No.50859558

>I researched my position and motivated my counter completely

OP is 100% Indian or from the region and negotiated 11k instead of 10k. don't waste your time here anons.

>> No.50859592 [DELETED] 

Fuck off, fag.

>> No.50859609

Read the entire thread, dumb cunt

>> No.50859620

Do you ever worry about your sons? You point out that being white is the main thing that qualifies you for getting a latina. But your sons won't be white, how do you feel about that?

>> No.50859679

Kys kike, your the one trying to get with literal retards.

>> No.50859789
File: 222 KB, 500x333, F420D96E-FABB-42A1-BA60-FD83BBA7A998.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Recruiter here. If you already interviewed then you are wrong. Now the staffing agency has to ask the client for more money which makes not only yourself but his company look like shit and risk losing contracts and souring relationships. If you wanted more money, tell them up front before they tell the client what to expect or it’s a big fucking problem.

Imagine going to buy a used car listed for 5k. You Check it out and tell the dealer “I fucking love this car. I need it” and then he goes “oh well if you like it that much it’s actually 5.5k.”

That’s what you just did you turbo autist

>> No.50859823

I hope they pull the offer. You had already won and now you are making everyone’s job more difficult. What a fag.

>> No.50859891

I should have clarified my position. I'm married. So I guess I just like my wife and think other anons should aspire to actually like their spouse as well

>Inb4 simp for getting married

>> No.50859903
File: 92 KB, 586x586, FF90D74A-77A4-4BA7-8CF4-85E229F874F8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>never gets contacted again and recruiters email all the other companies putting you on a blacklist with their end clients.

Lol, lmao even

>> No.50860102

>spiling white liquid

>> No.50860139

fuck third-party recruiters and nobody negotiates salary with them you roastie cunt. Tits or get the fuck out.

>> No.50860171 [DELETED] 
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You're a fucking idiot. Fuck off and die.
No I'm not because Latinas have White European admixture and also Latina genes are recessive, White genes are dominant. So my future Latina wife will birth White babies.

>> No.50860374
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>> No.50860565

>meet them in the middle!
Maybe he's annoyed because you took the fucking lazy dumb boomer approach to negotiating. If that approach ever "worked" for you, it's because you're already well under the market rate. When you get to the offer stage you actually need to have some reasoning behind the number instead of blindly doing +10% and 'meeting in the middle'. And then you should also have done at least some research on what the market rate is and have a range at least.

I hope you at least learn not to be a retard next time so you won't make another thread about this dumb shit you just did.

>> No.50860829

>that's the best this sow could do with makeup and filters
dios mio

>> No.50861012

Yes, as addendum to this don't just out of nowhere ask a higher offer, say "yeah I'm definitely interested in the position, but I've got some other offers that I like as well, so I'll have to weigh my options" and if they really like you then they'll ask what your other offers are, give them a bs number, and they'll try to do something with it. Don't just flatly ask "oh yeah give me another 10%" because then you just look like an ass"

>> No.50861020 [DELETED] 
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>women wear makeup

>> No.50861036

and shapewear

>> No.50861249

>third worlders
I'm Canadian.
>Inb4 shithole.
Top ten in quality of life and little to no crime.

>> No.50861443

>implying all recruiters will ban you for simply speaking
Sit down sweatie the adults are talking

>> No.50861683

Unless you're in toronto or brampton

>> No.50861695

>negotiating job offer during a recession
great way to lose the offer

>> No.50861756

this. recruiters in an industry are a tight community. the black list is real

>> No.50861891

for me, i would have them on their knees and then either tie they wrists together behind their backs (with consent of course, this is conseual sex), or i would duct tape their hands to my ass cheeks so their faces are infront of my big bavarian cock. I would tie their hair back like the girl on the lefts and grip the base of her hair and move her head all 9 inches towards my lower abdomen while she reaches up and looks at my veiny adonis belt and lower abs, i watch her eyes roll back down and close as she lets out a gag, she feels my heart beat thru the pulsating big bavarian cock, her tits are splayed out and drool is coming out both corners of her mouth. drool and precum are running down my balls and dripping onto the floor and her tits. i grab one tit and rub it with my callused hands covered in dark iron rust from getting back from lifting. My body is sweaty and gross but she is loving the salty tasty and nastines of my dirty cock. after i get fluffed, we undo the restraints or duct tape and she bends over splaying her puffed latina horse pussy for the bwc. she is dripping like a leaky faucet and lets out a moan as i split her tight pussy open and start thrusting, pounding her cervix, she moans in joy and pain. My balls are slapping against her and i stick my thumb in her ass as i use it to move her as i thrust, the other hand holding her wrists hehind her back. during all this their husbands watch as i breed her

