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50855985 No.50855985 [Reply] [Original]

Jesus Christ... that really was the bottom.

>> No.50855998

Yeah I bought at 24k, a little late but better than too late.

>> No.50856032

>everyone believes 17500 was the bottom
therefore it is not
jim cramer said the bottom was july 16
therefore it is not
i have not sold but i am not delusional in believing this narrative of we touch the bottom and never even really insinuate returning to it, its just not how markets work or have ever worked

just dwell on the idea that we haven't had a stop and think moment of a pullback since the bottom, its just pure up
no one has even questioned going back down, its just 17500 straight to 100k

this scares me anons because i dont think we're done yet

>> No.50856059

>everyone believes 17500 was the bottom
fuck off retard tons of people called for 16k and 11k

>> No.50856613

oh wow you've missed the entire point of his post, gj brainlet

>> No.50856633
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Even CZ confirms. Thanks for playing retard bears.

>> No.50856643

Based CZ

>> No.50856710

I’m with you.

Every time a price becomes the narrative it does the opposite. Like how last bull run 100k was a promise

>> No.50856802

CPI and ppi lower than expected. It was the bottom, but only bc whales were able to manipulate the price over 20k long enough for Blackrock and Merge news

>> No.50856852

The only reason it's not the end of the bear market is because shemitah ends in late September
It may have been the bottom though, but I think we're going lower
Don't take my word for it though if you're shorting cause I'm a bull just looking to buy more

>> No.50856933
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>> No.50856955
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it really was obvious too

>> No.50856982

We pulled back like 10,000 times what are you talking about? It's been barting between 19-23k for months, then before that there were all those drops in the 30 and 40ks also for months. The massive dump sent BTC down over 80%, that was the actual bottom.

>> No.50857029

If you guys wouldnt have a brain like a goldfish you would remember that 33k bottom was exactly the same, noone believed it was le bottom
Do we go to ATH from here? Nobody knows, literally nobody but to go to 33k is very probable

>> No.50857104
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ive been drawing meme graphs for over 4 years and somehow they all hit accurately

>> No.50857150
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>everyone believes 17500 was the bottom
>therefore it is not
What is this retardation?
People are only saying 17.5k was the bottom now in hindsight since we're long past it.
When 17.5k was actually happening, almost no one aside from a few of us were calling it the bottom.
Every other man woman and child was predicting much lower.

The reason that prevailing opinions don't become true is because they get front-run. That doesn't work in hindsight, dumbass.

>btw I literally spoonfed you fags a few days before the actual bottom by making threads showing how the bottom would be in before 4th of July.

>> No.50857186

Obviously so for over a month now too.

>> No.50857209
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lol erm.... the bottoms tomorrow.

>> No.50857338

BTC never went down 80% you massive faggot. it would be sub 14k. retard mumu

>> No.50857343

I wish

>> No.50857379
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It's over, we missed it.

>> No.50857382

They crashed BTC from 67k to 17k and still are geedy retards around here that were expecting even more red candles.
Fuck you all.

>> No.50857398

I said 17.5k because that was the top in 2018.

Being slightly intelligent is like having a superpower on this lukewarm IQ board

>> No.50857489
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Some ultra autistic TA dude who have been spot on with predicting price action says the bottom will be at $14-15,000. Although he is not really good at predicting when. He suggested to get out on the 8th when it went below $24k, causing me to dump all my alts and miss the CPI pump, tearing up over being priced out for the past 2 days.
He did predict $1,900 ETH tho, and if $25,000 breaks we can see $2,000-2,500 ETH

>> No.50858740

it wasn't, this is a bounce to 26.8 then we going back lower, you can call it a "bear trap" "dead cat bounce" or whatever, it's just a relief rally from the steep decline, retesting the next hold level

>> No.50858929


>> No.50858976

>>everyone believes 17500 was the bottom
>therefore it is not
what is hindsight?

>> No.50859048

>Everyone thought it was the bottom
Ah yes, that's why there's 10 "I missed the bottom" posts every day
T. Long 17.8k

>> No.50859119

my eth was still worth $250k at this "bottom". therefore, i doubt this was it. i was prepared for much more pain and it's probably coming

>> No.50859668
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Mine was 21k. It would have been better if I bought at 18k or so when the sentiment was centred on btc plummeting to 12k. Fuck 4chan biz with negativity.

