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50852642 No.50852642 [Reply] [Original]

Ruh roh

>> No.50852664

I have to correct myself, Iran will buy goods for crypto. But with that comes the need to get crypto reserves filled, and it is likely this will be done through sale of oil, not just mining. US Treasury will pop a vein.

>> No.50852669

Pepe Escobar is most reliable source also!!!

>> No.50852684

Will ((((they)))) regulate us back into the feudalism now? I mean crypto.

>> No.50852750

give it 48 hrs until then treat it as rumor, scaredy faggot.
I don't know. US is waning, challengers are rising that seek to upend the lynchpin of US hegemony, the jew dollar. Many paths will be opened, way too early to speculate which will win. It is likely that the US will do everything to defend their jew scrip, so prepare for more regulations in every NATO and anglo country. I am really starting to think Biden's new IRS goons are just for that.

>> No.50852786

here you go, learn the names of state press agencies. I'll help, IRNA is Iran. https://en.irna.ir/news/84848875/Iran-registers-first-import-in-cryptocurrency

>> No.50852831

Whatever centralized crypto they use will be shutdown by US glow niggers.

>> No.50852842

here a source from germanistan

>> No.50852853

the (state) press release mentions bitcoin specifically. Thank God or the Ripple schizos would have a field day.

>> No.50852867

Ahh so Ethereum is about to get sanctioned.

>> No.50852877

nice and yeah, 4.5% of bitcoin is mined inIran. Domestic commerce is forbidden (every country defends their currency) but hey for imports it's free money and reduces the need for forex or in this case avoid SWIFT I guess the thinking is.

>> No.50852908

what's interesting is who the exporting country was that accepted bitcoin. Trade with Iran is typically accompanied by state overview. Russia said they would accept crypto for commodities back in March. China although a big trading partner I doubt would do this. Maybe Venezuela or Russia is my guess.
Or the norks lmao offloading their tagged wallets

>> No.50852913

I hope so, it pumped the ruble hard!

>> No.50852928

They want more electricity and less hashrate for themselves.

>> No.50852935

That would make interaction with Ethereum illegal and you wouldn’t be able to cash out or buy gift cards.

>> No.50852942

Idk, but good ro see some REAL free market! :D

>> No.50852948

Ohnoes intensifies!

>> No.50852962

American hegemony getting weak is a good news for all goyim worldwide

>> No.50853209


>> No.50853246

Why do people not know that china is paying its citizens to mine crypto. Of course china would buy it

>> No.50853269
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I dont understimate the stupidity and malice of the usa. Americans buying crypto will be illegal punishable by 30 years in jail

>> No.50853277 [DELETED] 

Is Ethereum fungible? Other than CEXes blacklisting wallets, what can they realistically do?

>> No.50853280

looks like its time to bomb iran

>> No.50853290
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به سلامتی
بیت کوین دیگه هیچ وقت زیر ۲۴ هزار دلار نمیاد

>> No.50853293

>end of September
>Shemitah cycle ends

Lmao even the supposed sworn enemies of the Jews know they need to play by their economic rules

>> No.50853314

which crypto?

>> No.50853323

>script kiddy exploits the smart contract
>transfers $10m from iranian smart contract to their own wallet
>money was leftover from obama admin bribes for stalling nuclear program
>script kiddy successfully steals $10m from us tax payers courtesy of obama and iran

sounds like a shitty alex jones bit from SNL or some other lib media production

>> No.50853338

BTC. Saudis buying btc wasn't a meme

>> No.50853368


>> No.50853387

Yeah the Jews have no way into places like Iran and China politically.

>> No.50853405


>> No.50853408

This ll happen and it will be a holy quest of GOD, not like le ebil putin getting back some formerly russan territories. But i know shit about fuck.

>> No.50853441

Oy Vey

>> No.50853449

If you haven't seen this coming, you are waste of eyes on this space. More to come with CBDC next. Americas last chance, otherwise we will see how new FinTec destroys the debt empire...and they are using it to desperately crawl an IN with privacy lmao

>> No.50854719

Inshallah my brother

>> No.50855082
File: 89 KB, 750x416, saudi-arabia-plans-170-kilometer-long-mirrored-skyscraper-city_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how much BTC to get a home in the smart city they're building?

>> No.50855084
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>> No.50855119
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>> No.50855177

Saddam, Gadaffi… the towelheads will never learn I guess. Freedom time ameribros

>> No.50855861

Iranians are closer to the original Jews than the Ashkenazi, in fact they created them

>> No.50855923

I hope to live to see your empire of evil destroyed so utterly that even the history books daren't mention it. For the good of all people's and nations everywhere, death to the great Satan. Ave Europa. Christ is King.