>> No.50862058

>The Virgin Negotiation
>The Chad Demand

>> No.50862115
File: 84 KB, 1500x1200, 1651654425397.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that pic

>> No.50862186

Pretending to be offended is part of the game-make you deal going in

>> No.50862217

>Latina genes are recessive, White genes are dominant.
What ones? Genes for dark hair, skin and eye colour are dominant. Most likely your kids will look more Latinx than white unless you get a very white Latina, but then she probably won't be as thick.

>> No.50862262

Ex-recruiter turned software dev here.

The ‘black list’ is reserved for candidates who do something grossly inappropriate during the interview/job process or ghost. Simply negotiating your salary does not count obviously and it’s insane I even have to explain this to you idiots.

Even so, no matter how much value you retards think this mysterious ‘black list’ has, at the end of the day recruiters want candidates to place them into jobs so they can earn money. They only care about the serious cases of gross negligence, such as this one candidate I remember who was black listed for watching porn on the job- or lying about his competence in a language.

>> No.50862265

>the black list is real
no it's not

>> No.50862300

Well, internally within companies it does exist. Externally is dubious

>> No.50862345

Id agree with that.

>> No.50862393

>roastie exaggerating her 1 month internship to convince a 4chan anon that she once had some power over somebody
Why are beef curtains constantly posturing toward people who couldn'tcare less? They're like niggers haha

>> No.50862474

>They liked you because they thought you were stupid enough to work for less


>> No.50862582

>faggot accuses me of being a girl so that I will post my cock and balls as proof
Sorry homo. Go get your rocks off to the memory of your uncle feeling you up that one time when you were 8

>> No.50862590

>"Never trust a smiling business man" applies here.
so true.
How do I negotiate a good wage as a slave without much prior experience? Is it even possible or do you need 2-3 years?

>> No.50862642

last place I applied for, the recruiting bitch coped and seethed about my negotiation as well, but they ended up meeting me in the middle. they tried giving me this bullshit 10k bonus (lol taxes) instead of a fucking 5k/yr bump on their offer, and they finally just gave me the 5k. HR cucks are lowballing you most times and the manager just wants the role filled. always play hardball with these fucks.

>> No.50862721


>> No.50863846

lived among many immigrants growing up. not the lazy kind, but the ones that work and actually take advantage of 1st world opportunities.

>> No.50864501

I would've taken the 10k up front and left after a yeR

>> No.50864544

It’s normal to counter offer if you’re in demand or the offer was uncompetitive.
You don’t just ask for 10%+ because “that’s what people do” there’s got to be a power dynamic and reason.
The ONLY hard part about HR is salary negotiation/ongoing renegotiations and you’ve already proving to be annoying.

For what it’s worth the Dutch are the only race I’d view as below asians.

>> No.50864573

This. I once had a Middle Eastern man try and charge an extra ~$500 to tow a truck of mine, had to sit and "negotiate" for 30 minutes until I got him down to the right price.

In my case, I called another business and had them sit there and argue with each other until I got the lowest price possible. On an unrelated note, the ME guy tried to convince me he was in the Army (which I am) by showing me the 8 point that Marines wear lol

>> No.50864753 [DELETED] 
File: 71 KB, 580x561, 1647834910310.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hard at work
Stops to take pictures of herself

>> No.50865748 [DELETED] 
File: 425 KB, 558x584, yuckko.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here's that same goblin without makeup

>> No.50865840 [DELETED] 
File: 196 KB, 1152x2048, FVj6G-xWQAAz8-M.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its common knowledge that Latinas bleach very easily and give birth to White babies when they mate with a White man.