>> No.50859686

I bought half a bitcoin. Will I make it?

>> No.50859909

Don't expect anything above 3x in the next two years from it. BTC is the safest bet, but personally, I like taking risks on alts that can generate more ROI.

>> No.50860872

You are right about your judgement. 4x in btc is not happening any time soon.

It is not everyone that have the balls to invest in alts.

>> No.50860958

Look at these here feckin BitchCoiners who haven't heard about ETH yet lmao

>> No.50860978
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you guys can still make it if you just buy BAT. otherwise you will be poor, and cucked for life.

>> No.50860985

>4x in btc is not happening any time soon.
Yeah, maybe in 2024-2026

>It is not everyone that have the balls to invest in alts.

If investment is made in the right direction, it will be worthwhile. The sector that I think may likely emerge is the metaverse.

>> No.50861016

Do you mean if i buy bat i will be rekt and poor ever?
bot spotted

>> No.50861021

lol you're an idiot. but so am I, I was buying BTC under 20k but laughing at ETH holders

>> No.50861039
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>bot spotted
retard spotted. brave has 60m users and they are about to unleash the power of bat. stay poor.

>> No.50861043

>emerging sector
kek do you believe everything you read on the front page of nasdaq.com

>> No.50861065

Lol it's only been a couple of months. There are a lot of reasons to expect that the bear market will last years and the current price is just a local top.

>> No.50861123

It's been since April 2021. The November double top was a low volume scam created by leveraged retards like Celsius. Even if you want it to be November, it's been 9 months lmao wake up anon

>> No.50861140

We're literally in a bear since May 2021 retard

>> No.50861167

It's the bottom, and the best time to buy Obunga Inu.

telegram group:

10% sell tax, nothing more.
The first obunga themed coin.

>> No.50861195

Thesis: the only people to believe the bottom is in bought their first crypto in 2020 or later

>> No.50861274

kek, Nevertheless, we are still fucking early. It will be fair if I start DCAing at this point.

>> No.50861335

Do you mean 60mil shillers? I want some clarity.

>> No.50861371
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They told me "don't try to catch falling knives"

>> No.50861482

We're crashing back down within the next two weeks, along with the rest of the markets.
You can see the exact same thing happened 30 or so weeks after the peak in 2008 and in 2000.

>> No.50861504
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No, but I like the innovation around this area, including in the eCommerce sector, a mateverse base bank by Xpress, and in sports by Sport Metaverse. I learnt that Dubai, Korea, and other institutions are buying into Metaverse. This is stuff that will foster adoption in a way,IMO.

>> No.50861536
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lmao ffs anon you literally had months to buy. Why the fook did you not? whales like bitdao bought hundreds of ETH every damn day. You should have been buying anon.

>> No.50861932

It's been two months since the supposed bottom, is what I'm saying.

>> No.50862086

>what is a bear market rally
ETH will shit the bed at 2.5k if it somehow gets there. BTC is already dead.

>> No.50862100

lol, yeah, the guy who runs an exchange has no incentive to con you to buy now so he can dump on you

>> No.50863432

are you retarded anon? i don't own either, i just trade the fuck out of them. BTC is boomer coin and $ETH is never going to scale.
$AVAX already handles the same amount of transactions as ETH with only 20c fees. dyor anon

>> No.50863516

I posted this thread on June 18th, claiming 17.6k was the bottom. No one believed it was the bottom >>/biz/thread/49786005

>> No.50863545

Cope. 9 months is nothing for a bear market. not that it makes sense for it to end during the worst part of an economic crisis
Because you'd have to be insane to but at the beginning of a recession? There are wars flaring up coupled with inflation and economic contraction. It was the most obvious choice not to to buy and it is still completely incomprehensible to me that the market is going up. I've barely accepted that it was the bottom today.

>> No.50863628

16k is 17k you mentally retarded 10IQ sub-human

Fucking shot yourself in the head you mentally handicapped nigger

>> No.50863656

>The massive dump sent BTC down over 80%, that was the actual bottom.

Man imagine being this mentally retarded and delusional

Youre not accounting for everything that can go wrong in the next months/year

You actual man-child retarded person

>> No.50863677
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God I HATE low IQ niggers

Now I get the jews, these people really deserve to die and be poor

Absolute fucking sub-human creatures every single time

>> No.50864490
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you're a midwit. you psyoped yourself out of buying at very low prices. No refunds

>> No.50864679

You have to risk anon and if not, you lose the game. Bottom is ending. Moon soon

>> No.50865105
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Everything has a risk anon. I managed to scoop more bnb and ada just last month. Everything is being staked on freeway for safer bet.