>> No.50867796

Beyond based and completely lost at AROOOOGA fuck (you) anon lmao

>> No.50867836

Financially I would invest in Salma. Over 40 years of continuous, consistent performance in high growth areas

>> No.50867861

I was offered 145k to start a entry level corporate job. I took it immediately. Yr later I'm at 170k. If it's fair offer you should've just accepted

>> No.50868916

I gave my recruiter a really wide range because I wasn't seriously going to negotiate my salary with her. Nobody takes you recruiter niggers seriuosly. Let the lazy HR cunts talk to me and then we can get serious about negotiations.

>> No.50869541

>marrying a latina

>> No.50869572

>unless you get a very white Latina, but then she probably won't be as thick.
have you seen women from spain? they are the reason why latinas are curvy, not native americans

>> No.50869721

Basically the Asian women of brown women

Spic wife = Zuck tier

>> No.50869775

He's just mad because you made his job harder. Now he has to go get approval from his boss, who will tell him to convince you to take the first offer. I don't think he is offended. Probably just annoyed.

>> No.50869799

It's CGI. Not a real place.

>> No.50869882

when women do this it's because they want you to force yourself on them.

>> No.50869912

Jesus Christ
I like her

>> No.50870039

I got blacklisted for 2 years. It's not that bad you just have to work hourly jobs and pay for your own insurance. Suddenly, one day, 5 different recruiting companies called me with 4 jobs each they thought I was a good fit for and I got 10 offers. Then I said, double it. Two accepted and i laughed and took both wfh jobs. That's where I work now. It's OK I'm planning to change jobs for more money.

>> No.50870217

>for every girl out there, there's some guy who's tired of fucking her (and listening to her bullshit)
is this the chorus to the incel anthem? i guess whatever you need to do to cope with getting shut down repeatedly. retard

>> No.50870341
File: 67 KB, 379x488, 1655527114699.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.50870780


>> No.50871202

Do a test, do another test, create work to submit, get asked to do trial project, do what they ask except there's obscure details that arnt the way they want, dont elaborate just tell me "unfortunately"

fuck you wasting my time like that stupid cunts.

>> No.50871234

you must look like absolute shit

>> No.50871259

>you should bend over and accept getting fucked in the ass

>> No.50871444

when trying to leave my first job I got offered 52, asked for 60 and they countered 53.
I ended up taking it, they shouldn't get offended, worst they should do is say no take first offer or leave it.

>> No.50871461

Those are men.

>> No.50871575

>apply for job I am perfectly qualified for, in position that is desperately in demand
>recruiter roastie cannot explain to me the details of the work I will be doing
>"how can you recruit somebody for a position you don't understand? will my potential team be full of people hired by you?"
>they get very offended
>"I don't care. Get me your boss, or I will go to them myself."
>they refuse
>"Okay, I'll just go ahead and shoot him an email about how this went. Best of luck."
>close the video chat
>send the email explaining that the recruiter had no job knowledge and couldn't provide any examples of tasks that would be performed, and for this reason I would not be considering the offer from their company
>different roastie 1 step above roastie number 1 sends pleading email apologizing for the lack of professionalism, and asks for another interview
>"Sure, but I already have an offer from another company. I'll need 20% more and a sign on bonus to even consider it."
>1 day passes
>send another pleading email agreeing and asking for interview
>sit down chat with VP who is an ex-professional of what I will be doing, impress him with my knowledge and experience
>roastie looks bewildered by the conversation, because she is dumbfuck HR trash who doesn't do actual work
>get my bonus, get my 20% increase, also get company car and 4 weeks of paid vacation a year

if you're good and can make other people money, just demand what you are worth

>> No.50871618

>doom my sons to be pudgy pan faced manlets
>extinguish 1000s of genes directly responsible for intelligence, that had to be painstakingly accumulated by extreme conditions
>It's ok because my kids will have le heckin green eyes
Everyone wants to fuck Latinas, to deny it would be pure cope, but you would cut your own son's leg off, just for what amounts to nothing but meaningless comfort.

>> No.50872115

>Anyplace that says they’re like a family is the biggest red flag they with abuse you and never raise your pay.
This. At one of my old jobs, the big bosses would double down on the faux family talk whenever they were about to do something that would screw over or piss off their staff. Years later, they still wonder why they keep bleeding employees to competitors that are openly scummy, but at least offer much better pay.

>> No.50872295

Sounds like an emotionally manipulative business culture. “Omg you’re so amazing, great talent, we want to work with you” = flattery to disarm you into working for less.
Acting offended at you negotiating your worth is a feminized manipulation tactic to make you feel bad for asking for more money.
Stick to your guns anon, as long as you are aware of how they are trying to manipulate you then you can nullify its influence.