>> No.50865129

I bought link at $5.8 but sold at $8.3. Swingies really do swing from $Rope. Do I fomo back in?

>> No.50865247
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Hope you got in on some assets chad? I'm currently holding ORE which is showing good prospects for the long term.

>> No.50865560

Bitcoin will never die. Even if the merge makes it easier for eth to correlate, it will definitely capitulate at some point.

>> No.50865570

Today was literally the blow off top.

>> No.50865698

Still have to break 28k for this rally to mean anything.. chances are we will still get a retest of the lows somewhere. Probably not below 20k though. But wtf do I know.

>> No.50865710

Choosing a long term platform is not easy. Look at celsius

>> No.50865728 [DELETED] 

trading btc is one of the most retarded things ever, because it's extremely unpredictable when everyone and their dogs trades it.
the sweet spot of trading is something that is not too small to be a shitcoin but too big to be unpredictable noise.

>> No.50865738

trading btc is one of the most retarded things ever, because it's extremely unpredictable when everyone and their dogs trades it.
the sweet spot of trading is something that is not too small to be a shitcoin but not too big to be unpredictable noise.

>> No.50865867

every bearfag was calling for 9k

>> No.50865936

lolwut, I'd get you if you said don't trade BTC cuz it moves like a turtle and that we can get more %s from alts, but what the fuck?
pls learn PA

>> No.50866181
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>> No.50866189

And look at freeway for it exists to deliver long term and sustainable rewards. Celsius is too dependant on crypto market's volatility and no doubts why it leads to bankruptcy. Use your brain anon

>> No.50866294

Smart anon.
We'll see another significant drop. I think ETH hype is the only thing propping up the market right now and that'll wear off very soon. 6 months of down to follow. Good buying times ahead.

>> No.50866387
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>> No.50866554
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Definitely OP. I wasn't able to buy much but my last purchase was Xpress and Hps for low caps. Vechain and matic for huge caps. I'm still planning to also add iotx and zilliqa.

>> No.50866639

>You're diversifying

>> No.50866702

Yes i bought eth and avax thanks heaven.

>> No.50866839

you still have time anon if you give up that easy youre ngmi.
Just buy ETH and MATIC before merge/ZkEVM and youll be good.

>> No.50866860

As much as I want kek as diversifying alts will lead you to different opportunities that will help your portfolio. All in is a shittiest idea ever.

>> No.50867027

You're diversifying unknown alts

>> No.50867038

I like AVAX hold sir $4000 soon

>> No.50867054


>> No.50867253
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Low caps are unknown and it's usually started as scratch so don't expect something. You're investing with risk at that point.

>> No.50867290

Eth is going straight to 5k
Eth is never gojng to be more than .1 in sats
Market makers will never allow it
Figure it out

>> No.50867320

$200 first and I will buy 10,000 eth coins

>> No.50867359


>> No.50867380
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I wont say it will never happen, the merge could legit fuck the whole thing up or there could be another global lockdown, but $200...yeah, if buy alot more

>> No.50867943

for the love of god tell me that you didn't miss the opportunity to buy bit's bottom... it would be pretty dumb not to buy at these prices, especially since bitdao is the leading dao in the market, and there are talks about bitdao building its own L1 infrastructure, which will be a real game changer for defi, dao, and web3 projects

>> No.50869257

I will quit porn forever if that was really the bottom.

>> No.50869560

I have a stash of AVAX chad. I'm also holding ORE which has shown good prospects for the long term.

>> No.50869591
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You are here

>> No.50869957
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Well, I think a good investment would be in platforms that focus on asset management and security as they would be needed in the coming months.

>> No.50870699
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>newfags think this deadcat local rally is legit
>muh bottom is in

>> No.50871076

Who cares what the fuck they call, what difference does it make you brainlet nigger? Someone will be right in every case, but it's never the same person. If you can't make consistently accurate predictions (no one can) then your opinion has the relevance of a wet fart

>> No.50872403
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when will these fucking pajeet literal bot script post stop?

>> No.50874101


>> No.50874861
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Don't forget you could've secured a bag of API3 at 1$ per token