>> No.50872503

she looks like she would live as a housewife and waste her money on fancy things, or even stupid things like soccer nfts, being latina it is in her blood to somehow obsess about things like champ, the balls are in her veins

>> No.50872697

Its the moorish dna in Spaniards that gives them the "curves" which have become the "in" sex appeal.

>> No.50872711 [DELETED] 
File: 2.20 MB, 1280x720, 1642142014948.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They still haven't called me back guys. Are these fucks hardballing me?

>> No.50872714

This is prolly the realest nigga in herre

>> No.50872732

Just go to the closest la michoacana. It’s so fucking easy. I like to go the the tortilla section and pick up the most expensive. Mexican bitches be thirsty af for high end tortillas. Offer to cook her some tortilla and egg. Put some Mayo in it. She’ll be sucking your dick. Mexicans can’t afford Mayo but absolutely crave it.

>> No.50872776

Stop worrying, if you're meant to get it, it'll happen, if not it won't. Worry is like a rocking chair, gives you something to do, but wont get anywhere. If you need something to do, apply to other jobs. If you really wanted this job, or needed this job you should have humbled yourself. Otherwise, know your worth, stop worrying, and have confidence that they'll call. It is a typical negotiating technique to make the opposition worry by using ambiguity and uncertainty about ones position, especially if you've got the upper hand in the exchange. They want to through you off balance make you doubt yourself, "maybe im not worth that 10% increase, maybe I should just settle." Don't give in to that.

>> No.50872939

what was the offer? and what is the position? are you qualified?

>> No.50872958

>has obviously never bought a car:
>that price doesn’t include taxes and fees

>> No.50872975

so you are a pussy who just gave away 5% before even hearing the faggots reply to your first offer. fucking retard

>> No.50872997

dont feel bad they were spying and stealing to enslave you later

>> No.50873074 [DELETED] 
File: 394 KB, 1103x1920, tumblr_pr43om9eqU1vyuku9o1_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you need to have billions of dollars for her and she's worth every penny.

>> No.50873355

For me it's the goblin on the right

>> No.50873407
File: 39 KB, 460x327, 1586976865321.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

standard negotiating for employment / compensation agreement.
ya doin fine kid.
don't let them low ball you

>> No.50873456

Kek, they just called me with a 10% increase. Fucking recruiters man

>> No.50873460

>Shit that definitely happened
But I agree with the premise- HR gets the rope

>> No.50873495

Should've acted offended by first offer, forcing them to make a second offer.
Then adding 25% to second offer.
Then meeting in the middle.

They are playing games on you, you should play them back.

>> No.50873677

>Latinas have White European admixture and also Latina genes are recessive, White genes are dominant. So my future Latina wife will birth White babies.

Then why is she Latina and not white already?

>> No.50873696

he’s mad cause they thought they could get you cheap cause you were showing interest

>> No.50873777

fake ass story

>> No.50873889

Does anyone know why Colombians have such big tits? It's a very obvious pattern on cam sites. Columbians have high rates of huge tits. Why?

>> No.50873968

>True story
>Be me.
>Walk into interview completely naked.
>Knock over desk lamps and monitors with my massive swinging cock.
>HR roastie begs me to fuck her in the ass.
>I don't even acknowledge her.
>Walk right past her into the bosses office and and start face fucking him until blood comes out of his ears.
>Everyone in the office watches and cheers me on with high fives and whistles.
>$10,000,000 USD is transfered into my account that night as a signing bonus.
>I don't accept the offer, but I keep the signing bonus anyway.

>> No.50876027

>I thought it was a common practice to not blindly accept the first offer a company does
Depends on the job, the industry, the country.

Where I am (Germany) you can ask for more, but if there is more than one applicant, you are just told no.

>> No.50877100

>You can't change the salary after finding out more about the job
Interview goes both ways. If I interview with a company I want to know things like overtime requirements, how stressful the job is going to be, what skills I'll develop, etc etc. Depending on what I find, the salary may need to be higher or lower.
If you've made some sort of guarantee with the client on expected salary then that's your problem and your mistake. I haven't agreed to shit until I sign a contract.